The Glowworm.

As I sit before the window, there shines far away down in the valley a little light in a cottage. The night is dark, and this little light looks almost as bright as the solitary star which beams above in the heavens. This light in the cottage window reminds me of an incident I heard told the, other day.
Two friends were taking a stroll one dark evening near the sea-shore in Scotland, and as they turned a corner, one of them exclaimed, “Surely yonder light is some lamp placed on the hillside to guide a boat to shore, let us go and see!”
On they went, but saw no cottage, so they searched for the light, and presently what they had taken to be a lamp, appeared at their feet; it was a glow-worm. A lovely little light it gave out from its lamp, which, as you know, it carries in its tail.
“You have splendid glow-worms in Scotland,” said my friend to his companion, “brighter than those we are accustomed to in England,” as they stooped to admire the little creature which had led them to think a lamp was shining on the hillside.
How simply the glow-worm gives out its light; it shines because it is its nature to do so. And, dear young friends, we too should be glow-worms for Christ, and should, without effort, give forth light for Him. The Lord Jesus tells us that His disciples “are the light of the world” (Matt. 5:1414Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. (Matthew 5:14)), and shows us that as a candle is lighted to give light, His disciples should so let their light shine before men that they may see their good works and glorify their Father who is in heaven. A lighted candle hidden from sight is of no practical use, it is lighted in order to give light.
Now thus it is with the Christian; God has made him to be a light in the world, in order that he may shine for Christ and for God the Father. There is a very beautiful verse in Philippians, which says, “Ye shine as lights in the world, holding forth the word of life” (chs. 2:15, 16). What an honor to be such a light as this in the world!
The glow-worm shines naturally, and we need to be very simple in our Christian faith if we would shine for Christ. The best time to shine, is always, and the best way to shine, is to be in some degree like Christ.