Four Suppers

Duration: 1hr 2min
Gospel—John Kemp
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And welcome to the gospel meeting your friends we.
Have a wonderful message to proclaim. We're going to open.
By singing #15 in our hymn sheets. All blessed gospel sound, yet there is room.
Well known him as someone would some brother would start it please.
O blessed Gospel sound.
January's room.
Yes, tells you all around.
Yes, there is room.
Sunny day in his swirling out to straight.
Oh no.
There is gross.
All rains are ready now.
Yet there is room.
Primary standard breathing ground.
Yes, there is room.
Oh God, it is now concrete.
Meaning for the mercy seat.
I say you're, you're well, me.
Yes, everything's room.
God tells his family.
Yeah, there is room.
I have on my heart to briefly touch upon.
4 suppers in the scriptures. It'll have to be brief.
But there's four occasions.
That supper is mentioned. We just had our supper. It's the last meal of the day.
Each of these suppers has a different background.
I'll give you the names of the suppers and then I'm going to make some comments. One, the Gospel supper. We're going to start with that.
Then we're going to go on to the gospel of communion.
Or we better put it this way, the Gospel Supper.
The Supper of Communion.
The Supper of Joy.
And #4.
The supper of judgment.
So we're going to turn to the first supper.
In Luke's Gospel chapter 14, I think we're familiar.
With this passage.
We have a person here.
Speaking to the Lord.
You might think that he had some interest.
In eating bread in the Kingdom of God.
But I don't think he really did. He was a religionist.
He was.
He professed.
To have an interest. But when the test was put to him, he failed. So Luke 14.
Verse 15 And when one of them that sat at meet with him, heard these things, he said unto him.
Blessed is he that shall eat bread in the Kingdom of God.
Well, that sounded like a nice statement. He wanted to eat bread in the Kingdom of God.
That's something I think everyone wants to do. No one wants to spend eternity in the blackness of darkness.
Everyone would like to eat bread in the Kingdom of God.
This man said that he did, but really he was a religionist. He wanted to give the Lord a compliment.
But I don't think that this man really was ready to go down.
With the poor and the maimed and the halt and the blind and have his sins forgiven. I don't think so. The Lord says I'm going to test you. I'm going to test you, if you're really.
In earnest, dear friends, are you in earnest about your soul salvation?
Seeking Sinner and a seeking Savior always meet and tonight God is giving you one more opportunity.
To hear the message of salvation.
To listen to the word of God that liveth and abideth forever.
To take of the living water, whosoever will let him come and take the water of life freely.
Flowing from the heart of a Savior, God, the water of life.
Blessed is he that shall eat bread in the Kingdom of God.
Well, the Lord says I'm going to test you.
So verse 16 He said, and said He unto him, A certain man made a great supper, and bade many.
This is the Gospel Supper, friends, the first subject that we're going to talk about the Gospel Supper. It's a marvelous invitation.
When you go for a supper, you don't bring anything with you.
If someone is kind enough to invite you to a meal, they have made preparations.
You come because you're invited. You're not asked to pay anything or to bring anything on to provide anything. You come the way you are and partake of the supper.
The Gospel Supper is spread tonight.
For whosoever.
Who spread that supper? God himself.
Why is it a great supper? Well, because of the person who provides it to begin with. It's God himself that is providing this great supper. And you know, if you're going to have a great supper, someone has to pay for it.
You're not going to get it.
You're not going to get everything free if you provide a great supper for a large number. You're going to have to make preparations and get the meal ready and the.
The menu and so on. God has a great supper that he has.
Spread for whosoever.
And he wants everyone to be present at that supper. No one is excluded.
Whoever you are, you are invited to the Gospel Supper tonight.
God's heart is going out.
The feast is spread and all you do need to do is come as you are.
No money.
Don't try to fix yourself up, come as you are.
To the great Supper.
That God has prepared.
Well, he wanted the table to be filled. If you prepare a great supper, you don't want to sit there by yourself. So he says I'm going to send the invitation out. So what do we read here? And he sent his servant at supper time.
To say to them that were bidden come for all things are now ready. So the servant went out.
And he found people on the street and in the shops and he told them.
Come for all things are now ready.
I don't want to say, dear friend, tonight all things are ready for you.
It doesn't matter how dark a background you have. It doesn't matter how many sins.
On your record.
It doesn't matter how many times you have refused the invitation.
Once more God is saying come for all things are now ready.
The work was finished at the cross of Calvary. The price was paid. The Lord Jesus came from the glory and laid down his life in sacrifice. That the gospel of his grace may flow out to you, the Gospel supper.
Are you willing to come?
Come for all things are now ready.
But the strangest thing They began to make excuses.
Really, they were polite. They didn't.
They didn't want to offend the servant, but.
Really, they didn't want to come to the supper.
And they made an excuse, and we know the excuses. You know the devil is behind those excuses. How many souls have been lost for eternity by excuses? What excuse can you make that will bear the light of Christ's day? You cannot, the Lord has.
Invited you? He has showed you.
The way of salvation.
He has paid for it at the cost of the precious blood.
Of his beloved Son Christ has paid the price that you might have forgiveness of sins. That's one of the plates that is on the table. Forgiveness of sins, How many sins? All your sins, they were all future when the Lord died and he wants you to have the assurance.
That your sins are forgiven.
You know.
I have many sins to my account.
But for all eternity there will not be one word from the lips of the Lord Jesus that He has remembered my sins.
The blood of Christ has affected the memory of God, and there I'm clean every wit by his grace.
But they made an excuse.
Foolish excuses.
They all, with one consent, began to make excuses.
Those excuses, dear friends, are from the enemy of your soul.
You're forging the chains that are going to hold you in a lost eternity. By those excuses, what excuse can you give?
Everything has been provided.
At infinite costs.
And so we read here they all with one consent began to make excuse. First said unto him, I have bought a piece of ground, and I must needs go and see it. I pray thee have me excused. He puts a piece of ground between him and God.
The other man, he had something else.
Another said I have bought 5 yoke of oxen and I go to prove them. I pray they have me excused. Well he had to see their possessions and or it could be companions. Here there's a third man. He says I have married a wife and therefore I cannot come. His companions were keeping him away from the supper possessions, whatever it is that is between.
You and God.
Get rid of it tonight.
And think of your eternal destiny.
I'm going to tell a story about a man that.
I enjoy reading about. We often sing his hymns. His name was George.
West Fraser. He lived from 1840 until 1896.
He was saved at 20 years of age.
During the great Irish Revival of 1859 and 1860, you know how that revival started. Four young men got on their knees in their cottage and prayed. And the Spirit of God worked in such a mighty way in the Irish revival that thousands were brought to Christ.
It started with a prayer meeting.
This man, George Frazier.
He was a fashionable young man and there was a man, there was a preacher by the name of Doctor Guinness. He was having meetings there in the Rotunda. And so the brother of George said, George, will you come with me to the meeting tonight? Well, I'm not really interested in that, but.
To please you all go along.
But there was standing room only. They couldn't get in.
The place was filled. They climbed up and sat on a windowsill looking down over the company. And if I can find the.
The word that they heard from Doctor Guinness, if I can find it here, the Savior calls to him. I go as guilty, lost, undone. Life and forgiveness flow. God's well beloved son, George Fraser heard those words floating through the air.
He was not saved. He went home, but he wanted to come back again.
And this time it was the same situation, standing room only. How are we going to get in here? He said to his brother. Well, there's a gutter. There's a pipe on the side there of the building. I'll climb up the pipe. And he did. He got to the top. The window was open. He sat on the window with his feet dangling over the crowd.
And Doctor Guinness.
Doubted out that the message, yet there is room, yet there is room that struck George Fraser very.
Strongly he came down from the window, but for two weeks he was in real soul trouble. He didn't know what to do. He was convicted of his sin.
But those words, yet there is room kept ringing in his ear. Finally.
He had just cast himself on the Lord and said if I perish, I'm going to perish at the feet of the Lord.
And that verse came to his mind. This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation.
That Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. He had heard that verse. It came to him.
The power of the Spirit of God. And there he bowed the knee to Christ.
And he was saved.
He wrote the hymn that we sang this evening. He wrote that hymn George W Fraser. He was gathered with those.
Who have the Lord's Table? And he wrote some of the most beautiful hymns in our Little Flock book. You look in the back and you'll see the hymns that George Frazier wrote. We sing them Lord's Day morning on that same night. Lord Jesus.
When all around the joint, and so on, to cast its darkest shadow across thy holy mind. George Fraser wrote that.
He was a very close friend of Mr. Macintosh.
In fact, they lived in the same city in Ireland.
But George Frazier.
Was devoted to the Lord. He married when he was 32. He didn't live long. He only lived about.
Let's see now, 56 years I think.
And he lives, right? He was. He died the same year as Mr. McIntosh died.
But George Frazier was devoted to the Lord. His hymns we enjoy to this day. Look in the back of your little flock and you'll see the hymns that George Fraser wrote.
He's with the Lord now.
But I want you friends to know that.
The Lord is waiting here in patience for you. What are you putting between your soul and God? The servant came and showed his Lord these things. Then the master of the house, being angry, said to his servant, Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in hit her, the poor and the maimed, and the halt and the blind.
Well, isn't that wonderful? God's house is going to be filled.
Those people who have religion without Christ will not be at that great supper. They will not be at the supper of joy that the Lord is going to.
Have for all who are believers. I'll speak of that later.
Oh my friend.
Man is wounded with sin. He's crippled.
All vitality, all vigor, all freshness, all power is gone. He is maimed, maimed, has wounded and crippled man and left him.
Without a hope.
In himself.
Halt A person who is halt, he cannot walk. How can you get in through the pearly gates of heaven if you're if you're a halt, if you're lame, how could you walk into heaven like that? You couldn't do it crippled by sin. Just think of it and.
What did the servant say? Bring in the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blind. How wonderful the heart of God is going out to whosoever.
All my friend, tonight is your opportunity to receive Christ.
And if you're without Christ, you're poor. You may have all the riches of this world in your coffers, but if you're without Christ, you're poor.
The little poem that I often quote.
In that connection, because I used to live in London and do gospel work among the poor of London, we used to have large Sunday schools there, and by God's grace, I distributed many tracks in the great City of London, England. Not London, ON, but I think of a poem that I enjoy.
It says in the heart of London City.
Midst the dwelling of the poor.
These bright golden words were uttered. I have Christ, what want I more? He who heard them ran to fetch her something from the world's great store.
It was needless died she saying I have Christ what want I more? Wasn't that a lovely testimony this poor soul who had nothing probably she had not even 1 Penny in her purse, but she had Christ and there are many poor in living in the flats of London, you know that are in that condition.
And they need the gospel message.
Soul that we speak of here, she had eternal riches and.
If we turn back in the book of Luke a few a few pages, we turn back to Chapter 4, we'll just see what.
What the Lord can do?
Umm, the Lord came to the city of Nazareth, where He was brought up.
And he went into the synagogue. That was the the custom of the Lord Jesus as a young man to be in the synagogue. Wasn't that a good example for us? Are we at the meetings, at the assembly meetings that are convened, or are we missing them? Are we careless about the Lord's presence? The Lord was in the synagogue, we read here.
He came to Nazareth verse 16, where he had been brought up.
And as his custom was, he went into the synagogue in the Sabbath day, and stood up for to read, And there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Isaiah. And when he had opened the book, he found the place where it was written. Now this is a prophecy of the Lord Jesus Himself. Those people had never heard these words before, and they were being applied to the Lord Himself.
The Spirit of God is upon me because he have anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor. Or isn't that wonderful? May we never tire of preaching the gospel to the poor. If you go to India, I hope you do Someday you're going to find millions of poor people that just live from hand to mouth. They have enough for the next meal.
And that's about all poverty. Poverty of Bombay is the worst in the world, I think.
But those people have souls to be saved. The gospel is going out to the poor. In India, the majority of those who are saved are from the low castes, from the poor castes. Not many from the upper castes are brought to the Lord.
The upper caste Hindu.
Is not interested in those things. Some are saved, but not many. Well, it says here the gospel to the poor. He hath sent me to heal the broken hearted. Well, there's a preacher in London, he said to the young people that were preaching. He said if you preach to broken hearted people you will always have an audience.
You'll always have an audience how many broken hearted people there are and no one can heal that condition, only the Lord.
He can heal the broken hearted. Preach deliverance to the captives. Oh, you say I'm not captive. How many people are captive to their lusts and to vile dispositions and unclean habits? They are captives to those things.
The Lord can deliver the captives recovering of sight to the blind. Well, if you're unsaved, you are spiritually blind to set at liberty them that are bruised, wounded by sin and Satan.
Blind spiritually.
You know, if you had a beautiful picture and you presented it to a blind person, he, he couldn't, he couldn't respond, he couldn't see, he couldn't see, he couldn't see any beauty in it.
And so it is with the unsaved. They don't see any beauty in Christ. For the believer, he is altogether lovely. He is the chiefest of 10,000. But to the unsaved, they have no interest. They're blind spiritually.
They might be on the edge of a precipice and not know their danger and.
He says here.
Yeah, give me.
Looking at our verse again.
Anyway, the Lord was there fulfilling that scripture and He speaks of preaching the acceptable year of the Lord. But you know that the Lord stopped that scripture at that point. If you look in Isaiah, you see it goes on and speaks of the day of vengeance of our God, but the Lord did not include those words. He stopped at the acceptable year of the Lord.
We have it here in.
And verse 19 to preach the acceptable year of the Lord. Dear friends, we are in the acceptable year of the Lord today.
The day of God's grace, the day of His mercy, the day of salvation, the day of opportunity for you to be saved from sin, from hell, from judgment. It's the acceptable year of the Lord today. Tomorrow may be too late.
The worst?
The worst American airline crash took place in on September the 25th. I think it was 1978.
It was a large jet that was coming into San Diego.
And lining up for its landing strip and a little.
A little plane that was moving about.
Crashed with this huge jetliner and it lost its stability. The two people in the little aircraft were were immediately killed. But that huge airline.
It it was unstable it it.
It burst into flames. It came down with a tremendous bang.
And there was a brother just nearby who had his house and he was one of the first that got out and saw that awful catastrophe. 134 people ushered into eternity in a moment. There was no survivors. The last thing the pilot said were going down and everyone went into eternity.
One girl on that flight, the stewardess.
I don't know what her name was.
I don't know.
Anything about her, but she had accepted the Lord as her Savior 2 weeks before. How thankful the parents were that their girl, although sudden death, it was sudden glory for her. What happened to the others on the eternity will disclose. Dear friends tonight. Life is real, life is earnest, the grave is not its goal. The rest of your time.
I use this track a lot with young people.
See the title of it the rest of his time. This has opened the door for me to speak to more young people than any other tract.
I'll give you the background very briefly because time is going here.
Our brother. Our late brother, Berwick Island, known to some of us here. His son.
Was out on his motorcycle and I guess it was June 1984, just 300 feet from his work. He was on the motorcycle and the lady pulled out didn't see him and he crashed at a good speed into the side of her car and the.
The handlebars went into his stomach and his.
His chest and he was rushed from the Smith Walls Hospital to the Ottawa Civic, but he was struggling for his life. His parents were there with him, but they couldn't do anything. He passed into eternity that night, but he was ready. He went to be with the Lord. I often use this with young people.
Eleanor and I have visited 3 fairs this last September.
And we met, we meet a lot of young people at these fairs. We give out tracks to them. But this is the one I like because I say, my friend, read this practice about someone around your age. I want you to read it carefully and see what happened to Jeff. That was his name. And I want you, when you're finished reading the track, to say, to ask yourself if that had been me.
Wouldn't my soul be?
So the rest of our time we have no promise. Anyway, the gospel supper was spread, the invitation was given. The house is going to be filled with the poor and the maimed and the halt and the blind. Not one seat will be empty.
And everything has been provided marvelously by the grace of God.
You know every debt will be paid. You have a debt of sin.
And that weighs upon you. Every debt will be paid if you accept Christ as your Savior.
It reminds me of a story.
Just briefly, about a debt. About debts. We all know what debts are. Some of people, that's all they have debts, piles of them. They, they can, they live, they can hardly.
Count all the debts they have.
There was an Irish nobleman.
In Ireland who had a large estate of tenants, but he came to know the Lord as his Savior and he was happy he the grace of God was filling his heart.
And so they called him the crazy Irish nobleman, because wherever he went, he preached the gospel. So one day.
He he put a notice up outside his office there.
And the notice read like this.
On such and such a day.
Between 12 between 10:00 and 12:00, anyone who comes will have all their debts paid.
Some people couldn't read it, so someone read it for them, but they said we can't. We can hardly believe this.
Do you think that he really means what he says, that all our debts will be paid?
If we just go into the office with him.
Well, we don't this sounds doesn't sound logical. Well the day approach it was 10:00 and quite a few people were outside looking at that notice and.
Wondering whether he really meant what he said, hesitating, along came an old man, 80 years of age, hobbling. He had his hands full of of all bills that he hadn't paid, and he saw the men looking there.
Suspiciously they said, are you going in? He says, well, I it says there that all debts will be paid between these hours. I'm going to go in. Well, you go in and come out and tell us what happened. So the man hobbled in there was the nobleman with his secretary at the desk. He sat down.
They totaled up all the debts that he had.
Boy, it was pretty high and he said no, nobleman said I'll look after all this, I'll stamp them all paid. You don't, don't have to worry.
Sir, he said. I'm so thankful that now I can die in peace.
And not bankrupt. Thank you so much, Sir.
I'll go out and tell the others. Nope, Nope, just stay where you are now, Sir, just stay where you are. So it was 1130114512 o'clock.
Now, the nobleman said. Now you can go out.
So this man went out, he didn't have any more of his debts and the people said what happened.
Oh, he said the nobleman, he, he took all my debts from me and he, he's going to pay every one of them. His secretary has them there. They're going to settle the, the whole debt that I had. Oh, wonderful, Sir. Now the nobleman had come out.
Sir, we're ready here. We have some, we have some papers that we want you to look at, please, the nobleman said. No. Remember I told you that the door was open between 10:00 and 12:00. It's now 12:00. The clock has struck 12. You're, you don't have any more opportunity to have your debts paid.
Oh, they were so.
Disappointed they could have had all their debts paid.
If they had believed the message that the nobleman had given them.
What they didn't believe it and how many people are in the same category? God is willing to settle that whole question of sin. He's dealt with it in the person of His Son. He wants to forgive that.
Tremendous debt that you have.
But if you won't come.
Then you're going to have to pay it yourself, and you'll never pay it. Through a lost eternity, that debt will be yours forever. In a lost eternity, you'll never be able to pay it. God wants you to bring your sorrows to Him. Little poem that I sometimes.
Enjoy. I'm just going to read it here that I've enjoyed many times.
You've carried your burden. You've carried it long or bring it to Jesus. He's loving and strong. You'll take it away and your sorrows will cease. He'll send you rejoicing with His heavenly peace. That's what God is offering you tonight.
Full free salvation everlasting. Rest peace with God. Don't lose the opportunity.
Of the gospel supper tonight, because tomorrow may be too late. He that believeth on the sun ha everlasting life. Verily I say unto you.
He that.
That reminds me of a story.
Let's see the verse John chapter John chapter 6 that we have that verse.
Just a minute here.
John, Chapter 6.
I have to move on here. I'm not going to have time to finish.
Yeah, verse 47 Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me hath everlasting life. Well, when I was younger I used to work in Italy with Brother Piero Patel, and he was a great evangelist and I learned a lot from him. We went all around the villages, the beautiful mountain.
Towns in Italy spreading the Gospel day after day.
Wonderful experience for me. But you know, every, nearly every day we had dinner in Brother Granite's home. And I'll tell you how Brother Granite was saved. He's an Italian. He was a rough young man, maybe 1820. There he was playing pool in the in the.
The pool room with the smoke.
Filling the the whole area and smoking with his friends and having a good time, he thought.
Suddenly the door opened and a man in a black coat, he stepped in and he had a black book like this. And he stood there and he held up that book. He opened it up and he's speaking in Italian.
And he boomed out that word, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life that struck the heart of the.
A brother, Giovanni Guaranitti, he said, who is that strange character that went into the pool room with all my friends? Where does he live? Well, in those days, in La Ropoli and Cosensa, he could find out where Mr. Mr. Bureau Pato resided, and he came.
Knocked at the door and said are you the man that came into the pool room and shouted out that verse from the Bible?
He says I want to know more about that because I've got a hungry heart and all this pleasure and everything, smoking and playing cards and so on. It doesn't satisfy my heart. Of course it was the joy of Brother Piero Patrol to open the gospel to him and he was saved. He's with the Lord now. But many times we've enjoyed the fellowship of Brother Giovanni Guariniti. I said there was 4 suppers. I.
Touched on one. The second one, I'll be very brief. We had it this morning. First Corinthians chapter 15.
11 Rather, it's the supper of communion. If you're not saved, don't take the supper of communion. It's not a means of grace, even for the believer. And if you're unsaved, it's a means of judgment. I've eaten, we've eaten and drunk in thy presence.
That didn't have eternal life and they were trusting in some sacrament.
Only those who are true, truly believers have any right to partake of the Supper of Communion. It's a wonderful opportunity. It's a wonderful privilege. You know, the Lord's Supper is just like a picture in my home in Ottawa. I have a picture of my mother when she was living with me when I look at that picture.
I remember her as she was when she lived in the home with me.
It brings back my memory to what she was. She's with the Lord now, and the Lord's Supper is just the same. It's a picture of the Lord in death.
Mr. Darby said, whenever I remember the Lord, I think of a dead Christ. And that is true. That is the meaning of the Supper. We don't think of the the Lord in glory. We we acknowledge that he's crowned with honor and glory. But the Lord's Supper is is a recalling what he was when he was in death.
It's a picture of the death of Christ, a wonderful privilege.
And only for believers. Now that's the Supper of Communion. Well, let's look at the Supper of Joy. Let's turn to Revelation chapter 19.
And we're going to see here.
Another supper and.
We'll read from.
Verse seven. Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to him, for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready, and to her was granted that she should be arrayed.
In fine linen, clean and white, for the fine linen is the righteous. This should read Righteousnesses of the Saints. And he saith unto me, Right blessed are they which are called unto the married supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.
Now this supper here is the supper of joy, and it's the bridal supper, It's the marriage supper of the lamb. It's the day of the Lord's joy when He will have his bride with Him in the glory, and we will.
Be there.
Trophies of His grace, and we will be arrayed in fine linen, it says here, which the apostle tells us is the righteousnesses of the Saints now.
A word of explanation there. It is not divine righteousness that is spoken of in that passage.
We have a divine righteousness through the work of Christ, but here it is a practical righteousness.
Here it is our conduct down here that is going to be manifest in that day. It's spoken of as a garment. When a woman walks into this hall in a garment, you everyone sees the garment.
What we have done for the Lord, it may have been forgotten.
It may not be known by very many people, but every little act of devotedness in your life and mine is recorded. And as we were here, we're going to be up there.
And so at the marriage supper of the Lamb, our lives will be manifest.
Our conduct, our works.
How we have used what God has given to us, our time, our talents. The marriage supper of the Lamb is the time of Christ's joy and our joy as well but.
It will be after the judgment seat of Christ, and then will be manifest to everyone how I have lived down here. Have I lived for myself? Have I lived for my own pleasure?
And I haven't been interested in the Lord service or his interests. Well, all is recorded and that it tells us here that.
It is going to be manifest here in the 19th chapter of Revelation. Blessed are they which are called unto the married supper of the Lamb. Well, that's the Old Testament Saints, but we're going to be the bride. We are the bride of the Lamb. How wonderful. How?
Near a position we have to the Lord Jesus Himself. It's the joy of His heart and the joy of our hearts to be there.
As we have walked down here, so we will be known up there. In fact, our our place in the coming Kingdom which is connected with reward will be according as we have walked down here.
One Last Supper. This is a very solemn one. It's in the 19th of Revelation as well. We can't read. We won't read all of it, but.
Here in verse 13.
Or we'll go back to verse.
Verse 11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a White Horse. And he that sat upon him was called faithful and true. And in righteousness he doth judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire. On his head were many crowns. And he had a name written that no man knew but he himself. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood.
And his name is called the word of God.
And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. What supper is that? That's the supper of judgment.
And, you know, at the end of the awful tribulation period.
The harvest judgments. The Lord is going to appear with the armies of heaven. Who are they?
His Saints, those that had been redeemed by the precious blood of Christ, were going to accompany the Lord, and at this supper all the guests are going to come look on. In this chapter I saw an Angel verse 17 standing in the sun, and he cried with a loud voice, saying, to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, come and gather yourselves together unto the.
Of the great God, that we may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men.
And the flesh of horses and so on. What a terrible time that will be.
When all man's pride will be brought down, the Lord who was crowned with thorns there on Calvary, now will have many crowns on his head. He will be exalted King of kings and Lord of Lords. He will have his rightful place. But this is not a Gospel supper. In no way.
This is a supper of judgment.
And terrible judgment, I think this is the judgment of the living. I think this is final. And those that have rejected the, the, the gospel message in the day of grace now could be present at this, at this, on this occasion. How terrible because after the church's rapture into the glory which might be tonight.
There's seven years of tribulation.
Or a little more, and then the Lord is going to return with his Saints.
So we trust in closing that each one here.
Will partake of the supper.
Of salvation, the Gospel supper, and come to thee knowledge of sins forgiven, pardon.
Eternal life.
The heart of God is reaching out tonight to sinners wherever they are. The door of grace is still open. You know, there was a man in Matthew 22. He attempted to go into the wedding feast without a wedding garment on and he was discovered.
And what did the host of the feast say? Friend, how comest thou in here not having on a wedding garment? And he was speechless. He had nothing to say because the garment was provided, but he refused to take it. He thought he was good enough with his own clothes. The garment, of course. The garment is Christ, our righteousness. How wonderful.
But what did the host say? Bind him hand and foot, take him away and cast him into outer darkness.
Some people, young people, when I preach the gospel, they say, well, my friends are going to be there. How many have said to me, I'm, I'm worshipping Satan? Well, I say to them, my friend, if you, if you, if Satan is your master, then you're going to spend eternity with him, but you won't have any friends there. It would be blackness of darkness. You wouldn't be able to see them anyway.
But that's the companions you want.
You're on that road. Oh dear friends, as we close our meeting, let me again underline the importance of settling the matter of your salvation tonight. To go away from this happy conference that we've enjoyed with peace in your heart, to lay your head upon your pillow with the.
Assurance that if you are taken into the next World before tomorrow morning.
It would be absent from the body and present with the Lord.
There's a man that was walking in our area. Time is gone. I know a young man or relatively 45 years of age.
He was walking out Sunday afternoon.
He was crossing the street there, right near the the superstore where my wife often shops, and here was a young man fleeing from the police.
And going at an awful rate of speed and he hit that man in the intersection.
Knocked him down. I think there was a doctor in the area came. There was no sign of life.
45 years of age with his family gone into eternity. A couple of blocks from where I live. I passed. I passed that corner all the time. So life is real and life is earnest. But.
The day of the day of salvation is today. May God bless His word that each one under the sound of it tonight, maybe at that.
At that supper of joy with the Lord, when he comes, we're going to sing 1 little short hymn to to end.
How about #33?