Traveling among the mountains we may see something of the Creator's might and skill. But the universe above us tells more of His power and Godhead.
It is said by astronomers of note that Alcyone, the brightest of the stars of the Pleiades, is actually, as far as is known, the center of our whole solar system—the hinge or pivot around which our sun with all its attendant planets is believed to revolve.
Do you know that Job in the Bible speaks of this about 1520 years before Christ? "Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?" Job 38:3131Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion? (Job 38:31).
Now when we remember that the sun is more than three thousand billion miles away from Alcyone, we get some idea of how marvelous must be the "influence" of the Pleiades which swing these planets—the earth included—around it at the rate of more than one hundred and fifty million miles a year, in an orbit so vast that one circuit would take thousands of years to complete.
Who can contemplate without a sense of solemn awe the mighty power of God in this verse written so long ago, in what is probably one of the oldest books in the Bible, and which recent astronomical discoveries enable us only dimly to appreciate?
As the ages roll on the heavenly bodies are always in motion: the moon revolving around the earth; the earth, with other planets, revolving round the sun; the sun, with all the solar system, revolving round Alcyone, Alcyone, with its myriad attendants, revolving around some other unknown center—all these, and countless other creations all unknown to man, revolving in mightier grandeur around the center of centers, the throne of the Almighty.
Moreover, it is worthy of notice that this "influence" is said to be "sweet," a word which in this connection is full of significance as we think how our vast solar system (with all the untold myriads of stars) is ever moving at such an amazing pace, like some complex and mighty machinery, yet with a regularity and eveness that can only be described as "sweet"—the very word which engineers use today to describe a perfectly smooth-working machine.
That same God who created the universe has made a way of salvation through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, that "whosoever will" may spend a happy eternity with Him.