Gospel 1

Gospel—John Kemp
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Give you.
Some are having a problem to hear me, I'm afraid, so I'll raise my voice here a little, all right?
Can you hear me at the back over here? All right.
You can hear all right, hey.
Well, thank you. I'll try to make it clear.
All right.
That's a good idea.
All right, dear friends, you'll just give your attention here for a few moments, please, because you remember that you said on the invitation that we are having a short Bible message and that is the important part of this occasion.
I would appreciate if you're just listening for a few minutes as we present the good news of salvation because this is really the purpose of our brethren and bringing you here. We're not going to force anything on you, but we want you to hear a few words from the precious gospel message from the Word of God.
I come from the capital city, Oregon and I'm I'm a retired teacher.
And now I travel around the world with the gospel. I would just, I just came back from Brazil and there I visited the Amazon River. You may have heard of that great mighty flow of water. I went across the Amazon River and I saw something that you have never seen.
I saw a big Python snake.
Voted the width of this room I think and I put it. It was put over my shoulders. This big Python snake right over my shoulders. It was. I have a picture of it but I forgot it now.
You know, it reminds me of some people who are bound by the cords of their sins and they can't get rid of them.
They hope and they can't get away. Now. Dear friends, I was thinking tonight of another supper that God has has spread for you and that God wants you to be present at.
It tells us in the book of Luke of the parable of a great supper, that a man prepared and sent out the invitation to everyone in the community and he was greatly disappointed because no one came. The invitation went out, not like tonight. We've had a good turn out and we're thankful for it. But this man?
The invitation was refused.
They made excuses. I've got I've got to see my property. I've got to see my animals. I've married a wife and I cannot come. Could have brought his wife with him. They did not want to come. And the host, the man who prepared this supper at great cost to himself.
He was disappointed. Is there going to be no guests at the supper? Supposing here our brethren didn't have anyone come tonight, they would be greatly disappointed. But remember, he said my house is going to be built. The seats are empty. But he said to his servants, you go out into the streets and the lanes of the city and call them in the lane to blind.
The the poor bring them in because I want to have my supper filled.
Dear friends, tonight I want to tell you that God is inviting you to come to Christ. We have spread the Supper. Forgiveness of sins, eternal life, salvation from coming judgment is offered to you tonight if only you will come.
You weren't forced to come here tonight. You were invited and you accepted the invitation and we're thankful for it. But have you accepted God's invitation that He is making to you tonight, calling you by name to come to the great supper that He has spread? His house will be filled, He said in that parable that I'm Speaking of. Come for all things are now ready.
And so, dear friends, tonight salvation is offered to you. The work of the Lord Jesus on the cross is finished. You don't have to pay 1 Penny. You don't have to turn over a new lease and try to live a better life. You don't have to talk about good works. I was distributing practice at the Highland Games one week ago today.
I met a man and he said I don't need that message.
Because I'm about the best person you would ever meet in the world, in the planet. And he began to tell me all the good works that he had done. Well, I said, Sir.
You're probably telling the truth. I, I, I'm not denying you denying that what I said. Remember, you cannot get to heaven by those good works that you have done. You are a Sinner. Oh no, I'm not a Sinner.
But you have committed those things that are contrary to the Word of God, and you are in God's sight, lost. He didn't believe that. He didn't want to submit to that, and he would not come to the supper that was spread for him. With your friends tonight, I'm going to speak long, but remember that the door of salvation for you is open tonight.
Just as this door was opened, God has.
Throwing his arms out.
Just like the prodigal son who had wasted all of his father's money in the far country, and he was perishing with hunger. And he said, I will return to my father and surely he will have mercy upon me. I'm perishing with hunger out here by the pigs. I'll go home and be a servant.
But that young man, the prodigal son, you've heard the message.
He turned, he repented, he turned from his evil ways.
And all the company that he had there, he was bankrupt. He didn't have one beauty in his pockets, and he was in rags, without shoes, without money. Must have been a long time to get home. But he did get home finally. And well, he didn't know that he would be received so wonderfully.
Was watching for him down the road and it says that he ran when he saw his son coming up. The son who had disgraced his father's name and wasted his money and riotous living with women and whatever.
The son received the most wonderful welcome that is possible to imagine. The father put his arms around him and covered him with kisses. Said Come in, we have a feast ready for you, right? Oh no, the best robe of the house, shoes for your feet, a ring for your hand, the sign of love. Come and partake of the bounty.
Dear friends, that's what God is doing for you tonight.
He is inviting you to return to the Lord. You will receive a welcome just like the prodigal son did. God's house is filling fast. I want to tell you this before I stop. Yet there is room. The door of grace is not closed yet.
God is remains left it open. Another night, another day, maybe another month. We do not know. The Lord's coming is very near. Let me ask you a question.
Are you ready to meet the Lord if he came tonight? Yes, God's thank you. God's house is drilling fast, yet there is room. The door is not closed. The alarms of the Lord are outstretched. Those hands that were nailed to the cross of Calvary. Those hands that have the print of the nails in this side, the mark of the spear that was.
Hurled at the Lord, and out came blood and water, that precious blood that can wash every sin away that you have committed.
That you will only goes in with God's offer of mercy. Come to the Gospel supper. Don't stay away for any reason. No excuse. God will accept when you stand before Him. Now is the day of salvation. Plenty of time. We don't know. Don't make that mistake. Plenty of time. I just heard on the news in Ottawa a lady was on the way to work.
On her bicycle. I know, right? The corner in downtown Ottawa. I passed that corner many times.
He was turning the corner. Something happened, I don't know the details. And the car, the truck.
Pinned her underneath.
Or lighthouse taken in a moment he was ushered into eternity. That young lady thought she would get to work. You probably heard of what happened in Ottawa. I often tell the story of the bus that was going about two, two or three years ago with a filled with people, a double Decker bus and students and all. I often tell this story and bring forward to it.
And that but you self South of Ottawa.
What reason? We don't know. It smashed into a train and you wouldn't need to identify it as a bus. It was a complete wreck. But six people were ushered into eternity and never got to school, never got to work. They expected to be there their in eternity. I don't know who they were. Many people were injured, but six people were taken.
In that sudden accident, one thing more.
We're going to be finished. I told you about Earth and its madness and its madness.
No time for the Lord. I've told you about heaven in its gladness, because all heaven will rejoice. If you will bow the knee to the Lord Jesus tonight and accept Him and trust Him as your Savior. All heaven will rejoice, just like the prodigal son brought joy into that household. One thing more the next chapter tells us.
Of hell in its sadness. The rich man, he had everything that heart could wish.
He had the best feast every day for beggar at his gate, filled with sores, no friends except the dogs to lick his doors. The rich man would drop a few crumbs and scraps from the table as he passed by to this poor beggar, That's all. He didn't think about him. The time came when the rich man died. I suppose he had a beautiful tomb. He had a great funeral.
Everyone was talking about it.
And the poor man died also, and the angels knew where he was. There he was at the gate filled with sores and rags. No one thought about him. The angels came down from the glory, and they lifted that man up in their arms, and they carried him up into heaven, into the very bosom of Abraham. But the rich man died also. But where did he go?
Some people say when you die, your soul just sleeps, that's all. You're not conscious of anything. That's not the truth, dear friends. God, the Lord Jesus told this story. And that man, that rich man who didn't have any time for God, didn't have any time for the word of God. He lived for himself in the pleasures of sin. He was an eternity now.
And he woke up and he saw the poor beggar. It was the rich man that was the beggar now.
And he said, Father Abraham, send Lazarus that he may just dip his finger in water and just put on my tongue one drop of water.
Please, Father Abraham, do this No.
Like no mercy in hell, no escape from that children, not one.
Not one act of mercy there, but he said Father Abraham.
Send someone to tell my family.
The gospel so they don't come to this place. No, Abraham said. Son, remember, remember you had your good things in life.
Those evil things, now he is comforted and now I fermented. Now the rich man was not unhealthy because he was rich. He was in hell because he refused the word of God. And he left the Lord out of his life entirely and lived only for this world and woke up in a lost eternity. Father Abraham send.
Someone to tell them?
To warn them, lest they come to this place of warning. No, Abraham said his son, it's too. It's too late.
They have the Word of God. If they don't listen to the word of God, even if someone rose from the dead, they wouldn't change. So, dear friends, tonight the Word of God is what you need. It's speaking to you. God is inviting you, beseeching you, entreating you to come to Christ as a Sinner tonight and trust Him and believe in His death and his sacrifice.
And his precious blood, His love, is reaching out to you.
Pull back the window, the shades, and let the love of God pour into your soul tonight. God wants you in heaven. He wants his house filled and it's going to be filled. Are you going to be one of the guests? I will by the grace of God, and I'm not here to say that I'm better than you. In no way. I'm only a Sinner, a deep dive Sinner, saved by the grace of God.
And those who invited you to come here tonight within the same class, sinners saved by the grace of God.
With a love that you might enjoy that wonderful, those wonderful good things that God is offering to you tonight. May you reach out the hand by faith and believe the message and come to Christ's. I guess maybe we'll stop here now. I was asked to tell you that there is a gospel meeting, another gospel meeting.
Tonight in the gymnasium.
You are invited if you would like to stay, you're more than welcome with another gospel meeting tomorrow night at. It's 7:00 tonight and tomorrow night at Six 3630 and all are welcome to both of us. Yeah, you're all welcome to.
Be up all down to possible No, no, no, it's amazing. It's amazing. There's nothing there. I mean, it's going to put.
All right. I think they have something to give you here as a little.
Five before you go, is that right?
What about one song here before we can do that? I don't know. Does anyone have a a song, a gospel song that they want to sing together? Everybody knows Jesus loves me good.
I know.
Bible tells me so.
They are weak, but he is strong.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
The Bible tells me so.
I think of that might be Amazon River that I passed over just about a month ago. It's a marvelous waterway to behold. I've never seen anything with such power and force. Amazon River, longest river in the world, you know, And it has such power that it the water goes right out of the Atlantic Ocean, 100 miles.
It's still fresh water out in the Atlantic Ocean, 100 miles.
Once a shift going along and they were running out of water. You can't drink sea water. No. And they were in a dilemma. What can we do? The water tanks are are empty and we're out here in the ocean and how are we going to get water? We're not going to survive.
And they called a ship nearby and they said, have you got some water for us?
And the captain called back. He shouted out let down your bucket, you're in the water now Let down your bucket and take the fresh water that is all around you. You don't need to worry. Just take the living water. And so do your friends tonight who's whoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again release. Whoever dreams of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst and the.
Invitation of the Bible, the last before God closed his word. He had to give one more invitation. Whosoever will let him come and take the water of life freely. One story and I'm finished. There was a young man in Ottawa.
And he was in the war.
This is a true story. He was in the last World War.
And someone had given him a New Testament.
To read what? He never read it, but he put it into his pocket like this.
And he went into the battle. He was on the front lines and the bullets were flying and a bullet hit him.
Right here where the wide where the New Testament was.
And the bullet went right through the New Testament and stopped.
A few millimeters from his heart.
And he took out that New Testament.
Life was spared and he brought that back to Canada and he showed it to my friend who he was visiting. He said here, this saved my life.
And he opened it up.
Where did the bullet stop?
Look, it's starting right at that verse that I quoted. You. Whosoever will let him come and take the water of life, really. But the sad thing of that story is that that man, as far as I know, has not taken the water of life yet. I don't know if he did before he passed away. But there was the Bible with the bullet, the last invitation. Dear friends, that's God's invitation to you tonight.
May the Lord bless His word to us. Shall we pray? Loving God and Father, how thankful we are for Thy wonderful love to us, and giving me the dearest object of thy heart, Lord Jesus, Thy eternal begotten Son.
What, my well beloved, to come to this Dark World, to suffer the rejection of man, to be spit upon, to be crowned with thorns.
We nailed to that cross.
There to dawn.
The holy victim, the Savior suffering for our sin and our guilt, if we accept thee as Savior, so that we might be forever at that, suffer the marriage supper of the land in the glory. So bless Thy word to each one who is present here tonight. We thank Thee that they have accepted the invitation of our brethren. We pray they may accept God's invitation. We pray for each family.
We pray for each individual.
And commit them all into thy love and care, as we thank Thee, and ask it all in the name and for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I'm probably our.