IT is not only me grown-up people who are proud and self-righteous. Sometimes, alas, little children are so foolish as to think they are so very good that even God must be pleased with them I once knew a very self-righteous little boy; when he prayed at night he used to tell God about other people’s sins, but never say a word about his own.
One day when he was about three years old, he was playing in the sitting-room near his aunt when he accidentally threw down her Bible. She said to him, “Pick it up.” “Why, what is it?” he said. “It is God’s Holy Book.” Taking the Bible up again, and pretending to read it, he said, “God says I am a very good little boy.”
You see what he thought God would say of him, and perhaps you may think He would say the same to you, so I want to tell you what God really says in His Word to us―to me and to you. He says, “There is none good, no, not one”; and these words take us all in, whether we are old or young.
C. E. H.