Address—Dave Spence
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We turn first of all to.
First John Chapter 4.
For a verse or two.
Like to speak about just one little phrase?
And it is called in first John chapter 4 herein is love.
First, John 4.
Perhaps we could start with verse 9. Let's start with the end of verse 8, the end of verse 8.
You children here have probably started off your memorization, a program in your local Sunday school learning this three worded verse. God is love. Is there not a more wonderful verse you could ever memorize than that wonderful part of that verse?
God is love.
May that be impressed upon our hearts.
When we read the precious word of God, when we come together like this, and we speak of him so inadequately.
And we come together, gathered around the Lord Jesus Christ may be reminded of the cost of such love.
And that it can fill our hearts to overflowing. God is love, and here's what that love did. And this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sends His only begotten Son into the world.
That we might live through him.
Love produced from the heart of God, and that's his character. He is light and in him is no darkness at all. We read, I believe in the first chapter.
But this is God's primary supreme character dominating that blessed person.
In spite of what you and I deserved. In spite of where we were going.
And what we had done and what our lives have been and that we were at enmity with him.
And this was manifested the love of God toward us. God commendeth his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners.
Christ died for us.
That we might belong to him.
Not just a rescue program, beloved, but that we might be long to him.
Have you ever had that sense of belonging?
It wasn't long ago that the Lord just seemed to overwhelm me one night when I was feeling rather lonely.
And he just injected that little word belong. You belong.
To me.
You belong to him.
And it caused me to roll out of my bed and get on my knees and praise him for.
That sense in my soul he gave me, even though as far as he is concerned I belong. But to be in the enjoyment of it is what is so needed, and he knew that I needed it.
To have the sense of belonging to him. If you read the book of the Song of Solomon, that's what it was all about. The bride learning how much she was valued by the bridegroom, and that she belonged to him and how interested he was in every detail of her life. And that she would come to realize the full realization. And we never will in this world. We will in that coming day of how much she was loved. And he said to her, Thy love to me is better than wine.
But he had to fill her with his love 1St, and that's what he wants to do with you and me.
The next verse here in.
Is love.
Not that we love, We couldn't. We were enemies, beloved enemies, and alienated in our minds by wicked works. Could the law that God gave ever produce love, Never love The Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy strength, with all thy soul, with all thy mind? Could the natural heart do that? And God knew it because we were unlovely.
There was nothing good in us, There was number, life, or thought towards God at all, dead and trespasses and sins.
But here is love. Here it is.
Without this, we would be depraved and deprived of that love forever.
Can you imagine spending spending an endless eternity being unloved? Being at enmity? Gnashing your teeth towards God forever?
Not only, as we heard last night, in Eternal Abandonment.
Or confinement. That's bad enough in itself. But to be angry?
And weeping.
Well, for all eternity.
We cannot grasp what that is.
Until we consider.
What it was for him to love us and what it cost him.
To purchase us.
That we might be long to him.
Herein is love, not that we love God.
But that he loved us and sent his son.
What a gift.
Great was that love. God so loved the world and how easily we quote that verse and have for so many years. He so loved us and you can say he so loved me that he gave his only begotten son.
He was the only rescue means by which we could be snatched from as brands, from the burning, as the poor out of the dust.
And out of the dunghill and set as Princess to share that eternal glory with him.
Raised up from that horrible pit.
In order to appreciate that, we have to.
Come to the cross.
Therein is love.
Here in his love, not that we love God, but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the full answer to God for what we deserve, the satisfaction because of what divine justice.
And divine righteous wrath was going to be poured out upon our heads that we could never pay for for all eternity. Beloved, we could never pay for our sins.
For all eternity to go on and on and on in endless eternity and never be able to pay for our sins.
In the New Testament, the word is propitiation, which is satisfaction is a simple way of describing that word.
God provided a program because of his great heart of love.
In order to satisfy his heart, his claim against.
Sin he had to have it answered, for to his satisfaction and for his glory.
Oh, how far and how distant we get away from that simple fact. And that's what the gospel is about. Christ died for our sins as we had before yesterday. He was buried and rose again the 3rd day. According to the scriptures. That's God's love in its full bloom.
Let's turn to the Old Testament.
To Psalm, chapter 22.
The cost of that love?
And justice to make a few comments.
How can we ever describe what is contained in this blessed chapter?
But so many of us have been used to reading it for so many years, and I have been used to reading it since I was five or six years of age when my grandfather used to take.
To the Sunday School or to the Des Moines meetings?
I remember these verses never entered into them as to the meaning of them.
But notice what it says in the first verse. My God.
My God.
Why hast thou forsaken me?
Why art thou so far from helping me, and from the words of my roaring?
The Psalms. It's a beautiful book.
Brother Bruce has given us some wonderful ministry on this book, and there are some other books that are so wonderful won by Brother Bella.
Precious things that are contained in this book. And when you need comfort, when you're going through a trial or suffering in some way and your life becomes complicated, do we not just open this book to the middle of it sometimes and go to the Psalms? And we read a scripture like this? When my heart was overwhelmed within me that I came to the rock which is higher than I.
And he comforts us.
The Lord is my light and my salvation. Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life. Of whom shall I be afraid. Psalm 27, One.
My son memorized that verse on the day that he got saved.
And on and on and on through this book.
A book that also shows us the remnant in the coming day and what they are going to go through and how they are comforted by God and encouraged by Him in desperate kinds of circumstances yet to come upon that people, that remnant in Israel that will be real devoted to Him.
But also contained within this wonderful book of Psalms.
Are the sufferings of our Lord Jesus Christ.
In Psalm 102 it speaks about Jesus in his life here very simply as the afflicted 1.
It says there that my heart was smitten and withered like grass, so I forget to eat my bread.
That's fasting.
His heart was so burdened, no doubt not from just being alone in this world, but seeing the misery all around him and being in communion with his father about it. His heart was smitten. It was withered like grass so that he forgot to eat his bread. In fact, it says there he was like a Pelican. In the wilderness. A Pelican is normally a water bird.
But here's the Pelican in a wilderness out of its normal habitation in the wilderness.
And like an owl in the desert, that owl. In fact, I heard an owl up here the other night making a mournful noise in the dark.
He was a man of sorrows.
One time we read of he was a man of joy, of course, because he was in communion with his father.
But a man of sorrows?
Going through the darkness of this world on a pathway, he knew that led to the cross. In fact, his pathway began in Bethlehem, in a Manger, in a feeding trough.
And it ended on a cross, and in between he had nowhere to lay his head.
What a life.
And in Psalm 102 it says there that he hath shortened.
My days.
And he looked down upon the prisoner, upon the groaning of the prisoner.
So that he might set the prisoner free that was appointed to death, it is appointed unto man once to die, and after this the judgment.
But he came down to deliver the prisoner from that appointment with eternal damnation. Oh what love. He looked down and he saw it. And then he came down and he lived among.
Men here in this world, his heart.
So burdened with souls.
Meeting their need with his love.
A love that he knew that was taking him onward to this awful.
Suffering, he lived in the shadow of that cross all of his life.
And then in Psalm 102 it says, Of old hath he laid the foundation of the earth, though his days were going to be shortened, here of old hath he laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens were made by his hands. And it says they shall perish. This is also in Hebrews chapter one. They shall perish, but thou wilt endure.
Though his life was going to be shortened in this world because of the awful suffering of the cross.
He would endure the heavens and the earth that be folded up, it says in Hebrews like a garment.
Tremendous the heavens, a Brother Bob Tony mentioned about the the spectacular magnificence and power and the infinite power of of the creatorial glory that is expressed in that power.
There are over 2.
100 million stars in our solar system, which is the Milky Way, which is shaped like a lens as I understand.
And the Mike the telescope at Mount Palomar is about a 200 inch telescope.
That can look into space for 2 billion light years away.
And there are 800 million other galaxies besides ours. Can you and I even begin to comprehend such magnificence and power that ever created such a wonderful?
And I think of that, Beloved, when we come to a chapter like this, how can I begin ever to comprehend the love that God had in his heart, the Lord Jesus Christ had in obeying the Father and loving me, so that we can say the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me?
Psalm 69 speaks of the one as the despised and rejected 1A man of sorrows again acquainted with grief. And there it says, Save me O God, for I sink in deep mire where the flood waters overflow me, and he says.
My throat is dried and I'm weary with crying.
That is a chapter of what that shows of what man had done to him.
The reproaches that were against thee, that reproach thee, have fallen upon me. Jesus is saying in Psalm 69 Reproach hath broken my heart, I am full of heaviness.
I looked for some to take pity, and there was none for comforters, and there was none.
And he was despised from the lowest to the highest. He was despised from those by those who sat in the gate of the city.
And he was the song of the drunkard.
Those that were in high esteem and the drunkard both hate the Lord Jesus Christ and they demonstrated it.
In that awful suffering that he went through physical sufferings, and sometimes beloved, that is the only. It seems like the only way we can enter in some little bit to what he went through is to ponder those sufferings from the hand of man. We think of what man did to him, the spitting, the shame, the mocking, the cruelty, the abuse.
I remember there was a young man at school that was was hated and I don't know why he had some handicaps, but I remember one day when he came out of the door at at school, school was over that some bully just beat him to a pulp.
I felt.
At that time.
As a teenager.
That's what they did to the Lord Jesus Christ.
The heart of man was so pent up with hatred towards God and enmity towards God, that when Jesus came, who was the expression of the love of God? The Son who is in the bosom of the Father, come to display the bosom of the Father, which was perfection in every way in his life, in his words, in his walk, his talk, and his love. Still it did not change.
By what man saw in him, it did not change his heart. There is nothing that can change the heart of man except the new life in Christ. If any man be in a new creature, there is no possible way of change except.
By having his life, and then you will love him.
And if you have his life, you have the potential.
Of loving him with a similar love that he loves you with because it's his life.
But when we come to Psalm chapter 22, beloved, it is not what man did to him, it is what God did to him.
Now if I would have written the Psalms, I would have put Psalm 102 first and then Psalm 69 and then Psalm 22.
But God, who is infinite in his wisdom, not only in wisdom, but his love because he is love, puts Psalm 22 first. Notice what it says at the heading of the Psalm I Gillette Shahar to the chief musician upon idealthe Shehar, the slum of David. And notice in the margin it says the Hinds of the morning, the little deer that come out just before the break of day as the sun begins to rise.
And then they quickly disappeared.
I've enjoyed this, of course. Many of you have I'm sure in the writings.
Of our beloved brethren.
If any place in the Old Testament light breaks forth, it is here, and God wanted to put it first.
Even before the Psalm that speaks of his physical sufferings, the martyr sufferings of the Lord Jesus Christ, and his life lived here as the afflicted. 1.
Nowhere to lay his head.
The stranger of Galilee. But he put Psalm 22 first, because of his great heart of love. It is where light breaks forth, Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound. This is where we see grace abounding, because.
They're suffering.
Here that came upon the head.
The sinless head of the only possible substitute God could ever give. There was only one it was the darling of his bosom.
And we mentioned Genesis 22, where love is first mentioned. The other night, where love is first mentioned, God said unto Abraham, Take now thy son, thine only son whom thou lovest. Oh, how much did God love his son? He was rejoicing before him. It says in Proverbs chapter 8 In the habitable parts of the earth he was brought up with him as one by him.
Always rejoicing before him, but his delights were with the sons of men, his heart God's heart and the Lords heart, the Son, the eternal Son, so knit together in love in a past eternity. So great was that enjoyment of relationship.
But his delights.
Where for you and me?
So much so that it overflowed in the gift God giving that darling of his bosom, that only one his only begotten Son, hereby perceives we the love of God, because God sent his only begotten Son.
That's how we understand his love with what he gave. Have we stopped, beloved? And I asked my own heart.
How casually we read the scriptures and think about these things.
Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift. Where would you be today?
Where would I be today? I know where I would be in the gutter of society, no doubt.
We learn our own hearts.
Even more after we are saved.
And the wretched rottenness to the core of what is here.
And we learn, and we'll learn in the coming day that we are 500 pence debtors.
And that one who was at the Lord's feet, washing his feet with her tears. And the New Testament in Luke Chapter 7.
Didn't utter a word, but she was a 500 pence debtor.
Weeping such that she could wash his feet with her tears, because she knew how much he loved her and that he was the answer for her sins.
And then she wiped his feet with the glory, her own glory, her hair.
Those blessed feet.
That walked that perfect pathway. Who left us this example that we should follow in his steps?
And then she.
Wiped his feet with the ointment and kissed his feet.
There was that love on her heart, in her heart, to respond to such love from his to her. He was there to enjoy a meal. I don't know if he ate it.
But he got a drink, and he got a feast, so to speak, that he would have never gotten.
By just eating a meal because a woman was at his feet.
Holding on to those blessed feet because she needed him, and that's the ones that he ministered to those who needed him. Have you needed him, beloved?
If you don't know him, you need him. If you know him, you need him.
Mary sat at his feet. She needed him. Martha was a wonderful Christian testimony, but didn't have the same need to sit at his feet. That's what I need, beloved.
It will fill, He will fill my heart so full that it will express itself.
In many ways and one way is.
In worship.
Nobody else understood what was what she was doing when she was lavishing that expensive ointment upon his blessed person.
And he carried that aroma with him all the way to the cross. What did it mean to him? Everything.
What does it mean to come together to remember him? Everything, beloved.
The aroma of worship that goes up to him, to the Father that he we might say he pours out to the Father those praises to him because it says that we are holy priests offering spiritual sacrifices by Jesus Christ. He even produces that worship in our hearts unto himself.
A brother prayed this morning.
It just struck me he has written something in this book.
That is so important to him because he wants us to do it.
It's not a command.
He didn't say it exactly this way in his prayer.
It's not a demand.
But it's so important to him.
He wrote it twice.
This due in remembrance of Maine.
What little speck of.
Response He expects from our hearts, compared and in contrast to the greatness of that love which when I look into the heavens and the starry heavens, as we see up here so beautifully, and the 800 million galaxies beyond ours.
The Expanse is so great, it just demonstrates the love of God towards us and not only that.
But the infinite suffering?
That we will never understand.
Propitiation where he came to in this world because.
Of love.
So filling his heart, in fact, he said, I have a baptism to be baptized with. And how am I? Straight until it be accomplished. It was his death that he must die, and the flood waters of God's wrath may must fall upon him before the floodgates of his love could be open to you and me to be saved.
We can understand a little bit what man did to him because we have eyes to see.
The suffering inflicted on those.
Who have suffered similarly, but there was none, I don't believe, who suffered like the Lord Jesus Christ, even physically.
Because they battered him until he could hardly walk and they had asked someone to carry his cross.
But here's the suffering that is fathomless.
And when you look into the starry heavens and the infinite expanse of space and the stars, I think of the sins that He bore.
In his own body on the tree.
That we could never pay for beloved.
He did.
In the New Testament, we read from the 6th hour to the 9th hour. There was a darkness over all the land from the 6th hour to the 9th hour.
And at the 9th hour he cried these very words. My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
But here in this Psalm it is at the head of the Psalm.
Why is that? And I've read this and I enjoyed it some time ago.
It is because God wants men and angels to have some little knowledge, some little understanding.
Of what happened after man had did unto him all that he could possibly do.
To vent his wrath and anger and hatred towards the Son of God.
Then God.
Dealt with the darling of his bosom.
Such was his love.
Could we do that to a son that we loved? When Abraham got up to the top of the hill or mountain, that son that he loved, he took his knife.
God knew his faith and he knew his love, but he stayed his hand by the voice of the Angel.
But not with Jesus.
Awake, O sword, it says in Zechariah.
My shepherd, the man that is called my fellow.
But I might turn my hand upon the little ones.
That sort of divine justice fell upon that.
Blessed head, and there was absolutely no working of his own will about it. He submitted fully to God obedience unto death, even the death of the cross, and even if we can say further the awful wrath of God.
Against sin where he took because he is God the Son, He took our sins upon himself and made them his very own, so that he became chargeable or guilty for them. And God punished him as though he was the guilty one.
He will remember this beloved forever.
We will look on for all eternity.
In wandering gaze.
We'll see the land that was slain.
Never able to enter into the full sufferings of the cross.
Could we sing?
The second verse.
And the third verse.
Mark of.
So he will remember the cross.
Remembering my misery.
Mine affliction the Wormwood in the gall my soul, hath them still in remembrance.
Will that cease?
But he has asked you and me.
To remember.
Him in the little way that we might be able to enter into it. It's not how much we enter into it.
It's that we remember him because of the infinite cost.
Of our redemption.
And it's because it's upon his heart and he knows, beloved.
That in the measure that we stand near the cross.
In that's and gaze up.
Upon it.
It will break our hearts, it really will in the measure that we have fellowship with His sufferings and we can never enter into those sufferings.
It has a melting effect upon us. It makes our conscience as tender. It makes my heart tender towards him. It makes me recoil from those very obvious sins that have been controlling my life when I look at such love that has been so grandly, greatly demonstrated at the cross.
And especially the atoning sufferings. And that's what we have here.
And the more we do, the more we begin to hate sin.
And the effects of it and love the Sinner and want to rescue those who have been in the same path of a prisoner, like I have been or like we have been captive, taken captive by the enemy. When we're set free and looking upon such love and sufferings, it has an effect upon us. It does.
Have you ever been sitting in a morning meeting so occupied with that glorious 1?
Who suffered such agonies? In fact, his cry here is a cry of desperate need uttered twice. My God, my God.
He knew why he was suffering, he says a little bit later.
Thou art holy.
But all the.
The wonder of it just will grip your heart in a meeting sometimes, and you bow your head and you begin to think of him and what it cost him.
And you walk away from that meeting, it seems like a totally.
Changed person inside.
Because his sufferings have so spoke to your soul.
It's love. Love and suffering go together. That's why he suffered, because of love.
Christ also hath suffered for us first. Peter 4/1.
Why art thou so far from helping me? And from the words of my roaring? Oh my God, I cry in the daytime, but thou hearest not, and in the night season, and I'm not silent, or there is no rest for me. This is during that awful period of abandonment, and you might think in your own soul it was just three hours.
We love it. Let me say this. It was infinite, infinite suffering.
How can we measure it? We look at it as three hours.
It was infinite.
Again, just think of the universe that infinite, or the one who inhabits the universe, the one who created all things.
Infinite suffering.
In three hours, because he was God the Son, the only one that could ever.
Consume the wrath of God.
When all God's waves and billows passed over him deep, calleth unto deep at the noise of his waterspouts, and her brother mentioned the other day in the meeting, it was deity calling to Deity.
God, so to speak, pouring out divine justice upon that Holy Head of Jesus who was bearing our sins in his own body on the tree.
And the cry of the Lord Jesus Christ, my God, my God, that cry of anguish.
And deep need and suffering.
That's all he could cry out with, my God. Before it had been my father. Never before had he spoken in this way. My God.
In fact, in the New Testament it says, oh righteous father, I've hid these things from the wise and the prudent, but revealed them under babes.
The cup which my father hath given me, shall I not drink it? Therefore doth my Father love me because I lay down my life?
I lay it down, that I may take it again. No man taketh it from me. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again.
My father, My father, My father. Then he comes to the Garden of Gethsemane.
And it says that he fell, he prayed, and then he went a little further and fell on his face in an agony and prayed. Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me.
And so he is drinking the cup.
And now it is God's wrath upon his only Son, and he cries from the depths of his bosom because of the abandonment the first time in his eternal history.
He had ever been separated from God.
But thou art holy.
All thou that inhabit us the praises of Israel.
Because my sins and yours were upon him.
That's what sin does. It separates your sins have alienated you from me, God said in the Old Testament.
That's what sin does. It separates the wages of sin is death. And here the Lord Jesus Christ in divine love is bearing our sins because of divine justice and wrath that we deserved. And what did it produce? Separation.
And the Lord Jesus Christ bore that awful, awful suffering, awful suffering.
Or should just make our hearts?
Fall before him, bow before him, respond to him, and say, Lord, I will remember thee.
Just simply.
Has my life not been surrendered to the Lord? Help me to surrender it to Thee.
Thou hast surrendered thy life for me.
Our brother, read yesterday, were constrained by the love of Christ.
That's what produces a response in our heart. It doesn't say we're constrained by the truth of Christ. It's the love of Christ that constrains us, that compels us, that persuades us. And when we stand as it says and that him is at 71.
O My Savior, crucified near Thy cross, would I abide, gazing with adoring eye on Thy dying agony?
You've ever watched a little animal die because you maybe ran over it? I remember running over my little dog and I cried and cried and cried and cried.
Because I did it and beloved.
We did it.
We caused this infinite suffering that God must punish His only Son concerning that's how much He loved me. He could have righteously cast me away from himself, His presence forever into that lake of fire, and been perfectly righteous to do it. But that is not.
His supreme character, it is love. And so one of the things we see here, of course, is he is bearing our sins in his own body on the tree. But it is the ineffable preciousness of his love that is seen in this wonderful chapter, and we're not going to get very far.
Oh, what love can it be measured?
The only way we can measure it and we try to understand it and we try to find.
Find out ways that we can have it better understood, better comprehended. The only way we can do it is look at the cross.
On one side of the cross it was man.
The other side of the cross, It was God.
On the one side of the cross where man was, it was his sin, his self righteousness and satans power and all of his abusive cruelty.
On the other side, it was God.
In define.
Righteous wrath.
Poured out upon that precious Lamb.
His only son.
But it was divine love.
That held him.
To that cross.
Himself he could not save.
We read that in in Psalm Matthew 27.
Love stream, it says in him too freely flowed.
We sing to him. Young people, the love of God is greater, far than tongue or Pin could ever tell. It goes beyond the highest star and reaches to the lowest. Hell, that's where I deserve to be.
Could we withink?
The ocean fill.
And were the skies of parchment made?
Where every stock on earth a quill, and every man ascribed by trade to right the love of God above would drain the ocean dry.
And it says something about even though it were stretched the parchment from sky to sky or earth to sky.
It is incomprehensible, but if you want to see the love of God and the hatred of man and the hatred of God against sin, look at the cross. We look at the lives of souls that have been ruined by sin. But look at the cross.
This is what God did to his Son. And this is what God has no choice to do to you, to cast you away from Him from all eternity. Of course, the suffering that you would endure would be nothing compared to what He endured. Nothing at all.
But he would have no choice and to cast you away from his presence for him.
To reject such love.
Herein is love.
But if he endured such wrath, is there a question about what he has to do to the center that rejects Christ? No, it's eternal hell and the lake of fire forever if this is what he did to his only Son.
You know that beautiful verse in Psalm 85 Mercy and Truth are met together.
The truth of what we were was demonstrated on the cross. You don't want to see what you you were what you are, what I am. Look at the cross. The truth of what I was was demonstrated there upon the cross, where he was made sin for me, not only bearing his own body, my sins in his own body on the tree, but he was made sin for us.
Mercy and truth are met together because God's.
Righteous wrath fell upon what we deserved.
God extends mercy to you and Me, God who is rich in mercy.
Now it flows out His love to you and me. God is rich in mercy, but He must punish his only Son. The only righteous substitute could ever, ever bear our sins in his own body on the tree, because he had none of his own. So our brother mentioned last night if he had any.
To express someday, somehow.
We could never have been saved.
Because now we occupy His very, very place in the glory with him accepted in the Beloved 1.
The rest of that verse, righteousness and peace have kissed each other.
God's righteousness demanded either our punishment or righteous substitute.
God is holy. God is righteous. He's a thrice holy. God cannot look upon sin in His presence, for eternity cannot have it there. Righteousness and peace have kissed each other.
He has made peace through the blood of his cross, and after this awful suffering was over here, beloved, you know what happened. We've read of it in John 19 how many times.
Those precious verses and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. Now righteousness and peace have kissed each other.
Mercy and truth are met together. Righteousness and peace have kissed each other. We have mercy and we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ because of that precious blood.
Many talks here about the fathers that trusted and were delivered. Our brother brought before us last night about those that go down into great waters, and they cry unto the Lord, and the Lord delivers them and brings them out of all their distresses, but not with Jesus.
Not with Jesus, there was number answer from God.
For that awful period of infinite suffering.
And wrath.
Never a complaint or a working of his own will.
Because he within himself is God.
The sun.
On down further it says I was cast upon the.
Perhaps verse six, I'm a worm and no man a reproach of men and despise of the people. What is a worm?
Of no significance. Just cast it off just.
Just step on it.
He put himself in the place of the sin offering just a worthless worthless.
One of no significance.
And verse 6 through 13 is the way he was reproached from men.
In verse 9, thou art he that took me out of the womb, and thou dost make me hope when I was on my mother's breasts.
A body hast thou prepared me, beloved? Lo, I come to do thy will, O God.
Taketh away the first covenant, that he may establish the 2nd.
By his own precious blood, by one offering, he hath perfected forever them that are sanctified.
One time this had to occur, and it was perfect because he was perfect and He bore our sins, all of them, and they were all future when He had died for them. So they're all gone. Beloved, when you trust him, no matter how feeble and how weak your faith, the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses you from all sin. And me too, no matter what the enemy might try to do to introduce doubts, how you feel or what you've done if you've truly trusted him with real faith.
You don't need to worry even though you fail. Peter did, David did, Jonah did.
But here he is thinking of the supreme purpose for which he was brought into the world. Just think, a little baby.
Upon his mother's breasts.
The supreme purpose was to go to the cross.
That was where that journey of love.
Be not far from me, for trouble is near, for there is none. To help many bulls have compassed me Strong bowls of Basian.
Have beset me round the leaders of the people. What did they say? Crucify him.
Pilate said, Why would evil hath he done?
And then he said, What shall I do with Jesus, which is called the Christ? They said, crucify him again.
And then they cried with instant voices. Louder. Crucify him.
They gaped upon him.
With their mouths as a ravening and roaring lion. Then he speaks in verse 14 of the Sorrows.
Hope you love it. The awful sorrows of the Crucifixion.
I am poured out like water and all my bones are out of joint.
My heart is like wax. It is melted.
In the midst of my bowels He did not die from a broken heart. He died with a broken heart. It is melted in the midst of his boughs. He had been forsaken by man, rejected by man, forsaken by his own, and now forsaken by God.
His heart was broken.
In the midst of his bowels, strength is dried up like a potsherd. My tongue he speaks of his his bones, his heart, his bowels of affections. His strength and his tongue cleave to his Jones. We could just read these verses, beloved.
That's all we can do. And thou hast brought me into the dust of death.
Dogs have compass me. The assembly of the wicked have enclosed me. They pierced my hands and my feet.
I may tell all my bones they looked and stare upon me. They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture. Be but be not thou far from me. O Lord, O my strength, haste thee to help me.
Deliver my soul from the the sword, my darling, from the power of the dog.
Save me from the lion's mouth, for thou hast heard me from the horns of the unicorns. I will declare thy name unto my brethren. In the midst of the congregation will I praise thee, beloved, we know that prayer was heard, and it was answered. After the infinite wrath and sorrow and justice, divine justice was poured out upon him, That prayer was heard. There was an end. The Lord Jesus Christ said, It is finished.
Never has to be repeated.
Never has to be done again. We don't offer any sacrifice to him pertaining to our redemption. It's done.
Our sins are gone by coming to the Lord Jesus Christ. They're gone forever. And when he is heard, he talks about the.
Declaring of.
The Father's name unto his brethren, our brother read in the prayer meeting this morning in John chapter 20. He told Martha, who was waiting there at the grave, whose heart was filled with sorrow, because she wanted to be close to that one that had delivered her from the power of satanic oppression and possession.
She loved him, no matter if he was in that grave. She wanted to be where he was.
And he told her.
Go unto my brethren when he revealed himself to her. Go to my brethren and tell them I ascend unto my Father, and your Father, unto my God, and your God. You see what he has done for us, beloved? He's brought us into a relationship not only with himself now because of a finished work, but with God.
His Father so we can cry ABBA Father, Spirit of God ascend unto our hearts crying ABBA, Father not wonderful. So we occupy the same position He does in the glory, so to speak. He's given all spiritual blessings, chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we might be holy without blame before him in love, adopted into his family.
By Jesus Christ unto himself accepted in the beloved, 1.
It says about speaks about redemption through the blood of Christ, that in the dispensation of the fullness of time he might gather together all things in one that which is in heaven and that which is in earth, even in himself. That's what we have to wait for in the glory. Now this morning we're going to gather and have the privilege of gathering around Him.
Being gathered to his precious name. But there is a coming day when an earth, earth, and in heaven they will be gathered to him. He will be the divine Sinner in the future. Isn't nice to be able to have him in that sense today as the divine center, not by our own ordering of things, but according to scripture?
And then it says we have all wisdom and prudence, and we have the understanding of His will, and we've been given the ceiling of the Spirit and then the redemption of the body.
All the blessings that have been brought to us a position he has put us in, and I feel so.
Of course unworthy, but so.
Little understanding and enjoying that blessed place he has brought me into in himself.
Here in his love, beloved.
Not that we love God, but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Will you answer Him?
That wonderful request, this do in remembrance of Maine. Perhaps we could just sing the rest of that hymn.
Number 98.
And verse 4.
Did thy God in them forsake thee?
Why his face?
From thy deep me.
And my face.
Once more than Smith and Smitten.
Oh his God.
We dream.