Gospel 1

By: David So
Duration: 1hr 2min
Gospel—David So
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I suppose I have the same challenge to not knowing which clock to go by, so I suppose we can begin with this clock and end with the other watch.
Perhaps they'll buy us a few more minutes.
I like to begin the meeting.
With some children's hymn. It's so good to see many children here.
You know, often the Sunday school will sing him #42 we won't sing that tonight, but I will change that. As many of you know, that him says a little child of seven, and we will change that to a little child of 70 or even 34. And I thought when we sing it that way, we have many children here that would fit into that category and all. Some are even older than 70. Those are the big kids in here.
And then there are middle-aged kids that are 34 and of course we have children that are 7 or even 3 or 4. But I thought we're seeing a different hymn. Hymn #44. I enjoy that most Sunday school that I've been to. This seems to be a favorite. Into a tent where gypsy boy lay.
Dying alone at the close of the day.
So let's sing that together for the children and the not so young children.
Into a tent.
Nobody ever saw three *******.
Makes them sorry drinking in your endorse.
I have.
Look to the Lord.
Blessed God in our.
I like seeing children. I know this is not a children's meeting.
But I do know it wasn't that long ago for me as a young child. I have difficulty sitting through adult meeting so I know the first few minutes.
We often listen, so I like to, if it's OK with you, address the children just for the first few minutes before we go into the gospel message. Or perhaps I said that wrong. We are going into the gospel message for the children. Would that be OK, children? Yes. Good. OK, Now turn with me to a verse. I know what it's like to memorize verses.
I have difficulty with that. I can say it over and over again when it's time to say it.
I freeze and I can't remember it. I don't know how many of you know that feeling. You know that. And I used to sit there and go, Oh no, three more people. Then it's my turn. Now it's two. I would sweat more and more and then.
It's my turn. I don't know the verse anymore. So we'll find some verses that are easy because I want a children to be able to go home and say I learned another verse. So turn with me to Luke's Gospel chapter 17.
Now this is a very easy verse to remember, but I want you to remember why.
You would say this verse.
I want you to be able to use this verse here and be a preacher for our Lord Jesus Christ. So let's turn to this Lukes Gospel chapter 17, verse 32.
A very short verse. Remember, sometimes we have a favorite verse that we want to remember. We'll say Jesus wept. I like that one because there are only two words in it. This one is a little bit more difficult. There are three words in it.
It says remember.
Lot's wife.
Remember Lot's wife, Luke 1733? That's a strange verse to have you memorized, isn't it?
I'm curious how many children have their parents made them learn that verse? I don't see in the hand showing up here.
How many have you learned that verse already?
Wow, you think you can say that? OK, just keep that in mind for now, remember?
Lot's wife. Because when you say that you may be, you too may be able to tell the story. Why we say, remember Lot's wife.
There must be some significance here, isn't it for the word of God to record such a short verse? Remember, remember this man, this man a lot. But that's a funny name by yourself, but his wife in particularly.
Too. So we're not going to go into the story right this minute. We will a little bit. So I hope you stay with me for a little bit longer. And maybe some of you already know the story of Lot's wife. It's a gospel story in a sense, but it's a terrible story because she didn't heed what God commanded him to do. And that's just like many people in this world today. God speaks one's day twice.
Man's heart ignore what God has to say.
And today we as a civilized society, as we call it, we have many ways that we think we can and man things they can turn to their own ways. And this afternoon a brother reminded us of our science. And we as men think science, answer all the questions. But men have tried that through our ages and science.
Did not solve any problems.
I'd like to begin the meeting by turning to. Perhaps it's not a known passage.
I'd like to turn to the book Zephaniah.
Savannah right before Haggai Zafanaya. Haggai Zachariah.
You'll find that many books that my favorite are very short books. It makes it easier to read. There are only three chapters in the Book of Zechariah, so I like books like that. Books like Hub, like Habakkuk is short. Nahum is short, but they are full of interesting stories in there, isn't it? Now this book was written a long time ago.
It was probably about 630 years.
Before our Lord Jesus came into this world and God told his people of old something, and you would think this got to be something old fashioned, but let's read that, see what he told his people of old. So if it's 630 BC, that would be almost 3000 years ago, isn't it? I don't think even the oldest here can remember that far back.
Right, anyone. I don't know of anyone here that are 3000 years old.
But the word of God recorded this in there for us.
I'm going to start at verse two. There are a lot of interesting thoughts in there. Zephaniah, by the way, the name means the one God has hidden. He's going to be hidden when the judgment comes.
Verse 2 This is God's word, he said. I will utterly consume all things from off the land, sayeth the Lord. I will consume men and beasts, I will consume the fouls of the heaven and the fishes of the sea, and the stumbling blocks with the wicked, and I will cut off man from off the land, saith the Lord. I will stretch our mind hand upon Judah.
And upon all the inhabitants of Jerusalem I will cut off the remnant of Baal from his place, from this place, and the name of Tamarims, with the priests, and them that worship a host of heaven upon the housetops, and then the worship, and that swear by the Lord, and that swear by Malcolm.
And them that are turned back from the Lord, and those that have not sought the Lord, nor inquire for him.
Wow, how many have you got what the message of God had for his people, and really we'll find later on for the rest of the people in the world. These are very strong language, isn't it? That God said He will utterly consume everything He will destroy.
Everything from the phase of this land.
What's everything he said, man? And beasts. Wow.
Even the birds in the sky, the fishes in the ocean and in the lakes.
The stumbling blocks. I believe it means the idols that men would worship.
It will cut off men from the face of this earth.
Have we ever seen that the whole earth is condemned by God?
And Baal, that wicked prize that caused man to worship idol. He was the the the idol God of the Canaanites.
De Chambriens, those are the idol priests. They serve, they distract, they have people worshipping idols rather than the true God. And then he said some people look so scientific is that here they worship on top of the houses, on the roof, so they can look up and worship the stars in the sky.
You think these are old fashioned people? And how many people do you know in this world still look at the signs from heaven and they worship just like they did 3-4 thousand years ago?
Has man got any better? Has God's mind changed toward man?
Oh yes, you may say, this is speaking to Judah. Oh, this is speaking to Judah concerning what God's going to do to this world.
And you and I in a very different position. This has not happened yet.
This will happen according to the Word of God.
Today we have a totally different way of salvation.
The Lord Jesus Christ, 2000 years ago, He came. He came in grace to die for you, to find a way to satisfy God's judgment to the sinful world.
So we read in Scripture. He came.
In John's gospel, we often read the verse that you know so well for God so loved the world.
He does, doesn't he? He's willing that none should perish. This doesn't sound like a God of love, does it? That he's going to destroy, utterly destroy, everything on this earth?
And this is what man forget. God has two characters and we often read God is love, but we forget that he is too a God of light. The 2GO together.
That God require righteousness and sin cannot be tolerated in the presence of God. God must punish sin. So we read in the book of Romans. There it concluded, if you go through the book of Romans, it starts with the talk about the Jews, the advantage they have had. They talk about the Gentiles and.
It concluded.
That man, whether Jews or Gentiles, he said. For all have sinned.
And we find another place in Romans is that for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
And we find it says For the wages of sin is death.
But we find 2 in the same verse. It will go on in the sense the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. He gave his Son, He loved us, that he sent his Son to die for us. So in John's gospel is as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness.
Even so must the Son of man be lifted up, for God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. All we see here God will put God pronounce this judgment to come, that this world is going to perish.
But yet we find his loved taught us that he loved us so much.
That we should not perish if we believe that He died, that his Son, his beloved Son, his only begotten Son.
What a wonderful news and that message is for whosoever. And as I look across this room tonight, we have many here, don't we? In fact, many people from many parts of the country, or I should say rather countries.
We have as far as locally here in Regina, some of us travel from Toronto to here, some came from from from Vancouver, from some Washington state and I see some even from India around the world.
So who is God speaking to? Who is this whosoever? That's a big word, isn't it? Whosoever. We got children here. So I like to be simple. Actually, I'll share with you why? Because if it's complicated, I don't understand it. So I need to keep it simple.
Someone told this story and I really enjoyed it. It was a little boy wearing AT shirt.
And often there are slogans on T-shirts and I suppose young people like that. But this slogan on the T-shirt was very different. Actually it wasn't much of A slogan at all. On the back of his T-shirt he have.
3 words.
No, he didn't say. Remember Lot's wife. He had three words in the back of his T-shirt. It says I am.
Isn't that nice? Whosoever. That's me, that's you.
That anyone who wants to you are the whosoever that believe in the name of Jesus.
Realize that God loves you.
And that his son shed his blood for you on the cross, He said You are that whosoever is looking for, and you will be saved. What do you have to do? There is nothing to do. There is nothing to buy. Do you need to go back to the housetop and study the stars?
Study the moon.
Study the path of how these stars move and come up and learn all those names.
You say, well, the Egyptian knows it so well, we can see how they build a pyramid and they plot that against the stars and the moon and so on.
Did it save them from their sins?
Not according to the word of God. So here God pronounced judgment to this world.
And you and I today have a way of escape as simple, isn't it? Not by believing, not by doing, but by believing. And we know the story well too. In in Acts 16 with the Philippian jailer. That made the verse even simpler. If you remember the Philippian jailers after the earthquake, they were fearful and they said to Paul and Silas, they said, sirs.
What must I do to be saved?
And we know the answer, don't we? The answer was so brief, so short, so sweet, so simple.
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou.
Shalt be safe.
Nothing to do, nothing to buy, the work has to be accomplished. It is by faith. It is the grace of God that has brought salvation to man. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. And as a look across this room tonight, I see there are many family connections here. Many have children, cousins.
Aunts. Uncles. In fact, when I first visited here in Regina, I had a hard time trying to keep track of who's related to whom.
That's that was a challenge there, but it was interesting that verse we quoted. I didn't finish quoting it, did I? He said believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved and.
Thine house, you know I take special comfort in that verse, knowing that God delights to bless not only you.
And your family too, so we may think our family members who in our eyes may not be saved. We have to leave that with Him. Salvation is of the Lord's. He bless family and thine house.
So we find here God, God exhibited God. Show them in this book of judgments to come.
By the way, for young people, I know this is not a book we turn to often. There are only three chapters. We can see how God deal with them and show them the grace when they fall and what they have to do and these three simple chapters. So as a sidebar here, I encourage you to read this and I hope that once you get interested in that, then you'll say, wow, this is this is like the book of Jeremiah. I better look at Jeremiah again and you'll find that.
The similarity in there in connection with the book of Joel.
Or in the book with Nahum is a very good way to start. Actually, it doesn't matter which one you start. We see that it's all connected because God loved this world. Do you remember Nineveh? Nineveh, the story of Jonah, he preached and the city of Nineveh, they, they repented. Oh, what a way of salvation. But then about 130 years later, we'll find that in here that God pronounced judgment upon Nineveh again.
And it was destroyed.
That brings to my thought.
Tonight, judgment is something we don't speak of often. We speak a lot of God's love, and rightly so. God loved the world. He loved sinners. That's why he died for us. But we said he's a God of love. Judgment is in connection with God's work. So let's go back to Luke's Gospel chapters 17.
Do you remember that portion? The verse that you young children learn? Remember a Lot's wife?
Well, maybe we'll start getting to that story there.
This is an interesting chapter.
I won't spend much time on that, on some of that we find in the early part of the chapter.
Around versus.
12O perhaps we'll go to that. Let's start with verse 11.
And it came to pass as he went to Jerusalem, that he passed through the midst of Samaria in Galilee. And as he entered into a certain village, there met him ten men that were lepers, which stood afar off. And they lifted up their voices, and said, Jesus, Master, have mercy on us. And when they saw them, he said unto them, Go, show thyselves unto the.
And it came to pass that as they went, they were cleansed.
Isn't that a wonderful story? We don't hear lepers much in this land, but we do have many lepers in this land. Many are under medication. They're not as contagious as they used to be. So as the story go, you could be riding on a bus and you could be sitting beside a leper.
Dreadful disease in the Old Testament time in certain countries they have to.
Separate them. As I look at David, they're in India. They have a place. It's called leper colony, don't they? Because that disease is a picture of sin, is contagious. You get near sin. It's like leprosy. You touch it, you pick it up, it's not bad. And the lepers would start losing the feelings on their nerves. So they could put the hand on fire and they wouldn't feel it. Or perhaps today we can use the phrase they put their hand on.
Stove and a hand could be start burning and smoking and it couldn't feel it. That's a picture of sin, isn't it? It's like when we're seeing the first one is difficult. We know it's terrible, but then once we've done it once, it's easier to do another one. And then after a while we're seared of the conscience that we don't feel the effect of sin. That's why children, that's why young people.
We are told to remain holy before God because this world.
Would numb our senses to the point that we would agree with them. As our brother mentioned earlier in this country you would think we profess to be a Christian country, but yet we're not able to freely present the gospel of God's grace. When we tell men they are sinners, when we tell them the immorality act is not acceptable before God, he become a hypocrite to them or sometimes get into trouble.
As my children always say, he said. Dad, you got to be careful how you say certain words.
Because the world won't accept it. Oh, the word of God does not means words.
This the world changed, but the standard that God has does not change.
There is holiness. God require holiness in fact.
Our sidebar just this because I know many here love the Lord.
Do a little reading, do a little look up on these words, the word strange.
Strange as in stranger. And that might encourage you to understand that God's principle doesn't change. If you're writing it down. I'll give you just a few words.
Strange fire.
What's so strange about fire? Well, we know the story of Nadab, and if I you they took strange fire, meaning they didn't get the fire from the altar.
You see, it's still fire. Fire is fire. God, look at that. It's that strange fire. They were consumed one day.
They talk about strange incense. God has a specific way of making incense to be OfferUp.
He does not accept strange, but he smells the same strange incense.
The book we were in in Zephaniah, he speaks of strange apparels.
You see, it looks good. Well, I believe it speaks more of those priestly garments that those who are not rightfully priests will wear and pretend to be priests.
Strange garments. God does not accept that. And of course the 4th one perhaps won't apply that well, but is careful and is good for the young people. Look up strange woman.
I'll leave that with you on that God require holiness. God's way does not change. We learned that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. His word remains the same yesterday, today, and forever. His way of salvation remained the same yesterday, today, and forever. There is no other way our Lord Jesus can say I am the way, the truth.
And the life.
No man can come unto the Father, but by me you might say I have another way. No, there is no strange way that God would accept except His Son through the finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ. So this 10 this ten man that we that I sorry, I digress from our chapter. They were as terrible of the outcast from the society as they could be.
They came to the Lord Jesus.
They were not even of Israel. They were Samaritans.
I'm sorry I said that wrong. There was a Samaritan among them.
You know, it's interesting too. Jews and Samaritans don't mix, do they? We find that the women of the well would say to the Lord, you know, we have no dealing with the Jews. But here's what's interesting. They were the outcasts when men have similar condition when his sin is involved.
They get along just very well because it's not worth or according to God's way.
They will find a way to get along, but the Lord, they came to the Lord Jesus.
What would require that the Lord make that rough special appointment?
Did they do like he did with Naaman? Go into the river and jump in there and bathe himself seven times?
Know hear by faith. Here's what's interesting with the New Testament with the Lord Jesus. He's not here to heal us, but he is here. So we find that in verse 14 is came to pass. So it happened it came to pass as they went. They were cleansed. Do we need the Lord Jesus to be here physically touching us and say you are now healed.
No, by believing as we ask Him to forgive us our sins, we are healed, we are saved.
Isn't it wonderful to see that now here little thought will digress since we were in the chapter 10 of them.
One return to give thanks, man. We as man, we're selfish. We only look after ourselves. Isn't it? In the business world? They always use that phrase. They said what's in it for me? If there's nothing in it for me, I'm not interested. They will heal, but only one. Oh, we need to remember that too. We were that leper.
Weren't you?
We were terrible unfit before God. Read the 1St chapter of Isaiah as the description he gave of a nation of Israel. Bruises.
Putrefying wounds from heck to food. There's no soundness at all. That's what we are before God. But he healed them, and this one came back and he gave thanks. He glorified God, and then he sets here. And he was his American. Oh, God opened up ways, whether Jews or Gentiles.
And now, as we're reminded this afternoon, that the true worshipper, he won. True worshiper, the worship him in spirit and in truth.
We're just going to go down a little bit in the chapter into chapter.
Now they want to ask him. Verse 22.
Want to know this? Let me read. Just let's read that.
Verse 20 I'm sorry to get the connection. And when he was demanded of the Pharisees when the Kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The Kingdom of God cometh not with observation, neither shall they say, lo, here or lo therefore, behold, the Kingdom of God is within you. And he said unto his disciples, The days will come when ye shall desire to see one of the days of the Son of man, and ye shall.
See it, and they shall say to you, See here or see there. Go not after them, nor follow them.
And I'm going to jump down to verse 25, but first must he suffer many things and be rejected of this generation? I just wonder I don't want to comment too much looking at time there, but we had that before I start. Christ must suffer first, doesn't he the suffering come first, the glory to follow. Now my thought really was on verse 26 and as it was in the day of.
Noah or Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of Man.
They did to eat, they drank, they marry wives, they were given in marriage until the day that Noah enter into the ark and the flood came and destroyed them all. Here's 2 short verses we have here that describe the day of Noah.
Now notice the phrase we commented earlier, the Son of Man, the son within capital S, the Son of man. In Scripture, I believe there are two characters. One is that he was the man of sorrow, the one who was acquainted with grieves. We didn't see any beauty in him that we should desire him. That's the Son of Man.
It's interesting, I heard a phrase one time said the Son of God came into this world to become the Son of man. The Son were the capital S so the.
Sun's small S the sons of men.
May become the sons of God. It's in the interesting to see that the Son of God came as the Son of man, so that we as the sons of man can become the sons of God.
Now the second character of the Son of Man is that he's the one to execute judgment when he comes back. So we find here, as it is in the day of Noah, it shall also be in the days of the Son of Man in Noah's time.
Judgment was executed. Why was judgment executed? We find in the 6th chapter of Genesis it says that the whole earth was filled with wickedness and violence, and every heart and thought and imagination of man was evil continually.
You know, sometimes we make up, we use this phrase we say, and things are getting worse and worse.
I don't know if it has. I don't think man's heart has changed. We have been terrible all along. Before God, we were wicked from the very beginning. And just because we calmed down a bit, then we become bad again, don't we? God said he must punish sin. Now, this is Noah. We know the story of Noah, but did that happen in Noah's day? Hold your place here and I'm going to turn. I'd like you to turn.
Me to the Book of Jude.
I know some of you were joking. Let's say which chapter. So we'll say we're not going to say a chapter, we'll just turn to the book of Jude. There is only one chapter in that book, Jude chapter. I'm sorry, Jude verse 14.
It tells us about Noah's grandfather. It's interesting when we look at his grandfather and Enoch.
Verse 14 said and Enoch also the 7th from Adam prophecies of these saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with 10 thousands of his things.
7th From Adam, I would have to say, without you even looking at a time charge, you will figure out that that was in the very early days of time, isn't it? It tells us conditions that we as men were in Noah's days was wicked and terrible, but it went on.
Now we you know Enoch.
He was translated, he walked with God, God always have his own and he was translated out of this scene didn't have to pass through the article of death, but he preached and looked at the strong language that Enoch was preaching that the Lord cometh with 10,000 of his sinks. Oh, we read in the book of Zephaniah what the Lord's going to do. He's going to.
Assumed this whole world man beasts, fowls of the air, fishes in the sea.
In Noah's day, at least, perhaps some of the fishes were spared.
But it's seven Niners time, which I believe.
Enoch prophecies that day the Lord is going to come to execute judgment.
There he preached to man above their ungodly deeds.
The heart speeches do we see much different in this world today as it was in the day of Enoch, or perhaps going back to our chapter as it is, or as it was in the day of Noah? The word of God even tell us more similarity, he said.
They, they ate well, we did too, didn't we? We've been here for almost a day. We had two meals already and numerous snacks. So you might say, well, what's wrong with eating? They drank well, you drank too. But I suppose here that this drinking is probably more than the juices that we have had.
They marry wise well, we have two don't.
Some of you know that we even hosted 2 weddings in December and in February, so we know what that's like and we went to many weddings this year. Well, as they say, it seems that life goes on. They were drinking, they were eating, they were giving in marriages.
Until the day Noah enter into the ark, when God shut that door.
There was number more excuse for man and you know, I believe man still mocked.
When the door was shut.
As the water came, as the water rises.
Here's the sad history of man.
A Souls were saved the whole earth.
The whole world were destroyed.
A sold nowhere and his wife.
The three sons and their wives.
And there God.
God spare Noah to create another generation as if it were. Now for some of you that like to go into scripture more carefully, you'll find this very interesting. When you follow through the story of Noah in the 8th chapter, you'll find that the ark rested on Mount Ararat on the 17th day of the first month, the same day as the day of the Feast of the First fruit.
We find God look at death, and you look at resurrection, and you look forward to the cross, knowing that his Son will come into this world, that he would die.
To save sinful man, but after three days he's going to rise from the dead.
Death and resurrections are connected very closely together because no other religion in the world can tie that together. They can show you a dead Buddha. They can show you a dead Mohammed. As Christians, we can show you an empty tomb, and there we can say he is risen. Our Lord is risen indeed. And you'll find.
Scripture speaks a lot about resurrection.
Not just the New Testament throughout the Old Testament you'll find a resurrection seen being picture in various places. You see the feast of the first fruit being a picture of that. You'll find Ruth and Naomi returned back to the land at the beginning of barley harvest. The feast of the first fruit, isn't it there you see resurrection see you see they they cross over the Red Sea on the 17th day of the resurrection day. You see they crossover the.
Other resurrection day, oh God is is happy to let us know that his sons going to die and that there's resurrection. So we find in the book of Romans in Romans 10 and verse 9. Let's turn to that. I know many of you know that verse very well, but I want to point this out because sometimes we forget that Romans 10 and 9A well known verse is as if thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord.
Jesus, and shall and shall believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead. Thou shalt be saved. Isn't it interesting? Often we speak of his death. We remember His death, and rightly so. Oh, we must have the connection of his resurrection. So this verse reminded us, if thou shalt, we're to confess with our mouth that Jesus is.
Now our Lord, and to believe in our heart, not that he just, not just that he died for us, but that God hath raised him from the dead. The resurrection scene is God's way to say he is satisfied with Jesus as we sometimes sing into him. God is satisfied with Jesus.
And many of us here can echo the next stanza and say we are satisfied.
As well, Oh, God hath raised him from the dead, and thou.
Shall be saved.
You know what's interesting? It's interesting to see this.
We mentioned we have different nationalities.
We can all say, and the world would understand this and acknowledge in most cases that we are from Adam. Have you ever noticed that not very many people would argue with you that you are from Adam?
One family.
If you turn that phrase around and say we're from Noah.
We don't find that expression used often. Are we from Noah? We have to be.
We are from Noah. In fact, you go through, we won't have time to go through that. You will find Noah, his sons, has seventy nations after them. You go through that in there in names of his sons and the descendants.
71 Actually out of nowheres, 1, namely Peleg, have no descendants. So there were seventy that formed the nations of this world, and that is in accordance to Jacob, isn't it? He said that.
Jacob 70 Loins from the Jacob from the sons from I'm sorry, 70 from the loins of Jacob, and you'll see God. God is perfect in his weight that we are well, why would men not acknowledge we're from Noah?
I really don't know, but here's my thinking.
Adam simply means we have seen Adam was a bad boy, he's sin. It is obey what God has to say. And I believe many in this world would actually acknowledge and say So what? I'm bad.
Men are so proud.
But Noah tells us a different story. Noah reminded us not only were we bad.
God punish sin. There was a judgment that was executed and he did not spare this world save 8 souls.
Judgment is imminent. God going to punish sin. You know, sometimes I hear people talk to me about they're so concerned about global warming, and I often try to use that to pick up the conversation. I said, yeah, I really believe that. And he looked at me and said, you really do. Oh, I really do. Because the Bible said everything's going to be melted with fervent heat. I said, this is more than global warming.
I don't think that's what he meant, but this is what I mean that God going to destroy this world and what a what a good way to present the word of God. So let's go down further in Luke's gospel chapter 17. I'll keep you hanging long enough children of a lost wife, haven't I so we'll read about lot. Here's another example that God.
Executed judgment.
Verse 28 likewise.
So the work likewise tells us it's just like it was in the day of Noah likewise also as it was in the day of Lot. What did they do? What is that? They bought, they sold, they planted, they built. Well, life goes on too. I heard a young brother early on is that, Oh, I saw, I saw someone some sunglasses.
Well, we've done some selling here too, don't we? We sold something. They drank, they bought. And I suppose the fact is, so some sunglasses. Somebody bought some sunglasses. What's wrong with that? Life goes on.
It's interesting if there's something different or missing from the previous portion. If you notice, there is no mention of giving marriages in Lords Day.
I believe in morality was so terrible in that day.
They didn't give in any marriages. They were so immoral.
It's terrible that God has to punish them.
They built, and the same day that Lord went out of Sodom.
The rain it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroy them all.
Two thoughts Lot left Sodom, and the moment he left Sodom and Gomorrah, it rained fire and brimstone.
Well, I don't know about your children. I have never seen rain with fire and brimstone.
Rain usually makes you wet. Can you pick your fire coming down from heaven and it will continue to burn?
Now, I have never been to the land of Sodom and Gomorrah.
And today with technology, you have YouTube, you have Google Earth, you have all this stuff and understanding Vancouver. Some of you folks are so advanced with that you can live stream and I don't even know all these phrases are, but you can Google this or maybe that's the wrong word. You can YouTube this and just type in Sodom and Gomorrah and you see there are documentary of that land. When I saw that, I don't know how truth it is because as they say, you can't believe everything you see.
But he said use a land of vastness, of nothingness, nothing grows there. A general consensus was is a desert, nothing grows. Well, that's not quite true. Something grow in the desert. It's just very sparse. There's something.
The truth was they found out it's not because it was a sandy and dry place, but it was all ashes. Nothing grow on ashes and as people try to dig things up, they said on this YouTube video, they said they find as they sift through the ashes, they found golf ball sizes of pure sulphur.
And they said there is no men have never mind the sulfur that pure. I believe that was the brimstone that the word of God Speaking of this burning sulfur. And when they hit the houses, it just burned it all up. When they hit people, they were burned up in the fiery judgment of God. They even show pictures of they call it vertical structures when it's perfectly straight and vertical.
Most likely man made, especially when it has 90° angle on it. Probably old houses. Evidence still there in that land of Sodom and Gomorrah, God unleashed the judgment of fire and brimstone that not a single soul escape except Lot. And we find looking at our time here we won't turn to the book of Genesis there many of us.
Story We found God, We found lot. Didn't want to leave.
We find Lot is an interesting character. God consider him a just man, consider just Lot, but he vex his righteous soul in that land and there should be a warning for us to Lord. When he chose Sodom, he pitches tangs toward Sodom and we found him before the Lord came. He was in a house. Oh, he moved closer and closer to Sodom and become part of the citizens there. We found he was even sitting.
At Sodom.
Is it not like us? There are attractions in this world that isn't. There are the things that you need to go back to quickly tonight.
Something that is so important to you.
Are the friends that you must go see when you get home on Tuesday.
Are the things that you must do.
A brother gave up to him this afternoon.
Be thou the object, bright and fair to fill and satisfy our heart, other things that occupy our hearts more so than our Lord.
Is there other hope, however dear, that would defer thy coming, Lord?
So we find here with Lot Lot still attracted to the city even though the execution is so imminent.
Brethren, do we have that feeling for this world? We know and we can talk about the Lord's coming assoever near, but I hope He waits another day because I need to finish this. My new car is not coming until Wednesday. I want to enjoy that. Do we have that?
You know, I like the picture that was given The lot is that the angels took hold of his arm, His wives, his daughters. As if you don't want to leave. I'm taking you with me. Oh, isn't it just like the rapture? The Lord's going to rapture out of the scene. Oh, we don't have a choice. We wait for that. Use not just a way.
But why does it say remember Lot's wife?
Remember, they were told don't look back, don't look back. Looking back means there's still attraction, isn't there?
There's still something back that I really want, right? It's like perhaps some of us. I can see if I can relate a story. I don't know. Some of you are like me. You leave home for a week like this.
You drive two blocks away and you go, oh, did I lock the door?
Where your treasure is, that your heart may be also.
Have you ever done that? You go back home, is it? I'm going to double check as I'm gone for a week. Perhaps I forgot. Why is that? Because we have something that's valuable to us in that house, isn't there? We double check.
Leave the parking lot. Many of you use this little clicker thing to lock your car, right? Children? Have you ever watched your parents? They push the clicker and they go beep and then watch your mom and dad. You take five more steps and they go beep again just to make sure that it is beeped. And then they take another 10 steps and it wouldn't beep. Oh, it's our range. It's OK now.
Because it was something that you treasure, isn't it?
Lot's wife. She treasures something. She looked back.
Because she looked back, she was turned into a pillar of salt. Isn't it sad? And I tell you another thought I have.
It's like salvation.
As if Lot's wife, she was only one more step. As if it were, she can go into the city of Refuge and she would be saved.
She didn't take that one more step. As if it were. She looked back.
Let me ask you.
How close are you from being saved?
Have you heard of the gospel message and know that it's true and know that you must believe on the Lord Jesus Christ? But there's something that you said, I will wait.
Waiting won't help you.
There's a hymn that we're saying weeping won't save you.
There's only one thing.
Is to believe.
So the message tonight?
Remember Lot's wife? How close was she from Salvation?
Almost almost doesn't save neither and children, perhaps you can do that. I know it's difficult sometimes to tell the story, so I'm going to challenge you to embarrass your parents. So in front of your friends, you'll say to them, remember Lot's wife and they're going to say, what do you mean? Ask my mom and dad. They'll tell you that they have to. They too would have to tell the gospel of good of God's grace. You know, God's word.
That's to us is that we're to preach.
Do the work of an evangelist. It doesn't say for you evangelists out there, do the work. No, we ought to do the work of an evangelist. You know what's even more interesting is the word of God doesn't say when you do. Well, I will. It doesn't say that we're responsible to tell forth the God, the glory of his grace, but we are not. We are not.
Being. Being.
Reported on how well we do because salvation is of the Lord. We have to leave that into His hand. Let's sing hymn #30.
Hymn #30 We will sing verse.
Three and four I'd like to read verse one. We paying will not save you. Though my face were bathed in tears that could not allay my fears could not wash the sins of years. Weeping will not save you. Blessing verses three and four together.
Waiting will not.
Exhale anything last night.
That's a God.