Gospel 1

Duration: 49min
Gospel—Al Coleman
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We have an anchor that keeps the stall steadfast and sure while the bill is rolled, fastened to the rock, which cannot move, grounded, firm indeed in the saviors love. I used to live in Newfoundland and Newfoundland was called the rock The rock because everywhere in nuclear land there is rock, and a lot of.
A lot of Newfoundlanders always long to get back to their rock.
Uh, I was privileged to get back there this summer.
That rock is Christ. That's it. That rock is Christ. First Corinthians, that rock is Christ. And we want you to, I want to point you to the Lord Jesus Christ tonight.
He's the only Savior of sinners, the only person.
For a lost, perishing soul.
Let's sing this song.
They can fall straight and whoever you're playing, crying and praying Lord and.
Bringing me.
Way to hide their life there is also.
Pressure of your wildlife.
One separate.
Translator while the surgeon just prayed that the wild wind flow.
Shall behave grave when the fire come along, and glow on the glow alone.
When you have a thyroid.
And wildlife, again, the blood.
OK, we're done.
No, not anything. No, I think you can never.
Umm, well, where I've been rolled through one morning.
Uh-huh. You're very, very bright.
Rails in your eyes.
I'm calling. It's not bad, I don't know.
When I saw it.
Last morning.
We're in the heart of the name Treasurer like it slowed as long as woe. Sam and I can't show you a wildly sure while younger than the end of the world.
Umm 1000 to the long winds and walk through ground everything that I can see in the same time.
Let's ask the Lord's blessing on His Word. Our loving Father, we thank Thee that we can open Thy precious Word once more this evening. And we thank You for this precious Word of thine that is so living.
And so wonderful. And we just praise thee and thank you for this Father. We thank Thee that we can take up this precious word and read it, meditate upon it, and see in thy precious word first of all, and thy great love and.
Thy way of salvation to poor, lost, guilty sinners.
And we thank you for this.
The way of salvation is so simple. We thank You for this, and it's not complicated. We can just come to Thee in faith and trust Thee as Lord and Savior and be saved and be saved for all eternity. How wonderful this is. And we thank Thee for loving Father. So we ask you to help us with the open Thy precious word this evening, and we give Thee thanks for the privilege of being.
And and preaching the gospel.
We thank you for this and a loving Father and the precious name of the Lord Jesus. Amen. Amen.
Uh, Psalm 107.
107 songs.
I want to say first of all that this is the.
Joy of being able to preach the gospel from any portion of scripture and apply it to the gospel.
That to me is just fabulous. I like it and the Lord is giving me this portion tonight and I trust it'll be an enjoyment to everyone. I'm here tonight, Psalm 107.
Verse 23.
They that go down to the sea in ships that do business in the great waters.
They see the works of the Lord and His wonders in the deep, For He commandeth and raiseth the stormy wind which lifted up the waves thereof. They mount up to heaven. They go down again to the depths. Their soul is melted because of trouble.
They reel true and for old, and stagger like a drunken man, and are at their wit's end. Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble, and He bringeth them out of their distresses. He maketh the storm that calm, so that the waves thereof are still. Then are they glad because they be quiet, So he bringeth them into.
Their desired heaven. Oh, that men would praise the Lord for his goodness for his wonderful works to the children of men. That is repeated four times in this in this 107th Chong all that men would praise the Lord for his goodness for his wonderful works to the children of men. What was the most wonderful word that he and sent his Son here into this world.
That He gave His only begotten Son. And so we read in John 316. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. And this wonderful God in heaven has given the very object of his heart his dear beloved Son. And to think of how man could take that blessed One, and put Him up there on Telford's cross.
And they could say away with this man, crucify him, crucify him. We will not have this man to reign over us. They crucified the Lord of glory. And you know even today they would do the same. And the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. It was man's wicked heart that put the Lord Jesus up on that cross and as often repeated in a gospel meeting, all of sin.
And come short as the glory of God. Everyone of us here tonight have sinned. Even the youngest person here has sinned, and those sins have separated us from the holy God. God cannot have sinned in his presence. And so He's provided a way whereby you and I could be saved and, and to come into his presence and to spend an eternity with Him. You know, it's so wonderful that here we are.
2013 and uh, what is that? September? And we're so close to the Lord's coming. Oh, it's so wonderful just to think of it called blessed just to think that perhaps this very, very night the Lord will come and take us to. Will this room be empty? What about it, young people, have you decided for Christ tonight? You know, tomorrow maybe too late.
It may be too late.
You know, it's so wonderful.
Yeah, Brother Jim will allow me. I'm going to talk about his father-in-law. Mr. Burn was.
A very successful man in York, carbon, nuclear land, and he had no regard for the gospel. I've, I've known him for maybe over 20 years or so. More than that probably.
He, uh, was well known in York Harbor and we always, uh, on our way out, we always stopped there for whatever the case may be. Usually there's an ice cream cone and, uh, Mr. Byrne, very nice man. I think he wasn't saved and he had been acquainted with the gospel, everyone that had come through.
Had given him the gospel.
And no, there was no response.
Umm, so you know, it says here in Psalm 107.
For he commanded and raised it the stormy winds.
Mr. Byrne After he was retired, a stormy wind came into his life.
He got cancer.
And you know, it was in the reclining years of his life that Mister Byrne came to know the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior. He had no regard, as I knew him years before, for this precious Word of God. He had no regard for it. He would just pass it off.
But the Lord brought him to know him as Lord and Savior, and I believe it probably was the testimony of of ones that came by.
And uh, so now he has cancer.
And he's not too long for this world. He's going to leave this world.
But he's going to be with the Lord Jesus. Now I want to tell you that we went to see him, and the subject before us was becoming of the Lord Jesus.
The rapture to take us home to the Father's house. And you know, he was just beaming, He was enjoying and the precious word of God, what a change in his life. Who made that change, the Lord Jesus.
He came as a guilty, lost Sinner, and he saved.
I'm gonna say that Mister Burns, probably what did he? Oh, yeah, he told me it was 78. And.
Is that the time to come to Christ? No, no, no, no, no. The time to come to Christ is when you're young, says and remember now, thy creator, in the days of thy youth, that's the time to come to the Lord Jesus, to be saved. And so we asked you this question tonight. Are you saved?
They go down to the sea and ships that do business in the great waters.
Tonight we're going to talk about.
Your ship, where's it going? Where's it going? I gave a crack to a man last Tuesday, and it was a Titanic track. I love to give that one out. And he didn't know anything about the Titanic. And so I had the privilege of telling them all about the Titanic. If you were on that boat, you would have gone down with the rest of them.
If you weren't without Christ, you would be eternally lost.
Yeah, you're on a journey. You're on a life journey. You know, some of you young ones here this evening are just starting out on your life's journey.
You're just starting up and, uh, this person here is uh, probably coming to the end of life's journey.
Umm, uh, but which way are you going? Where is your ship going? Where is it going? And you know, it says passing onward quickly passing, yes, but wither whither bound where you go?
Have you made a decision for Christ yet?
Have you come to him?
I know it says there's something wonderful about the gospel, and it's this The blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanseth us from all sin.
You can't get to heaven without that. You know the Lord Jesus shed His precious blood on Calvary's cross for you because you are a Sinner.
And wonderful, isn't it? He's provided a way of salvation. Provided a way. It's full and free. It's free. The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord, the only way, the only way. And it says in that in Proverbs 14, it says there is a way which seemeth right unto a man.
But the ends are over the ways of death.
Oh, and so last Tuesday I handed out a track to a a person. She had one of those shelves on so you know who where she was coming from. And she held out her hand to hit the to get the track. And at the last second she saw the name of Jesus and go back the name of Jesus. Neither is there salvation and any other for there's none other name.
Under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
That track says one day you will meet Jesus, one day you will meet Jesus and thank God to his sovereign grace. I'm going to meet him as my Savior, my Savior.
But we asked this question, are you gonna need them as you as you judge? And that's a solemn thing to think that there could be one here tonight that has never come to the Lord Jesus. And you'll meet him as your judge and you'll stand before that blessed one.
And it'd be awesome, awesome sight. And I saw the dead, small and great stand before God. And the books were opened. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. Is that your portion? Does God want to send a man to hell? No, he doesn't. He says I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked would turn from his evil way and live. And then he says, I love this. He says, turn me, turn me for a while.
Turn ye, turn ye. And so the gospel is like that, you know, God is long-suffering, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. And. And so the gospel goes, for it goes forth week by week, day by day, because.
Because God wants to save your soul. Yes he does.
How precious it is.
Another another man.
In Newfoundland, I went, this was one of the two reasons why I went new for one of the conference because her brother Roy Stevens in St. John, NB says Alice says I want you to go and meet my go and see my cousin. He's dying of bone cancer.
And Herb, that stone I worked with for 12 years, he was, I had my stall here in Canadian Tire and he had his stall over there.
And, uh, we, we work on cars.
The years have gone by. I had moved to.
Vancouver and, uh, 20 years had gone by and so I phoned him up. I said, Herb, this is Al Coleman. He says what he was surprised he after 20 years, he remembered me. Herb, I want to come and see you. Oh yeah, come on up. And so I had to climb this steep hill to his house. I was all tuckered out by the time I got there. And so we got to talk in about the old shop and what happened to this person, that person and then.
Herb En invited me into his house. Yes, he was dying of cancer. He was in great pain and his wife was equally sick.
And then the subject came around to the gospel, to the Lord states. I wanted to give him the gospel. I wanted to him to know the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior before it's forever too late. He was dying of cancer.
I heard, umm, do you, do you want a Bible? Yes, he says. I own a Bible, he says. You gave it to me 20 years ago and I'm still reading it.
I said, praise the Lord, isn't that wonderful? His portal never returned. Void never. That little track that you gave out or that little word that you gave out, God can use it. You young people, you got a friend.
You can tell them above the Lord Jesus.
And they never returned, boys. That's what I like about giving out, giving out gospel tries. I know. And that once it it's gone, you know it's in the hands of the Spirit of God. You can use it.
You're on a journey.
Look at it, it says.
They that go down on the stadium ships that do business in the great waters.
And you know what God's business is saving souls.
That's what he wants. He wants to save your soul.
And he wants to save your soul right now, tonight, right in your chair.
This boy here didn't do that when he was young.
And I recommend highly, highly that you confess Christ when you're young.
You see, I LED a very wild, wicked life when I was young, very wild, very wicked. And I never came to Christ until I was in my 20s. And those to me were wasted years because I was never reading this precious word of God and seeing what my precious Savior had instructions for me. And so how, how important it is? I say important it is.
To come to Christ when you're yelling and to take up this precious book and read it and read it and meditate upon it.
It's his work and it and it and it shows us the way of salvation, you know, and it also shows this direction in our life. So what's this little ship going to do? What is my little ship gonna do? Where is it going?
Passing on very quickly Passing, yes, but with or where, God? Where, where?
Do you see the works of the Lord and His wonders in the deep?
This wonderful creation.
The awesomeness of this creation. Go down to your garden and see that rose look up in the sky and see them myriads of stars. Remember once when we were camping in the South Coast Newfoundland and brother Don Bilasoli and I and.
It's a rarity to have a clear sky in Newfoundland, and I looked up in the sky and.
It was just.
Myriad and myriads and myriads. What a wonderful sight.
That belongs to my God, and I belong to Him.
Not wonderful, we know.
Do you know Jesus as your own personal savior?
He commandeth and raised it. The stormy wind.
You know we've been singing about will your anchor hold in the storms of life. Sometimes he can bring a storm into our life. Yes, he can. He can bring a storm into our life.
Because he wants us to look to Him.
And a storm in our life.
Whatever the case may be, it may be sickness, it may be a disaster, maybe it was an accident, whatever the case may be, and God can bring that storm into our life.
They mount up to heaven.
They go down again to the dips.
Their souls melted in the middle.
Uh uh, melted because of trouble.
A great.
Up and down.
Last week, no two weeks ago, my family invited me to go down to the seashore with him.
And, uh, we had a very nice time with the family and I love to go out into the waves and go out about this far and just challenge the waves and sometimes they challenge you and I don't.
It says here they reel to and fro and stagger and get drunk in man.
Those waves don't come at you, Earth straight on. Sometimes they come this way and that way. You never know which way they're coming. And isn't that the way sometimes we get in our life that we don't know which The way that turns, it's coming at us from all angles. I don't know, and I'm at my wit's end. I don't know what to do.
Yes, I do come to the Lord.
He's available, He's available. We can just come to him.
Oh, you know, I looked back and when I was working in this in mechanics shop and I, I would get into trouble with a car and I cannot find out the problem with this car. And uh, I said, Lord help me fix this car. I don't know where, where, where the problem is.
You know something, The Lord is an excellent intent.
He is, He can show us what the problem is with that car and he can do all kinds of things like that, little things that we have in our life. You know, that's nice, isn't it?
So you're at school, you're young people, and you have a problem in your school.
OK, afternoon. He's available. He's available, right? close.
And uh, it says they real true and throw and stagger like a drunken man. What I'm going to tell you right now is very common.
They reel to and fold and stagger like an early man. You know, in gospel meetings. I've told a lot of things about myself. I've never told you this part.
Because when I was young, I would get drunk many times.
I did, and I look back on it with sorrow.
That I got drunk and you know, that's what this is describing right now. They real to improve and stagger like a drunken man. Have you ever had a hangover? No, I'm sure if I look around this room, I don't think there's one person here that's ever had a hangover. It's the most horrible thing that you can take down and it's awful. And yet there it was.
My father praying for me.
Where is he? What is he doing?
And, you know, there's a lot of fathers here tonight are praying for their son, for their daughter. Where are they? What are they doing?
It's the same as what we're doing, what we're talking about this morning, Mary. Where is she? Where is she?
Lord, you know where she is. Look after her. And so she's in the Lord's hands.
You know this world has nothing for you. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Don't and look to this world for enjoyment, for peace.
The glitter and glamour of this world is not worth it. It's not worth it.
It's not worth having a big head, it's not worth staggering like a drunken man, and that's just exactly what it is.
The Lord Jesus has something wonderful for you. He can give you peace. He can give you enjoyment. Oh what a wonderful thing it is to to be a child of God, to know my precious Savior and all that He does for me.
And his great love for me, and that he died on Calvary's cross for me. And that he's coming again for me to Take Me Home to the Father's house.
Does the world offer that? Did the world offer that for me when I was young?
Now none but Christ can satisfy.
There's love and life and lasting joy Lord Jesus found in me.
Are you? Do you, Do you know this wonderful person?
They create a real to and fro and stagger like a drunken man, and they're at their wit's end. Oh, many times I've been at my wit's end. And I came to him and he helped me. And he'll help you too. He'll help you in your Christian life.
Then they cry unto the Lord, and in their trouble.
And, you know, there's a gospel meeting here tonight.
Have you cried to the Lord?
Have you cried till the Lord he'll hear you? This very wonderful God will hear you know he's he's not like me, he's not like he's not hard to hurt me. He don't need to hear me. His ear is ever hoping to your kind and he wants to hear from you.
The beer would talk to him. You ever talked to the Lord Jesus? I have so many, many, many, many times and and he's always listening to me. What a Savior, what a wonderful God that we have. Then they cry unto the Lord, and they're troubled.
Call upon me in the day of trouble, and I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me.
I always say this and that verse. It's a direct telephone line to heaven. Dial it, dial it 5015. That's a direct call to heaven. And and then another thing I want to tell you is this, don't wait till you get into trouble before you call the Lord Jesus. He's there, He's available. Call upon me in the day of trouble and I will.
Deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me.
Then they cry into their Lord in their trouble, and he bringeth them out of their distress.
Oh, how wonderful this is, that he has taken me, save me, washed all my sins away.
And I made it, and for him, for his presence, Wonderful God, wonderful God. Do you know this wonderful person?
He maketh this storm.
Yeah, beautiful. He maketh the storm. I can't. Do you have a storm in your life? Do you have problems in your life? And we can bring that calm right into your life. Peace, therefore justify by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
He maketh a storm of calm, so that the waves there are are still. You think of the Lord.
When he was out there in that water there, he said.
P Be still P Be still and he can bring that calm into your life. Turn with me to.
Psalm. Psalm 46.
Psalm 46.
God is our refuge and strength, a very present health in trouble. Think of that in that night, very present right now, health and trouble. Therefore we will we not fear though the earth be removed and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea. You know what you think of what it is the news flashes that are coming through today.
What a horrible world in which we are living in the crisis in Syria and all those other things, you know, everywhere you can see.
Uh, in, uh, we, we've experienced, uh, a summer in, uh, Atlanta and most unusual summer we've had it rained.
And storms for a full month and floods and, and we're not the only when there's floods all over the place and there's disasters all over the place and there's shootings all over the place and there's, well, I, I don't, I don't have to list them all. Do you know all about it?
What is wrong with the world today? What is happening?
The Lord is coming. Thank you, the Lord is coming.
And these are last closing days of the Day of Grace, and I believe his timing is so very human.
The coming of the Lord draws down. Oh, how wonderful it is that you and I are gonna.
See him face to face, to be with him, to be like him. And is this your portion? MMM.
Psalm 46, God is our refuge and strength. What is a refuge? It's a place of safety. And we have the cities of refuge back in in Deuteronomy.
The only place of refuge is the Lord Jesus Christ.
Was reading this afternoon about Abner and just further on in that chapter after gets to the city of refuge.
Advocates to the city of Hebron, and he just gets to the door of the gate and he is about to open the door of that city and to get in and what does he do?
And Joy comes up behind him and he says, Abner, just a minute, I want to talk to you.
And died there. She died there. I had to do was open that gate and get into that city of refuge and you be safe.
And you know you're in tonight. All you have to do is to come to Jesus as your Savior.
And you'll be safe and safe for all eternity. Isn't that wonderful? God is our refuge and strength. Therefore we will not fear. You know, we don't have to fear the future because the future is all settled in Christ. He is my future. We can calmly face the future when the blood is on the door. I like that. That's nice. And we can calmly face the future.
When the blood is on the door, though the waters there are roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake, and the swelling they're all.
And so we look at the world today, what a turmoil this world is in. We're going to leave it. We're going to leave it.
There is a river, the streams, they're all make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the Most High God is in the midst of she not.
She shall not be moved. God will help her. In that early. The heathen raised, the kingdoms were moved. He uttered his voice. The earth melted. The Lord of hosts is with us. The God of Jacob is our refuge. Selena, come see the works of the Lord. What desolations he had made in the earth. He maketh wars to thief.
Until the end of their year, he breaketh the bow and.
He cut at the spear and Thunder. He burneth the chariot and fire. Be still and know that I am gone. You have a beautiful verse. Be still and know that I am God. God will still be God.
I will be exalted among the heat, and I will be exalted in the earth. The Lord of hosts is with us. The God of Jacob is our refuge. I want to tell you a little bit about this song.
During the first, during the last war.
Winston Churchill.
Called the man by the name of Sir William Dolby.
He said I want you to go down to the island of Malta and hold it at all costs. And you know what happened in history that Yalan or Malta was bombarded by the German Luke Lukewoff and it was just flat. But Winston Churchill said to hold it at all cost because it was very important island great in the middle of.
The Mediterranean.
And Mr. Sir William Dolby was the Christian man, and this was his chapter said, God is our refuge and strength. He maketh wars to see. He burned at the chariot of fire. Those German planes that came down, he maketh the Chariots of fire.
Hold it at all cost. God is our refuge and strength.
My stream I can do all things through Christ, which strengtheneth me.
That's it, That's it.
You know, beloved, I can't stand up here in my own strength. No, I can't.
And so only the Lord sustained thee. What a God, what a wonderful God. You know, years ago I'd be petrified, absolutely petrified to give a gospel tract to a person on the street. Absolutely petrified. I couldn't do it. And yet the as the Lord has given me the strength to get out in the street. Somebody, somebody asked me the other day, and aren't you scared of going down there?
No, no.
The other day I was down there and there had been a shooting that a few days before and there must have been 12 or so pleased to read in the same block.
But there's souls down there. There's souls, souls that are lost. They're on their way to a lost eternity. No, precious it is to be able to give out the word down there, to see these souls.
Going walking.
What a privilege.
No, I'm not scared. The Lord gives me the strength. Everybody's arming themselves with guns, everybody. The gun shops are empty.
That's the world in which we are living. But, you know, we're going to leave this world. We're going to lead this world. And so I looked around this room tonight. We're going to leave this to hope. The Lord's going to come.
And the Lord shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the Archangel and trump of God.
And the data in Christ shall raise 1St. And we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together to the Lord in your. So shall we ever be with the Lord.
If the Lord was to come tonight.
Would there be one here left in your seat?
I remember, I remember that as a young lad sitting in many gospel meetings, I go out of the gospel meetings. It's still a lost Sinner.
Is it going to be one here tonight and that doesn't know Christ as their Savior? One young person, one older one.
God loves you. He wants to save your precious souls. He wants to take you to that wonderful home in heaven that is prepared for you.
And he could say in my father's house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you, I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am.
There it may be also and then it says until it passes, Lord we we don't know where where you're going. Show us the way and and he and he said to Philip, he says, have I been so long time with you? And now that's not an only he that has seen me has seen the father.
No, there are many that today are saying show me the way. There is a way. There is a way. It is in this wonderful book, the Word of God and that liveth in abideth forever. For the Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword.
It's the word of God saved, not the words of alcohol. It's His Word, this precious word of God.
And I challenge you, dear young people that take this book, meditate upon it, read it every day, and.
Chapter by chapter, word by word, whatever it is, whatever the case may be.
But to take this word and make it your way of life, He's showing you the way. He's showing you how to live through this world. He's showing you also how to be safe.
What must I do to be saved? Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. It's the way of salvation. The Lord Jesus provided that through his precious work in Calvary's growth, God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life. The verse that I love to quote in the gospel meaning this is.
If he only thought of himself.
And gathered unto himself his spirit and his breath, all flesh would perish together, and man.
Would umm.
OK, anyways, uh, may I return to the dust? Got it.
Umm, but what's the answer? What is the answer? God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son. That's the answer. He never thought of himself. He thought of you. He thought of me.
John 737 The last day, that great day of the peace, Jesus Christ. And if any man thirst, let him come to me injury.
For Christ and he's satisfied, the longing soul, He wants to save you. If you're not saved tonight, you can come. He'll receive you. Call upon me in the day of coming, and I will deliver thee, and thou shalt Lord for me have you thanked the Lord Jesus and for dying on countless cross for you? Even the youngest person here today can thank the Lord Jesus for dying on Calvary's trust, and he wants to hear from you.
Let's thank the Lord, a loving Father, we do thank thee tonight for thy precious word, and we thank You that it's a living word. And we thank thee, Lord Jesus, for an.