God's Way of Rest for Those Who Want It

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 6
Christ is now saying to you, "Come unto Me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart and ye shall find rest unto your souls." Mark His word, " I will give you rest." Do not yield to the common temptation, and think to change this divine arrangement of ",I will give," by an attempt to earn or merit this much needed "rest," as if it were not a gift; humiliating to our self righteousness, it may and must be, and yet, if received at all, it must be as a gift. It is all a gift all the way through. " The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ, our Lord."
Just here is the turning point. Do not overlook this one point, you are shut up to one of two acts from which there is no escape. It is this, either to accept or reject this "gift of God," by accepting or rejecting Christ, for this gift of eternal life is through Him only. Acceptance is faith, rejection is unbelief. The one is to be "saved," the other is to be " damned." An interest of such infinite magnitude admits of no delay. To delay now is rejection, for now is all the time that is really yours. Delay is the hidden rock on which so many strike, perish, and are forever lost, and yet you delay. The yoke of Christ taken on you is not bondage, but "rest." It is simply a willing submission to God's will, which is your salvation, and really embraces your every possible good. Where this heart submission takes place, just then and there the burden falls off, and rest of soul takes its place. It is the rest of faith, or rather " trust" that knows no distrust. Trust not in what you have done, or can do for yourself, but wholly in what Christ has done for you in His sufferings, death, and resurrection. He "of God is made unto us (you) wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption." What more can you possibly need, here or hereafter? Now no longer in legal bondage, but working out your salvation, as God works in you to will and do of His good pleasure, " Let your light so shine before men." J. C.