Gospel 1

Duration: 1hr 7min
Gospel—John Kemp
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Good evening.
We're going to.
Open our gospel meeting.
With one of these children's hymns that you have here, that's all we have available. That's fine.
They're well known to us and.
They're good for young or old. So we're going to start with #8 I am so glad that our Father in heaven.
Tells of his love in the book he has given on. I think we all know this, do we not? So some brother would start us with #8 please.
Jesus loves me. Jesus loves me for me.
No, I forget him. I want you to run away.
Spending like one thing wherever I stray activity of most likely.
When I remember that Jesus was me.
I'm so glad that Jesus loves me. Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me.
I am so glad that Jesus of me, Jesus of.
Must not be and my God, I love you.
We're going to look to the Lord in prayer now.
Well, you have your hem sheets there. We're going to sing another one.
At sea now I think you boys and girls know most of these by heart. Almost they.
I like number.
Number six, OK, come to the Savior. Make no delay.
Well, I wonder if everyone is going to be in that eternal home. Here it is now at 7:10.
Maybe by 8:00.
The Lord will have come, and I hope that this room would be vacant.
I see quite a number of people and I know that many.
I know them personally for many years myself also, but I'm wondering if there's one boy or girl or older one.
Looking around for your friends?
What has happened? The Lord has come.
Now he's delayed his coming.
For a long time, boys and girls, for nearly 2000 years.
He's still waiting.
We wonder why we are still here in 2022.
But I'll tell you why.
Here's the bottle of water.
I'm going to get reversed from the word of God.
Found in the book of Proverbs, chapter 25, verse 25.
As cold waters to a thirsty soul, soul is good news from a far country.
And how thirsty I had a good suffer and enough to drink. But there's a spiritual thirst in many men and women in this world today. Not a physical thirst, a spiritual thirst. And the news comes from a far country, it comes from heaven.
There the Gospel has.
Comes from the heart of God. In fact, the Lord himself came down to tell us the gospel. He.
Left his beautiful home in the glory where he was from a past eternity, The delight of the Father's heart.
For this Dark World.
Where he was not once.
You boys and girls feel wanted that moment yours you have that, the comfort of the mother and father. But you know the Lord was a solitary man down here. No one really understood him. He was.
Despised and rejected of man, A man of sorrows as he walked through this world, and he saw the results of sin everywhere.
His heart roamed.
Your sorrow and compassion and love and grace.
But he's still the same.
Dive and control.
Bringing the good news of salvation to you tonight.
Are your ears open? Because let me tell you, it may be the last time the gospel will go off.
I don't like to.
Tragic stories, but in my country, I come from Canada, I come from the capital of Canada, Ottawa.
In the country of Saskatchewan, the state of Saskatchewan.
One of these Indian reserves.
A man went in with his brother and they stabbed.
10 people.
In that reserve where I have visited, not that particular one, I visited different reserves with our late brother Harold Hagen.
They stabbed them in 1010. People went into eternity.
About a week ago.
I was practically at work.
How many if they were ready or not, I don't know, but their opportunity to believe the gospel is over.
They're not going to have, you know, these facts.
Because if you die without price.
We don't have a second chance regardless what people say. God doesn't give you another opportunity if you've heard the gospel and refused the message.
Leave this ground because life is real life in furnace and the grave is not gold that is after death. There is a judgement if you uncertainty who is on the Lord's side tonight.
I enjoyed the biography of Sandra Evict.
Strange character, but he's a powerful creature of the gospel and the bizarre of India. He was fearless and in those days there were contentments of British soldiers all over the country.
I'll pick up my story now. Samuel Hebeck.
And he went to India and lived there about 40 years before he took a retirement. And he preached the gospel all over the southern part of the country and people were afraid of him.
And he was able to speak to many of the military men, and I believe that he brought many of those soldiers to Christ.
One day there was a soldier.
And his delicate wife. She was a believer.
And in those days, they would have great balls. You know where?
They would have dancing and music and all the rest of it. Well, she was a true believer and she really didn't want to go to that sort of an event. But her husband was a military commander and she felt she must accompany him. But on the way she heard.
Did you hear, dear, that Mister Hebeck?
Is going to be here or Her husband said that what did you say? Mr. Hebeck is coming to the dance yes, he's going to be there Well, you're sure to hear him and so they went there there was all the lights and the people dancing and.
And then there was a lull they stopped for to get their breath, you know, and.
This man, he had his Bible in his hand. Small.
Small, strong character. He walked out into the middle of the dance floor. Every everyone knew him. They were quiet. No one made a move. He held up his Bible in the midst of that large company and he shouted out, Who is on the Lord's side?
What a challenge. They all knew Mr. Hebeck. They respected him, though they didn't like the message. But there he was in the center of the auditor of the ballroom, and this lady, she was trembling. She said, I know I'm on the Lord's side, but all of these people and they all know my husband.
You have to make a decision.
Trembling, she came out to the center of the auditorium.
With her face white and trembling, she stood beside Mr. Hebeck, and he went on to preach the gospel. Who is on the Lord's side? So tonight, dear friends, boys and girls, are you on the Lord's side? Are you trusting Him for salvation? We're not talking about turning over a new leaf.
We're not talking about going to church. Oregon trying to be good.
As we have had in our readings, we are talking about a new life.
A divine life.
We're talking about a person.
Who loves you, knows all about your lives. It's like an open book. All things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do. Let me ask you, do you? Are you on the Lords side? Have you trusted him and received him as your savior? Or are you just floating down the stream?
Having a profession because my parents are Christians.
Therefore I must be saved.
In order to verse in the word of God.
That we don't often quote. We're going to turn to it now in Second Corinthians, First Corinthians chapter 16.
Near the last of the chapter there verse 22, If any man loved not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anasima Maranatha.
Well, those are big words, not English derivation. If any man loved not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be. What does it mean? It means a cursed when the Lord comes. That's a solemn word. If any man or boy or girl does not know the Lord as Savior, you still have your sins upon you.
Your you would be left behind if the Lord came tonight.
You don't really love him.
You will be cursed when the Lord comes.
Luke shut was a young man of about 15 he went to a gospel meeting like this and he heard a powerful message by John slavell, one of the greatest evangelists of the 18th century. Luke shut was 15 years of age and this verse was burned into his soul if any man.
Loved not our Lord Jesus Christ.
Cursed. When the Lord comes, he understood it. He was convicted.
15 years of age.
You know, he lived to be 100 years of age and he still.
Was in his sins, he was out, he had pretty good health. He was out plowing his field at 100 years of age and he stopped and that verse came back to him 85 years ago. He remembers the earnestness of John Flavo as he pleaded with souls to close in with God's offer of mercy as he probably wept like George Whitfield.
Wept when he preached the gospel. Tears flowed from his eyes because.
He knew the destiny of a soul without Christ.
Luke shut remembered those words when he was 100 years of age and he got off the plow and I think he bowed the knee and he was saved out there in the field and he lived another 10 years to show that he was really a Christian, really a believer. Think of the long-suffering mercy of God.
Well, dear friends, tonight we've spoken quite a bit about John Chapter 3, I don't think.
We will go into that again tonight. It has been brought before us clearly and the reading meetings that.
Man needs a new life. It's not reformation, it's not cleaning up your life, it's not turning over a new leaf that'll get just as dirty as the other one. It's a divine life.
It is repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Repentance, the teardrop in the eye of faith. Repentance was preached by the Lord Jesus, by John the Baptist, by the apostles to repent and believe the gospel. Repentance is taking sides with God against yourself. Dear friends, tonight, if you haven't repented of those sins that you have done.
Then you have that burden upon you.
And if you should be taken away suddenly?
Where would you be?
In a lost eternity.
How solemn.
I remember teaching school in London some years ago. I taught school for four years in London.
There was 2 girls in my classes.
One girl used to read the scriptures in the morning for me.
The other girl was quiet, not really too academic, but she was no problem in in the science class.
Those two girls I knew well. One girl read the scriptures for me in the morning because I had that.
Privilege of reading the scriptures and I would bring in some gospel and she would read it.
11 afternoon. I forget what day it was. This was in Kenton.
Northwest London. They were walking to school or walking from school.
And a truck on the busy St. there not far from Wembley Stadium, where all the great sports events take place.
That truck driver lost control and the vehicle that heavy truck.
Right into the paths of these girls on the sidewalk.
And both of them.
Were killed instantly. I went to the wake of that girl that had been in my class Thursday afternoon. Friday. She was in eternity.
I sought to bring some condolence to her, to her parents, the other girl. She had read the scriptures, as I said many times. So those two girls were suddenly taken the prime of life.
Some of those classes were difficult to handle. They were not the academic stream and.
But I can remember that the whole school surrounded the roads there, as the coffins of these girls pass by. And they stood there in respect. They weren't laughing, they weren't making fun, they were difficult to handle in the classroom. But death was speaking to them in the death, in the sudden passing of their friends whom they knew well.
And what a voice to that whole school from the hand of God. Life is uncertain. But dear friends, I want you to know tonight.
That God has a deep love for your soul. I don't want to get complicated because.
Actually, when God speaks about salvation, He uses words that are very simple that you boys and girls can understand.
Come unto me and I will give you life. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved and.
Other simple verses.
Put your trust in the work of the Lord on the cross and you will have eternal life as we have been speaking about it and.
A hope beyond this world.
You know the last invitation that we have in the Word of God. The last time that God wrote gave an invitation before He closed. The Word of God is in Revelation chapter 22. Whosoever will let him come and take the water of life freely.
Isn't that a wonderful verse? That water of life, dear friend, is flowing down?
From the heart of God, tonight the gospel is for you.
Personally, have you tasted the water of life?
I remember a story of a man that Gordon Hayhoe met who was in the war, and he was not saved, but when he entered the service he was given a New Testament. So he took the New Testament. He didn't have much interest in it, and he put it into his pocket like this and he was on the front lines.
I think it was the last World war and the bullets were flying.
All over and a bullet hit him.
It did, and it went right through the New Testament. He had it right here in front of his heart. It went right through and stopped.
A couple of millimeters from his heart.
If that New Testament hadn't been there.
He would have been gone. So he kept that New Testament and he opened it up and showed it to brother.
Gordon Hayhoe and.
Gordon opened it up and looked. I wonder where that bullet stopped. Do you know where it stopped?
The last invitation in the Bible, whosoever will let him come and take the water of life freely, that's where the bullet stopped. And that man, he had a miraculous deliverance from death. But up to the time that Gordon spoke to him, he still was not saved. He still had not taken the water of life.
Even though God had.
Miraculously saved his life. Well, dear friends, we want you to be clear about this because we're going to look for a few moments at a.
Had a woman in John chapter. We've looked at John chapter 4.
The John chapters 3, but we're going to make a few remarks about a woman in John chapter 4.
Which we didn't get to today.
Umm, the Lord Jesus. You know, the Gospel of John is a marvelous book.
Umm, it's really Christ transfigured throughout the Gospel. We don't have the transfiguration.
But we have the Son of God, the Messiah, the Son of Man. There's about 10 titles in chapter one that refer to the Lord Jesus.
And we have his incarnation. That's a big word. What does that mean?
God took the Lord Jesus, took deity into union with himself. He took a body that was capable of death, but not subject to death. So he was a perfect man, body, soul, and spirit. He never had a beginning when he came into the world.
That was not the beginning of the Lord's life. He was in the bosom of the Father.
From a past eternity, He was the delight of God the Father, and He still is. But God had such love for you that he said, I'm going to send the dearest object of heaven, my own beloved Son, to a world that I know will reject him, But I'm going to send him that babe in Bethlehem's Manger.
God manifest in the flesh, God of true human soul and spirit and body growing up in that.
Unclean city of Nazareth.
I remember when I visited Palestine, we went through a number of cities, but what marked me was the filth of Nazareth and it was seemed to be a rough, tough city as we passed through. That's where the Lord grew up as a boy.
Perfect man, but perfect God.
And, you know, he had all the feelings and all the sensibilities of man.
The same as you and I apart from sin. He had a human nature, but not the old nature that you have and that I have. No, He was not morally like man, but He was the eternal Son in manhood. And as the angels announced his coming from the. Glory, glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, goodwill toward man. They look down upon their.
Creator, and for the first time they saw their Creator, that they in Bethlehem's Manger in the arms of Mary God became man in the person of Christ.
He walked through this world. He never lived for himself, you know, He never performed a miracle to make things easy for himself, You know, we have certain.
We have certain.
Needs and we like to be comfortable and to please ourselves we do that often, don't we? The Lord never did that he lived to display the heart of God to man and he never.
Deprived himself of the wilderness circumstances that we go through, sin apart.
And he healed, and he raised the dead, and he opened the eyes of the blind, but he never did a miracle to make things easier for himself.
And there he was, distributing the water of life.
And he had compassion on the multitude. You know, I visited many.
Foreign countries and I wouldn't put my hand on a leper. I've seen them in Nigeria, I've seen them in India with their open sores and very.
Sad looking creatures because there's no no cure for leprosy. It eats away the toes and the fingers and the extremities and it's an awful disease.
But the Lord, in Mark's gospel, he put his arms around the leper.
You wouldn't do that.
If you were there in Nigeria, you wouldn't do that, but the Lord.
Put his arms around and heal that leper in Mark's gospel.
The Lord was willing to.
To stoop down to the lowest level, we're going to look at a woman here in John chapter 4.
She's a woman that you probably would not want to be walking down the street with. She didn't have a good reputation. Let's look here at John 4 for a few moments.
Because we want to get the story here from the Word of God.
We come down now. When therefore the Lord knew how the Pharisees had heard that Jesus made and baptized more disciples than John.
Though Jesus himself baptized not but his disciples.
He left Judea and departed the gate into Galilee, and he must needs go through Samaria.
Now the Lord here was on traditional ground. The Samaritans were not really Jews. They were sort of a mongrel, a mixture. And the Jews didn't have dealings with the Samaritans. They despised them.
In fact, an Orthodox Jew would not have walked through Samaria. He would have bypassed it. But the Lord had a purpose here. He had a soul in view, a soul that was steeped in sin, an outcast.
Ruined a wretched creature.
Living in open sin, the Lord stopped at the well of Samaria.
Weary in his compassion in reaching men with the gospel, He was wearied, His body was weary.
And he sat there for a little rest on the side of the well. The disciples had gone to buy food, and he must have been hungry too. But along comes this woman of Samaria, and she recognized him right away as being a Jew by the fringe around his garment.
She knew he was a Jew, but why did she come into the.
Heat of the day 12:00. That's not the time when women in these foreign countries that I have visited, they go to gather the water with a big jug on their head. They go out in the cool of the evening or in the morning. But she was coming out in the middle of the day. Why? Because her sin had isolated her. Her sin made her solitary. She.
She shunned to meet men.
Because she knew her life and others knew her life as well.
And the Lord Jesus was sitting there on Sikar's well.
The creator of the universe, the creator of the universe was there to unfold the heart of God to that woman. What a marvelous scene. I sat by thy that well myself and the guide, if I remember correctly, had AI think a penny or something and he says listen now.
And he dropped it.
We counted the number of number of seconds before we heard the splash.
The well was deep, the well was deep, and it was getting deeper every year for this poor woman.
Who was trying to find her satisfaction in sin, living in open sin? Would the Lord have an interest in her? He had a deep interest in that woman. He came all the way from the glory there. He went through Samaria. He had a purpose. That woman was going to be saved from her sinful life.
That was God in the person of the Lord Jesus.
You know, sometimes we speak of the Trinity and, well, we don't.
Fully understand what the Trinity means.
There's God the Father, God the Son.
God the Holy Spirit.
But we can't understand the Trinity. It's really beyond our understanding. When I was visiting Mexico with the gospel.
I was going around to the towns and.
I came to this Mexican village or town and I had all my gospel literature with me. And I said to the headmaster, the principal, now will you let me go and give these gospel texts and tracks to the boys and girls in grade five and six? Boy says, no, you can't do that. That's that's against the Mexican constitution. We don't allow that.
Religion in the schools. Oh, I said. I'm sorry. I'm.
I'm not going to preach. I'm just going to leave a little message of the gospel. No. Well, I was getting ready to take my bag and go out disappointed.
When he said Sir.
I see you're a missionary. Well, I seek to do a little work for the Lord, he says. I have a problem with the Trinity. Well, I said that's not easy to understand and explain.
Mr. Principal, But I see you've got a light in your room here. Now I'm going to give you a little illustration. See that light up there? Now there's three things in that light. One, there's light. Okay, Now, if you go up close to it, boys and girls, you'll find that there's heat there.
If you happen to put your two fingers in the socket, you'll find that there's power there too.
So I said, Sir, there's three things in that light, and I want to use this as an illustration. God the Father is the light.
But you know, he wanted to make himself known to men and women.
And the only way he could do it was to send his beloved son like the warmth, the warmth of the heart of God is reaching out. It's it's the the revelation of God's heart to you, Sir.
And it's all by the power of the Holy Spirit, who you cannot see him because he did not become Incarnate. He didn't take a body, but he's here working and he wants you to believe the message of the Gospel. Oh, he said, he says, I see what you mean.
And I think it made an impression upon him. Go ahead and visit the classes. That's all right. You go ahead. Well, that's just an illustration, but the Lord Jesus.
Was the eternal Son he did not become.
Son when he entered the world, he was Son from a past eternity in the bosom of the Father. John's gospel he's rejected from the very first.
He's transfigured throughout the Gospel in a marvelous way.
He came to reveal the heart of God to this poor woman.
At the well of Sikar, He was there to speak to her, to win her Amazing Grace that the Lord Jesus would sit beside that sinful woman that perhaps you would not want to associate with. If she was there, you would want to walk on the other side of the street.
The Lord sat there and He was unfolding the grace of God to her. First of all, showing her that she was a Sinner. She knew that already, but the Lord impressed that goal. Call thy husband and come hit her. Not often the Lord told anyone to go, but.
He did in this case. Go call thy husband.
And come hit her, because the conscience had to be reached. And we trust if you're unsaved here tonight, my friend, that your conscience will be awakened to your need of the Lord Jesus. And this woman, she had a deep need.
And the Lord goes on, and he speaks to her.
About living water, whosoever shall drink of this water shall thirst again.
But whosoever shall drink of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst. Man is an unsatisfied creature. Solomon had everything that heart could wish. Wisdom, Women.
Every pleasure that you could think about, Solomon had it all.
Gold was like sand along the road in the days of Solomon and he had he tried everything. You young people say, oh, I don't don't have the money to to travel and try these various things, but I'd like to. But Solomon tried everything and.
You read in the book of Ecclesiastes he came to the conclusion all.
Is vanity vexation of spirit? Man cannot be satisfied with the things of this world as he gets older.
Hopelessness gets into his soul. If you visit among the elderly people without Christ, it's very disappointing. They have nothing to look forward to. And so the Lord here is going to reveal himself to that woman and you know the story.
God became a seeking God as soon as man sinned. That we read in this same gospel, the Lord worketh hitherto and I work.
And the Lord Jesus.
Was down here.
To umm.
Seek men and women who were in their sins. I think those blessed feet went through every town and village of Palestine. I have been there. Those dusty roads, there was no buses or vehicles. The Lord walked.
Miles reaching souls and dispensing the grace of God. Amazing Grace. How sweet the sound.
Couple of weeks ago.
Forgive me, I went to the Highland games.
Every year.
In Almond, which is about 40 miles from Ottawa.
A brother told me he said the Highland games, the Scottish games are going to be on.
Thank you, Philip, I will be there. Well, I went in the afternoon with lots of tracks. I got on the grounds and with the Lord's help I started to distribute all the tracks that I had among.
The regiments there they were in their traditional kilts, playing the bagpipes. Regiments from all over Ontario.
Grandstands were filled with people and there they were out on the grounds and I used all the tracks I had.
I had a good reception. I have to go back to the car to get some more, but I'm going to wait until the end of the program.
And see what happens.
So I waited. The announcer was telling.
They all the different regiments in their kilts, their bands, they all walked out into the.
Middle of the grounds in front of the grandstand playing their black bagpipes. Quite impressive.
I said to myself, I'm waiting to hear something.
You know what I was waiting to hear?
I sat there and I was waiting to hear something.
I wonder if anyone knows? Well that's not the first Highland games that I've been to. I went to another one which is much larger in Knoxville, Ontario.
I was waiting to hear Amazing Grace.
I thought maybe they won't sing that now.
But sure enough, before they close the program, all the regiments in unison, they all joined in Amazing Grace. How sweet the sound that saved a wrecks like me. Well, dear friends, that's the grace that we're talking about tonight. And we want to time is going. We want you to know that that grace is reaching down to you tonight.
That God is offering you a full.
Salvation which cost him the sufferings of His beloved Son.
Look at the scene of Calvary. I want to take you there for a moment.
The blessed Son of God, He felt those nails that were put through his hands and his feet. He had a human body like you and me, apart from sin, but he felt the rejection. Reproach has broken my heart. I am full of heaviness. I look for some to take pity and there was none and for comforters, but I found none. He was alone really the Lord was.
More solitary than that woman were speaking about here.
No one seemed to understand him, but in love he went to the cross.
And I was. Our brother Bruce spoke this afternoon. I thought it was very good.
A sacrifice was put on the altar. The flier consumed the sacrifice. It was dead. Of course, when the Lord died, he was living. He was living. The fire of God burnt itself out in the person of the Lord Jesus for your sins, those filthy sins that you have committed.
They were all placed upon Christ when he died. Some people say, confess your sins and come to the Lord.
I'm sorry, I can't do that because I have too many. They're like the hairs of my head. But the Lord knew every one of them. He knows all your sins, boys and girls, men and women. Your whole life is known to Him. And those sins were taken as a heavy load of me, a real burden, and they were placed, every one of them.
On the head of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And there, the hours of darkness, oh, how deep were those sufferings. Sorrow, sadness, anguish, hours of darkness. For the first time in eternity, communion was broken between God and the Son. Now I know we often hear the Father didn't forsake the Son. Well, be careful there.
That scripture doesn't say that.
God did not address the Lord, did not address God as Father during the hours of darkness. But that's not the point. The point is God was dealing with sin, A God of holiness who hated sin.
Who abhorred evil? Who cannot have it in his presence?
He was pouring out the unmitigated judgment of His holy nature upon His Son. He didn't pass over sin some people talk about.
God being.
Reconciled to us. That is a misconception, they think now.
We have to propitiate God in some way. Maybe if the Virgin would pray for us, or even if the Lord would pray for us, then God would be merciful to us. That's a misconception, brethren.
God didn't need anyone to bring forth the love of his heart. It was pouring out from a from a past eternity. It couldn't be fully revealed until the Lord came into the world as the proof of that love, but it was there in the heart of God. Right now, tonight, the heart of God is is pouring out to you. He wants you to be saved.
God did not need to be reconciled.
To us, because He was never against us, we needed the reconciliation. We were enemies by wicked works, every one of us enemies far from God in spiritual darkness.
God is reaching out with His love to you tonight. We are the ones that need reconciliation.
To God, not with God. And so, dear friends, tonight we're coming.
Near the close of our meeting, but we want you to know.
That God has a deep interest in your blessing tonight.
One thing, you leave this room without the Lord Jesus.
You leave the room more responsible than when you came in. The gospel has been presented.
Very feebly, I have to admit, but the gospel of the Lord Jesus.
And how he saved this poor woman, revealed what was in her heart, filled it to overflowing. Read the rest of the chapter. We won't have time. Her heart was won that day and she went into the town where she was well known by the men. Come see a man that told me all things that ever I did. Is not this the Christ?
Oh, she was a witness. What a testimony. It was natural. It was the outflow. And the Lord speaks to her of worship. Worship. Worship is the natural outflow of the heart to God.
With Thanksgiving that was, that was what the woman was showing her heart was one for Christ as your heart been one through the Lord, yet remember.
She went in to the city and.
Everyone, they heard the message from her. Many believed on the Lord, and they persuaded the Lord to stay a few more days so that they could hear more of that wonderful message of pardon and forgiveness. And he stayed a couple of days. More and many more believed. Go to the book of Acts, chapter 8. Philip reaped nearly the whole city that turned to Christ. The Lord had sown the good seed there.
But Philip had the privilege of reaping the harvest in Samaria. The Jews couldn't do anything with the Samaritan. They were a dead failure. But when the Lord met them?
He transformed that woman.
And her life showed that the the gospel was the power of God unto salvation.
So, dear friends.
Tonight, I want to just remember that. I want you to remember that, however.
Far you have gone away from the Lord, you might be ashamed of your sins. I was still am when I think of them. But when I think of the grace of God that reached down to me when I was a boy and.
The gospel before me. I remember a young boy that was in my class. His name was Eddie Smart.
He was from a very good family. His father was a doctor. He lived one of the.
Very good sections of the city, high class houses. I remember Eddie Smart well. We used to play hockey together and one night Eddie Smart phoned me on the telephone and asked me about this religion and about salvation. I was only about 14 or 15, but I explained the best I could.
To Eddie about how he could be saved.
And he seemed to appreciate it. Shortly after, he was cut off.
His wife was taken in an accident. He was from a very wealthy family.
He was one of my schoolmates and Eddie heard the gospel. I do hope that he is in the glory.
Dear boys and girls, tonight is the night for you to be saved. I can't stop without telling.
One more short story, if you'll just bear with me. It's at 8:00.
I had a hobby class in Ottawa for years.
Some of you boys and girls have gone to a hobby class. How many have you gone to a hobby class?
Well, I started off. I said to my mom, I don't think we're going to get anyone, but I'm going to canvas around here, Westboro. I'll go door to door and see if I can get any children to come. I got three girls to come. Well, you say that's a little disappointing. Those girls came faithfully, faithfully. But the problem was.
The class began to grow.
This was an area of Ottawa where there was a lot of rough, tough boys and girls, French Canadian background. I don't speak disparagingly of the French, I love them, but they were they were difficult to manage.
It was like sitting on a powder keg, but they started to come to the hobby class 50607075. I think it reached nearly 100.
And we had the hobby class and I remember 1 little girl there.
I can't forget her. She was maybe 10 or so. She was a lame girl. She would come into the hobby class with problems. She had to have crutches to get up and down the stairs. And her whole family came. It was a large French Canadian family. I can remember that little girl and the bright, the bright smile as she heard the gospel preached.
I said boys and girls.
You can talk during the painting, but when I'm giving you the message.
You don't say a word. Well, that was a very difficult thing to enforce. But they listen to the gospel. And year after year I met these children on the streets of Ottawa who have come and heard the gospel at the hobby classes, and they always show respect and appreciation for what was done. Let me finish my story. This dear little girl, she would come.
Hobble in with their crutches and do the painting and listen to the gospel message that I presented and go home. She was it was a large family. I think there was six or seven children one night in December.
Cold Ottawa gets very cold, 10 below 0 or more. I know the house very well that was there. Something happened in the evening, a pot of oil.
Spilt over on the oven and the whole house went up in an inferno. One of those children in that family got out. Everyone else went into eternity, including the little girl I'm talking about. I'm looking forward to seeing that dear little girl in the glory. Probably it'll be part of my crown. It'll be all the grace of God.
And her brothers and sisters, too.
It was a large family, but anyway.
There they were.
The whole, the whole family suddenly taken.
Into eternity. How many were ready I do not know.
But let me tell you now as we close.
The Lord Jesus is giving you one more opportunity.
Maybe the last opportunity.
To look to the cross of Calvary and I don't want to close the meeting without speaking.
About the precious blood of Christ.
Not only did the Lord cry, it is finished. There was something else necessary. The blood must be shed.
And that soldier was a spear in hatred he hurled that spear at the Lord's side. And as we had this today force with came their out blood and water, and that precious blood that slowed from the riven side of my Savior has power to cleanse you from every stain of sin to give you.
A passport. A flawless title to eternal glory.
Have you accepted Him? Are you trusting Him tonight? Have you put your faith in that precious blood?
It's affected the very memory of God.
And justice think.
That for all eternity, when we're with the Lord, not one word will pass His blessed lips.
That he remembers our sins. Just think of that. Not one word will pass his lips.
Their sins and iniquities I will remember no more.
Tomorrow morning. I'm glad that our brother Bruce spoke along that line. The Lord's Day morning meeting.
I have to be careful here. It's not really called a worship meeting. It is a meeting when we recall the sufferings of the Lord and the cost of our redemption. Now it should bring forth worship from our hearts.
I just want you to remember that.
The Lord's arms are wide open, and in those hands are the marks of the nails which he will keep.
For all eternity and.
The side that was pierced we will see.
And tonight his arms are wide open as when he was here on earth.
Come unto me, all ye that labor under heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
God has no pleasure in the punishment of sin.
In Hebrews chapter 10 it says he delighted to do the will of God.
We better turn to that verse. Umm.
There's just a remark here that I want to make in closing because Hebrews chapter 10.
Verse 7 then said, I lo, I come to do in the volume of the book, it is written of Maine to do thy will, O God, but you notice here that.
The words I delight to do Thy will are not given here. Why is that? Because it's a quotation from Psalm 40. No doubt it comes from Psalm 40. Why is it that I delight to do Thy will is left out here?
I believe it's because God has no pleasure in the punishment of sin. It was terrible for the blessed Lord Jesus to be made sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. He's his soul deprecated contact with sin. They're in the Garden of Gethsemane. He sweat, as it were, great drops of blood. Was he fearful of the crucifixion?
No, that was terrible in itself. He was What was the fear that the Lord had? He was heard and that He feared. Hebrews chapter 5. What was that fear? What was the fear that is spoken of there in Hebrews chapter five? It was the fear of being made sin and the communion between God and the Son.
Being interrupted in those three hours, it was that sorrow that the Lord felt so deeply, the waves and billows of God's judgment. I'm sorry I've gone over time. Let's sing a short hymn and pray. Number. We're just seeing a short one here, number 12.
Will you ask me? And then why do you now are saying anything?
How do you tear me in your heart? Sorry. The joy of dreaming.
Never mind.
Pardon me for delaying the meeting beyond 8:00, but let's have a word of prayer.