JOHN Newton, author of the famous “Olney Hymns,” the best known of which is “How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds”, was the son of a sailor. He was at one time a slave dealer on the African coast. At thirty he was converted to God; at fifty he wrote the hymn, “How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds,” which is sung worldwide. He lived to the good old age of eighty-two, and continued preaching to the last. His true joy is rightly indicated by the following incident:
“When he had passed his fourscore years, he continued to preach. As it was with difficulty that he could see to read his manuscript, he took a servant with him into the pulpit, who stood behind him, and with a wooden pointer would trace out the lines. One Sunday morning Newton came to the words in his sermon,
‘Jesus Christ is precious,’ and wishing to emphasize them he repeated,
‘JESUS CHRIST IS PRECIOUS.’ His servant thinking he was getting confused, whispered, ‘Go on, go on, you said that before;’ when Newton, looking round, replied,
‘John, I said that twice, and I am going to say it again;’ then with redoubled force he sounded out the words,
That he enjoyed this truth in his own heart is confirmed in his musings on the seashore. When he thought of Himself he wrote:
In every object here I see
Something, my heart, that points to thee,
Hard as the rocks that hound the strand,
Unfruitful as the barren sand,
Deep and deceitful as the ocean,
And like the tides in constant motion.
Then thinking of his precious Lord he sang:
In every object here I see
Something, O Lord, that leads to Thee.
Firm as the rocks Thy promise stands.
Thy mercies countless as the sands,
Thy love a sea immensely wide.
Thy grace an ever-flowing tide.
ML 07/23/1922