Gospel 1

Duration: 57min
Gospel—John Kemp
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Well, dear friends, we welcome each one to the Gospel meeting tonight. Perhaps there are some here for the first time. We're glad that you came, and we trust that the message will be simple and clear and a blessing to each one. Now, we know that there are a lot here that that are are the Lords. So the message is not going to be new, but we trust it will be fresh.
And that the Lord will encourage our hearts.
To be more earnest in giving out this wondrous message that the Lord has entrusted to us. The angels are not here to do that work, but you and I who belong to Christ.
We're not the source, that's sure, but we can be the channel. We're going to open our meeting by singing a hymn here, number 25.
Life at best is very brief.
Like the falling of a leaf, like the binding of a sheath. Be in time. This is a serious song, is it not?
We want to think about these words.
Because you have no promise of another opportunity to hear the message of God's love, this may be the last gospel meeting that you will be able to attend.
Dost thou art, and unto dust thou shalt return. Was not spoken of the soul, and you and I have an eternal soul that God has a deep interest in tonight, and that's why we have this gospel meeting.
Here in Montrose that we might point you to the one who can meet your deep need.
Whether your life is brief or long, you can leave the room with the assurance I belong to Christ. Shall we stand and sing #25 Some brother would start it.
Voice of Jesus.
And your pride is just today million times.
There are flowers soon behave and you already pass away over you have the laundry.
In time, while the Spirit gets to consider do the water roll nice, you see it on your whole place too, million times.
And to cry, because you may.
Dream time.
Through the arms of Jesus.
And their Christmas soaking love being hind.
Time big in time.
Wow, Voice of Jesus called to be in time.
And continue on your way. You may find my world and get it. And you're crying because you may be in time.
When we're getting a warning voice, make the Lord your happy choice, and a happy will restore His name.
From darkness into light, run the way I see my pride.
And sorry for having too much.
And you're crying just today.
Bringing time.
Shall we pray? Our loving God and our Father, we thank Thee for the privilege once more afforded to us to proclaim the gospel of Thy grace. We thank Thee for that blessed One who came from heaven's glory to unfold the heart of God to us, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Who came?
To display grace and truth.
To lay down his life, a sacrifice for us who were guilty and lost, and who is now offering a full and a free salvation through his finished work. We ask Thy help tonight. The message may be clear and simple. We pray for any soul in the company who is still a stranger to the Lord Jesus, who has never closed in with thine offer of mercy, that the Word may reach the heart and the conscience.
And be used in eternal blessing, that there may be joy in the presence of the angels of God over one Sinner that repenteth.
We commit the meeting to the Independence and with Thanksgiving in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
We're thankful for those who are able to sing this hymn tonight with real feeling.
We know that many here.
Belong to Christ.
And do not fear coming judgment. But you know, life is brief. You have no lease upon life.
As most of you know, my wife Eleanor comes from Brazil.
And a few years ago we were passing through the southern part of the country, Brazil, down in the state of Rio Grande do Sol, where Eleanor was brought up as a girl. And we passed by a town there by the name of Santa Maria.
On this occasion we did not go into that town.
But something happened, you may have heard, in that very town well known to my wife, in the area where she had lived in January of this year.
January 27th This nightclub was filled with young people, I don't know how many, perhaps 500 or more.
There for a good time living it up. Santa Maria is a university town, and this was just before the beginning of the summer term in Brazil.
Something happened and there was a fire ignited on the stage of that large room, which soon.
Became a conflagration and the doors outside were locked because people had not paid their fare to get in there. And panic broke out in that in that large auditorium and people were struggling to get out, a number did get out.
But the final.
Fatality list was about.
233 young people just on the verge of entering university.
In some classes, only two or three students were left out of the whole class.
Gone into eternity.
Without any warning young people with life before them.
Ready to enter the field of education and prepare for a position here. Ushered into eternity that night.
Some put it higher than 233, but at least.
What a tragedy, you say. What a catastrophe. What a voice to Brazil.
And a voice to the world. And tonight we have a message from the heart of God for you, my friend. We don't want to frighten you, but we want to warn you of those words uttered by the Lord Jesus when He was here in his pathway. Strive to enter in at the straight gate. Luke chapter 1324 For many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in.
And shall not be able, when once the master of the house is risen up, and hath shut to the door, and ye begin to stand without, and to knock at the door, saying, Lord, Lord, open unto us, the day of grace will be over.
There will be no second chance for those who.
Die without Christ in their sins.
We had another catastrophe in Canada just a few months ago. You no doubt have heard of it when again at a nightclub, 60 to 70, at about 60, young people were ushered into eternity in an inferno that took place at Lake Megantic. While these things are voices to the living.
And God has given you an opportunity.
To enter in.
The door of salvation which is wide open for you tonight. The Lord Jesus is reaching out to whosoever his arms are wide open. The desire of God is for your eternal blessing.
And remember that you are accountable to God.
You're not accountable to me. You will not stand before me in that coming eternity. You are accountable to the God who has created you, Romans chapter 14 tells us. Every man shall give an account of himself to God, you and I.
Are responsible before God. And if you're unsaved tonight in this room, God is giving you one more opportunity.
To be saved and it may be the last in his great long-suffering mercy he has spared us for another year. And here we are at Montrose 2013 because God is waiting for you to close in with that offer of mercy. You know, sometimes we hear people say I don't believe in God. I'm I'm an atheist. We meet those kind of people every day. I'm sure you do.
I say to them, well, you say you're an atheist, but in your conscience you know that you have to meet God.
I heard a story recently.
About a young man or a middle-aged man who was given a gospel tract.
And he looked at it and he realized what it was.
And he said, you know, two weeks ago I would have thrown that gospel track back into your face, But something has happened in my life, in my family just recently, a couple of weeks ago.
I was brought up an atheist.
I heard nothing else from my youth. That was all we had in our home. My father was an atheist and my grandfather was an atheist, and I was brought up as an atheist.
I had no use for God or anything of a spiritual nature, but he says my father was on his deathbed.
His affairs were in order, we know it. It was the end for him because he was an elderly man.
And we thought he was unconscious as he lay on that bed, but all of a sudden he rose up with terror in his eyes.
And he shouted out, There is a God, there is a hell, and I'm going there. And he fell back on the bed and was gone.
He says this has affected me deeply because I thought there was number God, but this is what my father said before he passed away.
And I'm afraid he went into a lost eternity. Well, dear friends.
These things are real, and we want you.
To understand tonight this message of the Gospel, let us turn to 2nd Corinthians chapter 4, reverse.
Verse three. But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost.
The God of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not.
Lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. Here we have the gospel of the glory of Christ. We turn to Acts chapter 20. We see the apostle given the charge to preach the gospel of the grace of God. Well, it's the same gospel, but here it has more to do with Christ as a glorified man at God's right hand tonight.
He's exalted there. God has purposes in His.
Councils to honor his son, to give him the highest place in that coming scene.
And it's a gospel of the glory. And tonight God wants you to share in those purposes that God has in view for His Son.
In His love, He is inviting you to come and share in those purposes and all the glory.
That Christ will have in that coming day the gospel of the glory of Christ.
But it's also the gospel of the grace of God.
And where do we see?
Such a wonderful.
A revelation of the grace of God, but in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Who came down from the glory, full of grace and truth.
To reveal the heart of man. To reveal the heart of God to man.
To open the floodgates of his heart to lost sinners. You know, I've noticed lately in John's gospel, which we may look at a little later, John four, that the Lord spoke to that poor Samaritan woman.
Who was in the very depths of moral pollution. She had no reputation or character and looked down upon. He spoke to her.
About her sin and her need. And at the end of that passage in John chapter 4, the Samaritans realized that the Lord Jesus was the savior of the world. You know, if you go back to the book of Genesis, you will see that Joseph was given the name Zaf Nathania by Pharaoh. What does Zafnafania mean in the Coptic language?
It means the revealer of secrets in the Hebrew language.
As the Samaritans understood it, it means the savior of the world.
So the Lord Jesus is presented in those two characters and we'll look at, we'll see that in the Gospel of John a little later. So dear friends, tonight we want you to know that the gospel is good news for you from the heart of God.
It has a warning to it, but it is good news. It is the revelation of God's heart of love.
It was there in a past eternity in God's heart, the Lord Jesus came to fully display the heart of His Father. But that love for you, a Sinner, a guilty, lost and ruined Sinner, was in the heart of God from a past eternity. Dear friends, that love is reaching out to you tonight.
In all its fullness. And God wants you to leave this room with the assurance.
That you are a child of God.
With the knowledge that your sins are forgiven.
They have been purged by the precious blood of Christ, and you are fitted for eternal glory, not by any good works that you have done, not by your resolutions and your prayers and your promises, but by faith in the finished work of Christ. You can be sure of your eternity, an eternity of joy and peace with God.
I was distributing trucks at A at a fair a few weeks ago. This is held every year in a small town called Almont, about 30 miles from Ottawa where we live.
It's quite an interesting exhibition of Highland games with all the clans in their kilts. The music is quite attractive. But I was there to give out tracks by God's grace, and as I moved around the grounds there and was able to give out quite a number of tracks and bookmarks and so on, there was a lady there who had a stand.
A table where she was selling.
Souvenirs and so on. And she had a number of books on that table. And I looked at those books and I said, Lady, I see one word that is on all of those books. It's the word time. Now I don't have the opportunity to read these books, but there's something that is not complete here, lady, because you haven't taken into account.
That time is going to come to an end and you are going to be ushered into eternity.
While she had never thought of that, and she didn't seem to have much interest.
But I gave her that tract the rest of his time, which I hope she will read.
Carefully, time is going to come to an end, and then eternity.
Will burst upon you. And where will you spend that eternity, my friend? We want you to have a happy landing. A safe landing as I was coming back from one of my foreign tours.
I gave tracks out to some of the stewardesses on the plane and as I was coming out the.
The exit the exit door into the airport I offered a track to.
This gentleman in uniform, I said, I suppose you're the Stewart, a steward here. Thank you for your good service. No, he says, I'm the captain. Oh, I says, I'm pleased to meet you. And here I want you to have this tracked so that you'll have a safe landing in the next World. While his face lit up and he said, I know where I'm going to be. I'm going to have a safe landing with the Lord.
He says up here in the cockpit, I see things that no one else sees, and I realize that this is the handiwork, the majesty of the Creator. He recognized the Lord Jesus as the Creator, and you could see by his expression that he was on the solid rock. Well, are you going to have a safe landing in the next World? Dear friend, This is why we have the gospel meeting here tonight. Let us turn to John's Gospel chapter 4 for a few moments.
This, no doubt, is a familiar passage to.
To most of us here tonight.
We'll read a few verses, beginning of chapter 4.
When therefore the Lord knew how the Pharisees had heard that Jesus made and baptized more disciples than John, though Jesus himself baptized not but his disciples, He left Judea and departed again into Galilee, and he must needs go through Samaria.
Then cometh he to a city of Samaria, which is called Saikar, near to the parcel of ground.
That Jacob gave to his son Joseph. Now Jacob's well was there. Jesus, therefore, being wearied with his journey, sat thus on the well, and it was about the 6th hour.
Will the Lord hear?
Had a special purpose before him. It was the blessing of this woman of Samaria. In the previous chapter, we have the quickening power of the Spirit of God coming down to awaken.
Souls like Nicodemus, who was a religious man with character and reputation, you might say.
Standing before men. But this woman here, she didn't have anything like that. She was in the depths of sin and moral pollution.
And a lonely soul trying to satisfy her desires by the pleasures of sin in this world. And the Lord had a special interest in this woman.
It has been said we have here in this chapter a detected Sinner.
That's the first thing. Second thing we have, we have a revealed Savior. And the third thing we have we have a devoted St. I love this passage because it shows the Lord in His perfect humanity as He sat by that well weary.
With his journey, weary in his love for sinners, in his laborers to bring souls to God, the Son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. There he was, and we have this woman alone with Jesus.
And this is characteristic of the Gospel of John. You often find people along with Jesus. I wonder, dear friend, here tonight, have you ever been alone with the Lord?
Have you ever been in the presence of the Son of God?
Realizing your need and that person who came down from heaven's glory to be your savior, here he is sitting upon the well because he had in view the blessing of this poor woman. We're not here standing by the mountain of Sinai. It's not.
Creation in all its majesty. If this woman was at the Mount of Sinai, she would be stoned. But here it is, the full revelation of the grace of God.
Reaching out in all its depth, this woman here had tried the pleasures of sin, and she was thirsting again. And over every well of this world is written those words. Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again. Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst. Dear friends, the water of life is offered to you tonight.
Whosoever will let him come and take the water of life, really.
There was a traveler in the deserts, I think it was in the United States, who was.
Abandoned, he was lost in the desert and dying with thirst, and he was rescued. He was found by some friends.
Who revived him? And they said, what were you thinking of when you were lying there on the ground?
With nothing to quench your thirst, he says. I was thinking of the many.
Drops of water that I waste it.
When I was well and in the world, the many opportunities that he had. And dear friend, tonight the opportunity is for you to be saved by the grace of God. The grace of God that bring us salvation has appeared unto all men. And it's beautifully demonstrated in the chapter that we're looking at here. This poor woman, she had nothing to glory in Nicodemus.
Was a man that you would look up to, but here we have.
A woman in the depths of sin. And the well was deep, as she says here Jacob's well was there. Jesus being wearied with his journey, sat thus on the well. It was about the 6th hour. Here was God manifest in the flesh.
Was the one that could put his hand on all the treasures of the universe, the creator of the planets and this whole system that we see at night.
The The heavens declare the glory of God. Here was the one.
Who was the Creator was sitting beside this sinful woman?
Asking for a glass of water.
And you know the Lord is coming down. He has come down from the glory. And He didn't empty himself of His Godhead deity, but He did veil the glory that was His in a past eternity. He entered the world in humiliation. He entered the world as a man amongst us who was hungry and thirsty as He was here. Where did He find His refreshment?
He was in a world that had no room for him. This woman here was solitary. She was isolated because of her sin.
But the Lord was a solitary man to the world.
Had no room for him in the inn and we follow as our brother mentioned.
This afternoon we follow a rejected Christ. He's still unwanted in this world, but He's the one that God has exalted to his right hand. He's the one that wants to be your Savior tonight. And here he meets this woman in her deep need. You know, I was saying the other day in Ottawa, the Lord never stereotyped his responses. He always had a message according to the need of the individual.
In fact, the Lord spoke differently to Nicodemus than He spoke to this woman.
He knew all about her. Her life was an open book to him. And and so my friend, the Lord knows your past history. Nothing can be hid from his eye.
But I want to tell you that there's power in the blood of Christ to cleanse those many sins away. This woman received marvelous blessing because the well was deep. Yes, she says that here.
But there was something deeper that was her need and her sin. And there was something even deeper than that. It was the grace of God, the love of God that was bringing up here to meet that poor woman's need.
The heart of God.
That is being displayed here in this chapter. So we're going on with the passage here.
Then cometh the woman of Samaria to draw water. Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink, for his disciples were gone. Away unto the city you buy meat. Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him. How is it that thou, being a Jew, ask as a drink of me, which I'm a woman of Samaria?
Or the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans. Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, who it is that saith to thee, give me to drink, thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given the living water. So dear friends, tonight God is offering that living water to you, and.
He is not only the savior of the world, he's also the revealer.
Of secrets, that was the name given to Joseph, and in our passage here we will see that this woman felt she was in the presence of God, of one who knew all about her past history. Nothing was hid from his eyes. Come see a man which stole me all things that ever I did.
And remember, salvation is not nature made better. You know, some people think we need to be improved, we need to turn over a new leaf, that Christianity is for the advancement of man down here. That's not the meaning of the gospel, my friend. The gospel meets you as a guilty, helpless Sinner. And bring salvation full and free to you tonight.
Not by anything that you have done good resolutions or any prayers or alms or anything of that nature, but it must come from above.
I think of a story.
That was told.
It happened in Atlanta back in 1947. Maybe I've told this story before. There was a hotel there, well known hotel. It was called the Wine Cough. It was reputed to be fireproof.
It was filled with guests that night.
And everyone was sleeping in security. The hotel is fireproof. We have nothing to worry about.
And but unknown to them, there was a small fire.
Smoldering there in the bottom of the hotel Which?
Gained strength and.
Soon burst out into.
A terrible.
And the people panicked, and here was this hotel, 15 to 20 stories high and no escape. They were fireproof. We don't need fire escapes.
True, it was fireproof in the sense that the walls would not burn, but there these people were trapped. And it was the worst fire that ever took place in the United States, for 121 People were ushered into eternity that night.
But some were saved. And you know how they were saved? Some brave men. They climbed up an adjoining building there.
And they were able to take boards and ladders and whatever they could find and.
Put them across to the burning hotel and they went over and stretched out their arms and rescued those poor souls that were trapped there in the smoke and the flames and they brought them over that.
Perilous board there into the place of safety and and security. But there was no help for those people themselves. They were utterly helpless. It must come from outside. And those brave men reached out the hand and LED them across.
Those channels into safety. So the Lord is reaching out to you tonight, dear friend, as he did to this poor woman of Samaria and.
Brought salvation and pardon to her, Filled her heart, Gave her living water.
The Lord said to her goal, Call thy husband and come hit her. You know the Lord very seldom told any person to leave him. But why did the Lord say that to this woman? Go call thy husband and come hit her. Because he wanted to reach her conscience with the gospel. And the Lord must reach your conscience tonight to awaken you to your need of a Savior.
She knew she was a Sinner. Her conscience was reached. She knew she was in the presence of God.
But the Lord didn't turn her away. She came back. She found that living water. She found a Savior, One who revealed the secrets of her heart, that is true, but one who provided a full and eternal salvation for her.
Just as the Lord is reaching out to you tonight with that message of forgiveness and pardon and eternal life offered without money and without price.
You know, I think of a story that has told, been told before.
Of John Wesley.
Who was a very.
Gifted evangelist and he preached the gospel in many parts of England.
And he traveled many thousands of miles on horseback.
Preach the gospel to many thousands of people in those days, many poor.
Deprived souls, he proclaimed the good news of salvation. One day he was traveling by horseback at night through a part of England, and he was stopped by a rough voice.
Who accosted him with the words your money or your life? Well, John Wesley wasn't a wealthy man. He didn't have much money. He only had a.
A satchel there which was filled with Bibles and.
Tracks. So he says, here is my purse. This is all I have, but you won't find much in it. And so the thief searched his bags, hoping there was some, some funds in those satchels that he had. But he was disappointed. And he was going to make off into the darkness when John Wesley said, just a minute, I want you to think about the course that you are following. The day may come.
When you will see the error of your way, when you will realize that your path is leading you to a lost eternity. When you do, I want you to think of this verse. The blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanseth us from all sin.
And the the robber made his way into the darkness. Several years later, John Wesley was preaching to a large company of people.
In an auditorium.
And many people were waiting to speak to him as he left the.
The hall and he was delayed because he had an interview with a man.
Whom he didn't know.
And this man said, do you remember such and such a night when I accosted you and demanded money from you, and you gave me a verse. He says that verse never left my soul and it has been the means of bringing me to Christ. He was a comfortable, wealthy businessman by now. He says, thank you for that verse which has been liked to my darkened soul and has brought me to Christ.
Oh dear friends, we have the same message for you tonight, that God in his wondrous love.
Is unfolding to you a person? We're not Speaking of philosophy. We're not Speaking of a new religion. We're Speaking of a divine person, one who can meet the deepest depths of the sinner's need, one who came from the glory.
To die for you, to give his life a sacrifice on the cross that you might be saved. Oh, my friend, as we come to the end of our meeting, we want you to know that the Lord is inviting you to close in with his offer of mercy tonight. This woman here, she became a devoted St. She went back into the city where she was known there of Samaria.
Everyone knew her life. She said come see a man which told me all things that ever I did. Is not this the Christ? The Lord revealed himself to this woman. He filled her heart. He cleansed her from her sins. She became a devoted St.
And she became a testimony in Samaria. And you remember the Lord came to Samaria.
And many more believed because of his own word. If you go to the book of Acts, chapter 8, you'll find that Philip the Evangelist went to Samaria and preached Christ unto them, and nearly the whole city believed. He reaped nearly all the souls in Samaria. But the work began with this woman here, who became such a bright testimony.
Something filled her heart. It wasn't something artificial, It wasn't something formal. It was the outflow of her heart and.
It glorified God and she became a channel of blessing. John chapter 3 you have the Holy Spirit of God coming down in quickening power. In chapter 4 you have the Spirit of God prefigured here in the water.
Lifting the soul up in the power of communion and worship.
And then in John Chapter 7 you have the Spirit of God.
Using the believer as a channel of blessing to others.
Out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water, there the Spirit, the Spirit of God.
One who fills the heart and uses the believer to be a channel of blessing to others. The source is the Lord. But something that we have enjoyed and entered into, we can give out in this barren, Dark World in which our lot is cast. So, dear friends, we do plead with you tonight.
To hear the voice of the Lord like this.
This woman here, she heard the voice of God and God speaking through human lips.
And God's Word is speaking to you tonight.
And you have another opportunity to be saved. I think of a story in closing.
That took place in Canada many years ago.
In a logging camp, you know, in those early days.
These brave and strong men would spend the winter in a logging camp. I guess those from Hammer Bay would know something about this and.
There were some men who were evangelists. If you ever have the chance to read the story of.
Charles Bohen, he went into these camps and preached the gospel faithfully to these tough, hard men that were gathered there. And one day, I'm not sure if this was Mr. Bowen or not, but one day there was a preacher proclaiming the gospel in that logging camp.
There was a man there, rough and tough, with no thought of God.
No thought of eternity.
He broke into the room where the preacher was sitting.
And began to curse, and to swear, and to belittle God in the gospel.
Spat or spat all over his clothes, tobacco juice and over his Bible and the preacher.
Kindly spoke to him and said Jack.
You're you think you're having a good time, but remember you have to meet God.
But that didn't seem to make any impression upon Jack. He turned around. He pushed the head of the preacher against the wall.
And then he left the room, swearing.
The preacher thought this will be the last time I'll ever meet this man. But in the middle of the night, he got a call. An urgent call.
About 1:00 in the night, he was called to the office of the logging camp and.
He was told what had happened during the night. One of the brake men in.
Coupling together one of the cars, the logging cars had fallen underneath the the wheels and his leg had been severed.
And the preacher, he went to the hospital and there was that great, that strong form of man lying there in agony.
And he said Jack.
How are you? He says. Will you forgive me, Charles? Will you forgive me? He says. Yes, I'll forgive you. But remember, you may not have long to live. And Are you ready for eternity?
And he presented the gospel to him, and the message of the thief on the cross.
How at the last moment, with eternity 6 hours before him.
Had believed in the Lord and been saved. Lord, Remember Me when thou comest into thy Kingdom.
He had said that prayer of a repentant Sinner, and Jack lay there in agony.
And he said.
I want to say that prayer that you have told me God be merciful to me, a Sinner, he said. I want to be sure that I am ready. I know I'm a great Sinner, but there on that bed.
He grasped the hand that was reached out to him.
And he accepted Christ, and he remembered that verse. He repeated it. God be merciful.
To me, a Sinner, and he said I want you, Charles, to tell the men that I've made the coupling and he passed into eternity saved by the matchless grace of God. Well, as we close our meeting, we trust that.
Everyone here is under the shelter of the precious blood of Christ, that your hope is built on nothing less than Jesus and the blood he spilt because God.
Is not mocked whatsoever a man saw it, that shall he also reap, And his arms are wide open. For whosoever, whosoever will may come and take of the water of life freely shall we sing in closing that verse that is so well known in our hymn sheets #32.
We'll just stay seated. What can wash away my sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Someone would start it.
What can make me whole I can nothing much about.
For my heart.
Makes me quiet so.
Nothing but the blood Jesus.
Oh, Christmas.
That makes me like a soul.
No other time, Nothing but the mother of chainsaws.
Oh, precious.
By the soul, no other I might be, no nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Now we pray our loving God and our Father, we thank Thee for this wondrous message of Thy love and grace as we have seen the beautiful exhibition in John chapter four of the Grace of God.
Bringing salvation to this needy, sinful soul, we thank Thee that Thou art still the same blessed Savior, though exalted at God's right hand, a Prince and a Savior, offering this full and free salvation to whosoever. So we ask Thy blessing on the Word here this evening to each soul.
We know there are many who know this message well, and many are sheltered.
From coming judgment by that precious blood may we?
Acknowledge our privilege of channeling this wondrous news to others and use the opportunities, as this woman did, to speak well of our Savior. We commit all to Thee. We pray for any precious soul in the company who is still unsaved in his sins, that that person, young or old, may reach out the hand by faith.
And accept God's wondrous gift of life eternal, the water of life. We ask it all in the name and for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.