These sheep look so white and clean in the snow, and they have nice warm coats of wool and will not stiffer from the cold. Some shepherds name their sheep, and after awhile each one learns its name; and when it is called, at once runs to its shepherd in answer to its call.
The Lord Jesus knows the name of each one of his sheep and lambs, as He speaks of those who have put their trust in Him, those who accept Him as their own Saviour.
The little children He calls His lambs,
Are you one of Jesus’ little lambs? You are His, if you know Him as your own dear Saviour.
I am Jesus’ Lamb;
O, how safe I am,
Folded by His strong, kind arm,
I can never suffer harm.
Jesus left His throne,
And to earth came down;
Came to seek and save the lost,
Though His precious blood it cost.
I was full of sin,
Very black within;
Jesus’ blood has washed me now
Whiter than the whitest snow.
All along the way,
Lest my feet should stray,
He, the tender Shepherd, leads,
And His little lamb He feeds.
When His home I share,
In the glory fair,
Then my lips will sing His praise
Evermore through endless days.
ML 01/16/1944