
Listen from:
Gospel—W. Smith
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Whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. #18 Someone started traders.
Shall we pray?
There are few verses which were imposed upon one.
Being referred to both Saturday night.
From this platform.
And also last night the same scripture was referred to.
And we might turn to it again.
In the 13th chapter of the Acts.
Verse 38.
Be it known unto you, therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins.
And by him all that believe are justified from all things from which he could not be justified by the law of Moses.
Beware therefore, lest that come upon you, which is spoken of in the prophets.
Behold you despisers, and wonder and fear.
Well, worker work in your days, a work which ye shall in no wise believe, though a man declare it unto you.
Saturday night.
We heard of the great solemnity.
Are rejecting.
The Gospel of the grace of God.
It's a solemn thing.
To reject.
The message that God has for you here tonight.
The gospel of this grace.
Has been proclaimed from this.
Platform many times.
It went out in faithfulness last Saturday night.
Yes it did.
All how we were told by the one who spoke.
Of the danger, the solemnity of rejecting.
That gospel which has come down from God himself.
To the person of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Last night here.
We were told that God has a way by which he may be approached.
And God has one way whereby the Sinner.
May come to him.
One way, one way only.
I'm glad you.
Through the Lord Jesus Christ.
Warner died upon Calvary's cross.
In order to save your precious soul, there are many in this room.
Who have come to the Lord Jesus Christ in that way as sinners owning themselves as sinners before a Holy Ghost.
And have availed themselves.
Of that way of approach.
How precious it is.
That the way has been opened up.
Whereby sinners may come to God in their sins, no.
Not in their sins, but cleanse from their sins to come into the presence of God.
In all of value and the person of the person and work of our Lord Jesus Christ.
So in these verses that we've read.
It's being proclaimed.
And the process in these verses.
Is just as true today.
As in the day they were proclaimed.
Be it known unto you.
That through this man is priest unto you the forgiveness of sin.
What a wonderful thing it is.
To have the consciousness in one soul.
That his sins have been forgiven.
But all the soul that stands in the presence of God in his sin.
What a favorable thing it is.
To have to stand before gone.
The shelter of the work of Christ.
Or what will it be?
To stand before him.
And to hear him say, depart from me.
That's what it will be.
Because God cannot have sin in his presence.
But that God with whom we have to do is a God of love.
And he's proclaimed as love is manifested as love.
In that he ascend into this world.
His only begotten son.
Lord Jesus Christ.
That whosoever believeth in him should not bear, but have everlasting life.
Do you have everlasting life?
You can have it.
You can have it because God has promised it to those who put their faith.
In the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
God has presented the Lord Jesus Christ to this world as an object of faith.
And it's up to you if you're yet unsaved, my dear friend.
To come in faith, the leading.
That what God has said is true. God is faithful, and God cannot lie.
And what God has said in His precious word is true. Every word of it is true.
And when God says that there is forgiveness of sins to him who believes in Jesus.
God means exactly what he says.
All there are those who seek to alter it.
To change it a little bit.
And say yes, but I have to do my part.
Oh, my dear friend, there is nothing you can do toward the salvation of your soul. There is nothing you can do to that, the forgiveness of your sins.
The work has all been done in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ.
When he hung upon Calvary's cross.
He could say after those awful 3 hours of darkness.
He could say with a northern transit is finished.
And Bowers had him.
And dismisses spirit.
Yeah, he could do, though.
And so tonight.
In virtue of the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
We say here.
With the one who spoke the words in this chapter.
They had known to you, therefore.
That through this man is priest unto you the forgiveness of sinners.
Do you know you're a Sinner?
Or it's true?
This trail that you're a Sinner.
You know the human flesh doesn't like to be told.
That is sinful, but it's true.
And if you're honest with yourself.
You'll have to admit.
That you are a Sinner.
The word of God to close it all, had some. There is none left out.
All have sinned.
And you, my dear friend.
Are included in that word all that leaves none out.
There's nothing exclusive about it. It's all inclusive because all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
And nothing else will do for the presence of God.
Which meets his own glory.
So God is holy.
We cannot have sin in his presence.
So the center is left.
Hoppers in himself.
But all the grace of God comes in.
Yours is the grace of God.
That has worked out.
A plan of salvation.
How precious it is, God has worked out.
The forgiveness of sin.
We might just turn to the first chapter of Ephesians.
Verse seven, Chapter one.
The Ephesians Chapter One, verse 7.
In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of His grace, Where any of the bonded tortoise in all wisdom and prudence.
Who amongst men could have devised?
The plan whereby a holy God could forgive sin.
I took the wisdom and the prudence of God.
To devise a plan.
Yes, it was a wisdom and prudence of God.
That formulated the plan whereby you may come to him.
Having the forgiveness of sin.
And as according to the riches of his grace.
There is nothing.
Then the speaker or anyone else here in this room tonight.
That would emerge.
Presenting the forgiveness of sins to us. It was only his infinite his sovereign love.
And the riches of his grace that would do it.
Yes, it's that the riches of His grace.
That have brought your.
The forgiveness of sin.
Now let's turn to Colossians.
Chapter One.
We found almost the same words here.
In the 14th verse.
Speaking of the Son of God's love.
In whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins.
Who is the image of the invisible gum?
First born of every creature.
Who is it through whom we have the forgiveness of sins?
Oh is the son of God's love.
The one who was the image of the invisible gum. Think of them.
God sent his own beloved Son down here, the very image of him who is invisible.
And as we find in the first chapter of Hebrews.
The one who was a very expression of the being of God. Think of it.
That is the one who came down into this world.
In all humility.
He came down here having veiled his glory.
And presented himself to men.
As a savior.
He humbled himself and became obedient unto death.
And at that it was the death of the cross.
Why did he go there?
In order that tonight.
You may have offered to you.
The forgiveness of sin.
Oh, what a wonderful period you have tonight.
To close in with God's offer.
The forgiveness of sin.
The one who is the image of the invisible God, the first born.
Of every preacher, he's the one who's a ********. Yeah, he's above all.
Has the highest place of honor in heaven.
But they're one who tonight.
There were also the savior.
You may have him tonight. Yes, you may.
Let us turn to Hebrews 2.
Verse 3.
How shall we escape?
If we neglect so great salvation.
Which of the first began to be spoken by a long and was confirmed under lost by them that heard him?
The salvation.
Which we proclaim the night.
First began to be spoken by our Lord Himself when He was down here in this world.
And it's the same salvation which we proclaimed tonight.
Same thing, the forgiveness of sins.
Through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.
John 316 which is the basis for the hymn we sang tonight.
Where the world took place by our Lord Jesus Christ Himself when he was down here.
And as a gospel in a nutshell.
And has been used much.
In the salvation of soul.
Now this verse in Hebrews tells us.
There is a warning.
How shall we escape if we neglect?
So great salvation.
No, it doesn't take very much.
To neglect.
There may be a willingness on the part of the hearer to accept the gospel of the grace of God.
But at a later date.
Tonight just are neglected.
The night to put it all until a more convenient time.
As one of those, I will hear thee at a more convenient time.
And as far as we know, that more convenient time never came.
For that man.
How many are who have passed into a loft? Eternity.
Fully untending and at some time to put their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.
But they never found their convenient time, They just neglected to do it.
All there is a warning, your house will be escape.
If we neglect so great salvation.
Is it true with you tonight?
Is that your attitude?
I don't think enough of it.
To accept it tonight.
Although some other time.
I have something more important to do now.
All you know, God speaks once, you ate twice.
But man perceiveth it not.
The time comes when God ceases to speak to the soul.
That neglects and that puts off.
The offer of this great.
To solemn things, to neglect.
That word which is spoken of which is spoken down here by the very Lord of glory.
And he came down here for that very purpose.
To proclaim the gospel.
Came down here.
Went to Calvary's Cross in order that we might be able to portray the gospel tonight.
William is neglected.
Or if you do, be aware.
You might not escape.
How many there are that have gone out of a Gospel meeting?
Never to return because their lives had been taken away.
From them.
And you know, there is another reason.
A reason which is a joy to those who know the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior.
For one of great solemnity to the rejecter of the gospel of God.
That is, the Lord may come yet tonight.
And you have no other opportunity to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior.
Now we turn back.
To the Acts again 13th chapter.
By him all that believed.
Are justified in all things.
From which he could not be justified by the law of Moses.
We said earlier.
But a wholly gone cannot have sin in his presence.
The channel.
You will not have sin in His presence.
So how is it?
That a Sinner.
Can, No.
That he can come into the presence of God.
We were told last night of the way of approach to God.
That God himself has devised the way.
God himself has opened up that way.
Whereby a man may be justified.
Before gone.
Think of it.
The man may be just.
That is looked at in the sight of God as though he has no sins upon him.
Through the work of the Lord Jesus.
And for that we might turn to Romans, the third chapter.
Verse 23.
For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.
Whom God has sent forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that have passed through the forbearance of God to declare, I say at this time His righteousness that he might be just and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.
I'd like to speak for a minute.
First of all, on the 26th verse.
That God.
Is the one.
Who is the author?
Of justification.
God himself is the author.
Of justification.
Now how can a Holy Garden?
Offer justification.
To a Sinner.
And God overlooks him.
Oh no, God cannot. He will not overlook sin.
But God in his wisdom and prudence.
Have devised a plan whereby he may be just.
And the justifier of him that believeth in Jesus.
Oh, how precious, how wonderful it is.
To know that I can be justified.
In the sight of a Holy Ghost.
You know a man.
May stand before the bar of justice.
And he made the innocent and be acquitted.
If no charge against that man when he leaves, that court is acquitted.
Because he did not commit the crime of which he was accused.
Hello, here is 1 by way of illustration, who stands before the bar of justice?
His guilty.
He pleads us guilty enough.
And such may be the circumstances.
That the judge may forgive him.
That which has been committed.
That man can go out the Freeman.
From the presence of the court.
But against his name, there is a crime.
Will it be forgiven?
But a senior comes to God only going to self as a Sinner.
And coming.
The leading in the Lord Jesus Christ.
It comes as a Sinner.
That comes believing in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Or he's made just as though he had never committed one sin.
Perfectly just in the sight of a holy Gom, his sins are gone.
Yes, the sins are gone.
So they can come into the presence of God.
Just as though he had never sinned.
How precious that is.
And God himself is the author of that plan.
Now in the 23rd verse.
It tells us that I have sinned.
And so you and I.
Stand guilty before.
The Holy Ghost.
For all it says in the 24th verse.
Being justified freely by his grace.
Through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.
Oh, what a wonderful thing it is.
Is the grace of God that has been manifested.
Grace is a very spring.
Of justification.
Being justified freely by his grace.
You know, sometimes when one comes to us.
Having offended.
Running forgiveness.
Or it may be given grudgingly.
Yes, I'll forgive you if you won't do it again.
Or when a Sinner comes to God.
On the basis of the 23rd verse at all of sinned and come short of the glory of God.
The answer from God himself is being justified freely by His grace.
Show the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. What a wonderful thing it is to be justified freely.
Or can you think of anything more wonderful than that they can come from the heart of a God of love?
To be justifying and not freely.
This through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.
Yeah, it comes right back again.
To the man of Calvary.
Practice him who dried there upon a cross.
And her bore red judgment.
That was my just due.
Yes, God put upon him all my sins.
And he bore that judgment. He paid the debt.
So that now God can justify freely.
Or are all those that come to him as sinners?
How is it with you?
What about these boys and girls?
Course that week after week under the sound of the gospel.
Do you know yourself?
What are you to be justified? Freely biased grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.
Have you put your faith in him?
Have you come to the Lord Jesus Christ?
Owning your savior. You're a Sinner and you take him as a savior.
All your sinned. The word of God says that you've sinned and you've come short of the glory of God.
You can never in yourself measure up to that standard.
Is beyond the ability of man.
To raise himself to that standard and nothing less than that would do.
For God himself.
But now God comes out.
And all his grace in the riches of His grace.
And it justifies freely.
Do you want to know what it is to be justified freely by His Grace?
All at the very spring of God's justification for the Sinner.
Now let's look at the 5th chapter of Romans.
Verse 9 or verse 8 rather.
God commanded his love toward us.
You're not far over yet, Sinner. Christ died for us.
Much more than being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath.
Through him.
What we have read here tells us so much of the love of God.
God commanded his loved daughters in that war. Really. Yet sinners.
Christ died for him.
Was man beseeching God to send a savior down here?
Oh no.
It was God's plan. There was godly communities loved toward her.
And when the Savior came?
What kind of a reception did he get?
He came to his own, and his own received him not.
No, they wouldn't receive him.
But what they did do was to nail into a cross and set away with them.
There was man's reception of the blessed Son of God.
He came down here to offer himself as a savior to men.
And then nailed him to the cross.
Will you take that savior tonight?
Or will you say no, I don't want him. I won't have him. Are you going to put yourself in the same class as those who nailed into the cross? They said I waited and they don't want him.
Do you want him or you can have him tonight?
You can take him as a savior now. You can have him right now, if you will.
All this world stands condemned for their treatment.
Of the Lord Jesus Christ.
But you know.
After the Lord Jesus had dismissed his spirit after he said it is finished, and then bowed his head and just missed his spirit, there came a soldier, and with a spear he pierced his side of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Forthwith came throughout blood in the water, the Scripture tells us.
The scripture also tells us without shedding of blood is no remission.
It's on the basis of the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
That you and I can be justified.
And the ninth verse, which we read in this 5th chapter, tells us.
That our justification.
Is on the ground of the shed blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.
That's a grand.
Grace is the spring of it.
Well, it must be on the basis or on the ground of that shed blood.
We were reminded last night.
That the whale approach to come all through the scripture is on the basis.
Of the shedding of blood, death must come in. Yes, death must come in.
And all those animals which were slain and all the accounts we have in the Old Testament.
All that pointed on to the time when the Lord Jesus Christ would hang upon Calvary's cross and his blood there would be shed.
God can justify freely by his grace.
But only on the ground.
Of the shedding of blood.
And that blood.
Of his own beloved Son.
The con man come down here into this world as a man.
In order that he might go to the cross and they're dry and his blood be shattered for the forgiveness of your sins.
Doesn't mean anything to you. Is there a response in your heart?
To hear about him as a one who came down here for your sake.
God, tremendous love to you.
Or while you're yet a Sinner.
God commanded love to you.
Christ died for you.
Will you have him? He is yours for the taking tonight, if you'll only have him as your savior.
Always say, how do you know? How do you know that this is true?
Let's look at the last verse.
Of the 4th chapter of this Epistle to the Romans.
For the last words of the 24th verse.
We believe in Him that raised up Jesus, our Lord from the dead who was delivered for our offenses.
And was raised again for our justification.
The Lord Jesus.
When it died upon Calvary cross.
Was put into the tomb.
He was buried.
There was a death of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And the shedding of his blood that avails for the forgiveness of sins.
Or precious, that is, he will deliver for our offenses.
And the speaker can put himself into that alone. With many in this room. We can appropriate that for ourselves that he was delivered for our offenses.
But how about you?
Can you put your name in that three letter word? Owl. Oh, you are.
Did you put your name there? He was delivered for my offenses.
Hello. There's more than that.
He was raised again for our justification.
God has given us ample proof that he was fully satisfied with the work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
He was raised by the joy of the Father out of death.
Yes, he was.
Death could not hold him.
He was a sinless 1.
Rory, for my sins upon the cross.
But those sins are all gone.
He was raised again for our justification.
Yeah, he's up on high on the glory of the proof that my sins are gone, that I'm just.
Before wholly gone.
Oh, how wonderful it is to have him up there as a proof.
But my sins are gone.
Oh, he bore my sins. He was made sin for me.
God cannot have sin in his presence.
Another work would not perfect. He could not have gone back to the glory.
He would have remained in the grave.
That all, thank God. So perfect, was at work that not one sin remains.
All have been justified in the sight of God, and the proof of it is a very fact that the Lord Jesus Christ, when the work was done, took his seat at the right hand of the majesty on high.
What more proof do you want than that that God is satisfied with the work of the Lord Jesus?
The Sinner can be justified in the sight of God.
Today, there is more than that.
The first verse of the 5th chapter tells us therefore being justified by faith.
We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Oh, it must be on the principle of faith.
If I want to be saved, and if you were to be saved, it must be on the principle of faith, putting your imposite trust in the word of God, that what God says is true, that the one who had delivered for our offenses and raised for our justification.
Here's the one in whom we put our trust and our faith. Or will you take him tonight?
Will you believe him? Will you believe God?
There's a verse in the third chapter of John's Gospel that says he that hath received this testimony of foot to his seal that God is true.
Do you believe that testimony that you have in the word of God?
But there is forgiveness of sin.
What there is justification for the Sinner? Do you believe it?
Have you put your seal upon that God is true?
Oh, it's true.
You may take guarded word.
Because God cannot lie.
And God offers to you tonight.
Forgiveness is sin the obvious to your justification in His sight.
Yes it does.
Now let's turn back again to Acts 13.
Verse 40.
Beware therefore, lest that come upon you, which is spoken of in the prophets.
Behold, you despisers, and wonder and perish for our worker work in your days.
A work register in no wise believe though a man declare it.
Under you.
See, our time is running out.
These meetings.
Are almost completed.
Yes, but more serious than that.
The Day of Grace.
Has almost run out.
We believe.
With all sincerity.
But the coming of the Lord is near.
And following that.
The time when God is going to work, They work.
Which he has proclaimed in his word.
A work of judgment.
Upon those who reject the gospel of the grace of God.
He gave warning.
In days of old, upcoming judgment.
And these words, which we have here, are a quotation from the Old Testament.
Warning the people in that game that judgment was coming.
And judgment came.
And after death that came.
The word proclaimed by the servant of God on that day was true.
He proclaimed the word of God.
And tonight we proclaim that judgment is coming.
Upon those who reject the gospel of the grace of God.
But God does not act without forewarning.
And if there's one here who does not yet know the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior, the warning of going up to you, beware.
Because judgment is coming.
And is coming upon those.
Who are the rejectors of the Gospel?
We get turned to, but we won't take time of how gone.
Proclaims that the day is coming when God is going to send strong illusion in this world.
Yes, God is going to send a strong delusion in this world.
To whom?
To those who would not believe the truth.
They would not receive the truth.
And what are they left? If they reject the truth, what is their left but to believe a lie?
Then the result.
This judgment damnation from the hand of a holy God.
The guard who tonight seeks to justify the Sinner who proclaims himself as a God, who will justify him through the work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
But the day is coming.
When that one were proclaimed tonight as a savior.
Is going to sit as a judge.
Yeah, she's going to sit as a judge.
And in that day.
All those who have died outside of Christ.
Will stand before him.
And have to answer.
For their sins.
And they will be judged every man according to his work.
Where will you be in that day?
Will you be standing before that great white throne?
You know they can't picture that scene.
What scene of the awful majesty?
Of a holy God.
Sitting upon his throne.
From his face.
The heaven and the earth.
Are going to flee away.
And you, my dear friend.
If you do not have the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior, you will be there standing before that throne.
Maintained there by the power of God.
And to hear those awful words.
This part into the lake of fire.
Oh, it's real.
It's just as true.
There is a fact that the Lord Jesus Christ came down here into this world to die as a savior for sinners. It's just as true that he will sit at that time.
As the judge.
He is a judge both of the living and the dead.
All our awful idiots to depart out of this world.
Neglecting or rejecting.
God's offer of salvation. Or may you not go away from here without knowing what it is to have the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior.
Shall we sing #2?
Come just Jesus, gently calling me with care and toil oppressed with your guitar air falling. Come and I will give you rest for your sin. You once has suffered on the cross the work was done, and the word by God now uttered to each weary soul is come #2.