Gospel 1

Gospel—John Kemp
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Thankful we are with this happy time. It's a good meal Thou have given to us and Thy many mercies day by day, giving us health and strength, food and remnants, and above all, for the unspeakable gift of my God. You want to speak about that wonderful person for just a few moments?
Before we adjourn.
Uh, we pray that they'll help us and guide us and the words that are spoken that all may understand that.
Wonderful message of salvation through our Lord Jesus and His work on the cross for Him. He asked. I had to commit each one to Thee, where that they may be a blessing in each life tonight as a result of being here. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, we pray.
Amen. Pleasure to be with you again. Uh, my friend, uh, because I was here last year and, uh.
Few words and uh, they asked me again to, to take the short message this afternoon. So, uh, I know some of you are still and that's fine. I don't mind that. Go ahead and do that. Finish whatever you are are taking up and have one year open to the message.
So of course our handbook, uh, ladies and gentlemen, nothing else but the word of God. This is not something religion that we are profound. No, no, what we are explaining before this few moments is each.
Internal living or default, you know, I wouldn't have any idea where I was going for eternity if I did not have this book. It would be like a leap in the dark. What's coming after death? For that vast eternity apart from the word of God, I be completely.
In the dark and unable to make any conclusion.
Or have any assurance of what would my destiny be forever?
For eternity. After all, we are not like a dog or a cat. We have an eternal, never dying soul, which God loves intensely. In fact, He loved you and me so much that He gave the dearest object of heaven. He didn't send an Angel, but from the heights of the glory.
The Son of God, the Creator, you and me, and the universe.
As we read it in 2nd Corinthians 8 verse nine, we know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor. That ye threw his poverty might be written just thanks, dear friends, of the humiliating.
He was the inheritor of everything, the creator of everything, and he laid aside that good and he.
Came down down to this world, to this dark scene where they he knew that they would refuse his love and he knew that they would reject him.
What sort of a treatment did he receive? No place to lay his head? No room. In the end, the staple was his was his birthplace.
The stable with the animals. But let me tell you, and I assure you, my friend, it was love that brought me down. Love for your eternal soul. Love that made him give up all the glories of heaven, the Son of God, and descend that great distance into a world that was.
Dark and full opposed to his nature, and yet he walked through it in the love of infinite love.
He saw you in your meeting. He saw you in your ruin. And dear friends, let me make it personal. The Lord looks down from heaven today. He sees all the evil of his world and he's grieved, but he has his eye upon you tonight. I don't know all your names. I don't know really any of you personally. Maybe one or two I've met.
But the Lord has an interest in you. He knows you personally, knows all about your background history. You don't have to tell it to me. I know my own background history, which I'm ashamed of. But he knows all of others from from beginning to end. Nothing is hid from His eyes, And he's like the merchant man who found that Pearl of great price.
There, that man had the Pearl in his hand.
And he, uh, this merchant man with a buyer of pearls and he came and said, that's a beautiful Pearl that you have there.
How much is it? And the man set the price. Oh yeah, I could never meet that.
Can you not make it a little bit cheaper than that? No, no, that's the cost of the Pearl. Uh, it's not going down. I'm not negotiating at all. Well, but I want that product. Well, if you want it, you've got to pay for it. Well, I don't have the money. I'm sorry. I have so much, but I can never meet the cost of that girl.
When I watch it.
And what can you, what can I, what can you do? Then the Pearl man said, what can you do? Well, I'm going to go and sell everything that I have my house, my car, I'm going to sell everything. I want to have that curve. It doesn't matter how much it costs, when to get it normal or mental. Didn't even have a bed to sleep. And after that everything went.
To buy that Pearl of great price, we value it. That makes these applications dear friends.
Value your soul so much that the Lord Jesus put such a value upon your soul. And he said, I'm going to come down and give everything I have. I'll give my back to the snipers. I'll give my hands to the Brule nails and my my head to the crown and.
I'll shed my precious blood.
To have you in the glory forever. But the problem is you are a Sinner just like.
In the price before he can take you to heaven, you must say, Lord, I'm not fit for that wonderful place. I'm a Sinner. I know it. I don't think as a brother told me outside, he says, I think everyone here knows that they are a Sinner and I think that's true. I think we all have to admit we are sinners and lost sinners, but God.
Has such an interest in you?
Each one of you. You're not lost in the crowd. You are known by the Lord.
His eyes searches this room, all things are naked and open unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do. Your life is an open book to the Lord. Not to me and it's not necessary, but to the Lord. Our sins are all recorded in that book up there.
They can be washed away. Tonight you will take the place of this dinner before gone and say, Lord, you loved me, You gave everything for me.
Save me from those things tonight. I want to be in that wonderful scene of glory and joy and peace for all eternity. I want to be with me. The Lord is no longer here on the earth, but He wants you to be His companion to all eternity because we, those who invited you here, went out and gave you the invitation. They loved you, and they're no better than you.
Nor am I. We are only sinners saved by grace, Amazing Grace.
That that how sweet this sound is. Staying directly means I come from Ottawa, but every year I go. For most years I go to some Island games where there you have all this Scottish clans and all their regalia and their guilt and their bagpipes and I went this year.
I want not to see the performance, but to give out the Word of God. I take tracks with me in death. I meet souls and speak to people. At the end of the afternoon on the ground there was a huge field. There were clans and regiments from all over Ontario and Quebec. There must have been a dozen of them. They all marched out into the field.
And I said to a lady, are they going to play Amazing Grace?
They did other years. Yes they will. I waited and sure enough before they closed that whole assembly of.
Scottish Bagpipers.
I forget the number I think it was.
100 several 104 hundred or something with the drummers and the **** piping way that that song that you may know Amazing Grace.
How sweet the sound that saved the rest like me once was lost and now I'm found.
God save the erection from the lost eternity from hell. I brought along something to close my message here. Tomorrow we stop.
I'm not.
I'm not a maritime person, so I don't know a great deal about hackers, but I guess you do coming from this area, this anchor, I guess the anchor well used over many years.
But it's still useful and I guess you all know what the importance of having a good solid anchor for the ship.
An anchor that you can trust, right? I know there was an anchor in Halifax in 2017.
No, I mean 1917, that anchor was 1/2 of a ton of cast iron and the explosion took place on that battleship and that anchor was hurled through Halifax at a tremendous speed, chopping down trees. It was half a ton and.
1000 to 2000 people lost their lives.
The 9000 were injured. That anchor was a very strong.
Powerful, but it didn't do anyone any good. My dear friends, tonight I want to tell you that if you accept Christ as your Savior, you will have an anchor sure and steady. 5 Lord Jesus is that anchor is in heaven tonight, but he is one who can give you.
Eternal security. I'm going to ask you, what are you trusting in for your eternity? What anchor are you depending upon?
The anchor of revision, the anchor of good works. Some people say to me, I've never done anyone any harm. I'm as good as my neighbor. That's the anchor of good works. They're trusting in something that they have done. All your friends, nothing that you have done.
They'll ever take you to heaven. You need Christ, the anchor of sure and steadfast, and enter it into that within the veil. The war is the anchor of the soul. You trust Him, you'll be safe for eternity. You'll be gone into the the courts of eternal glory.
But if you refuse the Lord and I hope no one in the company here will leave this room saying another time tomorrow I may think about my soul and eternity. When God is speaking today, you will hear his voice harden not pure heart. Well, we trust that these these few words.
Will be a blessing to all, to all who have accepted the invitation of our brethren here in Saint John.
And let me remind you as I thought that God tonight is giving you another invitation to the great supper, the great gospel supper that is spread and don't make any excuse like those people did. I have married a wife and therefore I cannot come. They had all sorts of excuses for not coming to the gospel. They didn't feel their need. I thought, dear friends, if you feel your need, not only of.
Suffer, I'm sure you've had that. Yeah, and you're more than welcome to it. But your need of Christ, your need of salvation through faith and his work on the cross, let me remind you that that work on the cross, dear friends, is all that you need is not your religion. Not turning over a new leaf and trying to live a better life. We've done that in the unique. Just gets as filthy as the other one.
Coming to the Lord and trusting His work. Lord, I'm a Sinner. I believe that He died in my place.
Did I give you a Calvin? The hours of darkness, the crown was born. And before Speaking of God, oh how terrible those hours that the Lord endured in order to take my soul to heaven, to give me an anchor, sure and steadfast or eternity.
Beyond a shot all the doubt that I'm going to be with the Lord even if I passed into eternity tonight. Well, May God bless His word. You can have that assurance. God wants you to have it.
The brethren here in Saint John have brought you here with a love to see to to have you hear the Gospel and believe it and be saved from a lost. Now we're going to Bruce. Can we sing one song in clothing or can wash away my.
Whole lot of time.
What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Oh narration they have started. Glowing thighs make me wine and snow. No, no other thumb time, no nothing but the blood of Chili's in the summer.
I read a story.
I'll just close. His name was Mr. Win. Stanley lived back around the end of the 1600s, but he was a builder, and Eddie Stone rocks the reef there, and I hear the cause of many disasters, many lives lost, Mr. Winstanley said. I'm going to build a lighthouse.
That will warn people away from those dangerous rocks.
Here's the model of those that were experienced navigator Mr. wins family. That's that's not going to stand up to the storm. All you have to do I'm going to build it right there on the Eddie Stones rocks. It's going to stand, you see.
Bill is a beautiful lighthouse. It stood out for a few years, he said. I want to be in that White House when the worst storm that has ever happened takes place. I'm going to be sure that my lighthouse will stand up to the terrible.
Force of that storm, well, it's going to be a windstanding standard. Was it?
His confidence was in what he had done, his structure that he had built. He had full confidence that it was going to weather up the storm. Four days, three or four days the storm raged. When you went out to look at the Eddie's tone stones, it was nothing like Mr. Winston and his White House was swept into the Atlantic.
And never seen again. His confidence was in the wrong person.
Within himself. So the bottom line is with your confidence in Christ, who is the lighthouse, the way the truth of your life will bring you through the storm of judgment and give you a place of eternal safety when that storm breaks upon this world so near that let us pray, loving God, reflecting this opportunity.
To share a little of the gospel message with our dear friends here and pray for a blessing.
On the word that has been given. And thank you for the Lord Jesus by well beloved Son, thank you for his death on the cross and for his precious blood that we shed. And we know that he's living in the glory and he's still called, still calling sinners. The door of grace is still open. Why, for whosoever we pray that many tonight we say, Lord, I come just as I am.
Without 13 but that blind one was shred for me. We ask it all. We seek Thy blessing on each one and the message that is gone forth. We ask it for Thanksgiving for this delicious meal as well. In the name of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.