TEACHER, who holds the sky up?” asked a little girl of her governess.
“God holds it up, Georgiana,” was the answer, Georgie thought a moment, and thee said, “Why, teacher how His arm must ache!”
Now I wonder if any of the dear children who read FAITHFUL WORDS have ever had a similar thought to that of little Georgie. But God is never weary. We know that God does not hold up the sky by His arm, but by His word. Let me try to show you how God holds up His people.
I have no doubt some of you often go for long walks with your parents; and sometimes the road is rough, and the stones hurt your feet, and you grow very tired. Then, will not your father take you up in his arms and carry you? With your father’s strong arm under you, you soon feel rested and happy. Now, that is just what often happens to the dear little one who love the Lord and try to follow Him. The road of life is long and rough to them, and sometimes they feel tired and unhappy, then they ask God, their heavenly Father, to help them, He holds them up, and, by His Spirit, speaks lovingly to them, and so makes His little ones rested and happy.
I daresay some of you have watched your little baby sister trying to walk. Her steps are very unsteady, and the nurse goes in front of her with her arms held out, and if baby seems near falling, nurse catches her and holds her up. Now, when little children first try to walk in the way of the Lord their steps are very feeble. Satan also comes and tries to make them naughty children. He tempts them to be disobedient or unkind, or idle, and if they bad no one to help them they would fall. But there is one very near to them, and always watching them. It is Jesus who succors His people when they need help. He puts His strong arms round them and holds them, and keeps them from falling.
My dear little readers, are God’s arms round you? Some of you can tell me what a joyful thing it is, for you know His love and care. Trust Him always, and you will always be happy. But to those of you who have never felt God’s arms round you, who do not know. His love and His care, I must say that you can never be happy till you are safe in God’s keeping. You are sinners, but God is waiting and willing to forgive you, and to wash away all your sins in Jesus’ blood. Come to Him, then, dear children, and you will understand what is meant by these, His words, “Underneath are the Everlasting Arms.”
H. A. I. S. M.