Would we not enjoy viewing this beautiful scene! How majestic are the mountains, and calm the lake that lies in the valley.
How grand His work was in forming mountains, hills, trees, rocks, sun, moon, stars, etc. He made the world before He made the first man, Adam,
But, dear children, God’s greatest work was in sending His holy, beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, into this wicked sin-defiled world to die on the cross for sinners, and to bear the judgment from a righteous God against sin, that all deserved, in order to save all those who put their trust in as their own Saviour.
Do you know Him as your Saviour and Lord? He came clown from heaven to suffer and die for you. He went to that shameful cross, and laid down His life, because He loved you. There is no other way for you to be saved, but through Him, who gave Himself a sacrifice for sin. Do take Him now as your own dear loving Saviour, and when He comes to call all of His own who have accepted Him, to meet Him in the air, to live with Him, in His bright Home forever, you will be among the number.
ML 01/23/1944