God's Path for Blessing

1 John 3:1
Address—G.H. Hayhoe
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I wonder if we could turn first of all to the First Epistle of John and the third chapter. First Epistle of John and the third chapter.
Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God. Therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. Beloved now, are we the sons of God.
And it does not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that when he shall appear.
We shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is, and every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself even as he is pure.
Could we also turn to Hebrews Chapter 11, Hebrews Chapter 11, and verse 5?
By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death and was not found because God had translated him. For before his translation he had this testimony that he pleased God. And one other passage in Second Corinthians chapter 5.
And verse 9.
Wherefore we labor that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him.
Well, I think this meeting was specially planned for those who were young. And so the Lord's help I would address myself particularly to them. But I believe all of us can receive edification as we think of our position in Christ. And I believe it's very beautiful. And I hope everyone here can accept this message in first John chapter 3 for yourself and say, yes, I know I am.
Child of God, oh how wonderful this expression. Behold what manner of love.
The Father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God.
You know, before we were saved, before we were brought to know the Lord Jesus, we were born into this world with sinful fallen natures, with hearts that enmity with God, with selfish hearts, to the thought of ourselves first. But you know, when the Lord met us in His grace, when He revealed to us what we were in His holy presence and showed us that we were sinners, guilty before Him.
Walking according to the course of this world.
He also made known to us what he had done for us in His grace, and it tells us in Colossians chapter one that He's translated us from the power of darkness into the Kingdom of the Son of His love. What a marvelous thing this is. What a blessed thing to sit.
In these seats this afternoon here in Algonquin College and to know that you're in the family of God. We weren't born into it by our natural birth, but we were brought into it by new birth, brought into this wonderful and blessed position that we have, shall I say, a dignity without pride, a dignity that ought to take possession of us, that we go through this world as heavens representatives.
Those who have been brought into the family of God by new birth and now have the unspeakable privilege of living in this world, as those who have passed from death unto life, who belong to heaven, who represent heaven here upon this earth. And as it tells us in Second Corinthians chapter 4, that God's purpose is that the life of Jesus.
Would be seen in our bodies.
People would see that we were different, different because we have been brought into the family of God.
Notice it says here in this passage, it says now are we the sons of God? But it does not yet appear what we shall be. We don't look any different. We look like children of Adam, but we really are children of God. Someday, brethren, we're going to look like what we really are. We're going to have bodies of glory like Christ, and not only that, but we're going to be perfectly.
Him morally, so that only the life of Jesus will be seen in those glorified bodies.
Oh, that's a wonderful thing to look forward to. I love to think of it because I'm very conscious of my own shortcomings and weakness. But I love to look forward to the time when I'll be displayed for just what I am, a child of God. But it does not yet appear what we shall be. But we can display the likeness of Christ. Morally, we still have, as we were reminded this morning, these bodies.
Of weakness, these bodies of humiliation. There are those sitting in these seats who have aches and pains and bodily afflictions, but still they're children of God. They still have the treasure in the earthen vessel, but they're waiting for the time when it will be displayed that they truly are the children of God, with bodies of glory like Christ.
But no matter what our physical affliction may be, no matter what age we are.
It is possible by the power of the Spirit of God that the life of Jesus should be seen in US. And that's why he goes on in that passage to say, It does not yet appear what it what we shall be, but it says, it says every man that hath this hope in him that is in Christ.
Purifieth Himself even as He is pure. That is, if I'm truly looking forward to the time when I am going to be like Christ, morally and physically in perfection.
Then it makes me want to be like him. Morally down here. I can't change the physical position very much, but we can have something to do with whether we display that life that God has given to us. We are risen with Christ.
Christ Himself is the believer's life, and So what a very blessed thing this is.
We read there in Hebrews Chapter 11 about Enoch. Enoch was living in a very difficult time.
It was before the flood when, as our brother mentioned shortly ago, the earth was filled with violence and corruption. And the Lord Jesus said that the last days before the Lord comes would be the very similar kind of thing in the earth. And I don't think any of us need to be told that this is getting very true today, violence and corruption.
People are almost afraid because of all the violence that is taking place so publicly.
And then to the corruption of all that has been set up and instituted of God for man's good in the earth. As our brother reminded us, God has set up certain things for man's good. Man has failed in these things and spoiled them. Well, Enoch lived in a time like that.
Was he trying to please the crowd? Was that his ambition? Oh no.
It says before his translation he had this testimony that he pleased God. I don't know a great deal of what.
Kind of a message Enoch brought. It tells us in one place he warned of judgment, but there isn't very much told about what he did or what he said. Someone wrote a little poem, It said he walked with God. Could grander words be written? Not much of what he did or said is told.
Not where or what he wrought. Rot is even mentioned. He walked with God. Brief words of faithless gold, and everybody knew that they knew him. Perhaps he appeared before others in similar clothes, but as he looked at him, they said he's a different kind of a person. And he was. He walked with God. He displayed in his life that he wanted to please God.
And does this speak to your heart and mind?
I know if you're a Christian you do underneath all the rubbish that comes in our lives and sometimes especially when we're young.
If you are a true child of God, I have no question whatever that underneath all the things that you are doing and saying, you do have a desire to please God that only needs to be stirred up and awakened. It's just like a well. You know that the pump is not working and it doesn't need, it doesn't need to have more water put in the well. It just needs to have the pump primed. And I can remember when I was a boy, I was at a farmhouse and.
Working away, trying to get some water out of the pump and the lady came running out with a dipper and she said here, pour this in. And when I poured a little bit of water in and I got far more than what I poured in, I got abundance of water. The only trouble was the pump was out of order. And maybe that's the way it is with you, dear young person. Maybe the pumps out of order, maybe you're not giving the Lord Jesus.
His rightful place and our hope is that through these meetings some water will be poured in and that there will be more.
Come out as the result. Well, it's nice to see about Enoch, that he had the testimony that he pleased, that he pleased God. And then we come to the apostle Paul. He lived in a very difficult time. He experienced what it was to be stoned, shipwrecked, beaten. He had thrown into prison. All kinds of things happened to him. Who did he want to please?
It says we labor that, whether present or absent.
We may be accepted of him. His great desire in his life was at the end of each day.
And that he had tried to live it in a way that was acceptable to God. It may not have met with the favor of many of his fellow men, but nevertheless, it was a testimony in this world of a man who, like Enoch in his day, they wanted to please God. And so it tells us, you know, the two great commandments of the law were.
Thou shalt love the Lord with all thy heart, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength.
And thy neighbor as thyself, and that is God first, and others next.
And that is the that was the law. But the law didn't give life. And man being what he is, his mind rose in rebellion against God. The selfishness of his nature caused him not to consider his neighbor, but to think of himself. But what the law could not do, and that it was weak through the flesh, the law couldn't change man, because the change had to take place inside.
But dear young person, if you're a child of God.
The change has taken place within you do possess the life of Jesus.
You will not have a different new life even when you get home to glory you already possess.
The very life that you will have in heaven. In fact, I love to think.
That if the Lord were to come right now in this assembled company.
And to catch us up to be with the Lord. Every Christian who has been enjoying this little time of fellowship over the Word, the moment we entered those courts of glory would say, at last we're home. We just relax. We'd say this is home. If an unbeliever got there, he wouldn't enjoy it at all. He doesn't have a life suited to that place. But you do if you're a child of God.
Beloved now are we the sons of God, and it does not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that when He shall appear, we shall be like Him.
Well, may this thought produce something in our hearts and in our minds so that there will be a deepening desire to live to please the Lord Jesus. Because really the time is very short that is left to us. We haven't got much time here.
And know how blessed to do as the apostle did. It says here we labor that whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him. That is, he was absent at that time. He wasn't in the Savior's presence. He was here in a hostile world. But he felt that it was possible for him to live each day with a desire to please God.
Just like Enoch, he desired too, that when his life passed into review.
And it's a serious thought, isn't it, that our lives are going to pass into review.
Your life and mine is going to pass into review at the judgment seat of Christ.
For condemnation, but for manifestation and reward. And as he thought of that time when his life would pass into review.
He said, oh, I want my life to be acceptable to the Lord. If I could illustrate it something like this. Supposing you have a friend that you love very much. You think a great deal of them, and so you want to get a gift for them. You go to the store and maybe the clerk shows you a lot of different things, but they don't appeal to you because you say no. I don't think my friend would really like that.
And different things come before you. What are you thinking about?
You're thinking of pleasing your friend, aren't you? You're thinking of what you can get that would be pleasing to him or her. And so at last you settle on something. Maybe you've heard your friends speak about his likes or her likes and dislikes. And so at last you settle on something. You don't mind what it costs, because the more you love the person, the more willing you are to pay anything to get something pleasing. And at last the time comes that you.
Give this package to your friend. You watch their face. What are you waiting for?
Or you just want to see that they are pleased with the package that you got for them.
Brethren, do we think of our lives like that? The package of your life and mine?
Is someday going to be opened at the judgment seat of Christ? Do we care? Are we concerned that it might be pleasing to the Lord? Well, surely, when we think of earthly friends, and there are some dear earthly friends who have done much for us. But here's a friend who never deceives us, a friend who is faithful through everything.
We'll never find out anything about us that will change his love, because He knew all about us in the first place.
And it says, having loved his own, which were in the world, he loved them unto the end.
Can any of us sit in the seat this afternoon and say, I don't care? As long as I'm going to be there, that's all that matters to me. You wouldn't talk that way about your friend. You wouldn't say I don't care whether he likes it or not. It's me that he likes, and I don't care whether he likes the package. Oh no, you do care. And your satisfaction, your joy is that that person is pleased.
Well, it tells us about Enoch. He plead, he, he had this testimony that he pleased God.
Tells us too about tells us too about the Apostle Paul and that he'd labored that whether present or absent, he might be accepted of him. Now I know that we may be much misunderstood in this world in which we live, but our our thing or what really counts to us is that we should be pleasing to the Lord.
And I'd like to speak of this in a little detail in connection with different points. You'll turn to 1St Corinthians chapter 2.
First Corinthians chapter 2. I'll begin at the fourth verse.
And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom.
But in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.
Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect or full grown, yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the Princess of this world that come to not. But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the world unto our glory, which none of the Princess of this world knew. For had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.
Here, perhaps we could just say a few brief words about.
Salvation. You know, I think there is something very instructive here in connection with the Apostle Pauls approach to the message that he was bringing. He tells us earlier that he was determined to know nothing among them but Jesus Christ and him crucified.
Now you might have said, well, surely if Paul was going to visit such a learned city as Corinth, he better study up a little bit on philosophy so that he could argue with them and answer some of their philosophies. But he didn't. He had a person to present to them. He didn't speak against their philosophies or for them. He came to bring a revelation from God.
Did you ever notice that when Paul was summoned up to Mars Hill?
And had to stand there before those Epicurean and Stoic philosophers of his day. He didn't argue with them one bit about their philosophies. He told them two things that they would never discover apart from revelation. He told them about creation.
And he told them about Jesus and the resurrection. And I just want to say, and there are many young people here, if you want to win souls for Christ, it doesn't do very much good to argue about people's philosophies. It's only naturally would have philosophies. If they don't know the Lord, they've got to have something to try and have some kind of guide for their life. But when you and I know the Lord Jesus as our Savior, then we have one.
Our guide, one who is the captain of our salvation, one as we had who is made unto us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption. And so I say Paul, in talking to these people, he brought before them God is a creator God, because that brought before them their responsibility. You and I are here in this earth as responsible creatures before God. There's absolutely no way of getting.
From that responsibility, as income tax period comes around, there's no use throwing your papers in the waste paper basket and say I'm not interested in income tax because whether you're interested or not, you have a responsibility and you have a far greater responsibility to your Creator. And he commands you to repent. He puts you here in this world.
It tells us that when he created this world, his delights were with the sons of men.
When man failed, he still had delight in him. And so when Jesus came into this world.
The angels announced glory to God in the highest and on earth. Peace, goodwill to man.
God still wanted to bless man, He wanted to bless him, and he wants to bless anyone here that's not saved. But I see again, and there's no use talking to them about their philosophies and things like that, but you and I have a message that's well worthwhile to bring before them. We have a living Savior. We have one who created all things and who came down into this world and died for sinners like me. And.
By his wondrous death and by his atoning blood.
He has opened up blessing for you and for me. That's the message Paul preached. Christ crucified.
He said none of the Princess of this world knew. He said had they known that, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. Isn't it lovely? I think it's very beautiful here that Paul looks upon them as being ignorant. He said the only reason they don't accept the Lord is because Satan keeps them from knowing what they would have if they received him. That's what he does.
He he tries to keep man in ignorance so that he won't come to Christ, because he knows that if he did, he would be satisfied. He would find that which would feel and satisfy the longing of his heart.
So he sets everything else before him. And that's why man have philosophies and pleasures. That's why the woman in the fourth of John was living the way she was. She didn't know the Lord, so she was trying to satisfy her desires in her own way. Oh, how wonderful. When you and I then present the gospel, isn't it blessed that we have a person to present the One who made all things, who uphold things, all things by the word of His power?
And who came down in wondrous grace into this world and died for you and for me on the cross. And what thrills my heart is that He didn't only die to save my soul from hell, but He died because He really wanted my company. Oh, that's what really touches your hearts. That's what the meaning of that verse is. The joy of the Lord is your strength. It isn't our joy in Him, but His joy in US. If you had.
And they had asked you to come to an evening together, and it turned out to be a very stormy evening. You might hesitate and say, well.
I don't know whether we can go tonight, but if you get a phone call from the person saying, oh, please come. We planned the whole evening and we'll, we're really looking forward to having you. We want you. You get an extra shot of strength, don't you? You say we must go, we must go. They really want us. Oh, oh, brethren, isn't it wonderful? The Lord really wants us from the last soul is saved. He's going to come in the moment, in the twinkling of an eye. Can't wait. He's so anxious.
There that the world doesn't know. So if you present the gospel, as dear Mr. Derby said in his time, preach facts, tell men about the one that they're responsible to their Creator who upholds all things, but who sent his Son into this world in love because he had pleasure in man and he wanted to bless him.
And so he says, we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery that is they don't understand because.
They are still blind, but God can open their eyes. God can cause them.
Like he did when he was here on Earth, He opened physical eyes and he has opened many spiritual eyes.
And many in this room can say he is the chiefest among 10,000 Yay. He is altogether lovely. So I believe this passage would particularly bring before us well how we can speak to others as messengers here in this world. We can speak to others and present the gospel to them living in this world as his representatives and to please him.
Let's turn over to Matthew chapter 18.
Matthew, Chapter 18.
And verse 24 where two or three are gathered together.
In my name, there am I, in the midst of them. You're speaking about bringing salvation before them.
We present a glorious person. God come down in the person of his Son.
That sinners might be saved. I think this is very beautiful too, in connection with the way we gather. I can remember when I went to school and people asked me, well, what church do you go to? It took an awful lot of courage to say, well, we're Christians gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus to mention that all together. Worthy name.
But, dear young people, no one will ever desire.
To be there unless they see the Lord there. The reason the disciples had the energy to seek out that place in the 28th chapter of Matthew was not because we're told. We're not told. I mean, that it was an attractive mountain. God doesn't even tell us about it because men would have made a great deal out of the place. But he tells us about the person who said he would meet them there and every one of the 11 disciples.
They stirred themselves and went there.
And if you had met them on the way and said why are you going there? I don't think any of them would have said well.
It's a beautiful spot. We just like to go out there for the day. I don't think they would have said, well, there's an organization out there we'd like to be identified with and there is a couple of good preachers. No, I think if you'd asked any of them, they would have said, well, the reason I'm going there is because I want to meet the Lord Jesus.
I don't want to see him and he's going to be there. He said that he was going to be there and he has the nail prints in his hands, the marks in his feet, and I just want to see him. And so when they got there, it says when they saw him, they worshipped him. And may I just say this in presenting the truth to others, we can deal in a great deal, a great many technicalities, but I believe we can be very.
In this we can be very simple in presenting the fact that it's a person around whom we meet, one who has said that when we are gathered according to His word that He was going to be there. They listened to the Lord's instructions and they went out there and they weren't disappointed. It wasn't the perfect company.
Because it says some doubted, and I'm sure that you'll never find the perfect company of Christians.
But you will find a perfect savior, one who has given us this wonderful.
Encouragement while we're here. It's a person who saves them. It's a person to whom we gather. And I know it does take courage. Men will recognize anything they have organized themselves. There's almost anything that man has organized can be accepted because it is something that man has done. But every one of us know that it takes real courage just to say the.
Person who is my Lord and Savior is the same person to whom I am gathered. And so I believe this answers in a very simple way this blessed question as to as to our gathering center, shall I say it's a person.
I know there are many things that can be said in connection with gathering as members of His body, but that's only following His word. Separation from evil, Yes, that's following His word. The disciples had to listen while the Lord told them where, how to get to that mountain. And then when they followed the instructions. But the important thing was the person. You'll find much instruction in the Word, but I'll say this, your heart will never be satisfied unless you see the Lord.
Kids and if you lose sight of him, you're going to be discouraged. I've been discouraged many young people and I'm looking into your faces this afternoon. I know you're discouraged because you have seen things perhaps among us that have cast you down, but the Lord Jesus is the same. Their hearts be occupied with him. He's the gathering center. Now let's turn to another verse in first Corinthians chapter 10.
And verse 31.
Whether therefore you eat, or a drink, or whatsoever you do, do all to the glory of God, Give none offense, neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the Church of God, even as I please all men in all things, not seeking my own profit, but the profit of many, that they might be saved.
Well, we can see here that the Christian has a different motive in his life. The motive in the heart of the natural man is self.
You could just draw, take a little point like that and draw a circle around it. And that's the natural man. Everything that concerns his own interest, his pleasure, his education, his possession, his everything that concerns himself is very important to him. And he draws that little circle and he watches everything that has to do with his own interest.
But isn't it lovely that you and I have been set free from self?
A little poem. It was found in Mr. Darby's Bible. Read like this. Free from myself, Lord Jesus, free from the thoughts of men. Chains of thought that had bound me, never shall bind again. It's wonderful. I think the most miserable person that I can be occupied with is myself. I'm never happy when I'm occupied with myself. But you can be occupied with the Lord Jesus.
You can seek to do what you do for the glory of God.
And for the blessing of others, as I said before, those were the two great commandments of the law.
Loving the Lord with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself. But man couldn't fulfill those things because he had a nature that was at enmity with God and a nature that put self first. But God gives you new life. Now are we the sons of God? We're children, we're in the family. We have the life of Jesus. He never did one miracle for his own comfort. He did many miracles for the comfort of others. He.
Did what he did for the glory of God His Father, but He lived through this world as a pattern for us.
In his blessed pathway through this scene. Oh how lovely to trace that pathway.
Well, eating, drinking, anything we do we can ask ourselves as simple and important question, am I doing it to the glory of God?
And the second thing is, as my conduct stumbles, somebody else or hinder somebody else, Paul said I seek the prophet of many that they might be saved. He didn't want to hinder anyone from coming to Christ and he didn't want to cast a stumbling block in his brothers way. Oh how beautiful to see this, the life of Jesus seen first of all in regard to salvation. It's all of Christ.
Whether it's a gathering center, it's a person to whom we gather.
As to the motivations of our life, what are they?
The relatives of the Lord Jesus said, if thou do these things, show thyself to the world, for there's no man that doeth anything in secret, but himself desires to be known openly. They couldn't understand any motives beyond the natural man. And so they say, well, show yourself to the world and become famous, but all the precious Savior.
Was in this world he came not to do his own will, but the will of him that sent him.
How you say that's hard, But brethren, we have the life of Jesus. We have it and we're directing ourselves dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So here we find a new motivation altogether for our life. And we can ask yourself, and I can ask myself, and what I am doing? Am I doing it to the glory of God? It affects everything.
My brother talked about even clothes. It's going to affect everything in our lives.
Would really want to please our precious savior. We have a new motivation for our conduct.
Now let's turn over to Second Timothy chapter 3, verse 10. But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, long-suffering, charity, patience. Well, I just mentioned this because it produces as we were saying, the motive is the glory of God and the blessing of others.
But it produces a manner of life, knowing what it is to be a child of God.
Knowing what it is to be a representative of heaven here upon earth, why it produces a manner of life that we should have. As someone has said, the manners of heaven. And so if our motives are right, our manners will be right and that is we will seek to do as the apostle said. The apostles doctrine produced a certain manner of life with the apostle. He was here in this world.
Seeking the glory of God.
Went into heathen cities, as he says he was led in triumph from city to city.
Because he was announcing such a glad message that his heart was overflowing, and he called it a March of triumph as he went to these different cities. So we can see here that this was his whole manner of life. The Lord had, so to speak, given him a new motive for his life, and it's seen in the way that he lived. Let's turn to just another passage in Mark's gospel.
The 6th chapter I think it is.
Mark chapter 6 and verse 27. And immediately the king sent an executioner, and commanded his head to be brought. And he went and beheaded him in the prison, and brought his head in the charger, and gave it to the damsel. And the damsel gave it to her mother. And when his disciples heard it, they came and took up his corpse, and laid it in a tomb. And the disciples gathered themselves, Son together unto Jesus.
And told him all things, both what they had done and what they had taught. Well, I think this is lovely too. We have catastrophes come in our lives. We have terrible disappointments and trials, difficulties that we can't understand. You and I have been living in this day. We would have said, with all the power the Lord Jesus had, why didn't he?
Deliver John the Baptist. Well, when this came, what did the disciples do?
Why isn't this beautiful? Oh, they just says they gathered themselves together and told Jesus.
Maybe there's a young person here and you've had a big disappointment, You've had a big sorrow. Satan is saying to you right now, it's no use. The Lord hasn't helped you out. You've had a lot of problems and the Lord hasn't helped you out of them. He may help other people, but He's let you down. He tells you that. What did the disciples do? We're different from others. They don't have any resource, as we were saying there's.
Thousands of suicides because young people have nothing to support them in trouble.
You and I have. The disciples came and told Jesus, as this lovely Lord Jesus said, as it were. I know the pressure you're under. Let's just step aside in my company for a little while. What a lovely relief. People talk about a relief valve. I mean, there are troubles, but oh, how wonderful. They gathered, they told Jesus and he cared.
He called him apart from their service and said you need a little rest in my presence.
And they gathered themselves, and there spent that little time in the company of Jesus.
Maybe there's some young person who's just in that spot. The devil is whispering in your ear, all give up, it's no use. And the Lord is saying come and tell me. He invites you to trust in him at all times, to pour out your heart before him. He knows the disappointments of life as someone has written that little poem disappointment his appointment.
Change one letter and I see that the thwarting of my purpose.
Was his better choice for me. I'm sure you got the thought J The 1St letter of disappointment is D and if you change it to H why it just changes the whole thing. Disappointment, his appointment, change one letter. Well, that's what the disciples, they gathered together in this terrible moment of disappointment and grief and they told Jesus and he cared and he cares about you. He's living.
Our great High Priest.
Well, just one more passage before we close Matthew chapter 25.
Matthew chapter 25 and verse 21.
His Lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant, Thou hast been faithful over a few things. I will make thee ruler over many things. Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord. Oh, how lovely this is, Says here at the end, when the day of reckoning comes, what's really going to count, dear young people? Is it going to count how well we got along in this world? Is it going to count how much?
Of the support and favor of our fellow man, or of the world we had.
What's really going to count? Oh, it'll just be wonderful.
It'll be superlative, shall I say, just to hear that the Lord appreciated any of our feeble efforts. I think it's so marvelous when He did so much for us that He should value any little effort on our part. And so here was the one sought to use what He had for the Lord. And I'm sure those two words compensated for any sacrifice or anything. Just to hear well done, as I say when you.
For a friend and the friend says well done, I really appreciate it. You feel really repaid for all your effort. But oh, just to hear that from the Savior. I'm not saying that I will hear it, but I say that that's what we should live for brethren. That's what really counts. That's the only thing that makes life worthwhile. You can have it from this world, but it's just a bubble. But if you have it from the Lord Jesus in that.
Day, you will say, how will recompense his smile, the sufferings of this little while.