Gospel 1

Duration: 1hr 2min
Gospel—John Kemp
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So we open our gospel meeting tonight by singing number.
Umm, life at best is very brief #2525 like the falling of a leaf, like the binding of a sheath.
Be in time.
OK, I'm surprised he talks to me in time.
Mm-hmm. OK. Respond to the PayPal and units and Unity Palace domain following your hands on 1/6 day and time. I'm not scared. I tend to come together. You'll not want your phone. Let's give me the your home just to move in time.
Day and time, day and time.
Get along their way, you're doing the same, probably a couple of things and get it and your pride becomes too late in time.
I decline quickly by God and judged with God through the allowance of being a subscriber in time.
Oh my friend you pass the call, they have the face aligned me cross and your priceless All the belongs to be in time being in time.
We entertained somewhat learning products in today's the water you're having the employees that have a lot of highlights in metallurgy and from darkest things to light from the way by seeing the bride come and sorry for having you night in time.
Being in time, beginning time. Wow, it's not like a voice of jeans that's called you've been in the.
And then you can send you a longer way. You may find no decay and your pride is up to the end in time.
Shall we ask the Lord's blessing our God and our Father, and how thankful we are that at the outset of this gospel meeting we can look up to Thee and seek Thy help and blessing, owning our dependence upon Thee. Blessed God, for the going forth of the glad tidings of Thy grace and mercy toward a perishing world.
We thank thee.
For this privilege we thank Thee for the One who made it possible through his death and suffering on the cross of Calvary, our blessed Savior. May he be exalted to night.
And if there is one soul who is a stranger to thy love and grace?
Who is still in his sins, without hope, without God in this world?
That thy spirit might convict and open the eyes of the blind, blinded eyes to see and hearts to respond, while we still have an opportunity in this day of grace.
We seek Thy help, we commit the meeting to the gospel going forth in California likewise, and ask, uh, thy direction, that there might be joy in heaven over one Sinner that repenteth in the name and for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
Witnessing another hymn.
#26 #26 There is life in a look at the crucified one. There is life at this moment for thee #26 If some brother would start it, please.
There is life in the Lord, and hath thus premiers did hide one. There is light by the small and 40.
I'm breathing for his life now, can make me quite cold.
Blood flow, slow blood flow, camera and fire depth lights and all the bums have done through the nervous bikes by plants barely slight practice moment for a day.
There is a life and none of them have done through Truth in Five One Therein's life at this moment for me.
And thou not thy welcome St. God has been cleared, there remain and so forth to become.
UH-110 1,000,012 Thou Ferrell being out there and completely left the word he did become.
A long time.
There is life and all the songs that concludes his eyes on. There is like that, this moment for being.
But they with rejoice sink from Jesus that one, but like that her life thinking again, and no make such a friend, thou never can't die.
And give us thy right Christmas Day.
So we turn in our Bibles to, uh, Isaiah chapter 45.
A well known verse to most here, perhaps verse 22.
Isaiah 45.
Look unto me, and be ye saved.
All the ends of the earth, for I am God, and there is none else. So, dear friends, at the outset of our little gospel meeting tonight, we are inviting you to look to Christ.
We are presenting to you not a new religion, but a person, the Son of God, who loved us and gave himself for us. It's not a new message. Perhaps you have heard it many times.
The old story of God's love. The way of salvation through faith.
In the finished work of Christ, we're not asking you to turn over a new leaf, it'll just get as filthy as the other. We're not asking you to clean up your life or join a church, but we are inviting you to look to Christ.
There as the sacrifice, as the holy victim, lifted up between heaven and earth.
A spectacle to men, to devils, to angels.
God's beloved Son.
Who has salvation for you, full and free and eternal?
Will you look to Him? I know many of my audience here have already taken that look of faith to the Son of God.
And know with assurance thou never canst die, since Jesus thy righteousness lives. This hymn that we sung was written by a woman whose name was Amelia Hall. He lived in England. Her father was a respected captain in the army.
She was from a fashionable home.
She had everything that heart could wish.
Beautiful, uh, surroundings.
Umm, riches, uh, education while everything was at her feet. But she felt in her soul an emptiness, a longing for something. She went to a gospel meeting and heard the message of salvation and how we can have peace with God.
It affected her, it it moved her soul, she says. This is what I need. I've been seeking for pleasure and satisfaction in the things of this world.
And to be honest, I am disappointed. And she came home and told her father.
Who, uh, was, uh.
A man of the army.
And held in high respect with honors to his name, he said. Young lady, I don't want anything of that nature in my house. You understand? Get this out of your mind because I'm not tolerating this in our residence here in your home. Well, she was disappointed.
Greatly by the attitude of her father, but there was still that longing in her soul, and again she went to that little Gospel hall there in the South of England.
And again she heard a stirring message from an evangelist who really loved souls and presented the truth in a simple and earnest way to her heart. And there that night.
She passed from death unto life. The joy that filled her heart she had never experienced before. But she had to go home. She had to go home to the same house. She had to face her father.
That night. And she did. He entered the door and she shared the good news with him. Of course, he flew into a rage. He said. Didn't I tell you, young lady, that we're not having anything of this nonsense in our house?
I'm giving you an ultimatum. Go up to your room.
And if this is not if you don't get rid of this nonsense by tomorrow morning.
In the library there is a horse whip. I am going to use it on you. And he wasn't fooling. I'm going to use that horse whip on you tomorrow morning if you don't get rid of these ideas in your mind.
Well, this greatly grieved his fashionable daughter. She went up to her room. She didn't sleep much that night. She was in prayer and, uh, in sorrow for her father.
But during the night she wrote this hymn.
There is life in a look at the crucified one in the dark hours of the night. She indicted this hymn.
In her room alone. I don't think she got any sleep that night in prayer for her dear Father.
And in the morning she came down.
At the foot of the stairs, her father was there.
To meet her and he said what's your decision? Amelia, young lady, what's your decision?
She didn't speak very much, but she passed him a piece of paper that had this hymn on it. There is life in a look at the crucified One. He took the paper and he read.
Each stanza, you know, the Spirit of God worked in that proud man's soul and he sank into that chair and the Spirit of God had convicted him. Needless to say, he didn't use the horse whip. He became a true believer. Captain Hall, many years he was gathered to the name of the Lord.
In the assemblies in southern England.
Highly respected and preached the gospel and uh.
Told others of the deliverance that he experienced by the power of the word of God that night. Well, dear friends, the message hasn't changed for you tonight and uh.
We are inviting you.
To that same blessed One.
Who, uh, has the power to give you true happiness, peace with God?
Salvation, pardon, forgiveness of your many sins.
Your sins are countless. Mine were like the hairs of my head.
I couldn't count them.
But by the grace of God, as far as the east is from the West, they have been removed.
They've been thrown into the depths of the sea when I was in Brazil this summer.
I saw one of the largest rivers in the world. Never before had I seen the Amazon River.
My wife feels you know is from Brazil and we were visiting the assembly in Manaus.
Up in the north of Brazil and as I looked at that mighty torrent of water.
The force of it is incredible. Incredible. The power of the current in that river is so strong that it it pours out fresh water 100 miles into the Atlantic.
And I saw the confluence of the tributaries of the Amazon River. We passed over it and, uh, we were right on the edge of the rainforest. You boys and girls want to see something from the rainforest? I'll show it to you tomorrow.
You know, in the rainforest you have these big Python snakes. You probably have studied that at school. I'll show you one wrapped around me, but we won't talk about that now. But if you want to see it, maybe tomorrow. Anyway, there's the story. A ship was, uh, out in the out in the Atlantic. They had run out of water. They sent up a distress signal.
To another ship that was nearby.
To the captain, Sir, he said we're running out of water, we're dying with thirst here and the captain said don't worry, let down your bucket, let down your bucket, you're in fresh water. They were in the outflow of that tremendous Amazon River there at the mouth of the, of the tribu of the, uh, huge.
Torrent of water pouring out there into the Atlantic.
Let down your bucket, dear friends.
We are inviting you to partake of the Water of Life tonight.
The water of life that the Lord Jesus is offering to you from His great heart of love. We think at this time of year of the incarnation of the Lord Jesus.
That's starlit night in Bethlehem there. You know what Bethlehem means? It means a House of bread.
And hasn't it been a marvelous House of bread for sinners for the last 2000 years?
If you still have not tasted the Living Bread, it's being offered to you tonight.
Christ was born in Bethlehem, and there, for the first time in the world's history, the angels who were the creation of the Lord Jesus looked down from heaven. The heavens were filled with praises. They were in an ecstasy as the angels came trooping down from heaven.
To announce the coming of Christ. For the first time, the Son of God entered man's world.
Not to the great religious men of Jerusalem. They didn't know anything about it. Boat is coming. And when they did, they sought to slay him. But to those simple shepherds, glory to God in the highest and on earth, peace, goodwill toward man. What a marvelous event that took place that night when the Son of God became man.
A body hast thou prepared me, We read in Hebrews.
He took a body, a human body, perfect in every sense of the word, body, soul and spirit. He was a human being, sin apart, sin apart. But uh, there the Son of God assumed manhood, took it into union with deity. He didn't give empty himself of his deity.
But he became a man in order that he might die.
A body capable of death, but not subject to true death. And there the Creator of the universe. At that very moment, that babe in Bethlehem's Manger was upholding all things by the word of his power.
Think of the galaxies I've been hearing lately of the, uh, the billions, billions of galaxies in our, in our, uh, in the universe. Here was the creator of the universe. He calls all of those stars by name. His hands formed them.
The billions of stars and galaxies. Milky Way is just one of them.
You know what light travels that, uh, what's it? 100 and 8086 thousand to miles per minute? The light that started when Adam was brought into the world.
It has not gone a tenth of the distance across our Galaxy, the Milky Way. To this day, it hasn't gone more than a tenth of the distance. And light travels at what is it, 180,000 miles per second. Think of the immensity of the universe. And there was the Creator.
Created all things by the word of His power.
The brightness of the eternal glory shall his praise unuttered lie. And that person in manhood. But as we were reminded today, it's not His incarnation that saves your soul from hell.
Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die at abideth alone. It's not the incarnation that was necessary.
It's the suffering and the death of Christ, His precious blood. Otherwise he would have been alone for all eternity. Up there in the glory He returned to His home where he had came from.
There he was in the bosom of the Father from a past eternity, and he returned there in manhood.
But uh.
If He had not gone to the cross, there would be no gospel meeting here tonight, and every one of us would be doomed to a lost eternity. But God had devised that plan in a past eternity. I believe that the work of Christ on the cross was before His holy soul from the time.
From time immemorial, because Christ never had a beginning. The work of redemption.
Was before the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ and.
In in process of time he came into the world, glorified God in his life down here heavens broke asunder. This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. And then.
He went to the cross to accomplish the will of God.
And the will of God tonight, my friend, is for your eternal blessing and salvation.
You know John 316 God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him.
Should not perish, but have everlasting life. Richard Weaver was a miner in England. You may have read his biography.
He became a very powerful gospel preacher, but he was a tough character in his youth. He was a fighter and, uh.
He lived a life of misery and shame and uh.
He was, no one wanted to, uh, encounter Richard Weaver because they knew they would come out, uh, defeat it. But you know, Richard Weaver, though he was such a rough repulse of character, he had a soul. And his mother was a praying woman. And when Richard would come home at night bleeding and bruised and wounded.
She would patiently.
Wash his scars and bleeding back and put them to bed. But before she said good night to her son, she quoted him John 316. Every night. John 316.
And God began to work in the soul of Richard Weaver. He had an appointment with a man to fight the next day.
But God had another appointment with him and, uh, in that old sand pit.
There, Richard Weaver.
Uh had the greatest struggle of his life. Satan was bidding high, he had a battle with the devil which was not to be compared with a fellow mortal, and he was tormented by 1000 doubts.
Uh, as he encountered that terrible adversary, Satan.
But you know, he came through victorious. He came through victorious. And it was through that verse that his mother had quoted to him night after night there in that sand pit, in that deathly struggle with the enemy, with all the doubts, he says it's impossible. I've lived a life of misery and shame, God.
I've sinned away my day of grace.
No, God had mercy on him and.
There in that sand pit, he bowed the knee to Christ. And, uh.
The love of the Lord conquered him and he became an earnest evangelist. You young people, I recommend that you read the, uh, biography of Richard Weaver. Uh, it's very interesting, very, uh, inspiring, uh, maybe a little difficult to obtain, but, uh, he became a powerful, uh, servant of the Lord in the, in the years that followed. Well, dear friends.
Want you to know this this evening that God has a deep interest in your eternal blessing and salvation. Turn with me to Luke's gospel. Want to look just for a few moments at.
One, uh, question.
Uh, the question.
Uttered by a man of the world.
Perhaps we're familiar with this story.
The Lord warns in this chapter Luke chapter 12 of three things, hypocrisy, covetousness and carefulness.
The cure for hypocrisy. Everything is going to be revealed verse uh, two, for there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed, neither hid that shall not be known. So you cannot hide anything from God. Everything is going to come out if you do not accept Christ as your Savior. The books will be opened at the great white throne your life.
Will be exposed.
Every thought, every word, every deed, and you'll have to meet God, meet Christ there. We'll be the judge on the great white throne and you'll have to meet him. Uh, not as a savior. It's a great white throne. No blood to cleanse you from your sins. You'll hear that word depart from me. I never knew you.
You may have a profession. Profession is not going to save you. Have you put your faith and your trust in Christ's finished work? Have you repented of those sins that have blotted and ruined your life?
It says here, uh verse UH-16HE spake a parable unto them, saying, The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully. And he thought within himself, saying, What shall I do?
I will, uh, what shall I do Because I have no room to bestow my fruits.
Here was a gentleman farmer. He had undisputed rights over his land. He was prosperous. The earth had brought forth by handfuls. And he said that night, I believe it was during the night, you know, in the middle of the night, sometimes your mind is quite clear.
And he thought, Here I've got the dimensions.
My barns are crammed to the roof, the store houses are overflowing. I've got no more room and, uh, I'm getting older. I'm going to retire, eat, drink and be merry, but I've got to pull down these barns here. I've got an architect. We have to make plans for the future because I just haven't got room to bestow my goods.
Verse 17 he sought within himself.
Saying, what shall I do? What about the poor that were around in the neighborhood? He didn't think about them at all. He thought of one thing himself and his own pleasure.
And his future which he looked forward to a happy retirement much goods many years. But you know, I would put one word over this scene. One word I think is the best description that I know of for this scene that we are looking at. Do you know what it is?
Miscalculation. He left out of his umm, he left out of his plans. God.
He didn't have any thought of God. He didn't want God in his life. That was not in his calculation at all. The many years and the much goods and the eating and drinking and making merry, having a good time.
But he had a a visitor that night, an old preacher that speaks very loudly, and he didn't, uh, expect to meet him that night.
He had no idea that he would enter the room uninvited and lay his icy hand upon him and call him a fool.
Death entered that room there in the middle of the night, and all his plans were frustrated. They never came to pass, and God called him a fool. He heard the voice of the Lord that night.
And dear friends, that's what we want you to listen to tonight is the voice of the Lord. I'm only a messenger, and a poor one at that. If you will hear the voice of the Lord, deliver him from going down to the pit. I have found a ransom. The work has been finished. What more could God do in order to win your heart?
But this man had no thought of eternity at all.
Just this life.
Nothing beyond And do we not have people that talk that way now? And yet life is so uncertain. To lose your health is much to lose your to lose your wealth is much to lose your health is more. To lose your soul is such a loss as no man can restore.
My wife is from Brazil, as you probably know. She's down there now. A few weeks ago there was a top soccer team from Brazil. They had been the underdog and they had risen up to a place of notoriety.
And success in their career. Brazilians are soccer mad, you know, And here they were, uh.
Re They reached right to the top and, uh, everyone admired them and praised them for their, their success in this world. They were taking a trip I saw, I suppose it was some sort of a tournament, uh, in another country in Colombia and they were traveling from, uh, Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
To uh, uh, Medel Medellin, Colombia.
And uh.
Expecting to arrive and perform and, uh, expecting to win the game, I suppose.
There were, uh.
See, there was about 70 of them.
It was 76 on the flight, but a number of them, there were about 20, uh, reporters with them. So probably there was 56 or so. They never arrived in Colombia. That plane for some reason either run out of fuel, we don't know, it plowed into the Andes. Six people survived.
76 went UH-70 went into eternity.
Without a warning isn't that solemn? Without a warning, 70 people find wholesome young Brazilian men. I've often met them. They're respectful, They will gladly accept the Gospel tract. But their opportunities for salvation are gone now. I don't know anything about them. They came from an area that my wife knew well, in the South of the in the South of Brazil, near where her family lives.
Came from that area apparently, but they've gone into eternity now. How solemn that is for each one of us. We have no lease on life and uh, life is uncertain. And so God speaks once, yet twice, yet man perceiveth it. Not this man here. He had a rude awakening in the middle of the night.
The next morning, everyone was talking.
The rich man passed away. How much did he leave behind? Everything.
He lost his money and he lost his soul the same night. Not prepared, no concern for eternity, gone beyond the reach of mercy. And so, my friend, if you die without Christ, if you pass into eternity.
Without the Lord Jesus.
You will not have another opportunity to hear the gospel.
Life is uncertain. These catastrophes happen all the time.
I hesitate to speak about myself, but uh.
I, uh, went to a school in Ottawa.
Uh, I think our brother Stanley would know the school very well when I was in grades seven and eight.
It's called Glashon School. It's an inner city school.
But by God's grace, I try to go back every year and give tracks and calendars to the pupils. They come out different exits, you know. So I have to go a few times. Few years ago I went and I gave out calendars and tracks to those that were coming out of this. This exit going into the center of Ottawa Brothers. Stanley would know it well towards Somerset. This is the.
These were foreign. There was a lot of foreign students, Vietnamese, Chinese. You meet all sorts of nationalities. A few days after I had been giving out the tracks on Somerset St. there was a tragic fire.
This Vietnamese family, a candle overturned I think during the night and uh, it caused an inferno. The whole property, one of these older houses in center Ottawa, the whole property went up in flames. Not one survived.
Those children went to that school, they would have been coming out that ex that exit that day.
So perhaps they received.
A last warning of the gospel. I don't know them. I didn't know them personally, but they were all ushered into eternity.
That it's about two years ago. I think our brother Stan would know the area anyway. What a solemn voice that is. Do any who are still without Christ turn with me to Luke 20?
As time is going here, I just want to make a few remarks on another question.
That, umm.
Has the same words in it.
Uh, Luke 20? Just read a few verses here.
Uh, to get the background.
Nine then began he to speak to the people, this parable.
A certain man planted a vineyard and LED it forth to husband men, and went into a far country for a long time. And at the season he sent a servant of the Hus to the husbandmen, that they should give him of the fruit of the vineyard. But the husbandmen beat him and sent him away empty. And again he sent another servant, and they beat him also, and entreated him shamefully and sent him away.
And again he sent a third, and they wounded him also and cast him out.
Then said the Lord of the vineyard, notice the same words. What shall I do?
I will send my beloved son. It may be they will reverence him when they see him. But when the husbandmen saw him, they reasoned among themselves, saying, this is the heir. Come, let us kill him. Let us kill him, that the inheritance may be ours. So they cast him out of the vineyard and killed him. What therefore shall the Lord of the vineyard do unto them? Well, this has a dispensational character, we know, but I'm going to.
Apply it in an evangelical sense.
After all that man had done, the nation of Israel greatly privileged. They had the temple, They had the oracles of God.
They were separate from the nations. They were God's special people. God nurtured them. It was his vineyard. He had every right to expect fruit from them. But what was the result? We have read it.
They dis. They disregarded his rights. They insulted his servants. Finally he said, What shall I do? He had every right to bring down the acts of judgment on these characters.
But no, he says, I will send my beloved son. Think of that expression, the heart of God, the grace of God. After all that treatment, we wouldn't do that. But God said, I will send my beloved son. And that's what God has done. And we're guilty. We're just as guilty as the Israelites of the way we have treated Christ.
Because umm, if we have not accepted the Lord as your savior.
Our brother Doug and I were speaking on the way down here and he said, uh, sometimes he tells people if you don't accept Christ as your Savior, you're really guilty of his death.
Some don't like to hear that, but it's true anyway. These people were verily guilty and, uh, in the government of God, judgment finally fell upon the nation. But the point is that God's grace was reaching out to them. What shall I do? God did not want to judge them. He doesn't want to judge you. He wants to save you tonight. He wants to deliver you even though you've been at enmity against God and.
All were enemies by wicked works. God has a desire to bless you, to save you, to deliver you from so great a death. Deliver him from going down into the pit. I have found a ransom. Are you willing to come to Christ tonight? Are you willing to bow the knee to the Lord Jesus in repentance and faith? Or are you gonna go on?
Without Christ and without hope.
Turn over with me to Acts chapter.
Chapter 2 We're gonna find that word again, this time in a different context.
Because here we have Peter preaching the gospel. He had a good response.
A good haul of fish that day as he brought home to the nation of Israel their guilt, what they had done. They had murdered their Messiah. They were guilty of having crucified the Son of God, and he brought home to them in power.
Their, their true condition. That's what the word of God does for you, dear friends. And, uh, it convicted them. It was like, uh.
A red hot iron in their souls and they were brought into the presence of a holy God. And read here in verse Acts chapter 2.
They asked the same question that the rich farmer asked. Look here in verse 37. Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart. Their conscience was awakened. We hope that your conscience will be awakened tonight.
And said unto Peter, and to the rest of the apostles, men and brethren.
What shall we do then? Peter said unto them, Repent.
And be baptized, everyone of you, in the name of Jesus Christ.
For the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Well, that was a message of pardon to these guilty people. Two things they received umm the forgiveness of sins, remission of sins and the gift of the Holy Ghost. And 3000 believe the message and fast from death unto life. What a marvelous.
Haul of fish Peter had that day. The Lord said to him, I'll make you to become fishers of men.
And this is what he was here.
When I was in Ottawa as a boy.
We used to have open air preaching in different parts of the city.
Many years we preached on Bank Street.
But there's another brother who was not gathered to the Lord's name, but he was a very earnest evangelist. I knew him very well because he often visited our home.
And I would stand with him on the street corner as he would preach the gospel.
And he loved souls. He was a.
Quotation marks Ordained minister, but he really loves souls.
In fact, toward the end of his life, his name was Mr. Ollie. He had a tragic accident.
Before the end of his life, he was coming to our assembly.
He enjoyed the word so much. He was never gathered. He had the tragic accident. I visited him in the hospital, but he was on life support system. He's with the Lord now, of course.
He came from Ireland.
And he often told this story, which I'm just going to relate very briefly in closing this gospel meeting.
When he was a young man, Mr. Ollie preached the gospel in Ireland faithfully in the northern part of the country.
He was an earnest evangelist. His whole heart and soul went out in the message. There was a young man, his name was Jimmy Moore. Rough character in his youth, in and out of the police station, tough.
And he joined the, uh, the Army, the Air Force, I guess it was and, uh, pretty rough life, you know, But, uh, one of his comrades in the same regiment, I don't know his name, but he was different to the others. And Jimmy Moore asked him, he said, what makes you different? You don't, uh, smoke and you don't drink and you don't go to the.
The Shoals and women and so on. You, what's your your different. Well, he says I have Christ and he satisfies my heart. Wasn't that a nice answer? Well, Jimmy Moth thought about that. He said that sounds that sounds good, but I don't know what he really means. Well, his friend said, I'm going over to Ireland on leave and I want you to come with me.
Uh, my parents would be glad to see you, so come over. So Jemima accepted the invitation and he went to Northern Ireland and was looked after by the parents of this comrade.
And this friend said, I'm going to the gospel meeting tonight. Jimmy, will you come with me? Yes, I'll go because I'm your guest here and at that night.
Mr. Ollie, whom I knew, preached a gospel on the verse Ye must be born again.
It so stirred the soul of Jimmy Moss, he said. This is what I've been looking for.
He felt his need and there in that little gospel hall in Northern Ireland.
He bowed the knee to Christ, and he was born again that night. But he didn't hide his light. He went out into the aerodrome, the mess hall. Wherever he was, he was a burning and a shining light.
He got persecution, but he didn't give up. He preached the gospel wherever he went, among his comrades. This was the time of the last World war, 1939. He was on an aircraft carrier. On that aircraft carrier, huge ship, you know, there was 1100 brave men.
It was called the HMS Glorious British ship and Jimmy Mall was assigned to that ship.
With all those others.
But did he let his light, uh, go out? No, He asked the captain of the ship, can I preach the gospel to these men? Well, yes, if you have something to say, go ahead. So he got up and he preached the gospel. 500 men said they wanted to accept Christ as their Savior the next day at close quarters.
HMS Glorious was torpedoed. It was quite obvious there was no hope it was going down out of that 1100 men.
Only six survived.
But one of them told the story in the very jaws of death. Jimmy Moss stood up.
There on the deck among all those men with death before them. And he preached a stirring gospel. Jimmy Mall went down with the ship.
And as has been said, those men, many of them, I think, will meet in the glory with Jimmy as fruit of his laborers did they pass from life unto death.
No, I think they passed from death unto life and they went down and so did Jimmy. But what a harvest, what a glorious, uh, day of, uh, recompense for brother Jimmy. So may the Lord help us brethren, uh, to, uh, use the time and the opportunities I was going to, uh.
Turn to uh, Luke chapter.
16 But we really don't have time. But I'll just make a comment on Luke chapter 16 because there you have the same words by the unjust Stewart. What shall I do? I'm going to lose my job. I'm going to be out on the street.
Uh, and he had a clever scheme. Just come along here. You owe some money. I'm the steward here. Uh, you're 100 lbs. Never mind.
We'll settle it for 50. You owe 80.
Bags of oil or something. Never mind, we'll just settle it for 40. Of course, he made a lot of friends, so he says I'm gonna be out on the street.
I'm not going to have a job. I can't beg, I can't dig, but I'm going to have friends.
He was a dishonest steward, but you know he was commended for one thing.
He acted in the present in view of the future. He knew he was gonna lose his job, he was gonna be out. He was a dishonest steward, but he had a clever scheme there in order to make friends.
So his master commended him for doing that. And I just leave a word here for those of us who are believers.
That, uh, are we using the present in view of the future?
You know all the money that we have, it belongs to another man. Our time, our energy, our abilities, they all belong to the Lord. What hast thou that thou hast not received? We can't glory in it. It's been a given to us. But the way in which we use those things will go on into eternity if we use.
Put it plainly. Plainly, if we use our material resources.
For ourselves and for our own comfort, our own pleasure and so on. God's not going to give a reward for that. He can't.
Mr. Hale, years ago when I was young in Ottawa, he would say he was sort of facetious. He said, now if is God, is the Lord going to say at the judgment seat of Christ, I'm going to give you a reward because you've been so good to yourself? Well, no. The point is we can use the present what the Lord has given to us.
For the Lord's interests, for the furtherance of the Gospel.
And for the, uh, blessing of the Lord's people, I had a, uh, little poem that I wanted to, uh, I wanted to quote in closing. I just can't put my hand on it.
Just a moment, a reaping time. Here it is here you just bear with me while I read you these words. Take courage fellow Christian, and hail the light of day. The Lord will come to take us to be with him. Alway the night will soon be over with its with all its sorrows vest the morning, the morning of joy is coming with Christ will be at rest.
Our efforts may seem fruitless.
Whatever means employed, the seed is ever precious. His word returns not void. That day will soon declare it. The fruit springs forth in light. A reaping time is coming after the dark some night if we go forth in weeping God's precious seed to soul.
Will surely gather precious sheaves, rejoicing as we go.
So courage, fellow Christian, and labor, while you May is well done, will requite you the sufferings of the way. Let us not be weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap, we faint not. I'd like to sing A1 stanza here in closing.
#19 Shall we stand?
Some brother would start asleep.
Umm no, no, no. My God can't die if I don't know other name. Lord him that Lord and life and life and joy. Lord is unbounded.
Saturday morning.
I never last 40.
Celebrates my life. That's fine. Great fit my love enough to see.
Now none, but I can't satisfy not undertake more.
As long as I'm saving joy, Lord is thus found in deep.
Shall we commend the Word to the Lord? Our God and Father, we thank Thee for this opportunity to speak well of thy beloved Son. We thank You for that unspeakable gift. Heaven's beloved one came down to reveal the heart of God to us and to accomplish that mighty work of redemption, shedding His precious blood.
Our only.
Titled to eternal glory. And we pray that as the gospel is still going forth in this late day of grace, thy long-suffering mercy our God not willing that any should perish. Bless thy word, we pray here this evening.
Uh pray for any soul, young or old boy or girl or older one who is still not sure of their eternal salvation, that they may tonight, uh, repent and close in with God's offer of mercy. We thank Thee that we still have the open door to spread the blood tidings to whosoever will. The time is short.
For Lord Jesus, thou art coming soon.
But meantime, thou say to each one of us, Occupy till I come, we ask thy blessing and thank Thee for the happy day we've had over Thy word here in Bangor, and commit each one to Thy care in keeping this night. Pray for the remainder of the conference Thy glory and praise. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ we ask it. Amen.