Open—G. Hayhoe, C. Lunden, W. Smith
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General meetings, Ottawa, March 1975 Open meeting.
Who will the master come soon pass away? Our signs of confidence. Reason 218.
Oh, well, by my word of life, so our Lord, Lord God.
Just have a few thoughts on my heart, brethren from the Book of Numbers it was referred to this morning in the meeting and I'd just like to speak a few words in connection with the visit of the spies to the Promised Land.
Numbers, Chapter 13.
And verse 17.
And Moses sent them to spy out the land of Canaan, and said unto them, Get you up this way southward, And go up into the mountain, and see the land, what it is, what it is, and the people that dwell therein, whether they be strong or weak, few or many. And what the land is that they dwell in, whether it be good or bad, and what cities they be that they dwell in, whether in cancer, in strongholds.
And what the land is, whether it be fat or lean, whether there be wood therein or not, and be of good courage and bring of the fruit of the land. Now the time was the time of the first ripe grapes.
Of the 23rd verse. And they came unto the brook of Ashkal, and cut down from fence a branch with one cluster of grapes, and they bear it between two upon a staff. And they brought of the pomegranates and of the pigs. And the place was called the Brooke Ashcall, because of the cluster of grapes which the children of Israel cut down from fence. And they returned from searching of the land after 40 days. And they went and came to Moses, and to Aaron, and to all the congregation of the children of Israel.
Under the wilderness of Peran to Kadish, and brought back word unto them, and unto all the congregation, and showed them the fruit of the land. And they told him, and said, We came unto the land, Whither thou sendest us? And surely it floweth with milk and honey, and this is the fruit of it.
I'd just like to speak first of all of this good Lamb that God was about to give to his people, and then to see the effect of the report that they brought back. I believe we could say that there are four different ways that this message was received. It was received by two of the spies as a real encouragement sustained them through their whole wilderness journey. And then?
Ten of the tribe, ten of the ones who went up. Why? They brought back a message of discouragement, and discouraged a great many others. Then because of this, it tells us about the Lord saying to Moses that he would smite the nation, and that he would take up Moses and make of him a great nation. And then we see in the end an attempt by some to go up and possess the land in their own strength.
So I believe it's wonderful that we can think of this blessed truth that's brought before us here in connection with the land of Canaan. I believe what we have had before us in the Epistle to the Colossians really occupies us with that land. We read the verse, the hope which is laid up for us in heaven, and then we also know in Ephesians that tells us that we are blessed with all spiritual blessings.
In the heavenlies in Christ. And what a blessed privilege it is, and that we can explore some of these wonderful things in the meetings we can be together and enjoy these wonderful truths that God has revealed to us in His word. And I believe, brethren that has gathered to the precious name of the Lord Jesus, what a rich deposit of truth has been given to us. What a wonderful recovery that has been brought before us.
In the end of the Church's history.
How it ought to thrill our hearts as we think of how richly we are blessed. If we were to go back to the early days of the churches history, there couldn't be a gathering of this kind. The New Testament hadn't been written. They couldn't sit there with the Bible upon their knees.
Isn't it a wonderful thing that we can sit here in the very end of the Church's history with the open Bible before us, God's full revealed mind, His Spirit, has recovered these precious truths and brought them before us. And as our brother said to us and the young people's meeting, what a marvelous thing that we're living in such a time as this. We often speak of these difficult times.
But it's good for us to think of these blessed Times Now. This period when the Lord's coming is so near, at this time in the churches history when God has recovered these precious things for us. And as it was mentioned in connection with Josiah now that was near the end of the history of the two kingdoms. And yet we see there that there was a Passover kept and it says it was greater than what had been kept in the past.
In spite of the fact that it was at the very end, God blessed his people as he delights to do.
And so here we find that when these spies went back, they went, returned, I should say, as our brother brought before us this morning, they brought back a good word and they showed the fruit of the land. And oh, surely as we sit in these meetings.
And think of these blessed things all how it ought to fill our hearts with thankfulness and praise.
To know now that we're blessed with all spiritual blessings in the heavenlies in Christ.
To know that we are members of the body of Christ, that we can gather in God's appointed way around the Lord Jesus. To know to the precious truth of the Church and oh how many things we can enter into and enjoy.
It's truly like this land. It was a land flowing with milk and honey.
Well, let's report that the 12 spies brought back must have been a great cheer and encouragement as they told it and as they showed the fruit. Just one bunch of grapes and it took two men to carry it. Had ever such a bunch of grapes been displayed before? And surely I say our hearts ought to be filled with thankfulness, but we find that when they heard this good report.
And when they saw the fruit of the land, it moved them in one sense. But we find that some of them began to think about the difficulties. They said, oh, it's a good land, it truly is a land flowing with milk and honey. But oh.
The cities are great, there are high walls, the people are giants. And I believe that many of us who in the goodness of God have been gathered to the precious name of the Lord Jesus, would surely say, oh how thankful we should be for the truth that has been given to us. And many of you dear young people can say as you meet your friends at school and speak to them about the Lord Jesus.
I'm sure you've been impressed by the things that you have learned in comparison to the little that they know of the truth of God. I can say that for myself. When, as a young man, I went out to work. I didn't realize what a privilege I had had in sitting in the meetings until I met Christians at work. And when I began to talk to them why, I began to realize how richly I had been blessed.
How much truth God had made known to those who were gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus.
And it filled my heart with thankfulness. But then, as I said, I wanted to speak of the result of this report. And it tells us here about these spies that were so discouraged. And perhaps as you come to the meeting, you say, well, the truth that is given out is wonderful, but oh, there are so many difficulties and it's so hard to walk in the path.
There are so many discouragements.
And our meetings aren't just exactly what they should be. And so we look at the.
The high walls. We look at the giants and we see all the problems and we allow our hearts to become so discouraged. And that is exactly what happened with ten of these spies. And so if there are any here this afternoon, and that's the way you feel.
Oh, I would beg of you to realize that although there are difficulties, we can never, never expect that the enemy is going to leave a testimony alone that wants to walk in obedience to the word of God.
I believe we can say that the special target of the enemy's attack are those who seek to walk in obedience to the word. He will do all he can to upset the meetings, to bring in discouragement, to turn our hearts away from Christ, to look at the difficulties instead of the Lord. And so they looked at the difficulties, and they compared themselves to these men of great stature.
They said when we saw how tall these men were, we felt like grasshoppers beside them.
You see, they compared themselves to the difficulties. Have you and I often done this?
And we have seen problems come up among God's people, and we saw our own weakness in the presence of these difficulties. And so we said perhaps, what's the use? It's a wonderful thing to have these precious things, but there are too many problems.
Many difficulties. And then too, we also see the effect of the report of these ten men, when they began to talk about these difficulties. Why it tells us in the 14th chapter.
And all the congregation lifted up their voice and cried. And the people wept that night. And all the children of Israel murmured against Moses and against Aaron. And the whole congregation said unto them, Would God that we have died in the land of Egypt?
Or would God we have died in this wilderness Notice here?
Instead of being thankful that the Lord was going to bring them in, to possess that good land and to enjoy all that God had in store for them.
Now they not only were discouraged themselves, that is the spies, but they discourage the rest. And what did the ones who were discouraged do? All they said would God. We had died in Egypt. What is Egypt? Well, it's a picture of the world in its glory.
And when our hearts become discouraged, it's so easy for us to be turned aside into the world. The world holds out a great attraction, and when you perhaps feel sad, then you don't perhaps feel encouraged in coming to the meetings like you wish to. Then perhaps you decide to turn aside to worldly things. Does this profit your soul? Does it really give you any lasting joy?
Someone said to a young believer why? He said you've taken the Lord as your savior and he said remember you're spoiled for this world and here young people it's true when you know the Lord is your savior, you just can't enjoy the world in the same way as the world link. And more than this, if you have been gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus, this is still more so you can't enjoy.
The world in the same way if you have known.
What it is to be gathered to the precious name of the Lord Jesus, you'll have a bad conscience. You won't be happy in that pursuit at all. Or perhaps, as here it says, would God. We have died in the wilderness, and that is they wanted to be taken out of all these difficulties, and because they lost sight of two things of God's goodness, his love for his people, and it tells us in the Psalms they despise.
The pleasant land they believe not his word, and that is they didn't enjoy what was ahead of them and all. I believe that if you and I could get a glimpse of what is ahead of us, I think of the psalmist. When he spoke of the difficulties, he said a day and night courts is better than 1000. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the House of my God, than to dwell on the tents of wickedness.
You know all the doorkeepers. Job is not a very pleasant one. Trying to keep out what is not according to the mind of God is not easy in God's assembly. But he said, no matter how many difficulties there may be, he said it's better than dwelling in the tents of wickedness. It's better than going on with those things at all. Let me say this, dear friends, that I believe when we spent one day in the glory above.
We'll wonder.
We ever lived for the passing things of time. I believe when we have had our first day in heaven, we'll think. Can it be that we ever thought this world was worthwhile at all? Did it really have anything worthwhile to offer? No, it doesn't about oh, how easy it is to get discouraged. Discouragement is the tool of the enemy, and it tells us in Second Corinthians chapter one that our God.
Is the God of all encouragement. So then we see with the 10s spies who saw the good Lamb, who saw those good things, but looked at the difficulties instead of counting on God's faithfulness as they themselves became discouraged.
Influenced the others. They caused them to be in tears. They caused them in heart to turn back into Egypt. And in reality, if we see as we go on in the chapter that God had to deal then in his government, because it tells us, and it was mentioned to us yesterday how in First Corinthians 11 it says when we are, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world.
Thank God we're not going to be brought under the world's judgment, but we can come under the chastisement of the House of God. We can have his dealing hand upon us. I've often said a Christian can be the happiest person on earth, or he can be the most miserable.
He can be the happiest when he is enjoying his portion, but he can be the most miserable. Yes, more miserable. And a person of the world. Because the person of the world hasn't had a glimpse of the good things that are in store for the Christians. And the person of the world doesn't have a nature that can enjoy those things. And so, in his measure, he enjoys the things of the world. It says they enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season.
How about it's different with a Christian? He can't enjoy the world in the same way. And if he's not enjoying the Lord, what a miserable person he is. Haven't we met some most unhappy Christians? Oh yes, I believe we have them pictured to us.
In these 10 spies who got discouraged, who caused all this weeping and sorrow among the people of God? But then, on the other hand, we find that there were two Caleb and Joshua. And these two they had gone with the other ten, and they had seen the good land, they had seen the giants, they had seen the walled cities. They weren't blind.
And God never, never would have us to be blind to the difficulties, even when he sent them, He said, See whether it's a good land, see whether the people are strong, see what kind of cities they live in. God never minimizes difficulties. He tells us, really the power of the enemy that's against us. He tells us how weak the flesh is. He tells us about what the world system is like.
And how it allures our natural hearts. He doesn't in any way minimize these things. And so Caleb and Joshua saw the good land. They also saw the difficulties. But they had their eyes upon the Lord. They believed that the Lord loved His people. They believed that the Lord who was faithful was going to bring his people into that land, and no matter how many problems there were.
Compared every difficulty with the Lord himself. If the people were in giants and they felt like grasshoppers beside them, those giants were like grasshoppers beside the Lord. If you compare the giants to the Lord, they're small. But if you compare the giant to yourself, he may seem very great. If you think of the high walls, they may seem very, very great.
And impregnable.
But if you compare them with the one who is above all He that is higher than the highest, the one who in resurrection said to his doubting disciples, all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. All see the difference with these two men.
These two men, they encouraged the people. They did all they could to try and bring before them the two things, how good the land was, and that the Lord delighted in his people and that He would most surely bring them in. But then there's something more to notice about Caleb and Joshua when God and his government said that because of this, and because of all their murmurings and complaining.
That they were going to have to wander for 40 years in the wilderness. We find that Caleb and Joshua shared the lot of the failing people of God. Now I think there's something very beautiful in this. You know, when we see the condition of the people of God, it's very easy for us to either become discouraged or perhaps say, well, there's no use going on with them because.
There's so little faithfulness, but I think it's very beautiful to see with Caleb and Joshua that they went on through all those 40 years with the people of God. We never hear them speaking against the people of God. We see them going on with them, and what was it that cheered their hearts in all the problems that arose? We know about Cora and his company and how they rose up.
We know about, we know about Aaron and Miriam and how they rose up and all just so many things that came in among the people of God. But there was a constancy about these two. What was it that preserved them all? The fact that preserved them was that the Lord loved his people and that in his time he was going to bring them in. And that was what sustained them. That was what enabled them.
You know, if God had taken those two men and brought them in to enjoy the land right away.
Now that would have been in one sense much easier. But to remain all those 40 years with the people of God, in all their difficulties and all our mistakes, and then all their problems, was a real test to them. But there was a constancy, and there was a joy now that filled their hearts through it all, and we find those two men when the time comes to enter the land. Joshua leads the man and Caleb.
Goes and possesses a very part of the land where the giants dwell.
All they proved God's faithfulness, and, Oh dear friends, what a blessing we can be among the people of God if we keep our eyes upon Christ. If we realize that no matter how many difficulties come in, the Lord is above them all, He's sufficient for every situation. And he, as we often sing his be the victor's name, Triumphant Saints, no honor claims.
His conquest was their own. He is going to bring his own safely through.
And we love to look forward to the time when the church will be presented without spot or wrinkle or any such thing.
Well then, notice the 11Th verse, now the tenth verse.
But that but all the congregation bad stone them with stones, and the glory of the Lord appeared in the Tabernacle of the congregation before all the children of Israel. That is. Here were these two men who sought to be faithful, and it says that the congregation bad to stone them with stones. Perhaps I hear someone say, well, I've tried to encourage my brethren, I've tried to be a help. But, you know, a lot of things happen to you when you try.
It's not very pleasant. People say things and do things. Oh, isn't this lovely to see that in spite of all this, these two men went on. And I might mention the meaning of the two names. Joshua means Savior and Caleb means dog.
And so those are the only two that entered the land. In what right did Caleb enter the land? Well, in what right does a dog enter a home? Only in the right of his master. And so isn't it lovely? The Lord Jesus is the one who's going to bring his people in. We claim no rights in ourselves, but it says that Caleb wholly followed the Lord, and the dog that stays in company with his master will get into some wonderful places.
Oh, how lovely it is. There's no worthiness in ourselves, but let us keep close to the Lord. But now in the 11Th verse. And the Lord said unto Moses, How long will this people provoke me, and how long will it be here they believe me for all the signs which I have showed among them, I will smite them with the pestilence, and disinherit them, and will make of thee a greater nation, and mightier than they.
And now there was to me. I just take this as.
An opportunity that was given to Moses to so to speak, God alone. He might have taken this up and said, well, everything is broken down and everything has failed. And now the Lord has given me the opportunity just to go on alone. He'll take me and he'll make a great nation out of me. But notice Moses reply 13th verse. And Moses said unto the Lord.
Then the Egyptians shall hear it, for thou broadest up this people in thy might from among them, and they will tell it to the inhabitants of this land. For they have heard that thou Lord, and among his people, that thou Lord art seen face to face at thy cloud standeth over them, and that thou goest before them by day, by daytime in a pillar of a cloud, and in a pillar of fire by night. Now if thou wilt kill all his people as one man.
Then the nations which have heard the theme of thee will speak, saying, Because the Lord was not able to bring this people into the land which he swear unto them. Therefore he has slain them in the wilderness. And now I beseech thee, let the power of my Lord be great, according as thou hast spoken. Well we see that when the Lord said this to Moses, that he could have gone on alone, that God would make of him a great nation.
And Moses turns, and he speaks to the Lord about his people and how that if the Lord didn't bring them in, dishonor, would be brought upon his name. And so I believe that there could perhaps be a lesson. I have found some Christians when difficulties come in, and I've heard quite a few say these things lately. Oh, I'm just not going to go along anymore.
I think I'll just have to go along alone.
I think the day of collective testimony is over rather than it's not over.
It's not over. The Lord has asked us to remember him until He comes. He is going to preserve. It's going to be a weak testimony. Thou hast a little strength and has kept my word and has not denied my name. What is it that makes us want to go along alone? Well, we remember poor Elijah. When he became discouraged, he said I only am left and they seek my life.
The Lord said, I have 7000 men that have not bowed the knee to the image of bail. What is it that leads us to think of wanting to go along alone? How we get occupied with ourselves, with our own faithfulness. But I think it's lovely to see the heart of Moses on this occasion. He loved the people of God. He thought they're good. He didn't minimize the condition of things. He felt it fully.
Probably felt it more than anyone else in the whole congregation. But isn't it lovely? He sought the glory of God and the blessing of his people. And may you and I, when we feel discouraged at times when we say or hear perhaps other people say, oh, I think a collective testimony is over. You just have to go along alone. No, it isn't, brethren that the Lord brought the people through. And there was a vast number that crossed that Jordan and entered the land.
But I think it's so lovely to see this on the part of Moses. And let me say this. If you and I have God's heart toward his people that we won't want to go on alone, or you say that I can enjoy his presence alone? He asked. Moses could have too, and you and I perhaps can enjoy his presence alone. But there are two things that ought to be dear to the child of God, and that is to enjoy the Lord's presence individually and to enjoy his presence collectively.
You know, in the 28th chapter of Matthew, after the Lord rose from the dead, he appeared in the midst of his own in an appointed place. And he said, all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. And there they were gathered around the Lord. He was there they saw him.
But then the time came when they must leave that happy place. And he said, Lo, I am with you always. They enjoyed his presence collectively. Then they enjoyed his presence individually. May this be our portion. May we not be satisfied with just saying, well, I can walk with the Lord alone.
Thank God he'll never leave you. Even if you're on the road to a mess, he's not going to leave you. But when they went back, they found the Lord was in the midst of his own at Jerusalem. So we see in the case of Moses that he wouldn't go on alone. He entered into the thoughts of God toward his people. He saw that the Lord's name would be dishonored. If there was no such thing as a collective company, who would be Brownian to inherit that good land that God had promised to his people?
And surely the Lord is going to preserve a people according to His mind, not because of our faithfulness, brethren, but because the Lord is the faithful and true witness. He is faithful that promised.
And now we come to the last one in the end of this chapter.
15th 14th of numbers.
Tells us.
On the 40th verse. And they rose up early in the morning and got them up into the top of the mountain, saying, Lo, we be here, and we'll go up under the place which the Lord had promised, for we have sinned. And Moses said, wherefore now do ye transgress the commandment of the Lord?
Shall not prosper going on up, for the Lord is not among you, that she be not smitten before your enemies. For the Amalekites and the Canaanites are there before you, and ye shall fall by the sword, because ye are turned away from the Lord. Therefore the Lord will not be with you, but they presume to go up under the hilltop. Nevertheless the ark of the covenant of the Lord and Moses departed not.
Out of the camp then the Amalekites came down, and the Canaanites which dwelled in that hill and smoked them and discomforted them even unto Harma. Here we see another company. This is the 4th instance that is brought before us.
A company that presumed to go up not following the instructions of the word of God.
Not counting upon the Lord's presence among his people without the ark, which was the symbol of God's presence, they said we can do it, we can do it all. Here we see another danger, and that is fleshly confidence.
That confidence that is not of God, that which presumes to do something.
Of our souls. And here I believe there is a great danger to.
And I was thinking, brethren, especially of those of us who in grace have been gathered to the precious name of the Lord Jesus, and how easy it is when we become discouraged to say, well, there are activities around this, they're doing great things. And I think I'll step off and identify myself with some of these other activities where great things are going on. Yes, but Moses said don't go.
That will be disobedience. The Ark will not be there, and if you go, you will expose yourself to the inhabitants of the land, and you won't. You won't enjoy and possess that good land, that land flowing with milk and honey in that way.
And so it is if you and I, in order to, shall I say, be identified with a great deal of activity, and Christendom, leave the path of obedience.
Our, shall I say, more occupied with making a show and seeing what we can do.
Instead of justice going on in the path of obedience, it will not be with the Lord's blessing. And as one has watched the lives of many dear brethren who really love the Lord and see how they have gone off, and they have gone into paths that are not according to the word of God. Oh, what a loss to their souls. What a compromise of the truth of God. Oh, may the Lord keep us, brethren.
The Lord's coming is near and I was thinking of how as we come together in this meeting.
How the Lord has spoken to our hearts. I believe He has brought before us yesterday our real state and the need of recognizing and owning it before him. And in the meeting this morning he brought before us a little bit of that good land He hasn't were. Let us see the spies return with all the good things, but if he leaves us here until tomorrow, we're going to have to go back home. We're going to have to go to our various assemblies.
And let us remember these four different attitudes, these four different results of them seeing the good things that were for in store for the people of God in the Promised Land. I'll mention them again. We find first of all, those.
Who, although they saw them, looked at all the difficulties, discouraged the others, and, sad to say, have brought in much weeping and sorrow instead of being an encouragement to the people of God. And then we find Caleb and Joshua.
Who all they knew about all these difficulties, they spoke about the Lord.
And how he was able to bring them in, and how he would bring them in. They emphasized what a good land it was. And they didn't occupy their brethren with all the giants and with all the high walls, but with the one who was superior to it all and who loved his people.
And then the 4th, the third one rather, where we see an opportunity perhaps to say.
Well, it's all over. You just have to go on alone. It's a day when collective testimony has failed. But it's lovely to see Moses saying, Oh no, the Lord will be faithful to his people, the Lord will undertake. And he didn't want to see his name dishonored. He was going to bring the people in, in spite of all the failure and all the weakness that there was.
And then, last of all that we should become occupied with other activities, activities that are not according to the mind of God, not in obedience to His Word. For there we find how that Moses distinctly told them not to go. He said, the Lord won't go with you. He said the Ark won't be there. And he said if you go, you'll just expose yourselves to the.
Uh, enemies who dwell in the land, But they presumed to go. They went ahead and they suffered for it. Oh, brethren, surely that prayer that was mentioned in the young people's meeting needs to be the prayer of our hearts, and only individually have that. May the Lord keep us too, in the sense of how we need it, collectively. Preserve me, oh God, for in these do I put my trust.
I would just like to make a few remarks on the subject of perfection. Now I know this may raise a smile with some because.
We know in ourselves, by nature, there's no perfection.
But I do believe the Scripture teaches perfection in a certain sense. And there are two scriptures I'd like to call attention to. You know, I worked with a man. I met a man on the train once who said that he didn't sin.
I worked with another man. I worked with a man once who said he didn't sin but.
Being in the building lines that he put a lock in upside down and I asked him what that was and he said it was just an error.
And so on. Men will be deceived, you see, by Satan, and they use Scripture wrongly.
So there's no such thing, then, as human perfection here?
But there is such a thing as perfection in the sense in which Scripture teaches it. And I think we should be clear as to the subject of perfection, because there are doctrines about us that really bring men into ******* because they're not happy in their souls when they feel that they are not doing anything wrong.
We have to be in the exercise of soul continually before God.
Not that we're occupied always with evil, or that wrongdoing which might be in our lives. We should be occupied with Christ, but we have to be alert continually as to the attacks of the enemy upon us. Now the first passage I'd like to turn to briefly, and I'm not going to take long.
Is in Philippians.
Philippians, the third chapter.
In the.
10th verse The apostle says, apostle Paul Philippians, 3 and 10, That I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death. If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead, not as though I had already attained, either, were already perfect, but I follow after.
If that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.
Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended, but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind.
And reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
Let us therefore as many as be perfect, be thus minded, And if in anything you may you be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you.
Now what does the apostle Speaking of when he first he says he's not perfect, but then he also says as many as are perfect.
Well, you see in Philippians it's it's really the wilderness and it's Christian experience down here.
And there is such a thing as perfection in the sense of Christian experience.
That is, the apostle is set before us his own path.
He doesn't even look around to see if someone is running as fast as he is. He's not occupied with anything except that one object before him. That's what he calls perfection.
Here in the wilderness, if there's going to be perfection in that sense, we have one object before our hearts.
To preserve us as we pass through this wilderness, and to enjoy Christ along the way. Now he says, If if anyone be otherwise minded, God should reveal even this unto you.
Now I'm going to turn to another passage in Hebrews where we have perfection again, and that's really what I had before me.
The 5th the 6th chapter of Hebrews.
Therefore, leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection.
Not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God, and so on.
Now going on to the end of the chapter.
The 13th verse.
We'll read from the 11Th, 1St.
And we desire that everyone of you do show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope under the end, that she be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises. For when God made promise to Abraham, because he could swear by no greater, he swear by himself, saying, surely blessing I will bless thee, and multiplying I will multiply thee.
And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise for men verily swear by.
The greater and an oath for confirmation is to them an end of all stripes.
Wherein God willing more abundantly to show unto the heirs of promise the immutability of His counsel.
Confirmed it by an oath that by two immutable things in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong Consolation, who have fled for refuge, to lay hold upon the hope set before us, which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, in which enter into that within the veil whether the Forerunner is for us entered.
Even Jesus made an high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.
Now here we have perfection in connection with.
The object also of the soul. It's also a wilderness book.
But in just a little different sense. And here we have the truth brought right down to the gospel level.
At the end of this chapter, the man fleeing for refuge. But it's connected with perfection.
As the chapters introduced with perfection, now in the previous chapter we have perfection mentioned and that's maturity I suppose. And there is such a thing as.
The spirit of God maturing us all in the things of God, I believe. But here it's just a little different thought.
Now he first speaks of all of those things that occupied the believer when he first was saved.
But now, he says, let's go on to perfection. And beloved, what's the book of Hebrews about?
Why? It's about the one who was once down here, but now he's in the highest place.
He's seated up there.
And he's there, interceding for us.
Christ, in fact, is Jesus.
It's Jesus in Hebrews. It's the blood of Jesus, not the blood of Christ. Perhaps once, but it's his person that's before us in Hebrews.
The person of Christ.
And why is he up there? He's a man up there.
What is he doing taking up your cause and mind?
He's taking up our cause so we can go on happily through this world.
And be preserved. He's our great High priest to maintain us in happy relationship with God.
That's his present work.
Well then, what's perfection?
Here the perfection in Hebrews beloved.
Is for our hearts and minds to be set upon that person.
And heavenly things.
Hebrew speaks of the better things.
Now, better than what? Better than these earthly things around us? Yes, but that's not the point in Hebrews. The point in Hebrews is to leave all that which belongs to earthly religion.
The religion of the flesh. Just leave it. Set it aside. As long as you and I are attached to anything in a religious way that belongs to this earth, we still haven't shaken off the grave clothes.
And so there isn't perfection.
But now going to the end of the chapter because I want to be brief.
I'm sure there are others who have something to say.
In the end of the chapter, I'm going to be brief about it. Here's a man who is fleeing for refuse.
A man is fleeing for refuse.
A very simple picture, isn't it?
And God wants to give strong consolation. Now, there may be some on the air this afternoon that's fleeing for refuse. They're not yet clear in their souls. They're not at rest. They're fleeing for refuge. You know, there's a there's an illustration in the Old Testament of a man.
The Spirit of God gives us that record of how God had provided 3 cities of refuse.
For the children of Israel, and later on when the land was established, he provided three more cities of refuge.
And a man who was in trouble because he had slain someone, Not willingly, but perhaps the axe head came off of the axe, we'll say, and it struck someone. He could easily flee to a city of refuge and be safe if he ran.
And can't you just picture a man who had not intended to kill anyone?
But as he was hewing a tree, the axe had fell off of the hell of the axe, and it struck his neighbor.
And in order that the Avenger doesn't take him, he runs to the City of Refuge. What a beautiful picture.
I'll take a moment to tell a little story. I was visiting the Indians in Canada.
And I came into a little village with my wife. We drove in and.
We noticed the Indians were seem to be afraid of us.
They didn't greet us as we'd expected and so we didn't want to disturb them and we started to turn around and go out and the an elderly woman came out and she said are you with the Redcoats? I said no.
What's your purpose here? To tell you about the Lord Jesus?
Oh, she says. Will you come back tomorrow? I said. Why not today all, she said. My boy has killed someone and he's hidden in the woods and I want you to talk to him.
So we came back the next day.
Here were all the Indians in a big circle.
In a green, grassy place.
And here was this boy.
He had been hunting with another boy.
And in some way.
He had mistaken this boy for the game that he was after and he'd shot the boy.
And he didn't mean to do it.
And I had the opportunity of telling him about that lovely story in the Old Testament.
About one who hadn't intended to kill anyone.
But he had a city of refused to go, so no one would kill him.
But I said, You know, my dear boy, I said, You and I are sinners.
And we really deserve to die. But there's one who has taken our place and all we need to do is flee to to him for refuge. Well, it was a lovely occasion with this group of Indian people, dear people. They were to tell them the story of Jesus and a refuge.
Now that's what we have here, but we have strong consolation.
Who have fled for refuge now God wants to assure our hearts this afternoon, dear ones.
That we have strong consolation.
And our hope is steadfast, who have fled for refuge.
This is perfection, and I'll tell you why. Notice this part of the verse.
18 first.
We might have a strong consolation.
Who have fled for refuge to lay hold notice that to lay hold upon the hope set before us, which hope we have as an anchor of the soul.
Both shore and steadfast, and which entered into that within the veil.
Now in this chapter we have two things that God assures us by that we have a strong refuge in consolation.
One is himself.
God is sworn by himself.
He can't swear by anything higher, can he? Or his word will say.
But then also he has given an oath on top of that. Now you'll get the oath in the next chapter.
In the 21St verse.
For those priests, I should say the 7th chapter in the 21St verse. For those priests were made without an oath, but this with an oath by him that said unto him, The Lord swear and will not repent, thou art a priest forever.
After the order of Melchizedek, so we have then God's own word and then an oath.
And who does the oath have to do it? Why is the forerunner the center?
It's the last verse of our chapter, the forerunner who has entered.
It's sworn by an oath that we have a strong consolation.
And so this we picture this man.
Or you say, well, I can't attain to perfection. No, you can't, but you can enjoy it.
How? Just what we have here. Like the man who threw himself across the threshold.
And once he's thrown himself across the threshold of that city of refuge, he has a strong consolation.
He has God's word and he has that high Priest who's already entered.
The brother once said to me that.
I believe is in a meeting, he said. I believe the meaning of this passage is like this.
He said I used to operate a sailing ship.
And we used to fish in the northern waters.
And he said, sometimes when we went into the harbor, it was between the rocks and if the wind was up, we couldn't get in.
We'd send a little boat in with a man with a line, and he'd fasten the line to a rock and then we would guide the ship in, he said. That's what this means.
There's a man, beloved, who's gone on high. Jesus, the most precious name that's ever been on human lips. Jesus.
He's on high now. God has sworn with an oath. Will it ever change?
No God is sworn. Beside that He's given us his precious word. We have a strong consolation.
Who have fled for refuge. That's perfection in Hebrews, to have the heart fixed on that one who's already in the in the highest place, God is setting there a man.
We have a few minutes left.
Perhaps we can be brief.
We were singing at the beginning of the meeting.
That lovely hymn.
Soon will the master come, soon pass away, our times of conflict brief and suffering here.
It brings to mind.
A few passages of Scripture, and will be very brief with them.
And possibly you may be able, in your own meditation, to look further at them.
First of all in Philippians chapter 4.
And verse 4.
In the Lord all the way and again I say rejoice.
But your moderation be known unto all men, the Lord is at hand.
Be careful for nothing.
But in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving.
Let your requests be made known unto God, and the peace of God which passes all understanding.
Sure, keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
I suppose we could spend a whole hour on that, but we won't do it.
Just to point out.
That these words that we have read and follow.
The Apostle Speaking of those who had differences of opinion.
But, you know, with each one of us.
I'm sure that the many here just like myself.
If somebody differs with me, this order hurts my feelings.
We're disappointed in our brother or our sister because they don't agree with us.
We can rejoice in the Lord.
Under any circumstances, all circumstances, we can rejoice in the Lord.
And in the fifth verse let's you're yielding this.
There should be, I believe, be known unto all men.
What difference does it make when you get to the glory?
Whether I am right or my brother was right.
Is it going to make any difference within our joy and the glory?
In our apprehension of the Lord up there.
In his presence.
As another brother put it.
What difference does a little bit of time down here in this world make?
How long is 3040 fifty years down here compared with an unending eternity?
Be careful for nothing.
Don't get disturbed by these things.
No, the Lord's coming, the Lord's at hand, and while we hear the Lord is here. Do.
Undertake Boris. But the Lord is coming, and when he comes, these things are all going to be settled.
So, brethren, forest down here. Is it not well to let our mildness?
Our yearliness be known at all.
Now let's turn to.
Verse 11.
And that knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep, for now is our salvation nearer than when we believe.
The night is far spent. The day is at hand. Let us therefore cast off the works of darkness.
And let us put on the armor of light, let us walk honestly, as in the day, and so on.
Soon will Master come.
If high, time to awake out of sleep.
And I believe it's been the theme of our meetings.
It's high time to awake out of sleep.
Brethren, we have gone to sleep.
As far as the Lord's glory is concerned.
We have become indifferent.
To the coldness coming in amongst us.
But our salvation is nearer than when we believe.
The master is coming.
It may be yet.
The most far spent.
The Lord is just at the door.
The day is at hand. Let's cast off the works of darkness.
But on the Armor of Light, they walk honestly down here in this world.
We have a testimony.
Toward this world.
It may be good or it may not be good. Let's walk honestly.
For all.
These things which are dishonouring to the Lord.
Let's go on a separation from the world and the works of the world.
And let us have a becoming walk.
Separation and a becoming walk for the time that is still left us here in this world.
Now in First Peter chapter 4.
Verse 7.
The end of all things.
Is at hand.
Be therefore sober and watch unto prayer.
The time is coming when God is going to call into account for all that has been done.
For this world, yes.
But for you and me, dear fellow Christian, the day is coming when our Lord Jesus Christ is going to evaluate.
All that we have done in our pathway down here in this world.
Isn't it a sobering thought?
To think.
All that we have done.
All that we have said, all that we have thought.
Is going to come up in review before our Lord Jesus Christ.
The one who died for us.
The one who Jehovah was so much that it cost him.
To cleanse us from our sins to redeem us.
We're going to give an account to him.
For all things.
Let us be sober.
Let our time spent down here being soberness and independence on him, for without him we can do nothing.
Just one more and then we'll close.
Revelation Chapter 22.
The end of verse 10.
The time is at hand.
He that is unjust, let him be unjust still.
And he would just filthy let him be filthy still.
And he that is righteous, let him be righteous still.
And he that is holding.
Let him be holy still, and behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me to give every man according at his work shall be.
The time is at hand.
How long will it be before the Lord covers for you and me?
Time is at hand.
All the time has come and may yet be with us today.
When there will be no more opportunity to serve the Lord.
No more opportunity to do that. We're just pleasing to him.
Time is coming.
When those who are filthy are going to be filthy still, those who are unjust are going to be unjust still.
But also.
Those who are the righteous will be righteous still, or may we be counted among those.
Who in that day will be found righteous may be with us so now there'll be no change when the Lord comes.
That will be the end of our pathway of service down here when the Lord Jesus comes.
He that is holy, let him be holy still. Everything will be fixed in that day.
Whether it be for those who are the Lords or for those who are left behind for judgment.
May there be none here who are left behind in that day, but the time is at hand.
Let's be looking for let us be in the state of expectancy.
And faithfulness to our Lord.