God's Priceless Gift

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 5
I was hurrying out of the hospital and had got some distance down the corridor when a nurse with whom I had just shaken hands called me back, saying, "There is a dying man in my ward. He can scarcely speak, but I thought you would like to see him."
"Thank you," I said, and immediately entered I had seen the sick man before, but in a different ward. Many times he had heard me tell out "the old, old story of Jesus and His love"; but he had maintained a reserve throughout so that I knew not if in his case the Word preached was mixed with faith in him who heard it.
Wishing to know if he realized his soul's great need, I asked him: Have you prayed to God for mercy? Have you yet cried, 'God be merciful to me, a sinner'?"
In a tone expressive of intense earnestness the dying man speedily answered: "I have been crying to God for mercy!"
"Has He heard you?"
"I don't know."
"Still continue to cry to Him; 'for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon Him.' For whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved.' Pray to God to save you for Christ's sake. He will hear and answer your prayer, and save your soul. 'The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.' "
The sick man was too exhausted to say more; but as I spoke of "the gift of God" he held up both hands just as a child will do to receive some precious gift. His was the silent attitude of one very eager to receive there and then some priceless boon. Commending him to the Lord I withdrew; he could bear no more.
I never saw him again, but inquired of the nurse who had called me back to see him as to his passing away.
"After you were gone," she said, "he was very quiet for a while. Then he asked for a Bible and I brought him one. I said all I could to him. He smiled happily but could not speak again. He died on Friday, and I believe he is with the Lord."
We praised our God for His mercy, and I told the nurse how, when I told the dying man of God's priceless Gift, he had held up both hands in his eager desire to receive it.
That he did receive eternal life, even at the eleventh hour, I doubt not. But while I praise God for His abounding grace towards him, may I ask you, dear reader, why not accept God's priceless Gift NOW? While you have health and strength He longs to bestow upon you life everlasting, for the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Prayers will not save you, but believing will.
"BELIEVE on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved."