God's Ways of Grace

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 8
For a moment look back on all your ways from your youth upward (but you cannot bear to do this if you have not settled peace); look at them all, and look at them all in the light of God's Word and Spirit. I retrace the foolishness and sinfulness of my doings, and the patience and long-suffering of my God. I see Him guarding me here, teaching me there, lifting me up when I was ready to fall, and comforting me when I only expected punishment; and hence I adore and praise Him the more. But if it be thus in looking back now, bow much more will it be in the moment when set in the glory! I shall know Him and see Him, and trace all His ways in the fullness of that light which now, in the measure of it I possess, manifests Him and myself in contrast. For surely it is just in the measure in which I can judge my ways in His presence, that the effect is adoration and praise.