God's Eternal Counsels #2: The Bride's Heart and Head

Address—Dave Spence
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Like to turn to Ephesians Chapter 3?
Ephesians chapter 3 and verse 8.
Unto me who am less than the least of All Saints, is this grace given.
That I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ.
And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery which from the beginning of the world hath been hidden, God, who created all things by Jesus Christ.
To the intent that now under the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the Church, the manifold wisdom of God, according to the eternal purpose which He purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord.
In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him. Wherefore I desire that ye faint not at my tribulations for you which is your glory. For this 'cause I bow my knees under the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his spirit in the inner man.
That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith.
That he, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with All Saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height, and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge.
That you might be filled with all the fullness of God.
Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask, or think according to the power that worketh in us, unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus, throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.
I therefore the prisoner of the Lord beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation, wherewith ye are called, with all lowliness and meekness, with long-suffering, forbearing one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit and the bond of peace. There is one body and one spirit, even as you are called in one hope of your calling.
We had before us yesterday, beloved and I.
I know we rushed over some of those verses in the first chapter, but it had to do with the counsels of God in Christ concerning a bride for his Son, the purpose and counsels of God concerning a bride for his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
They are councils that he has made known to you, as we mentioned, and it says in the first chapter that he has abounded toward us in all wisdom.
Having made known the mystery of his will, and when it speaks of the mystery in Scripture, it's not something mysterious.
Necessarily it's something as we've had before us in the third chapter, that was hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ, but through the instrumentality of Paul, this mystery concerning Christ and his church or bride.
It's been made known because the Lord committed the preaching of it to the beloved apostle Paul. He was the channel, the instrumentality that God used to present such a a beautiful and a marvelous truth.
And fact, if you please, concerning what he plans.
And has planned to do in an eternity past.
This involves you and me, and as we've read together this afternoon, it's something that involves, not just.
Facts and doctrine, but it attaches itself and should, to our hearts.
We had in the first chapter the many spiritual blessings and there are 8 if you'd like to count them verses one through 13.
You can search that over in your own private time and there discover approximately 8. You might find some more, I don't know, but I have enjoyed 8 spiritual blessings that do not depend upon wealth or health or nationality or whatever your background is. Your abilities, your intelligence to be blessed by them because they are given to you by the God of all, grace.
And the God who is love because his desire is to dispense upon you, you who believe those wonderful spiritual blessings that are not material blessings. We look for materialistic things in the world all around us. And with Israel it was a material kind of blessing. They could look at the beautiful temple and all of the the order and ritualism that went with it.
And it was very, very beautiful and sensational to the heart.
But it was of God.
But today we worship God in spirit and in truth. Our blessings are not in the world. Although the Lord may bless us with things that He entrusts to us our blessings, we know very well and we've heard many times our heavenly blessings, and our brother reminded us of them this morning.
Our Calling is a heavenly calling, and you know that heavenly calling.
That we've been called to.
We may be fully in the enjoyment of it by the time this day is over.
Is it something that is important for us to consider to get hold of?
How would it be if I told you the story yesterday about this little boy who had been adopted into a very wealthy sovereigns family, and he used to hold up his rags over his beautiful suit that he wore once he had been adopted into this family. And he shed tears of joy thinking of the riches that were now his.
But how would it have been if we look at the other side of it, if his adoptive father would sit down with him?
And tell him all that he had planned to do for him a long time ago, to adopt him into his family and to bless him with all of the riches, and he'd have all the food that he'd ever want, and the clothing and the relationships in a kingly family.
And he got up and said.
Well, is that all? Can I go out and play now?
You know how that strikes.
The heart of our Father, which is in heaven. When we are disinterested, we may have said attentively and listen, but really in heart we're disinterested in all of the planning and the councils that He has made concerning you and me, that we might be the closest ones to his Son in heaven. And that's what the bride is, the very closest one, we might say, the very closest partner. In fact, she is one with her husband, with the bridegroom.
And in Ephesians chapter 5 it says that for this cause, verse 31, a man should leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they shall be 1 flesh.
This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the Church. Now there are two verses that show you.
That the Church is going to be the bride of Christ and our brother referred to another verse in Revelation chapter 21. I believe it was this morning that speaks of the lamb's wife and the bride in one verse.
The wife or the bride is considered to be one with her bridegroom, to be a companion with him, to share in all of his interests.
And wealth, activities, pleasures and joys.
All of those things. And beloved, this is the aspect of the bride.
Today we're going to be occupied a little bit for justice, a few moments with the heart of the bride.
And her head or headship we have in Chapter 4.
And some of you, I don't know, may be engaged. I don't know that, but I know that there have been some here that have been engaged in years past and we have spoke to them concerning her engagement or their engagement.
It's very difficult to talk about other subjects to one who's engaged to one whose heart is taken up with her bridegroom. Not true. And sometimes you get a little bit perturbed, maybe because they can't talk about other things. It's just difficult to get them on other subjects that might be of an interest to you because their heart is truly involved and taken up.
With love.
In the first chapter we ended with a prayer of the Apostle Paul.
Who prayed that we might?
Know the things that God is going to give us and by way of the inheritance.
That we might know these things, and he doesn't necessarily pray. That we might have them, because we all will have them. They are ours. And we heard again this morning that because of the ceiling of the Spirit and the fact that we are already a purchased possession because of the redemptive work of Christ, we've been brought into the family, and we are just as good as having been delivered to heaven already.
You see, So what we need is the power.
So to speak, to to enjoy what God has given us by way of an inheritance and a heavenly calling, a position that we have, that we might know what the hope of Our Calling is. To be with Christ in glory, and that we might know what the riches of the glory of His inheritance is in the Saints. He is going to take his inheritance with his bride.
And in chapter 2, he's occupied with the work that he has gone to with an envied believer to bring them into the church, Jew and Gentile alike, to break down the middle wall of partition so there could be one body.
One body. And now the practice of that, where the body is considered to be a habitation of God by the Spirit. As our brother mentioned this morning, the Spirit of God dwells corporately or collectively in the assembly, not just in what we consider to be the assembly, but the whole body of Christ on the earth. But in chapter 4 it's the practice of that.
There is one body by the Holy Spirit that can never be broken.
But do we keep the unity of the spirit, Beloved?
Is it a desire that there might be a oneness of Christ in his church maintained, and if so, how important is that to each one of us?
Is it important that there is a oneness maintained in a marriage relationship?
Or should there be divided pathways?
It is something that the Bride should be concerned with owning the headship.
That is in the home as our brother brought before us again this morning.
That is what it means, very simply, to keep the unity of the spirit.
The body has a head in heaven and we are going to speak a little bit more about that later and we will close with that, but right now we are occupied with the most blessed subject and it is wonderful to consider.
In thinking about the mystery, it was hid in God before.
The church age, but revealed through the apostle Paul, as we have in verse 3, how that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery. And because of Paul's preaching of the mystery which was Jews and Gentiles being brought into one body, it brought awful persecution to the beloved Apostle Paul, so he says.
The first verse for this cause I Paul the prisoner of Jesus Christ. He does not say I am the prisoner of those officials in Jerusalem or in Rome.
I am the prisoner of Jesus Christ. He took his circumstances from the Lord, and through those circumstances we are able to hold in our hands a volume today of his letters that are so rich with the inspiration.
Of God, because they speak to us today as well as to the beloved Saints and a day gone by.
But now we have read a prayer in this chapter that does not, so to speak.
Show us the power that will be exercised towards us in a coming day, that we might inherit all things, all created things with the bridegroom, but here it's that we might be.
In the enjoyment of his love.
You know, if we just read the first chapter and we didn't have this chapter, which is really a parenthesis between chapter two and four.
It would go right into our heads, it would be knowledge that would be very wonderful.
But we really would not have perhaps the right balance.
Upon the subject of the inheritance that we consider in the first chapter, and that all things will be gathered together in Christ, in the Christ. And remember that's.
The Lord Jesus Christ, the Bridegroom, and the Church His Bride spoken of there.
Chapter 10 of the first chapter or verse 10 of the first chapter.
But what we need, beloved, is what Paul prays for here. And it says in verse 16 that he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his spirit in the inner man, and wherever he speaks of the riches of his glory. It's not so much the thought of meeting our need as sinners. Now we have that. I believe it was in verse 6, verse seven of the first chapter, when it speaks in whom we have redemption through his blood.
Even the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of His grace, that's meeting our need. The riches of His glory have to do with our association with Him in the inheritance that's coming.
I read a story of a girl who was in the Midwest and she'd been separated from her family. She had run away and become very unhappy and had not contacted her family that was very wealthy for many years and her parents died and they left an inheritance for her. An only child and her parents were multi millionaires. They looked for her for months and months and months and they finally found her.
And told her of all that she had of all of her possessions.
And all of this greatness that was hers.
She didn't even know.
That she was entitled to such an inheritance. She wasn't in the enjoyment of all of these riches and the blessings of these material things.
Oh, she took them very gladly. But I wonder if our hearts are a lot like her concerning the spiritual.
Element The spiritual inheritance.
That we should be in the enjoyment of.
And This is why we need to be strengthened, strengthened with might by His spirit and the inner man. We have food, and we've just enjoyed it for strengthening our bodies.
But may the Lord direct our hearts into the love of God through the Scriptures and by the Holy Spirit that we have before us this morning to connect our hearts and communion with the Lord Jesus Christ.
That we might be strengthened in the inner man.
And notice what the next verse says, that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith, that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with All Saints, and so forth.
You see, what happens is, as our brother mentioned this morning in John Chapter 16, the Spirit of God has come to guide us into all truth.
He will not speak of himself. He would show you things to come.
But he would glorify none other than the Lord Jesus Christ.
Do you ever read the scripture just for information or knowledge or because it's the thing to do? There's no nothing wrong with reading the scriptures.
But may we read the word of God so that the Spirit of God can take the word of God?
And set Christ before us in such a way that our hearts are raptured with His love.
2nd Corinthians chapter 3, verse 17, As a brother stated once is one of the most wonderful verses in scripture. We all with open face or unveiled face beholding the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.
This is how we truly prosper in reading the Scriptures having Christ before us. Whether it's in a prophetic way, whether it's in practical ministry, or whether it's in doctrine, Christ is always preeminently, so to speak, by the Spirit set before our hearts.
And when this happens.
What does the Spirit of God affect within us?
When Mary sat at the feet of Jesus.
What happened to her heart, beloved?
We had before us this morning in the prayer meeting with some of the brothers and sisters, how that Abraham sat in his tent door, no doubt meditating on the things of the Lord.
And it created an effect in his heart, because when he saw these messengers come.
And one of them was the Lord himself.
He ran to meet them.
It created a spontaneity of.
Desire to be in the presence of the Lord. And that's exactly what happened to Mary when she sat at Jesus feet at the end of Luke chapter 10.
We found that her sister was a little bit agitated because she said.
Of something to the Lord about her sister helping her. And Jesus said to Martha, Thou art troubled about many things.
But Mary has chosen that good part that shall not be taken away from her now that preceded John Chapter 12, where she opened up that alabaster box of ointment, and poured it upon the head of Jesus. Now she had no doubt saved that for her bridegroom.
She had probably spent a lot of money about a year's wages, they say, on a box that was of that size.
But she found her bridegroom beloved.
And he was filling her heart.
Sometimes a sister may feel that because she is not married, she's not a complete woman.
And some of you feel that way. Have you ever felt that way that if you end up maybe being single the rest of your life, you will not be a complete woman? Let me ask you a question. Was Mary a complete woman?
Was the Apostle Paul a complete man?
I believe sometimes the enemy can speak words to you that you may feel deprived of a blessing.
Because you haven't met anyone yet.
For marriage partner.
Whether a young man or a young lady.
And in First Corinthians Chapter 7, it says there that the married man careth for the things of his wife how he may please her.
And it's a little bit of a deterrent in his service to the Lord, undoubtedly, is a thought.
But he that is unmarried careth for the things of the Lord, how she may serve him, or he may serve him.
Have you ever put yourself dear young man, dear young lady, brother or sister?
In that chapter, and Justice looked up and thanked the Lord for the relationship you have with him.
That makes you a complete person, complete, blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in Christ. There it all is. The problem is.
We wax wanton against Christ. Now that's Speaking of the widows, the younger widows and Timothy, where after their husbands died or passed away for whatever reason, they waxed wanton against Christ, and it says there that they married.
In other words, there was something that came in to hinder the feeling and joy that should have been theirs as the bride of Christ that would cause them to be in the complete joy of a relationship with Him, recognizing they are a complete person in Christ.
If Christ is dwelling in our hearts, we will have the same response as Mary had, who sat at the feet of Jesus. And then she just poured that ointment that she had saved for her earthly bridegroom. We might say she had saved it for that occasion, meeting that one that would win her heart and take her heart away, and she would marry this one.
She found one that whose love far surpassed any love she could find in a human relationship.
May the Lord so bless each one of you in that regard.
That's what we might call bridal affections.
She was lost in wonder, love and praise, and so much so that when the others spoke against her for wasting this ointment, she didn't say a word.
But the Lord Jesus did. He defended her.
He said that will be spoken in the Gospels in the ages, in the in the time to come, the act that this woman has done upon me.
What really counts in our lives? Beloved young friends.
Having those bridal affections was the apostle Paul or Mary?
Two special instruments that were so unique that they had this, this joy and this communion in their lives that no one else can have.
If you read verse 20 of this chapter, it makes it very clear that is not true.
Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask, or think, according to the power that worketh in US.
In other words, there is a power through the Holy Spirit if the Spirit of God is ungrieved in our lives.
If there is no hindrance between our souls and the Lord Jesus Christ, nothing between my soul and the Savior, as the little hymn says.
And we are seeking him as David sought the Lord, because he was a man.
After the Lord's own heart, and though David stumbled and fell, and he had faults.
The Lord speaks of him as one who sought him in his life.
And he loved the Lord, and he sat before the Lord in his presence.
And when we get that word sitting, that simply means get into a position or a posture.
In your home, Oregon, whoever it might be, where you can.
Sit before the Lord in complacency, that is.
To put all other things, responsibilities, demands upon your mind and time out of your mind so that you can just enjoy the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want He maketh me to lie down.
In green pastures.
Lying down in green pastures is not just a hurried verse.
Or a hurried chapter. It's spending time.
With one that loves you far above anyone else in this world.
And that you may be able to comprehend with All Saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height.
I know the hymn that we sang together and oftentimes we are applying this verse to the love of God and I would not want to destroy that thought.
But here I believe that it's once we are so overwhelmed with this relationship we have with the Bridegroom himself and our hearts are in love. Because for eternity we will before be before him in love, as we had in the first chapter, holy without blame before him in love, and our song even will be unto him that loved us and gave himself for us.
But that's preparatory to this verse.
So that we might be able to comprehend, in other words, when our hearts are bursting with joy and Thanksgiving and praise and communion.
As it says in the Song of Solomon, for I am sick of love, that means here is one who is really in love.
Then we can be occupied with this marvelous inheritance that has been given to us, and this is what the Spirit of God is strengthening our hearts for.
Not just that Christ might dwell in our hearts. That's marvelous, and that's perhaps the greatest blessing. And then he brings in the other that we might know the breadth and length and depth and height.
And then it says. And then to know the love of Christ.
The breadth might bring in all of the Saints.
All of the Saints.
And the.
The length from the ages to ages, and the depth he picked us up from the miry clay, so to speak, and the height he's raised us to sit as Princess to inherit the throne of glory.
And all of creation.
Everything has been created by him and for him. Without him was nothing that was created, that was created. He will inherit it all, but he wants our hearts first of all to be filled with this marvelous love the person is brought before us to indwell us, to fill us.
And then he speaks of the breadth and length and depth and height, and then to know the love of Christ.
So we have the person first of all in the 17th verse brought before us.
And being rooted and grounded in love.
Then the ability to take in the property that's going to be ours with Christ.
And then the love emphasized a love that passes knowledge in verse 19, that you might be filled with all of the fullness of God. And it is the desire, I believe, of all of our hearts to want the best out of life.
In John chapter one it says that you might be of his fullness. Have we all received and grace upon grace?
And that is when the riches of Christ himself, the person and his love fill our hearts.
We will let go of anything here that is a deterrent to our following Christ.
Mary had let go of everything because she had found one that had won her heart.
Completely, completely.
When you come to that, when we come to that point in our lives, and we trust that each one of us will be influenced in that direction through these meetings this year.
We're coming to the fullness of God.
There can't be anymore.
There cannot be anything in this world that could ever satisfy us. We know that because.
When we try them, we want more. And it's the same with every activity that we take up in this world or a relationship that we might take up. It's dissatisfying in the end.
And in John chapter four we find a woman who was dissatisfied with five men that she had had a relationship with until she found Jesus. And then she found one that so filled her heart she even forgot her water pot and ran back into the city and said come and see a man that told me all things that ever I did Is this not the Christ?
As our brother mentioned, are we healing out broken cisterns? Are we starting to go down a pathway that can take us away from the Lord Jesus Christ, the one who is the fullness of God because he is the one who manifested the love of God in perfection?
And the fullness of God no doubt has to do with that divine love, the quality of of love. It's divine.
But now unto him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think.
The Spirit of God is the one that has been sent down as we have before us in John Chapter 14. I will not leave you comfortless, I will come to you.
The world seeth me no more, but ye see me. How do we see the Lord today? By faith, yes, but by the Spirit of God.
And if the Spirit of God is grieved in our lives, we cannot effectively.
Be in the enjoyment of Hebrews chapter 12, verse two. And you know what that verse is beloved perhaps?
Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and set down on the right hand of the throne of God.
We must have our vision clear. He must fill our vision if anyone else or anything else does, if it gets in the way of him.
It's going to rob us.
Of the joy of the Lord and Him dwelling in our hearts, not just for a visit. He doesn't want just a visit, He wants to dwell in our hearts.
Will you and I seek the Lord that way being?
A part of his bride.
What should our hearts be as the bride of Christ? Who should be filling our hearts as the bride of Christ? Who should be filling your heart if you're engaged to 1 to be married? Who was filling Rebecca's heart as she followed the servant? Who is a picture of the Spirit of God?
Across that desert to meet her bridegroom, who was filling her heartless. The servant no doubt saw to it that it was Isaac that was filling her heart.
And she was leaving everything behind in just a moment, she says. I will go with this man.
Have you said that I will go with the Lord Jesus Christ? You are saved and you're delivered from the penalty of your sins. So that's wonderful, But that's just being inside the door. Have you ever said, I will go with this man, and then, forgetting the things which are behind you, press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ, with Christ as the goal before your heart?
You pressed on. You've looked unto Jesus. You're following him. You're running after him.
As Abraham did from his tent door.
The Spirit of God would pour into your heart the fresh testimonies of the moral excellencies of the Lord Jesus Christ, all of his beauties and glories he sets before you. And he says here this is enough for you.
The one who loved you and gave himself for you.
The bride and the Song of Solomon said, Let him kiss me.
Let him kiss me.
You see, she had been assured of a relationship with him, and maybe you are assured of a relationship with Jesus.
But have you ever said that in a spiritual way? Have I ever let him?
Kiss me.
For thy love is better than any earthly joy, or better than wine.
He is beloved.
What is our Christianity? Is it just following rules?
Falling following a regimented way of living that is a good exterior.
You have a good external moral code of living, and you follow the New Testament.
For your life.
The two that were on the road to Emmaus were discouraged. Maybe you're discouraged. Maybe you've fallen into the trap of some sin.
But by the time the Lord Jesus Christ had revealed himself to them.
They had turned around and started to go back to Jerusalem.
To the believers there. And they said, Did not our heart burn within us as he spoke to us, by the way?
He will give you a burning heart. He can.
Mary and the Apostle Paul, They have no corner on the truth as to who Christ was and what he could do for them.
And all of the others who have shown such bridal affections, so to speak.
As the centuries have gone by, we're living in days of Laodicean history, we might say, in the church, where it's the people's rights and Christ has been dethroned from my heart.
From our hearts.
Where in Philadelphia Jesus was on the throne.
And self was displaced.
And how much influence everything around us has to that extent to dethrone the Lord Jesus Christ, the bridegroom?
From our hearts.
And at the end of Revelation Chapter 3, in the end of Laodicea, just before he comes for us, and it could be tonight, we find the bridegroom knocking at the door of the hearts of his own.
He wants to fill your heart, beloved. Nothing else can. Just to mention a little bit about the first couple 3 verses of Chapter 3 and we're finished.
The end of chapter three, we have the occupation of the heart.
The heart being filled with the person and the love of Christ, which is all the fullness of God.
That precedes.
The practice of keeping the unity of the spirit.
We heard the this morning the Holy Spirit has come down into the world to join together all believers into one body.
And we see in the early chapters of Acts how they functioned as one body.
There was 1 spirit.
And they worship together as one, they work together as one, so that there was a tremendous impact in the community.
And the Lord Jesus Christ prayed for that. Now if he prayed for that, isn't it important beloved young people?
That we carry it out. I know that we say, well, the important thing is evangelism. That's very important, very important.
But Jesus prayed that they would all be one.
Even as I, Father, are in thee, and thou in me, that they may be one in us, that the world may know that thou hast sent me.
He prayed that they would be.
11 Well, you say we are one body.
And every believer in the world is part of that one body. It says so, right?
This chapter that we read together, There is one body. Yes, there is one body.
But how do we practice the unity of the spirit?
By answering the prayer of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Owning that, there is one head.
Owning that we are members one of another.
I do not have the right, nor am I entitled, to disconnect myself from the head. The body will always be one. There is nothing that can ruin the unity of the body. Nothing can destroy that. But the Church has failed miserably since the early days, miserably. And today it's in ruin.
That is the owning.
Of the.
The head of the body.
By the church.
If I had a paralyzed limb on my body, it would still be part of my body, would it not?
But it would not own the healthy articulation of my body. It would not receive instructions from the head. It was still be part of my body.
But it no longer would function according to the direction of the head.
Is it too late to practice that in the Church's history before Jesus comes? No.
It is not.
The scripture never gives us an alternative path to go down.
Thinking that, well, there's no use because of the failure that we see, even in the Assembly where this is sought to be carried out in some measure.
But we can practice it according to scripture that is separate from evil.
Two Timothy 2 clearly tells us, Let him that nameth the name of the Lord, depart from iniquity.
Separating from moral evil, doctrinal evil, division, and all of those things that break the unity of the Spirit is what we are enjoying to do. And I have seen and heard testimonies, and I know you have two of those who have had to stand alone with the Holy Spirit. They've had to stand alone. There has been no others to be associated with, gathered with, so to speak, around the person of Christ.
But eventually the Lord has led many.
To be gathered with others unto the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I will tell just a short story in closing and I trust my brother Paul over here won't mind. We were talking about it just a few moments ago, but I remember his father and the story that was told him who was a preacher of the gospel. He was a minister of a a very prominent church in the Orange County area, Southern California.
And he began having reading meetings in the church basement of Calvary Church of Placentia.
And as they begin to have reading meetings, they found that the complexion of things changed. He was not in command, so to speak. He had been directing things before, as as presiding over the the group. There he found that the Spirit of God began to work in and through the lives of others, and ministering to the needs of the Saints.
And he was displaced as presiding over this group. And they came to this conclusion. To make Long story short, the church held a board meeting, and Paul told me this just a little while ago, he said. They held a board meeting.
And they said either we have to get rid of you.
Or you're going to have to leave us.
If this is what you want for.
They gave him a rocking chair, retired him, and he was gathered to the precious name of the Lord Jesus Christ in Fullerton.
He took a backseat and owned Christ as the gathering center. Shall we pray?