Here we find death coming in, with Adam on the earth as we know it. Paul speaks of him as the progenitor of the human race, and also speaks of his transgression as recorded in Gen. 3. If the evolutionist is right, Paul is utterly wrong. If one part of God's word is wrong what reliance can be placed on the Word of God as a whole? Absolutely none.
All this is untrue if evolution is true. Our plain choice is between God's revelation and fallen man's guesses and unproved hypotheses setting it aside. It is, guerre a outrance. The issue is plain and clear and vital.
Of course, if Adam did not exist neither did Seth nor a long list of names given us in the genealogy of our Lord. That the genealogy is correct, say from Abraham downwards we suppose even the evolutionists would allow. Allow the evolutionists, for one moment, to be correct, where does, in the genealogy of our Lord, fable cease and reality begin? We prefer the dignity of the Bible narrative. No other book of similar antiquity in the world has anything approaching the dignity and correctness of the Bible in the creation story. The happenings in the six days of Gen. 1 answer to the evidence of the rocks in paleontology. Indeed in every case where fresh light has been flung upon any discrepancy between the Bible and science, the Bible has been without one exception always right. This being so, how easy is it to understand that it is correct as to the genealogy of man.