Address—E. Beacham
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I wonder if we could start our meeting this afternoon by singing the 2nd hymn in the appendix.
#2 in the appendix. Oh Lord, thy loves unbounded.
So sweet, so whole, so free. My soul is all transported whenever I think on the yet Lord. Alas, what weakness within myself I find no infants changing. Pleasure is like my wandering mind #2 in the appendix.
Oh Lord, I love the love of the Lord.
Oh my God.
I'd like to talk.
This afternoon to you.
Dear young people.
A little bit about yourselves.
I don't suppose.
That any of you could have been born at a better time.
And have grown up.
And be alive.
At this very hour in which we are.
Just before.
The Lord Jesus comes to take his people home.
I don't suppose it would be stretching things. I really believe it to be true.
That you who are in your teens, your 20s, and perhaps a little older.
Perhaps all of us are very likely to experience.
The Lord's coming now. I know that. We have heard that.
For quite a long time, I remember well in the city Of Montreal when I was in my teens, a brother who was sitting here this afternoon speaking to us and telling us.
That had thrilled his heart to think of this fact, this possibility that before the year 2000 should come.
That it would be very likely that the Lord would have taken his waiting people home. And at that time, it thrilled my heart when he said those words. That's perhaps 20 some odd years ago and the Lord hasn't come. But I do believe that as we look around us in this world, as we see events shaping up.
As the scene is being.
Brought to the point where the Lord Jesus will come, I think it is a very distinct possibility that you will be among that number who shall never enter into death.
And this afternoon, as those who are young, as those who are in their youth, I would like to speak to you about some of the scriptures that talk about youth.
I think especially.
Of a verse in the 88th song, we sometimes don't stop to think of the fact that the Lord Jesus.
There in that 88 psalms which I'd like to just turn for a minute.
He himself is referred to.
As a youth.
Perhaps if we just look at that for a minute.
In the 88 Psalm.
Verse 15.
I am afflicted and ready to die from my youth up.
While I suffer thy terrors, I am distracted. Thy fierce wrath goeth over me. Thy terrors have cut me off. They came round about me daily like water. They compassed me about together. Lover and friend hath thou put far from me and my acquaintance Into Darkness.
Have you ever stopped to think you who are young here this afternoon?
That the Lord Jesus.
Is prophetically described here.
As you are in some scriptures in the New Testament from his youth up.
He was ready to die. We get here some of the feelings of the Lord Jesus.
As a relatively young man, as a man in the prime of life, as one who had walked in this world always and altogether pleasing his father, It was said to us this morning, was quoted to us. I do always those things that please him.
And so the Lord Jesus knew what it was to go through those years of youth.
He knew what it was to be a young person.
And yet He had always before him something that you and I need never and can never have before us.
He had always before him the cross, the bearing in his own body.
Our sins, the meeting of a holy God about them. You and I, dear young people, this afternoon need never have that consciously before us as something that we must face, because we never could. The work has been done. The Lord Jesus has accomplished the work of the cross. But there are scriptures which we would like to read this afternoon.
Which given instruction for you as a youth, a youth in Christ now?
One redeemed by His precious blood and on the road to glory.
But you know this afternoon as we are gathered here.
Perhaps three kinds of young people.
There is no doubt.
Group of young people here this afternoon who are still perhaps not saved.
And I don't want to turn to all the scriptures that come to mind.
But I would like to speak for just a few minutes to any of the dear young ones here this afternoon who are still not saved. What a dreadful thing to be in the time of your youth and yet to be unsaved. I thank God that you're here.
I'm so glad and sore is everyone else that you've come to these meetings, but is it possible that you have come and are still unsaved? Oh, the invitation that goes out to you if this is so.
And the words of Solomon and Ecclesiastes, remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth.
All we would recommend to you this afternoon, that Savior of whom we have heard this morning, the glories of His person, all that he has given to us, all that we can now enjoy as those who are saved by His matchless grace. And to think that you sit here this afternoon.
A youth without Christ, Oh dear young Christian.
This afternoon.
Do you know someone here who is still unsaved?
Have you spoken to Him? Have you spoken to her about your Savior? Have you said to them all, Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth?
The remaining group of young people perhaps could be subdivided into two categories.
We're so thankful to see.
Dear young children of God.
Going on to please the Lord Jesus.
And in whose heart we see some desire to walk with their precious Savior.
But you know, I suppose it has always been. It certainly was when I was in my teens.
There are always young people, and I was one of them. Saved, yes, knowing my sins, forgiven most assuredly. But not walking well, not going on with the Lord the way perhaps I ought to have.
In the 51St Psalm we see that picture of David.
Mind you, he had so grievously sinned, he had gone on in his own way, and the lust of the flesh had overtaken him. It may not be so with you, but there are so many things that war against our souls. There are so many things that Satan uses.
For you who are younger, who though saved though knowing the Lord Jesus as your precious Savior, yet at this very hour you're not walking with Him. I sympathize with some of you who may be in that very state this afternoon because I know what it is. I know what it is to be saved and going on.
With worldly ambitions, worldly thoughts, worldly aspirations and dear young people, it is to you that I would like to speak this afternoon.
In Timothy, we might turn to a verse or two.
The second Timothy.
Chapter 2.
Verse 22.
There it says.
Plea also.
Youthful lusts.
Plea also youthful lusts.
If there's one thing that Satan.
Wants to do to everyone of the Lord's dear young people. It is to drag them down to the level of the world, drag them down to the place where their enjoyment of the things of the Lord Jesus.
Is lost, and they become.
At least on the outward side, looking like the world.
And this afternoon, Paul.
Speaking to Timothy.
And mind you, I suppose that Timothy was going on well at this point. I feel sure he was. But nevertheless, the message came home.
Also youthful lust. Peter talks about the same thing in his epistle. He says practically the same words and then he says which war against the soul.
I wonder if this is the state in which you are this afternoon, one who is going on, as it were, with one foot in the world and one foot among the people of God.
This produces dear young people, unhappy Christians. It produces dull testimonies. It produces those who are not effective for the Lord and those who are also unhappy.
In the world.
Flee also youthful lusts. You remember the story, I'm sure about Josiah. We won't take time to turn to it this afternoon.
But Josiah had come from a home where things weren't what you have. Most of you dear young people here this afternoon have had what I would describe as the inestimable.
Privilege of living and being reared in a Christian home.
There are some here this afternoon who have not had that privilege. The Lord has come in, in His matchless grace. He has saved them. He has brought them to the knowledge of the truth. And how thankful we are for His grace in this way. But most of you here.
Have been brought up in homes where the Bible has been read, where you have been prayed with, where your parents have been a living example to you. Josiah was not so. He was the son of a wicked father. And yet it tells us in the scriptures that Josiah.
Became the king of Judah. I believe it was at a very early age.
Eight years of age and it tells us something concerning him when he was about 16.
It tells us that.
I'm going to read the few verses, so perhaps it would be wise if we turn to them in Second Chronicles chapter 34.
Second Chronicles, 34.
If you'll notice in verse one, it tells us that he was eight years old when he ascended the throne. In verse three it says that in the eighth year of his reign that would make him 16 years of age, a young person of the same age of some of you here this afternoon. Here he was 16 years of age and he begins to seek after.
The Lord.
After the God of David, his father.
So there was a turning to God on the part of this young man, this young person.
We find that further on, at about age 20, the 12Th year of his reign, he begins to purge Judah and Jerusalem from the high places, from the Groves, the carved images and the molten images. Now here was a young man, and surrounded in his life were idols, were images. What a degrading situation, this young king.
Found himself in and yet there was that spiritual energy in him that he would come forth from among all that and perhaps.
It was a hard thing for him to do, being such a young man, but he purged Judah and Jerusalem from those high places and those images.
There had been idolatry surrounding him.
And he wanted to be free of it.
And I know that there are young people here this afternoon who have allowed idols in their lives, have allowed themselves to be surrounded by things that have pulled them down.
What is an idol? Idols in this time were things that were made of stone or wood or some other substance, and they were that which replaced the God of Israel.
They were that which took the hearts of the people away from God and His wonderful ways with the children of Israel, and it took them away, and their hearts got occupied with that which had been promoted by Satan.
That was an idol in those days. What is an idol for us today? Are there such things as idol idols for our young people? Yes, there are. In John it says little children, keep yourselves from idols. What is an idol? Just as it was then. Only it's so insidious today. It's so deceiving. There. It was something tangible. It was wood or stone.
But what is an idol today? It's something that keeps you away from the Lord Jesus. It's something that occupies your heart. It's something that engrosses your life and it's put there by Satan in order that you might not enjoy the things that the Lord Jesus has given to us in His word. Well, this young man decided he was going to purge those idols. Idols.
I'm sure he attempted to do it in the strength of the God of David, his father. I'm sure that his he went about it in all humility. I'm sure that he looked to the Lord and said, preserve me and help me, Oh Lord. And so he did, and he broke down these idols and he utterly destroyed them and had them all taken away.
Have you come to the point in your life where youthful lusts and worldly idols have perhaps engulfed you and you're very unhappy about it, You're very upset and you'd like to be freed from this condition?
In which you are. I know that these thoughts go on in the hearts of young people who are not walking with the Lord. And these verses I would trust would be helpful for you to see how that you can come forth from that state. But there had to be that coming down. There had to be that humility in the life of Josiah that could then come forth.
And break down those images.
And destroy them. The idols were taken away and all. What a glad some time resulted. What results? If you were to read the 34th chapter and on through the 35th chapter of this book, you'll see what the end result was.
Where one child of God decided to take a stand. How all of the country Judah.
And Jerusalem and all the surrounding countryside benefited because one young man decided to take a stand for the God whom he wanted to follow. I do recommend the Lord Jesus to you, dear young people, as the ones that you can follow in your lives. I know that the world has its attractions. I know that the tinsel and all that goes with it is very appealing.
And those of us who are older are not exempt from its allure. We know very well how appealing it seems at the time. But all do be like Josiah. This account is given to us in God's word for the very reason of being an example to you thousands of years later.
An encouragement to you to take a stand for the Lord Jesus.
Well, he did this. It tells us in the eighth verse that in the 18th year of his reign, now he's getting a little older. The first account we have of him is that he ascends the throne at 8 years of age. He seeks the Lord at 16 years of age. At 20 years of age, he decides to purge out from around himself those idols, and now he gets to be 26 years of age.
In verse 8 and he's still a young man and what is he able to do now?
Oh, he has a desire now not to breakdown, but now he's going to build up. He's going to build up. And it says that in the 18th year of his reign he repairs the House of the Lord his God. Oh, now he's in a position having dealt with that which was so corrupt around him, which was all about him.
And in that self judgment that he took with the people of God here now he's able to come in and repair. There was that breaking down process first, which must be the part of everyone who is not walking with the Lord, who belongs to him. There must be that coming down first in order that there might be that building up. And So what a healthy now is.
To the people of God, he repairs the House of the God of the House of God. And he in their repair work they find a book of the law which had been so neglected. And doesn't this tell us something? Doesn't it tell us that This is why all that idolatry had come to pass? Doesn't it tell us the reason for which?
Judah was in such desperate state.
It was because they couldn't find the book of the law. Wasn't the question of even finding it. They didn't look for it. But here they come across the book.
Of the law of the Lord given by Moses. That's in verse 14.
And what a wonderful thing the Book of the Law is. Read every bit of it before all the people, and we find that humility is the result. And Josiah?
As it were, weeps over the state that his people are in. But now he comes along and he causes a Passover to be kept. It tells us further on.
In the 35th chapter verse 18, that there was number Passover like to that kept in Israel from the days of Samuel the prophet. Neither did all the kings of Israel keep such a Passover as Josiah kept and the priests and the Levites and all Judas and Israel that were present.
And the inhabitants of Jerusalem, Well, what a wonderful thing it is then.
That Josiah in the energy of God is able to do such a great thing. Now, I don't think that we want to look around as young people and attempt to do great things. I don't think that should be our motive. But there is no limit to how the Lord can use anyone of His dear young Saints if they are first brought down.
If there is that self judgment, if there is that attitude like has been found in the 51St Psalms.
Where David could say, I have sinned against the only, and where he could cast himself on the Lord Himself. And then we know that his life was blessed. Thereafter we know that there was a wonderful time of blessing came into the life of David.
And so with Josiah blessing resulted as first going down and then being able to build up, there wasn't a Passover celebrated right back to the time of Samuel such as was celebrated on this occasion.
Well, there is just one further note in the Life and Times of Josiah. We do find that he does miss the mark at the end of the 35th chapter. You know, it's a it's a wonderful thing when the Lord gives us the victory in some particular circumstance of our lives. So wonderful thing when we are brought down to see.
Our sinfulness brought down to see how we have strayed from the Lord and then the Lord brings us up in his wonderful matchless grace. But then you know there is the danger in each one of our lives when we think we're walking with the Lord, when we think that we're.
Going on for him and self gets a little bit of a place in our lives.
Then we see that a fall can soon come, how much we need to cry to the Lord daily as we get up in the morning. Preserve me, oh God, for in thee do I put my trust. I remember very well an older brother in meetings such as these, who used to tell us ever so often to make that the daily.
Prayer of our lives.
And I'm sure that what he said was so true.
Preserve me, O God, for in thee do I put my trust. It's possible that Josiah didn't have that daily attitude, because we find now that rather than go on and attempt to spend his time with his own people, nourishing them and strengthening them as he had, we find that he begins to meddle.
In outside activities tells us in the 20th verse.
After all this all, wasn't that? Didn't that speak volumes after all this, After all this blessings which Josiah had been used of the Lord in?
When Josiah had prepared the temple.
Nico, King of Egypt, came up to fight against.
Tarakimish by Euphrates and Josiah went out against him. Now, dear young people.
Josiah had no business to get involved. He shouldn't have been involved. He had been warned that he shouldn't go out to meddle in this battle that involved two others.
But he did it. Perhaps he felt I have been so successful in Judah and Israel. I have brought them together. The Passover has been restored. The people are all rejoicing. I have supplied them with lands and Rams and bullets for offerings.
Now I'll settle this matter between these two. And so he meddled. He got out of the path, but God had called him to.
And he made a sorrowful end of his life. He was killed on the battlefield, killed where he might have been spared many more years of faithful service to the God of Israel. I believe that he reigned altogether, yes, 31 years, about 31 years came to an end when perhaps in his own strength.
He got out of God's plan and he was killed. Well, we see this quite often in the Old Testament where men of God have sprayed away at the end and how it needs to be a warning to each one of us here this afternoon. But if we think we have any kind of accomplishments that we have done for the Lord, all beware, dear young people.
Do beware because it is at that point.
That Satan will get in his.
Fiery dark it is at that point.
Unless we are walking with God, walking intelligent with Him, and knowing and feeling His will and His sleeping in our lives, if we follow that leading, there won't be this disastrous problem that existed.
But as we get to think of ourselves as something that thou can be involved. And so the Scriptures give us these illustrations so clearly for us that he for us to.
What for and may they be?
And signposts in our lives to give up the sea by the experience of others like the science that we must keep close. So that precious savior who has died. I'm so alone. Well, one person closing that.
Hasn't encouragement to those who by God grace afternoon.
Maybe one?
Flexible we are.
Dear young people who have a burning desire to walk with their precious Savior, oh how wonderful it is. What trophies of the grace of God, what a matchless blessing it is to see such this afternoon. And to you, I would just direct one verse in Timothy again.
We want to always remember.
But Timothy was indeed a young man when these letters were written to him.
How young? I don't know. The scripture doesn't tell us. You can speculate for yourself.
How old he might have been.
But he's young enough.
That as a young man, a helper of Paul.
And used of the Lord and going to the different assemblies of that day, there was a hesitancy on the part of Timothy.
To step forward. And that was a good sign, no doubt. He wasn't a brash young man by what we can gather here. He was perhaps a little bit tending towards holding back in the gift that God had given him. And so Paul says to him.
In First Timothy 4 verse 12 he says let no man.
Despise thy youth.
But be thou an example of the believers in Word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit.
In faith.
In Purity. Oh, I think that's a wonderful verse for a young person to have before them.
Let no man despise by you. I'm sure I could speak for the older brethren here this afternoon.
And say that there's certainly no one here who despises those who are young or they younger years of the young men here especially. How thankful we are to see young men who have a desire to please the Lord Jesus.
But what is the word to you be an example?
Be an example or we can talk an awful lot. We can say many, many things, but Pauls word to Timothy here was be an example of the believers.
In Word.
And the things we say, are we an example of those that belong to Christ?
And the things we say, do we reflect what we've been getting in the meetings this morning in the first chapter of Colossians?
In conversation, I believe that word could be rendered in conduct.
By our deportment, by our conduct.
Are we an example of the believer?
In charity or love, as we had again this morning, do we show among the dear children of God, among other young people who need to return to the Lord? Do we show a love for them, a concern for them, a desire to be helpful to others? Are we being an example in love?
In spirit.
Now I realize that some translations don't have that expression in them.
In the Spirit.
You know the scriptures talks about this and another place fervent in spirit.
Are we being an example?
To the believers, by being fervent in spirit, what would that mean? Perhaps it means something like this on fire for the Lord Jesus.
Burning in our desire to serve and please Him. Fervent in spirit.
In faith.
Do others quietly see in our lives? Not by a great display.
But quietly do they see the effects of faith in our Christian walk. This is another way that we can be an example of the believers.
And then finally impurity.
And Oh dear young people.
I just feel that there is a word for us here.
How important.
That we be an example of the believers in Purity. We're living in a world which is getting more corrupt every day.
We're living in a world where filthiness and impurity.
Is a commonplace thing, and if we're not careful, if we're not walking in the good of the scriptures which we hold in our hands, will begin to be dragged down to the world's level, be an example of the believers in Purity in another place, Paul says.
In the 5th chapter. In the 22nd verse.
Speaking again the Timothy, he says Keep thyself Pure.
Keep thyself Pure.
Oh, what sadness came into the life of David.
Through not keeping himself Pure, what a fall he had. Dear young people, be thou an example of the believer in Purity.
Keep thyself Pure.
Well, these verses then.
Are just a few that might be referred to that refer to the youth.
To those who are young and the word of God has many more examples for us.
God grant that we may have the desire to turn to them, to read them, to meditate in them, and to grow thereby. And may the Lord help us then, dear young people, as we sang in our hymn at the beginning of the meeting, may our prayer ever, ever be as we wait for that soon return of the Lord Jesus. I'll just read the last two verses of that second him in the appendix before we close.
Oh, keep my soul then, Jesus abiding still with thee. And if I wander.
Teach me soon back to thee to flee, but all thy gracious favor may to my soul be known and versed in this Thy goodness my hopes thyself shall crown.