Going on With God.

There are two prominent objects of the blessed ministry of the Spirit through the apostle Paul; one, the leading of the saints to the knowledge of all that is theirs in Christ, the other, the maintaining of them in that position; the latter being that which principally characterizes his ministry. Energy, and enjoyment resulting from the first reception of the truth, usually mark the young believer; but as he goes on and sees failure around, or sees that truth travestied, he is likely to become weary and discouraged. We read of those whose history is given in Heb. 11 “These all died in faith”―they went on to the end. Abraham, the father of the faithful, had no possession but a grave in the land of promise; but there was no discouragement in him. Let us not forget that it is also written of them, “They might have had opportunity to have returned.”
It has been well said, “A stone left upon the ground, sinks into it.” We cannot remain stationary; we go back if we do not go on.
We need these kindling’s of love, we need to have our hearts occupied with Christ in glory, to have the hopes which are before us as realities to our souls, or we shall grow weary and sink into the earth. B―K.