Gospel 3

Duration: 53min
Gospel—Al Coleman
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I want to start off tonight with prayer first. The reason being for this is that the last gospel meeting I took, I got carried away and I never prayed. First, it's important to pray to ask the Lord for help, isn't it? Let's ask the Lord now. First of all, I want to sing #17 #17 have you any room for Jesus?
Have you any room for Jesus? And I'm predominantly tonight with the Lord's help.
I'm going to talk about this gospel track that really I love and I've given out. One day you will meet Jesus. One day you will meet Jesus. Well, we can talk about that tonight.
#17 Have you any room for cheese?
Have you?
Walmart glass area rampart in man.
From marching on the floor down for me.
Embrace me all again.
All those years there in this time next time, that's a goodness. Tomorrow I'm going to love you. Make all their day.
And and then there's a while you're coming.
Then let's go back to 15 and we're going to sing the last stands of 15. God's house is filling fast, yet there is room. Some guests will be the last, yet there is room number 15, verse 4.
Gun House.
Redmond Operations Day on your hands away.
And break one more real thing you have to say Yes, there is no terrorist room.
You know.
I'm amazed at the grace of God.
I'm amazed at how God uses the instruments.
Uh, uh, sometimes hundreds of souls to lead a person to Christ.
And sometimes through circumstances that God speaks to a man to bring him to Christ.
And the precious word of God, that is the key He uses that precious word of God.
It's a wonderful God and not willingness any should perish. You know it says in Ezekiel 33, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked would turn from his evil way and live. And then he then he pleased, he says turn ye, turn ye for a while when he died. That's the heart of God, isn't it, the heart of God.
Yeah, let me tell you about my plane trip here.
I took a plane from Seattle to from Vancouver to Seattle and uh, got into Seattle airport and the next plane was to Atlanta.
Now, this was Tuesday.
And, uh, when I get into the airport, well, uh.
I like to have a window seat because I want an over ongoing. I want to see where I'm going. Sometimes you don't, you don't see it, you know?
Anyway, so I went up to the wicket and I said, uh, is it possible that I could get a winner seat? And he says, no, this plane is jam packed full. It says 767 and uh, there must have been what 200 and 5300 people on board this plane. Uh, and it was a four and a half hour flight. I thought, Oh well, if, if I can't, I can't. That's all there is to it anyways. Uh, but he says, uh, at the, uh, wake up there, he says, but you've got a, a computer, uh.
There he says I'll give you 1 instead of it. So he gave me a boarding pass instead of. OK, fine. Anyways, uh, I have to sit now. No problem.
Well, anyways, uh, uh, we got on board the plane, I had 40C40C uh, for my seat and uh, we get on board the plane and I go down the aisle, uh, find NUM #40C.
And somebody sitting in it.
Well, you know, oh boy, here we go. So I and I showed him, look, I got 40 seats. Well, he says, look, I got 40 seats too.
So stewardess come here and help us. So the stewardess came down to help us and, uh, and she said, OK, you go right, right to the back of the plane there and you just stand there and wait. OK, little patience. OK, And presently she came back.
And, uh, she said. You know, I was looking over the plane at the back of you couldn't see one.
Empty seat, not one and.
You know, I, I really thought I was gonna be put off the plane anyways. Umm, she came to me and she says here you are 30.
A what 30 A That's a window seat.
No wonder how God works. Isn't that wonderful?
But this is not the story. This is not all the story.
38 was a window seat was over the wing. You couldn't see anything anyways so it didn't matter.
That's not why God wanted me in that seat.
Because I sat down there NE next to a lady who was 40 years old. And immediately, as soon as we, uh, we sat, uh, she, I sat down, we started talking and we said, well, I'm going to a Bible conference. Oh, you are.
And that started the conversation.
That this woman.
Well, this woman says.
Let me tell you, I go back a little bit.
You know something, I got the last seat on that plane.
Now we've just sung uh yeah, God's house is filling past. Yet there is room, Some guests will be the last. Yet there's room, some guests will be the last.
That last one and the door will be shut forever. No opportunity to accept Christ as your Savior. You know the minute I sat down in that empty seat the the the door closed and the plane moved away.
Wouldn't it be sad tonight if there's a person here?
And it was put it off, this question of your soul salvation.
Put it off, put it off, put it off. Maybe some other time, maybe some other day. I'll wait till I maybe 1415. No, it doesn't work. Doesn't work.
God in this Master's grace, wants to save you from all your sins. You know something that you have sinned against God.
You've sinned against God, and those sins have separated you from a holy God.
God cannot have sin in His presence, no.
Think of it.
How precious it is that heaven will be filled with saved souls. Heaven will be filled with saved souls.
And all heaven will rejoice at that Blessed One who is going to be the center of all eternity. The center.
And well, I'm just, it's so excited that that moment is not very far off.
Yeah, I think what a world in which we are living today.
What a world.
Awful. We're getting off pretty soon. We're getting off and we're going home. We're going home to the Father's house. That's where I want to be. Well, I got the last seat and so I sat beside this lady and like I said, immediately we started talking. I'm not a very talkative person and I'm not very good at one-on-one giving the gospel.
Anyways, we started talking, so I thought, I thought, I told her. I said, well, I'm going to a conference, to a Bible conference. You know, it's very important to tell everybody who you belong to, show your colors.
Show your colors. I belong to Christ, I know Jesus as my Savior, and I'm on my way to the glory.
And she said, well, I'm a Christian too.
Oh well, that's good.
But what is a Christian? What is a Christian?
Shall I define a Christian? What is a Christian? I believe that Christian is one that knows, has come to know personally and had a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and knows him personally as Lord and Savior and have all their sins washed away.
That's a Christian.
Umm, so this woman, she says to me, uh, uh, I'm a Christian. But then she says to me, is it alright if I have a glass of wine?
So what am I gonna say? Well, I didn't say anything, but anyways, we had a nice conversation and we had 4 1/2 hours.
I have a friend in Richmond where I live part time.
I tell you about this friend.
His name is Bob.
Now, Bob and I, uh, were buddies 55 years ago.
And umm, we were part of a gang.
Yeah, we were a game, and not a very nice game.
Not at first, I can't.
Zero. How precious it is.
That God saved one member of that gang. I don't know about the others.
It's just matchless grace. I didn't deserve it. And I say a 500 pence debtor. That's what I am by the grace of God. I am what I am today by the grace of God.
So we do each other in those days, but then we drifted apart.
I remember the day that that we drifted apart and we were part of the gang. We were down there in the beach and you know what was going on. And I told him, I said, look, I can't walk with you guys anymore.
I want to follow the Lord in my life.
I can't walk with you anymore.
And that was the last I saw them.
You know, they didn't want me anymore because I was a Christian.
Show your colors.
Well, anyways, the years passed and uh, one day there was a grand sale in Richmond and uh, Kathy and I went to this garage sale and along comes this man Bob.
And uh, whoa, haven't seen you since we were, you know, and, uh, so we got to talking and we were just quite friendly and, uh, Bob was telling, he says, you know, I got cancer.
I got prostate cancer and I'm fighting it and he wasn't in. He wasn't very good shape.
Dear Bob, he was a lost soul.
But you know something?
Bob was a member of the United Church up there in Stephen Highway and and #3 Rd.
And, uh, he was an active member in that, uh, in, in that church.
He uh, uh, I was told by uh, uh, a girl in our, Our Lady in our apartment that goes there, that Bob was a real handyman in the church. If there was something need need to be fixed, he fixed it.
And, uh, I just remembered then that, uh, I remember us calling Bob. We used to call him Tinker.
Because he he would always tinker with something and he was, he would always fix it.
So Bob got sicker and sicker and then not too long ago he was in hospital. He was in palliative care ward and very exercised about the sole salvation of Bob.
And so I went up to, to, uh, see him and he was in bad shape. He was getting morphine about three or four times.
In pain it had gone to his bones and I, I I figured not long for this world.
And I was, you know, concerned about his sole salvation. And, you know, tonight, if there's one here that's without Christ, I'm concerned for your soul salvation. I want you to listen to the word of God tonight. I haven't opened it yet. I'm going to.
And I gave Bob this track. One day you will meet Jesus. And I'm telling you tonight.
That one day you're gonna meet Jesus, and you're gonna meet him either in one or two ways.
As your savior or as your judge?
One day you will meet Jesus.
So, Bob, what about your soul salvation? What about Jesus in your life?
And then he started, and boy, he was a good talker and he talked. Talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk. I couldn't get a word in edgewise to give him the gospel he was all full of.
I did this, I did that, I did this, I did that.
Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us. For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves. It is the gift of God. Not at worst, lest any man should boast. Not one thing that I could I do to merit my salvation. It's all been done.
At the cross of Calvary, when the Lord Jesus 2000 years ago went to that cross and willingly died on Calvary's cross for my sins as he hung there in that cross.
As they mocked him on that cross.
He could say, Father, forgive them for they know not what they do. That's my Savior. That's my precious Savior who died for me.
Can you say that tonight? Can you say the savior died for me? I am afraid to say that. I don't think Bob is saved, and I think he's been on his way to a lost eternity. He's going on his own merits. Yeah. Sad.
I should get into the word that, uh, I got one more story to tell.
In our apartment complex, there's a man. I might have told this before.
There's a man by the name of Dave and, uh, he's a drinking man. You know what I mean by a drinking man? And every time I saw him, he was going into his apartment with a bottle and he was upstairs. But he was a, he was a quiet person and nobody could get near him. Just didn't want people to be near him. Well, uh, they've got cancer.
Liver cancer.
You know what that is 10%.
Recovery 10% that's it. Liver cancer. And he was on his way out of this world and I couldn't get near this person. So you know what I did one day I, uh, I made some cookies.
And I made a dozen cookies. Peanut butter cookies. I mean good cookies.
And uh.
Amid his cookies and I brought him up to and knocked on the door and a long, long time. Who is it? Well, it's all done a #103 and then finally he came to the door open. The door cracked deep. I got some cookies for you. Some gospel tracks in there too. So I want the word of God.
Am I talking loud enough? OK.
He opened the door and I gave him these cookies and the Gospel tract and I prayed for that man that the Lord would open his blind eyes to see the Lord Jesus Christ and read those tracts. Well, they got sicker and sicker and sicker until it there he was up in palliative care in the Richmond hospital and he was on his way out and I wanted him.
You know, God, I, I, I, It's so beautiful that God gives a man every chance, every opportunity to be saved, every opportunity.
The secret that if there's one here tonight, if God is giving you another opportunity to be saved, that's why the gospel is preached. He's giving another opportunity.
But you know something?
Dave closed the door.
Uh yeah. Umm, I wanna, I wanna see Dave.
And they said, no, no visitors, none, no visitors. And you know, sometimes that's the way with a lost soul. No, I don't want it. And they go out of this world without Christ. And what a solemn thing it is to shut the door of their heart against a wonderful God who would.
Delight to save him.
So what I did is I got an envelope and I put some, uh, gospel tracks in it and, uh, I wrote a note on the day. Dave, I'm, I'm praying for you. I'm praying that God would save your soul.
And uh, umm, I gave it to the nurse and the nurse gave it to Dave. I don't know. He left this world. Where? Where? Eternity where?
And let's talk. I'm sorry, I should have opened the scriptures long ago. Let's let's turn to.
John 14.
No, I'm sorry, John 12.
John 12.
And verse 20 And there were certain Greeks among them that came up to worship at the feast. The same came therefore to Philip, which was of the state of Galilee, and desired him, saying, Sirs, we would see Jesus.
That's it. We would see. And that's what my desire tonight, that you would see Jesus. You would see Jesus.
What did the Lord tell him, Philip tell, tell us that cometh, and tell us Andrew. And again tell Phillip, tell Jesus sorry. And Jesus answered them, saying, The hours come, that the Son of Man should be glorified. Verily, verily, I say unto you, except the corn of wheat fall into the ground and die.
It abideth alone, but if it die, it bringeth forth. That's true.
What was the answer that Lord gave? I'm going to go to Calvary's cross. I'm like that corn of wheat that fell into the ground and died. Yeah.
To think of it.
We would see Jesus. I want you to see Jesus as the one who died on Commerce Cross for you.
We would see Jesus, you know, we're.
These last three days we have seen Jesus. That's what it's all been about this weekend. Jesus.
And eternity is going to be all about Jesus.
Oh friend, don't turn your back on the Lord Jesus Christ. Dear young boys, young men, here, the time, the best time of your life to pick up this precious word of God and read it and meditate upon it and memorize it and let it go right into your heart.
You know why I'm telling you that? Because I didn't, and they were lost. Years of my life. Lost years of my life.
Thurs we went to see Jesus.
So is Jesus your Savior? He's mine. Yes, he is, by the grace of God.
What he done for me on Calvary's cross.
Oh, how precious.
And that he saw me and as a guilty law Sinner, and he went willingly to that cross to die for me. What a savior. Hallelujah, what a savior.
Let's turn now to.
Is Luke 19.
Loot 19.
And Jesus entered and passed through Jericho, and behold, there was a man named Zacchaeus, which was chief among the publicans, and he was rich, and he sought to see Jesus who he was. He sought to see Jesus who he was, and it's often been said, seeking.
Sitter and a seeking savior they're going to meet.
They're gonna meet. Are you seeking the Lord Jesus? Seeking the Lord while he may be found. Call ye upon him while is near. He's near tonight. He's available. He's available.
And you'll find that if you come to him.
It'd be wonderful.
How wonderful.
And here's this man that is, oh, we've heard the story so many times over and over again. He had a handicap. What was the problem? He was too short. He was too short and so.
In seeking the Lord, he wanted to see the Lord as the as the Lord passed away and passed that way, you know tonight the Lord is passing.
Bye. The Lord is passing by. Here's a gospel meeting tonight and he's passing by.
And his name is being exalted as the only savior of sinners he's passing by.
In downtown Vancouver.
There is a War Memorial.
Right in the center of downtown, pretty close to the Skid Row.
And this War Memorial says, is it nothing to you all ye that pass by?
Now you think of that, that this War Memorial was for those that, uh, gave their life in two world wars and and many more.
And many passed that War Memorial and they look up and Oh yeah, somebody.
That's just the War Memorial.
And he says.
The the the verse says isn't nothing to you. And I asked this question tonight. Is it nothing to you that the Lord Jesus died on Calvary's cross for you? Is this nothing to you?
He sought to see Jesus, who he was.
And he ran before and climbed up into a Sycamore tree to see him, for he was to pass that way. And Jesus came to the place and looked up and saw him. And he said unto him, Zach, he is make haste and come down, for today I must abide at thy house. What was the problem with, uh, Zach Diaz? He was too short. But what was the other problem? He was too high up. He needed to come down.
You know, that's the only way of salvation we need to come down.
We think we're too good.
Is that right?
Oh listen, I went to Sunday school. I learned my verse. I came to gospel meeting every week.
But what about Christ?
Do you know him personally?
You could come to Sunday school, you could come to gospel meeting all your life and still go out of this world the lost Sinner. That's it. That's the solemn part of it.
God makes us responsible.
Umm, I gotta make, I gotta word this right. God holds us responsible for what we know He does.
And he holds us responsible for what we what we know.
You've heard the gospel.
He holds you responsive.
Well, I always tell the some of these stories.
Uh, they're, they're, uh, a burden to my soul.
You know your loved ones, you love to see them all saved. My my little grandsons, I wish they were saved. They're growing up in ungodly houses.
My sister.
Umm, she has gathered to the Lord's name in Richmond.
She had a stroke of somewhat, we don't know what kind it was, and she, uh, cannot speak properly.
She can't come to meeting any more.
But that's not the reason why she can't come to meeting. It's because her husband refuses the gospel.
He hates the gospel.
And, uh, you know something?
For 50 long years I've been praying for Wes that the Lord would save his soul.
And not yet, not yet. She's not saved, but a solemn thing. And you know he's not in good shape neither.
He's as old as I am.
And yet he's still not saved.
And for 50 years I've been praying for him as the Lord can answer my prayer.
God is not willing that any should perish.
He's still a lost soul.
That is, come down.
Calm down, for today I must abide at thy house.
The Lord just values our communion with Him, just walking with Him.
What can you just picture what it was like when Zacchaeus sat at the table with the Lord?
Beautiful. He sat at the table with the Lord.
You know, this morning we had the beautiful privilege of sitting at the table with the Lord.
Isn't that nice? What a privilege it is to sit at the table with the Lord.
I like to quote one verse.
Sun 27 Ford.
One thing I desired of the Lord, then I may dwell in the House of the Lord all the days of my life, and to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in his temple, and this is my desire.
To dwell in the House of the Lord.
Has gathered to his precious name.
All the days of my life and to behold the beauty of the Lord.
That all together lovely one, the fairest among 10,000. You know what it says in Psalm 84? It says, umm, a day in thy courts is better than 1000. I'd rather be a doorkeeper in the house than I got, than to dwell in the tents of the wicked.
No other place would I love to be than right here today to remember my blessed Lord.
This is the place for me.
How valuable is that place?
May it keep me, may we go on.
Umm, yeah, Zach, he just wanted to wanted to see who he was. Now that's very important. Who is the Lord Jesus? Who is he? Oh, first of all, you'll say he's God's beloved son. Sure he is.
God so loved the world that he gave us only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. He is the eternal Son of God, who he was, the sinless one. This this beautiful person, the Lord Jesus, never sinned. I've often said it this way, that if the Lord Jesus had sinned only once, I I might as well close my Bible and go and sit down.
Because it'd be useless.
John the Baptist could look on that blessed one and say, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. Oh, think of it. He's the only savior for this world. Who is he? He's God's beloved Son.
The one from all eternity.
John 834 if.
Ye believe not that I am He, ye shall die in your sins, and where I am that where I am there you cannot go. A tremendous verse. If you believe not that I am He, ye shall die in your sins. That's very solemn. We must believe that He is the eternal Son of God. That is crucial.
For our salvation, we must believe.
The Son of God.
Turn with me now to John's Gospel Chapter 9.
John's Gospel, Chapter 9.
And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth. You know, it's beautiful when you're reading through Scripture, how the Lord sought out some of these ones in Scripture, Zacchaeus and and here this blind man.
Blind Bartimaeus, you know either a a wonderful God, he sought out individuals.
Here's a Here's a blind man.
We we don't know his name, that's not important. But he says here this man was blind from his birth. He never saw a thing.
Why? You know this is a picture of a soul, a lost soul before Christ. You're blind, you cannot see, you cannot see. Beauty in the Lord Jesus.
He wants to give you eyesight. He wants to you to see.
The Lord Jesus Christ.
This man was blind from his bird. Now look what it does.
Jesus answered, neither has this man sinned or his parents, but that the works of God should be made manifold, manifest in Him.
I must work the works of him that sent me while it is day. The night cometh when no man can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of this world.
When he had thus spoken, he spat on the ground and made clear the spittle, and he anointed the eyes of the blind man with clay. And he said unto him, Go wash in the pool of Siloam, which is by interpretation sent. He went his way therefore, and washed, and came seen.
Think of that, the Lord of glory. He comes to this poor blind man who never saw a thing.
And he spat on the ground, and he made clear the spittle, and he anointed the eyes of the blind man. He says go wash in the pool of Siloam.
And he watched and came to see him.
He speed on the ground.
The Lord Jesus, God's beloved Son, he spat on the ground.
You know, dear one, at the cross of Calvary, man spat in the face of the Lord Jesus Christ.
They spat on the face of the Lord Jesus Christ. You'll find I think it's five times where they spat on him.
And yet that blessed one who could speed on the ground. You know, it says, I think it says in Isaiah 50, doesn't it? It says I hid not my face from shame and spitting. Think of it.
There was the Lord there before man, and they spat on him. He didn't even turn his face. You know, if I was to go and spit in your face, it it, it's the worst thing that any man could do to his fellow man is to go and spit in his face.
Showing the utter hatred.
Of that person.
And you know, that's the heart of man, isn't it?
My brother-in-law, he hates the gospel, he hates the word of God, he hates anything and connects you with the gospel.
So he washed in the pool of Siloam. Now it says it says.
They asked him how were thy noise opened?
Umm, somebody asked me, uh, think yesterday, umm, how were you saved?
Supporters and I went down all the rows here and asked everybody, how were you saved? Well, you probably saved well. I was brought up in a Christian home and I accepted Christ as my Savior when I was young, things like that.
And if I told you how I was saved?
I'll tell you one thing, it was a miracle of grace.
It was a miracle of grace, even though I was brought up in a Christian home.
How were thine eyes opened?
Not nice. How were your eyes opened?
What did the blind man see? He saw the Lord.
He saw the Lord. Oh, that's the person I want to see. We see him by faith right now, tonight.
One day we're going to see him face to face, face to face. Oh, how, how wonderful that is gonna be.
And then he says, uh, let me see, I gotta find this now.
A man that is called Jesus.
Oh sorry, thank you. I even have it underlined. A man that is called Jesus may play and anointed my eyes. A man that is called Jesus.
I'm going to tell. I'm going to say it again. One day you're going to meet Jesus.
One day you're going to meet Jesus.
Are you ready to meet Jesus?
The name which is above every day. For thou shalt call his name Jesus, for he shall save his people from their sin. Do you know this Jesus?
I know by sovereign grace I know him, a man that is called Jesus. Open mine eyes. Are your eyes open to see beauty in the Lord Jesus? Is he altogether lovely one?
This Jesus is so good for you, for you young men, Follow Jesus. Follow Jesus all your life.
He's worthy and he's an all the way home savior. You know it, it it's interesting. Here I am getting on an age. I'm not gonna tell you this time how old I am because you probably know, but you know, I, I failed many, many times failed him, but he never failed me. And he's I see, I look back at my life and say, Oh, Lord.
All those things that you did for me all through my life, what is what a what a savior.
Isn't it only that way when we get home to the glory, we're going to cast all those crowns at his feet and say worthy is the Lamb that was slave everything. It's all his grace that.
A man that is called Jesus.
John 19.
John 19.
1St 27.
They shall look on me whom they pierced.
That's a very solemn verse. They shall look on me who may Pierce. One day you will see Jesus. As this track says. One day you'll see Jesus.
But in this particular case, he'll be your judge. He'll be your judge.
One day you'll see Jesus. They shall look on me.
Whom they pierced. Revelation chapter 20.
Revelation chapter 20.
Or is it umm?
Uh, it's a great way of throwing.
OK, sorry.
Verse 11 And I saw a great white throne in him that sat on it, from whose face and the earth and heaven fled away, and there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God, and the books were opened.
And another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the book of in, in, in the books according to their works. And the sea gave up the dead which were in, and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them. And and they were judged every man according to his words, And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And who's whoever was not found written in the book of life.
Was cast into the lake of fire. My prayer, my prayer tonight is I hope there's not one person that is going to stand in the great white throne to be judged of all your sins, to see that blessed one.
The Lord Jesus Christ to be your judge. One day you will meet Him.
When I meet him, he'll he'll be my savior. If you don't know Christ, you'll see him as your judge.
I got one last verse to do to to read and that is this Matthew 27.
Matthew chapter 27, verse 22.
What shall I do with Jesus, which is called the Christ?
You know, I really feel like this verse is one of the most key verses, the most.
Uh, important verse. I don't know how how it how I could express it, but this is a question.
A question to any here that don't know Christ.
What shall I do with Jesus, which is called the Christ?
That was Pilot, wasn't it?
What are you gonna do about Jesus?
What shall I do with Jesus, which is called the Christ, the great eternal question? And you must settle that yourself again, I say.
You see, Pilot tried to wash his hands of it all. It won't do. Neutrality is impossible with God. You must accept Christ and reject Him. That's it.
One day you will see Jesus. I'm going to see Him as my Savior. How about you?