From so Great a Death. "A Story of the Birkenhead."

 •  5 min. read  •  grade level: 8
ATOUCHING story of youthful heroism has been recently recorded of a young officer of the Highland Light Infantry, Alexander Cumine Russell, who willingly gave his life when that noble vessel the Birkenhead struck the rocks. Russell, who was but seven teen, was ordered into one of the boats, for the purpose of commanding it, and he sat with dimmed eyes in the stern, some distance from the doomed ship, watching the forms of his beloved comrades, standing upright on deck. He saw the shin go down, carrying with it hundreds of brave hearts. He saw those fearful creatures of the deep seizing their prey and heard the scream: of scores of Kumar. beings, as they were torn to pieces by sharks.
Then just when all for him was safe, he saw a sailor’s form rise close to the boat, and a hand strive to grasp the side. There was not room it the craft for a single per son more, without great risk of upsetting the boat. But as the sailor’s face rose close at the boat’s side, a woman in the craft called out in agony, “Save him! save him! He is my husband” Russell looked at the woman, then at her children, then at that sailor struggling in the waves, his eyes beseeching help, then at the sharks feasting on every hand.
He arose, and with a bold plunge jumped clear of the boat, and helped the drowning sailor into what had been his own place—a place of safety. Then amidst a chorus of “God bless you!” from those in the boat, the young officer turned round to meet his death. Many in the boat closed their eyes in prayer: when they opened them Alexander Cumine Russell was nowhere to be seen. Wonderful love! for one man to give his life for another. Pure human pity and grace, for the rescued sailor had no claim whatever: but brave Alexander Cumine Russell voluntarily took the fatal leap, he rescued the dying man, and then fell a prey to the sharks: he dared to die for his fellow man.
Does not this stirring story illustrate a deed still more pathetic? Ah, yes! It reminds those who are saved of the stupendous grace of the Captain of their salvation. He beheld them from His lofty throne, tossed to and fro on the angry billows of sin, and knowing that they were hopeless wrecks, unable to save themselves, and that soon they would sink beneath the angry waves and be eternally lost, He, the Lord of life and glory, left His throne above, and passed into the surging waters of death, exclaiming, “All Thy waves and Thy billows have gone over Me.” He came just where they were, stretched out His hand to rescue, lifted them from the tempest, and put them in His own place of eternal safety. Not for the angels, not for His friends, but, O wondrous love, for His enemies! Well may they say, as they meditate upon such an exhibition of grace, as feelings of reverential awe fill their souls, and gratitude possesses their hearts, “We love Him, because He first loved, gave Himself, and died for us.”
You, dear unsaved one, are perishing in the waters of sin. You may not realize it, but it is nevertheless true, that the waves of self-righteousness, ignorance, or gross outward sin, are carrying you on their whited crests; their movements may be gentle at first, and the sensation somewhat pleasing: but, alas! you are drifting on, on, on to eternal death.
The time comes when you awake to your peril, and your heart fails as you see the waves of sin rising mountains high. There is a lingering hope in your breast. See, the unwreckable lifeboat of salvation draws near, a hand is stretched forth to rescue you. It is the almighty Hand of the Saviour, for you can see the print of the nails thereon. Do you hesitate to take it? Does your confidence in His willingness to save you falter? Do you doubt His power? Whilst He is so nigh, stretch out the hand of faith to grasp the Saviour’s once-wounded hand, and cry with all the earnestness of a drowning man, “Lord, save me, or I perish!” The moment you do so you are caught in that all-powerful grasp, the Infinite holds the finite, the Strong holds the weak, and you are saved with an everlasting salvation.
Beyond life’s surging billows those thus rescued will ultimately pass, to be forever with their great Deliverer: and if the terrible past is remembered at all, it will be to cause unceasing praise to flow from the raptured heart to the One Who gave His precious life to deliver from so great a death.
Millions have been rescued, who are now safely landed in the haven of rest, the harbor of unruffled calm. Thousands are living who can testify to the reality of their deliverance. Sinner, the Almighty Deliverer is nigh thee: note His pitying eye, see His outstretched arms, which manifest a fulness of love, beyond the fulness of the mighty ocean. O trust Him now, let the language of your heart be—
“I yield!
I can hold out no more,
I sink by dying love compelled,
And own Thee Conqueror.”
Brave Alexander Cumine Russell died for one: Jesus Christ died for all. He was but a man: Jesus Christ was God manifest in the flesh. His was great human love; Jesus Christ’s was almighty Divine love. This love He desires to confer upon you. Oh, avail yourself of it by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ—
“Who died on the tree,
And wrought a Salvation, O sinner, for thee.”
A. G.