God's Word Abides Forever.

THE fashion of the world passes away, but eternal realities abide unmoved and immovable. Like restless waves surging around iron rocks, human thought beats itself against the word of God, but to be dashed backwards upon itself, for the word of the Lord endureth forever! Yes, dear reader, forever! Oh! be not deceived by the set of the tide of human thought. Heaven is an immovable reality; hell is an immovable reality. The immortality of your soul is an immovable reality. Humble yourself before the eternal God, and inquire where your never-dying soul will spend eternity.
The pure in heart shall see God; the holy shall dwell with Him. God can never look upon sin. He can never be other than Light. If unsaved, if in your sins, be not deceived, there is no hope for heaven for any whose sins are not washed away in the blood of God’s Son.
Tears cannot wash away your sins, but “the blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, cleanseth us from all sin.” For you, as you are, there is salvation and peace. God is waiting to be gracious to you. While it is today will you not hear His voice and live?