Hebrews 2:5-18

Hebrews 2:5‑18
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Than judgment.
We are doing.
JA Trent, this is J Trench. She understood new creation. She also wrote how blessed the home, the Father's house, He was enjoying these truths that are true of us. Rather there's we've been blessed beyond all people in this face of this earth, not just gathered Saints, Christians, we need to know who we are in Christ.
In Christ.
And we need to know what God will show you who you are and yourself.
My flash dwells no good thing, but in Christ we don't just have some lone place within the door.
We have it all through Him. We need to know who we are in Christ.
I think we've decided that between these that we go to Hebrews 2 and kind of.
Takes up the same thing. We sort of exhausted the last part of it, the 2nd Corinthians 5, but we take up a Hebrews 2 goes on the show of Christ is the head of that race, the race that we're a part of.
From the start.
I suppose.
Hebrews. Hebrews chapter 2 and verse 5.
For unto the angels hath He not put in subjection the world to come whereof we speak. But one in a certain place testified, saying, What is man that thou art mindful of him, or the Son of man, that thou visitest him? Thou mayest Him a little lower than the angels. Thou crownest Him with glory and honor, and did set him over the works of thy hands. Thou hast put all things in subjection under His feet. For in that He put all in subjection under Him, He left nothing that is not put under Him.
But now we see not yet all things put under him, but we see Jesus, who is made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honor, that He by the grace of God should taste death for every man. For it became, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things. And bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings. For both he that sanctifieth, and they who are sanctified are all of one. For which 'cause he's not ashamed to call them brethren, saying, I will declare thy name unto my brethren, in the midst of the Church will I sing praise unto thee.
And again I will put my trust in him. And again, behold I and the children which God hath given me. For as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, He also Himself likewise took part of the same, that through death He might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil, and deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to *******. For verily He took not on him the nature of angels, but He took on him the seed of Abraham. Wherefore in all things that behoove Him to be made like unto his brethren.
That he might be a merciful and faithful High Priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people. For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succor them that are tempted.
Bring you towards 4 great reasons why the Lord Jesus became a man. He died and rose again.
The first of which which stretches from verse five through to.
13 from 5 to verse 13 is the first reason, and that is to vindicate God with regard to the fall of man going to death and rise again to form a new a new race of men that would be able to carry out the council of God, which is, as he states here in verses 5 and six, to rule over the world to come. The 1St order of man that was set in that place, but he was altogether unprofitable and fell.
And He's not in any proper state to rule over this world as God is intended. And so Christ has come into this world, He's died, he's risen again, and he has begun a new race of men who are well able to, in new creation, new glory, reign over the world to come. As God has counseled in verses 14 and 1516. We have another reason, and that is.
To Vanquish the power of the devil.
Versus 17?
Brings in another reason that is to make propitiation for the sins of the people.
And then there's a latter part of verse 17 and 18.
Become a great high priest.
The suckers and the wilderness.
On our journey toward our final salvation, when we will be called into.
Four great reasons why Christ became a man and died I don't know how many times I have read at least half a dozen, maybe more places in the writings of Jan Darby where he takes up these four different.
Things he's talking about how important it is. I've read Mr. Kelly on it. He says the same thing, four things. That's his book on Christ tempted and sympathizing. You probably have many other writers I've heard and I heard that I have read were laid out in this way. So I think that's what's really before us here, brother.
Is God's mind not to put the world to come in subjection to angels?
You would have men to reign, and that's what he made men for, to rule over the world to come. But as I said, having set up man at the beginning to ruin that place, he has fallen, and not in any proper way able to rule in this, in the way in which God is counseling.
Is the world now going over by angels or?
As a director.
Arm of God in Providence.
But in the coming day, he's going to do it through redeemed men.
Angels will be at the bidding of redeemed men will be set in that position of ruling over the world to come. That's seen in Revelation Four and five. You might take us off our chapter to get there and see that.
But there's a transfer of the government from the hands of angels into the hands of redeemed men in those two chapters.
In chapters four and five of Revelation, yes.
So the transfer from the angelic beings.
In the that are ruling the world in a sense.
They're being used of God in an administrative way over this world. The transfer will take place to the new race of men, and we will have that responsibility. And so chapters four and five of Revelation are those chapters that go over that.
And the world to come that's being spoken of here is the millennial scene, or does it go beyond the millennial scene?
It's the Millennium.
And when you get in second second chapter of John where the Angel were ascending and descending on the Son of Man, will he still use angels or something?
Oh yes, they're under the.
We've been saying it would be glorified at that time, but that's chapter one, Chapter one, right?
Chapter one of Hebrews No John. John.
Comes in here.
No testaments made to show that God's mind and counsel is a set man over all the works of his hands.
Man would have that place and to rule the world to come. He's never purposed that angels should ever have that place.
And as I've said already having done so.
We find that man has failed in his responsibility. What is committed in his hand? He's fallen and now he's in no proper state to be able to rule over what God has for him.
Thus, the need for God to be vindicated with regard to the fall of man and the.
Inauguration of a new race of men under Christ who were well able to rule according to the will of God and for the glory of God. It's a wonderful subject. We're part of that nuclear integration race now and then that day we'll be glorified and ready for that scene of glory.
Might be good to just read in Genesis chapter one to get the seed plot of what you've just said. In Genesis chapter one it says in verse 27 that God created man in his own image and the image of God created him. Male and female created them and God bless them. And God said unto them, be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveeth.
Upon the earth. And then you have in chapter 2 The responsibility that was given to Adam. He says in verse 15 that the Lord took the Lord God took man the man and put him into the Garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it or to till and to guard it. And the Lord commanded and the Lord God commanded the man saying of every tree of the garden, I mean, it's freely. And so he was in a place of responsibility.
But he fell into sin. The first race of men is corrupted because of sin and can never fulfill the object that God had that man should reign over this creation. And but the new race and will not only reign over the earth, but the heaven and the earth will come under the subjection of the the Son of God, the head of that new race. And you and I are going to be associated with the Lord in that reign.
And so this is what he's bringing out, isn't it?
And the reformed theology, they would tell you that there's no Millennium.
If there's no Millennium, God's glory is affected. God has just lost. His purpose is not fulfilled. The 1St man failed, but the second man is not going to fail if God's glory is connected with the Lord.
I might just say, Brother Verne, you brought out a very important principle in the Word of God. God always accomplishes His purpose.
And so you see it in the garden, I might just say in Genesis chapter one, the Lord God himself, the Lord Jesus planted a garden. He put the man in that garden. There was to be a place of fruitfulness for God in this world, but because of sin, there was no fruit. So then you read in Revelation chapter 22 and you read of a garden, as it were. There's a little picture there, and it's a place of fruitfulness. God never changes his mind.
There may be an interval of time where he isn't able to accomplish what he originally planned, and so there's an interval the churches formed and so on. But isn't it wonderful? He's going to have his way and there is going to be fruitfulness and he is going to have a race of men that are capable of reflecting his glory and acting according to righteous principles in the reign of this world.
So he quotes this 8th Psalm in verse six. What is man that are mindful of him? We are sometimes at a loss when we have these scriptures translated from the Hebrew and from the Greek in the New Testament into English. And this is one of the examples because the word man here is different than what he mentioned a little bit further on in that verse when he says or the Son of man.
And the word is used in first, which is what is man.
It should is the enosh.
Enosh is a word for man in his.
Frail. Weak.
State, and it has the connotations of man and his fallen condition.
Mortal Kombat, Mortal Man Yes, whereas.
The second use of it, when he says, oh, the Son of man, that's a different word there in the Hebrew, not enough. Now it is Adam which has a connotation of dignity without the connotations of Enos, which is frailty and mortality and so on.
And what is we spoken of here in the latter part of that sixth verse that the Son of Man whom thou visitors is talking about how the the race of man machine has fallen and weak and frail status has been visited by the Son of Man, the Lord Jesus?
God Himself and the Person of His Son.
And there's a reason for it.
We've been saying vindicate God with regard to the fall of the first man and to bring into existence a new race of man.
Some take that son of man to be added and son, he wasn't the Son of man, he was created.
Had to do, right?
So the first use of the word man in verse six is talking about the fallen race, which we're part of, of we're part of.
The second use of man is talking about the Lord Jesus.
He has visited this race by the will of God to do the will of God.
To begin a new race and then altogether now major stem a little lower than the angels or a little inferior to the angels.
And so on. That's because, as Brother Boulard has told us this morning, that in the order of God's creation, man are not the highest order of beings. Angels are a higher order of beings than men. And so he passed angels by and did not take on him. The nature of angels. Verse 16 tells us he became a man, and so he was made little lower than the angels, because men are an order of things that are little lower than the angels.
So this is talking about the Lord Jesus coming into manhood, being willing to take creature limitations into himself to walk in subjection to God.
Which is an obedience that you had to learn. You never knew it before. He was always in a place of commanding the creation. Now he's had to walk among his creatures as an obedient one. And of course he did it to perfection. So when it says thou mayest him a little lower than him, he was really talking about the the, the race of men being inferior to angels. Where you'll see.
In verse 9 where I've been Speaking of the the Lord Jesus was made a little Lord and the angels because he visited that race.
So verse 6, verse seven and half of verse 8.
Is a quotation from the Psalm 8.
Then you get the visitation.
9 Lord Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels.
This is really the Lord purchasing everything, isn't it?
You know he sold all he had about the world. Here you have the purchase because it says each the grace of God. He tasted death for everything.
You get. You have to pass.
In the present.
In the future there we made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death. That's fast. He's crowned with glory and honor. That's the present. That he, that he, by the grace of God, could taste death for every man. And we'll see. I'll soon find everything that's put in subjection under him that's yet to come.
The Lord Jesus is the only one that is going to be able to bring all things into subjection to God, isn't he? Every form of government has been tried in this world and men's hearts are evil and he's incapable of being subject to the authority. The natural man is a rebel through and through, and yet the Lord Jesus is the one who has accomplished God's purpose in becoming a man.
And going into death and he took a body that he might be able to die. And so he's going to be crowned with glory and honor that. And it says that he by the grace of God should taste death for everything. And his brother Vern alluded to there was a purchase made at the cross of Calvary. And the Lord Jesus has a right over this world, not only as the Redeemer, he has the authority, he's.
But he's bought the world, He's going to set it free very shortly from the power of sin. And we're known during the millennial scene that he'll rule with a rod of iron. But he went to the cross and made a purchase. He purchased the whole world and he's going to bring it into subjection. It's not in subjection to him right now. It's not in subjection to God. That's in in rebellion. Let's just look at that in Matthew's Gospel, chapter 13.
So that the young can just get that principle that there was a purchase made at the cross, the blood was shed, and the Lord Jesus has a right to this world, not only as the Creator, but because He purchased it. Matthew chapter 13, it says in verse 44 again, the Kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field. The witch when a man has found, he hideth, and for the joy, for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.
And we have in a little bit earlier on speaks of the wheel of the field, verse 38 as being the world. And so the Lord bought the world. He bought all things, all created things.
But we see that it's not put into subjection to Him right now. It's still in rebellion, but He is going to set it free. And you and I are going to be a part of that administration in the world to come as we see the Lord Jesus, the head of that new race and all creation, brought into subjection himself.
We're going to be a part of his administration.
Sometimes when we read through this is a little bit difficult to understand, we see it referring to various men here. So perhaps if this part helped me is all for the sake of the younger. 1:00 We we read up the angels, we read off men.
Which expound already the angels here really speaks up to one who they're made to serve. Isn't it man to think of this as man I made to rule rule and they for God's sake and then we read off these son of man. There are actually two men in a sense that is Speaking of so we find in verse six one in a certain place testifies saying what is man and I believe.
It speaks up Adam and his descendants, isn't it?
So then as the chap, as the verses go on and they talk about a different man, there's a second man as we read through this in particularly from verse 9 on, actually verse seven and eight mention a different man, Does the man Christ Jesus himself. So he speaks of man, the 1St man of the earth earthly, and then read of the 2nd man, the man from heaven after came to his death for every man. So I hope that would help us understand this portion a little bit better.
And it's important there in verse nine it says we see Jesus. Why doesn't it say we see Christ Jesus? It's because that's his manhood name. His name is a man. Is Jesus the salvation of God? God has ordained that it's going to be a man, a glorified man that's going to reign over the scene and bring it into subjection. But then he says in verse 10 that it became him. For whom are all things and by whom are all things?
In bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings.
And so he's going to bring those many sons into a glorified state. In very near future, you and I are going to have be in the glorified state just like the Lord Jesus. And so we'll be perfectly suitable not only as the companions of the Lord Jesus, but to share in his work of administration over this world.
And none of us would ever want to be an Angel because angels are servants. As our brother has said, they're servants forever. They'll never be more than servants. God never loved an Angel.
But he loved men, He loved you, and he gave himself for you, the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me. And so he's going to have those that were once sinners, but now glorified men of that race above.
Associated with Christ, the head of that new race reigning over this world. He's going to get his way, we might say.
There is perhaps I'd like to add a little thing. We see the Son of Man and to hear you notice the sun is with the lowercase S.
And then we read often in other places the Son of Man with a capital S. Big distinction between the two, isn't it? The Son of Man who speaks of Adam here? The Son of Man in capital S speaks of the Lord Jesus. The Son of Man often speaks of his character as the one who was despised and rejected of man. Also the Son of Man with a big S.
Is the one who come to execute judgment as well? Isn't it not the Son of God which portray a totally different character? The one who who come now is the Son of man. So as Moses lifted up the surf engine in the wilderness, Even so must the Son of Man be lifted up.
What it says to me.
The captain of their salvation. Perfect. We know it's talking about the Lord through suffering. What suffered is that the suffering is life, or yes.
Verse nine is talking about the death of Christ. Verse 10 is talking about the resurrection of Christ. As we've been saying in the meetings that he became head in resurrection and it says that the captain would the salvation would be made perfect. That is Christ being made perfect in the sense of resurrection. You go to chapter 5, you'll see it used in the same way chapter 5.
And verse 8:00 and 9:00.
Though he were a son, yet he learned obedience by the things which he suffered, and being made perfect for other translations as being perfected. Yep.
So it's talking about his resurrection, but then he goes back and says in our chapter through sufferings, that is through the sufferings that he experienced in life, he went into death and rose again. I remember listening to her tape years and years ago and it was a question came up in a meeting and Amistad Barry answered it this way. It was very helpful. He said when you get the word suffering, singular is talking about his atoning suffering. When his sufferings, plural is talking about the sufferings that he experienced as a man walking in this world.
He said that's a there's a rule through your Bible. I wrote that down.
That was Armistead, Barrier said that.
So you'll see here in verse nine for the suffering of death, that's talking about his atoning word, but it's a singular. Now in verse 10, which Vern has drawn our attention to, its suffering is plural. He's talking about what he experienced as a man walking through this world. Now this is important, that he would be made perfect through sufferings. Why? Because one of the four reasons is he's going to be a high priest and be faithful and be able to sucker and help and sympathize with us as we pass through sufferings down here.
He had to feel the same. To him that says that, don't we? In the appendix he passed through the same.
So he's become the captain.
Of our salvation.
It's because he had been has been perfected to resurrection.
And then the next series of verses, 11/12/13, talk about our connection with him.
As ahead of this new race, it doesn't say head here. He's called the first born, but his first born. He has many brethren, which is the race.
When we speak of glory.
Remember that we're not talking about a place up in heaven.
Glory is a condition, not a place. Having said that, I excuse anybody here would like to say that by accident because I do myself. We have in our hands, it's in the Reformed theology. It's been around the Christian world for years. We talked about so and so has gone to the glories if it's someplace up in heaven. But really, as Robert has explained it, when the Scripture speaks of glory, it's talking about a glorified condition that we will have.
Let me say it again.
Glory is not a place up in heaven.
It's a condition.
Glorified condition.
And the many sons are really in their glorified state, Would you say when it speaks here in verse 10, in bringing many sons unto glory, it's really many sons in their glorified condition?
Brings them with him.
He's the captain of a glorified race of men.
In verse 11 it says that we're who are sanctified are all of one.
And so we're all of the same kind. There was a race of men, and they were.
Flesh and blood, bones, and they're all the same kind. There's not two different kinds of men.
I know there's male and female, but we're all of the same race. We're all men.
Fallen race of men, but we're going to be all of one kind, the same race as the Lord Jesus, the head of that race. We're going to be just like him. We'll be of the same kind, perfectly suitable as those that are companions for himself for all eternity.
So he says he both he.
All of one. This is a unity. That's not the unity of the body of Christ, nor is it the unity of the family of God. It's the unity of this new creation race, the oneness of kind.
There's the oneness in the body of Christ. There's the oneness in the family of God. This is the oneness of kind, being of all of that same substance. In Galatians, chapter 3 speaks of us being of Christ because we are of the same substance as far as glorification is concerned.
Since we are all one of kind in the new race.
He says for which 'cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren. And so those who are members of the new race are viewed as brethren in chapter 3. They're viewed as companions. Verse 14.
So that's beautiful. I think if you turn back to Genesis chapter one, when it talks about all the animals and the various things of the Lord creation, you'll see it says after his kind, after his kind.
Well, this new creation race is after his kind. We are of the same substance, and therefore totally suitable to be His companions and his brethren, and to reign with Him over the world to come. Adam, when he saw those animals, each after it's made after its kind, he didn't see one among them that was of his kind and was alone. But when God brought Eve before him, now he said, Now this time is one of my kind.
And so it is that.
If Adam would probably.
Is kind to the Lord, He's very.
Not he's not exchanging that says there to cause his breath and because we're out of that.
It's so beautiful how God has elevated this new race above angels.
Placed before himself as his own son.
He says John Chapter 14 At that day he shall know that I am in my father, and ye, and me and I and you.
That they will all be one and the one kind. We're at the same creation. It's an amazing thing to think of when we think of what we were. And he could.
That's the head of that new creation. You can pick yourself and make a a new time out of that.
Miserable mankind, that this year. Now it's hard for us to imagine. That's the most amazing thing you can think of, that God could come down and become man.
Make this should drive you puts it that way most.
Amazing thing that you can take. It was after death, wasn't it, that he called him brethren, we get that in Psalm 22. It's almost that he can't wait to say, I will declare thy name, the Father name unto my brother in the midst of the church by saying, praise is unto thee. Oh, it's it it just you know John, the book of John is almost.
The Lord saying in so many words, If you only knew my father.
You only knew my father, and here the work is all done that the father sent him to do. And he said, I declare by name, the Father's name unto my brother.
In the midst of the Church, I will sing praises unto thee. That is, that's the Father again, isn't it?
The revelation of the Father is Christian truth, isn't it? The Jews never knew God as Father, and so it's a revelation of God. After the resurrection of the Lord Jesus were brought into that relationship. Now the Lord Jesus spoke of that relationship before he went into death. But we can address our God as our Father and without any fear.
And to recognize that as her brother was bringing out before us in the meeting previous, that he has the he laborers with us as a father in his disciplinary ways of training and all done in love, and that we might be conformed to the image of the sun. And so we know the Father. We know the name of the Father. It's been declared to us by the Lord Jesus.
I'm not sure the subject of the Father is what's before us here.
They they declare thy name here is the name of God. It's God with his people, not the Father. That's that's John's ministry.
A lot of that thought.
And when he says church here, he's not talking about the Church of God of which we are part of, He's talking about the assembly.
The heavenly company which includes Old Testament Saints as well as New Testament Saints.
He's quoting Psalm 22, and the church is not found in Psalm 22 or anywhere in the Old Testament.
But he's talking of the glorified Saints.
And the heavenly Saints, the heavenly company, without distinguishing the Church among the the ones that will be there.
When he rose from the dead and told Mary to go to his brother and say, I sent them to my God, and to your God, and my father and your father. That's not, that's not what this is talking about.
I'm just asking, this is not what he's talking about.
So it's not the Father God in Hebrews, but in John you have the Father.
John views it a little differently, I see. OK.
But the church has found one, and only once in the book of Hebrews.
Where chapter 12.
Yeah, and it talks about the Church of the First born ones.
We're seeing there, it's having a preeminent place above all the family of God, various blessed persons that will be there. Old Testament Saints, they're called a spiritual just man made perfect and angels and all this. Then he comes to this one favorite class and calls him the Church of the first born ones first born is the idea of preeminence having being first in rank among and above all the others. That's the place we have in this coming scene of glory. We don't deserve it, but God has purposed by grace.
And that's our destiny.
So the word church does come up in verse 12 in our chapter, but as I said, that should be translated assembly. It's not talking about the Church of God is we are part of but.
The whole heavenly company. It's a quotation from Psalm 22.
Bruce is this this third verse of 35 in the back of the book. And that's not really a that's not really a scriptural thought there. Now he praises in the assembly.
I think it was probably no, he does. That's a scripture thought.
But that's not confined the assembly to.
The members of the body of Christ, yes. OK.
That's a good question, Sir. I'm glad you brought that up. No, he does need the assembly. It's the Saints. I'm saying so in verse 10. Maybe I missed something here. I'll just ask this, Ken. But where it says, and by whom? By whom are all things in bringing many sons unto glory? Is this not? Is this referring to more than the Church then?
Or is this a reference to the church, though it's not mentioning it as such? Or what is the thought there? I I may have missed that. That's a good, good question. I think it is just the church in that church. That's what I thought. And the Old Testament Saints and never viewed as sons. OK, all right, that's good.
But you see that the four living creatures in Revelation four and Five are linked with the four and 20 elders. And that's not just the church. That's the Old Testament Saints as well. And they are seeing linked together four times in that 5th chapter and in connection with the transfer of the government of the world to come. And they're seen as glorified Saints. You know, when we talk about I'm going to be glorified someday, Well, you're not the only one. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will be glorified then with us at the same time.
And we'll be a heavenly company of glorified people. We have a distinction of between the Old Testament Saints and glory and the new church and of God and glory. We have a more favorite place. But we are all.
Being in which the world will be in subjection to.
Do I have that right green?
Let me check.
1St Fall of present.
Well, he's close 3 Old Testament verses here in verses 1213.
To show how thoroughly we are bound up with him, of being a one with him in this new creation order.
So he's just quoting scriptures to show the the the thoroughly we are bound up with him.
And this oneness of kind.
I don't know if verse 12 is talking about a time period, but rather just there's this connection with him.
There's a suggestion here, brother.
We have difficulty hearing you from back here. So those who are further from the microphone, if you could speak up another, I know.
I didn't hear the last 10 minutes of the conversation clearly.
You're a little away from the microphone yourself, brother.
Are we told in another passage in verse 13? Are we told when this presentation will take place? Behold, I and the children with which God have given me.
It seems that there's a presentation of at the entrance into the heavens of that glorified race of men and the Lord.
Says the whole eye and the children.
Or is this figurative language?
I've looked at the preservation of the believers. It's a guarantee of the preservation of a of a believer.
That I will put my trust in him to keep them.
So there's 3 Old Testament quotes here.
Psalm 22, verse 12.
Isaiah 817 verse 13 and then Isaiah 8 verse 18.
Verse 13.
You you get the sovereignty of God there, which is a wonderful, wonderful.
Doctrines, principle, you know, it's really everything.
Harkins back for the sovereignty is odd, doesn't it? We didn't choose him, he chose us. Here you got it again.
Says, Behold, I and the children which Jehovah has given me, we are really gifts given to the Lord Jesus to bring into this wonderful place of blessing.
Rather than you can't get blessed any more than we are.
That's we have to realize that we're nothing in ourselves.
In Christ we have all these promises to encourage.
Even at the end of this is death. Death is no longer our enemy, it's our serve to bring us right into the presence of many of the present.
Glad you're a Christian.
Special You want to say we hear so much in the world today, but.
Is there like another planets and.
Their kids at school probably some of this stuff too and reporting their.
Could be like another plan. So far they haven't proven it that there are any, but we know in God's purposes that's impossible.
Because he doesn't have another family and another planet that we don't know about.
It's there's he has prepared this place for you and me or to for a people for himself. So there I can, I can confidently say you can look, you can you can take a trip to all the other planets that were possible and you won't find anybody there.
Because God has made those for his glory. That's true. He's put all those things into place for his glory. But this earth as he prepared for the sons of man.
And so you don't have to look elsewhere.
Don't even listen to that such nonsense. And so we can rejoice to think that God's purpose.
Was for you and me, who have a family for himself and a bride for his son, and it was prepared from before the foundation of the world.
That's the reason why.
He's called the last Adam, right? Exactly. You know there was the first Adam. The Lord Jesus as head of the new creation race is the last item. Now why does it say second atom? Because they.
Really decide there may be a third or fourth, there may be other bases of that. But when he comes in and calls him the last atom shows there's going to be no more racism and that God is going to make this one is perfect and there's no need to to bring in or introduce something else. Why doesn't he say the last man? Why did he say second man? Because he's bringing many sons to go. Yeah, exactly.
That's in First Corinthians 15, right?
Then he says, And as our earthly, such are they that also are earthly, as they are the heavenly, such also are they heavenly. As we have borne the image of the earthly, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly. That's when the that's First Corinthians 15 verses 2048 and 49. That's when there's going to be the completion of the work of God in glorifying the race.
We are now we bear the image of the earthy, and that day we're going to bear the image of the heavenly by being glorified.
Walter Scott.
Writer who's writings are.
So edifying, he felt there was people on other planets.
Got that book that I the book too, but just goes to show you what happens when even a great man speculates. You know, when I say I think I think wrong, unless it's according to this book, you tell a story and it's a great little story. It's a true story that this woman who had a son and he was complaining about doing the chores.
We don't need these animals. Why don't we get rid of them? You know, they're just a bunch of work. You know, I don't want to do this. And she said, well, son, we have a difficulty here. He says, what's that? Your thoughts? Your opinion doesn't count in the things of God. Your opinion does not count. But sometimes, you know, an assembly will make a decision. God's given the authority in that assembly.
I think. I think.
Bow to that we, you know, it's, it's, it's defiance. This is the word of God that we our thoughts don't count when it comes to the word of thought.
More and more prevalent that we want to trust what we think and what God has written. SAD.
I have that book that you're referring to. It's called Otherwise, but I have something also and that is I have two of them.
2nd Edition.
In the second edition that on how the happy remark is so he corrected himself when we're thankful for that.
So I think his mind got influenced by science. There's a lot of science in that day. In the 1800s, when you try to make science with the Bible, you might get off track.
And he evidently thought that there were men on Mars, he said. Mars is evidently or no, Mars is surely a people planet.
He he took that out in the second edition and was thankful.
Brother Lundeen one time said that a great theologian but a bad scientist.
So First Corinthians 15 verses 45 to 49 or 50, I guess you could say to 50, give us the prospect of the new race.
And I said, I said already, there's only.
Two atoms, the first atom and the last atom.
There's a condition waiting which we're going to be brought into by the coming of the Lord.
A lot of verses of the chapter it shows us how this will take about will come to pass and of course we always can't be with the Lord's coming.
It's connected with the Lord's coming.
What do you say, Ken?
That's right.
I was thinking of this. It speaks of the mysteries, you know, the various mysteries of God.
All brought to fruition, shall we say, or to our tension and our knowledge through the resurrection request.
And the fact that we're talking about the.
The church is that which has been.
Was was in the mind of God from before the foundation of the world? That's a mystery that was never made known to Mandy.
Except when through the fossil pole.
And it was made known for you and me.
That we might know the counsels of God, Imagine just those of us.
Who have?
Shall I say who I were?
Strangers to God, into his grace. I chose you and me. You didn't get to the angels you give to you and me.
To know his counsel.
And they're all.
The more we want to know and the more we walk with God and want.
Noah's counts is the more he really reads to us.
But if I make friend of the counsels of God, I must, I must not be walking down.
What the father would give would would give his secrets to a son, should he say, who chose to walk at a distance from.
So if we want to know more of the things of God, we need to walk closer to it. And do we have all the deal here? We want it. We have the Spirit of God that can take these things and make them do this.
And there's no.
And could we say if we really enjoy it, we'd be homesick?
So glory is a condition to which we are looking.
Saints are not yet glorified.
Whether on earth or those who are departed to be with Christ.
Think of most of the members of the body of Christ today have gone home to be with the Lord because God has been building the church since the day of Pentecost. Many, many thousands, hundreds of thousands, maybe a million or two, I don't know, are there with the Lord. Not one of them are glorified.
Souls and spirits are happy, rejoicing in paradise. They're in a condition that's far better, very far better than to live on Earth.
There's a sister whose husband.
Gone to be with the Lord and.
Remember, Norman Berry was was greeting her and she said something about her husband. He said, well, she's he's he's in glory and he says not yet. She was kind of dejected by that. She didn't know how to take that because she was under the impression he was in glory, but he said not yet.
To explain why there's only one man in glory, right?
Christ Jesus.
We'll be like him when we see it.
That's is that first John we shall be liking when we see him. He is.
3rd chapter.
That will be. That will be.
That now this is a second verse of that. We know it well, but we'll read it because it's so nice. Beloved now are we the children of God? It doth not appear.
We shall be, but we know.
That He shall appear and be manifested, we shall be likely.
Where we shall see him as he is.
The Lord Lord said to the thief and the cross, This day shalt thou be with me? And is that right? No, no.
Compared to SO what's the difference?
Paradise is a state of bliss.
Who enjoys?
And that's not a place, it's a description.
Look like yeah.
Now there's a verse in First Timothy chapter 3 and verse 16, the last verse that.
May give you the idea that glory is someplace up in heaven under which the Saints are traveling. It says your controversy great is the mystery of God in this God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the spirit. See them angels preaching and Gentiles and believed on in the world received up into glory. So it looks like it is a place that you run into and right there, but that is not a best translation should be received up in glory. Scratch out the two. Pardon me, scratch out the two. Scratch out the two.
He was She went up in glory and she went up in a glorified state. When they were on the Mount of Olives, they saw him going up in a glorified state.
Into heaven.
It's a reformers idea to think of the heaven being the glory.
Sometimes they say, well, the Saints are not in glory then they people think.
That it is the place they come up with the idea. So you're saying that the Saints are not in heaven. And we didn't say that. He said they're not glorified, but they're there in heaven with the soul and spirit. And it's a reformers idea is going to the church for hundreds of years. And I'll show you in a verse in Psalm 73 how their doctrine has crept into their translation work. Remember, we are reading a translation. They came forth in the days of the reformer. Reformers. This translation is a little bit over 400 years old.
They made the translation and sometimes they would let their doctrine creep into the text.
Psalm 73.
They crystallized the Psalm and it's really not talking about Christians or the Church of God at all. It's talking about.
The remnant of Israel.
Anyway, it's in verse.
24 And thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory. Oh, it sounds like it's a place, but as I say, that's the translation error.
And the doctrine of reformers have crept into the Texas should read.
And after the glory, thou shalt receive me.
And after the glory thou shalt receive, what glory is this? The glory is appearing of Christ, and he comes back to redeem Israel, to deliver them. There'll be glory everywhere. And after that great manifestation of glory, they're going to receive restored to Him, and the Millennium is going to begin.
Yeah, for some we're very indebted to the critical translation agenda sets these things in the proper place.
That's what he says.
Thank you.
1St Corinthians 13 and 12 from.
Always see through a glass darkly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then shall I know even as also I am known to follow up to your your story? Can a widower asked the preacher at the funeral, Would I know? Will I know my husband in heaven?
And the preacher said, Dear sister, you will not know your husband.
Until you get to heaven.
Now we know, in part.
But up there, you won't be a husband, no.
No, yeah.
I hope there's not too much confusion going on here amongst the younger ones. We might be.
Bringing in some deeper things, but they're needful.
To rightly divide the truth is a.
Yes, the relationships that we enjoy our husband and wife.
Is for the earth and when we're taken to glory at the coming of the Lord.
You're no longer going to be in that relationship with husband and wife will be there as members of the body of Christ, as members of the new creation race will be glorified, but we will not be in a marital status in heaven.
Now it says that the Lord said that in Luke 20, didn't he? You see? Well, where do you get that from? It's Luke 20, isn't it?
They're not given in marriage, but as the angels, let me just quote turn that so we get these.
Passages before us move 20.
Yeah, they asked the question to the Lord who would be her husband in the in Gloria, in heaven.
And he answers by saying.
Verse 34, Luke 20, verse 34 and Jesus answering said unto them, The children of this world married and are given in marriage. That's on earth. This is what I was saying. These relationships are on earth, but they which are counted worthy to obtain that world and the resurrection from the dead neither married nor given in marriage, neither shall they die anymore. They're equal to the angels. That's not equal in position. That means that there are the same in the same state as an Angel that we don't procreate.
Angels don't have that capacity.
There's the scripture for it if you want to chapter and verse.
And what it says in Philippians 1 to depart to be with Christ, which is far better? The Darby constellation says far should be on steroids. It should be very far better.
So it's and he's talking about being on earth in communion with God.
He's a man seen in Philippians and walking with God and the flesh, not acting. He's living in the enjoyment of his relationship with Christ and communion with God. And he says yet when they pass into that scene when the souls are to die and are going to be with the Lord, it's very far better.
What a wonderful thing. It's not the best though. Doesn't say it's the best. He's better, and he said it's far better. Very far better. And not the best, because the best is yet to come in glorification.
When we're glorified, that is the ultimate hope of the child of God.
So what to depart to be with Christ is not referring to the rapture.
Sometimes I hear people saying that we talk about the Lord coming and you take us home. Wouldn't that be wonderful if people say yes and somebody chimes in about this point and says yes, to depart to be with Christ, which is far better? Well, it's true, we're going to depart to be with Christ and it will be far better or be the best when he comes into rapture. But that's not that verse Philippians chapter one is talking about. It's talking about people who die and go on to be with the Lord, not the Lord's coming.
So keep that straight in your mind if you can.
Let's see.
When we speak about glorification, it's not just the glorification of the body.
Close we eradicated of the fallen sin nature.
Will be glorified in body, soul and spirit.
The two classes of the Saints are mentioned in First Corinthians 15, which we've alluded to. Perhaps we could just touch on that to fill the hour as we're together.
First Corinthians, chapter 15.
Verse 51 And remember, this is the prospect of the race. Behold First Corinthians 1551 Behold, I show you a mystery. We shall not all sleep.
But we shall all be changed.
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye that the last trump for the trumpet show sound. And the dead that shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
So when this corruptible shall put on incorruption, and this mortal shall put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. Oh, death, whereas I sting, O grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is is sin, and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be unto God, which giveth us the victory through the Lord Jesus Christ.
You have two classes of Saints here, one's whom he designates as being the corruptible.
The other as the mortal.
Who are they?
Well, they're living in the dead Saints. Both need to be changed. Both need to be glorified. So the corruptible are those bodies whose bodies are laying in the grave. The corruptible will put on incorruption. That's their glorification. The mortal, that's the living Saints. You and I, we're going to put our immortality. That's our glorification. It all happens in a twinkling of an eye.