To those who bow to Scripture this one verse demolishes the evolutionary theory. It says distinctly the flesh of man is different from the flesh of the beast, and the anthropoid ape is a beast.
This is confirmed in Genesis 1 where the formula -" after his kind "—is repeated ten times. It is applied to the vegetable kingdom in verse ii, to the marine world in verse 21, and again to the winged fowl in the same verse, and finally to the beasts of the earth and cattle and everything that creepeth upon the earth in verse 25. Why " after his kind "? That clearly leaves room for each species. The lion does not mate with the tigress. The eagle does not consort with the goose. The wasp does not breed with the bee. The only hybrids in creation are of man's arrangement and they are sterile, and come to naught. " After his kind " is stamped upon creation. It shuts out the transmutation theory, it destroys evolution.
But when we come to the creation of man we do not read the words " after his kind." Why? Because man is man and only man. In the animal creation we have the canine species, including the wolf, the fox, the jackal, the dog, etc., and the feline species, including the lion, the tiger, the panther, the cat, etc., etc., but man is man wherever he is found. He may be black or white, just as you may have a black horse or a white horse. His hair may be straight or woolly, just as you may have a dog with straight hair and another with woolly hair, but man is man wherever he is found. There is only one species of man, though several varieties, as white, black, copper-colored. How comes it that Moses made no mistake? We answer, Only by inspiration of God.
No human being witnessed creation, so any account of it, to be true, must be inspired of God. And it is reasonable to suppose that God who gave man language, and the power to read and write, communicated to man those things which were necessary to his understanding and happiness.