This is a picture of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, who is seeking lost lambs and sheep, (children, and grown men and women) and when He finds one, He. rejoices and carries it home.
Several times over the above Scripture had been read in a class of little ones, and then the teacher asked them,
“What made Him seek for that lost sheep?”
“Because He loved it,” answered a chorus of young voices.
“Because it was lost,” added another. As the teacher waited a moment or two for more answers, a little girl said sweetly,
“Because—because He knew it would never come back its own self.”
The children were right, were they not, dear young readers? And now let me ask you, Has He sought and found you? Have you allowed Him to find you?
Will you not, my dear friends, give Him the joy of saying of you, “I have found My sheep which was lost”?
“The Shepherd sought His sheep,
The Father sought His child;
He followed me o’er vale and hill,
O’er desert waste and wild.
He found me nigh to death,
Famished, and faint, and lone;
He bound me with the chains of love,
He saved the wandering one.
No more a wandering sheep,
I love to be controlled;
I love the tender Shepherd’s voice,
I love the peaceful fold.
Nc more a wayward child,
I seek no more to roam;
I love my heavenly Father’s voice,
I love, I love His home.”
ML 06/23/1922