Gospel—John Kemp
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#15 in our hymn sheets.
O blessed Gospel sound.
Yet there is room. It tells to all around. Yet there is room.
God's love in Christ we see.
Greater it could not be.
All things are ready Come yet? There is room number 15.
Some brotherhood started.
Gospel Sonia, there is room and I'll see you all right.
Great. Could not be.
There is room.
He's willing. How to shame.
For him.
There is room.
All things are ready come.
Everything has done.
Yeah, there is room.
Lord is not completely.
Savior you will be, yes.
God's houses.
There is room.
Grace no more will say.
Him before we go on here.
#9 Come every soul by sin oppressed.
There's mercy with the Lord.
He will surely give you rest by trusting in His word. Shall we stand and sing #9?
I say.
And it was your name again.
We cordially welcome any who are.
Strangers here invited guests to the first gospel meeting of our conference. We trust that it will be a blessing to you.
That you will not only hear the voice of the speaker, but that you will hear the voice of the Lord of glory speaking to your heart this evening.
Because it is still the day of grace and the day of God's long-suffering, mercy and compassion, I thought of a little statement at the outset of our meeting tonight. It goes like this. Faith appropriates what love provides. We've been Speaking of faith this afternoon in our reading The hand that is reached out.
To accept what God has provided.
Faith appropriates, takes for itself what love has provided, and that's the meaning of the gospel, dear friend. Tonight it's an expression of the love of God for sinners.
It's the revelation of the heart of God.
You know it says in Galatians chapter 4.
In the fullness of the time, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law.
You know God had tested man in every possible way in the Old Testament for 4000 years.
And it only brought out.
The hatred.
The IT only exposed what man really was. The law, you know, was not the full revelation of God. We don't see the full revelation of God in His works. We look at creation. The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament showeth His handiwork. We look up into the opened heavens and we see the stars in the heavenly bodies that were created by His fingers.
But we don't see the heart of God revealed in creation. We see the glory of God. We see the power of God. But to behold His love, we must look at the cross. We must think of that blessed One who was in the bosom of God, leaving heaven's glory to come to a world of sin and misery and wretchedness.
That we see all around us today.
To come into this world for that purpose of dying, to save your soul from sin, from eternal hell and darkness. Dear friend, are you willing to put your faith tonight in that work of Calvary? We're not talking about changing your religion. We're not talking about turning over a new leaf.
And trying to clean up your life.
We're talking about born again receiving.
Divine life and nature from God.
You are by nature lost and ruined, and dear friend, we want to present to you. Tonight may be feebly done, but we want to present to you the person.
Not a religion, not a philosophy, but a person, the divine, eternal Son of God.
Who can meet the deepest need that you have broken hearted?
Burdened with sin.
God has a message for you tonight from His Word.
The Gospel of God concerning his Son. This is the subject, the theme of the message tonight is the Son of God. And that's what we desire to present to you, our friends, and to each one of us, a person.
The Divine, Eternal One, the Creator of the universe, is the one that we present to you tonight, but the One who laid aside that glory that was his in a past eternity, He could put his hand on all the treasures of the universe.
He veiled his glory.
Left to the home of light and love that was his from a past eternity in the Father's bosom he knew all that in that bosom lay.
He came into a world.
Knowing the treatment that He would receive from hearts like ours, yet He came as the willing one being in the form of God.
Thought it not robbery to be equal with God?
Laid aside that glory. He never emptied himself of his godhead deity, of course, but he did.
Veil that glory and humble himself as a man down here.
To go to the cross.
Creation in all its glory. The word of His power was manifested there in creation, but that could not save your soul. There needed to be more reverently speaking than the word of His power, which brought this whole universe into existence. There needed to be a sacrifice for sin. There needed to be an atonement.
The price of sin had to be paid for. We're going to look at that as we go on in our meeting tonight with the Lord's help that there has been provided.
A remedy for you tonight, a remedy for that awful disease that has afflicted man from the fall of Adam.
God had the remedy ready before the disease came into the world. You know, men and doctors and medical researchers.
They're using all their expertise and their intelligence to overcome the maladies that afflict the human body, and they do the best they can.
But there's always new ones coming up.
They just.
Solve one problem and here's another one.
It's all a result of man's disobedience. But we're speaking about a spiritual need which is greater than any physical need that you have, and that is salvation, forgiveness of your sins.
Eternal life to.
Be prepared for the next World. We've seen some awful things happening the last few days.
Bombay is.
Very familiar to me. I used to stay in the shadow of the Taj Mahal, that is.
The most luxury hotel in Bombay, just at the gateway of India, overlooking the Arabian Sea. Many times I've gone around that hotel.
And we've seen these atrocities in the last couple of days, these terrorist attacks which are appalling.
But you know, dear friends, it's only a a preview, a forerunner of what is coming upon this world.
In Ottawa, we have been studying the Book of Revelation.
And seeing there the awful judgments portrayed under the seals and the trumpets and the vials.
How terrible when men will gnaw their tongues for pain and call for the rocks to shelter them from the wrath of the Lamb.
And the condition of things will be unbearable in that day because.
After the Church is taken, and we want to explain what we mean by that, the Lord's coming is eminent, we must be on the threshold of his return, and the Church will be raptured, taken out of this world.
And don't let anyone deceive you by this falsehood that is being circulated, that there is another opportunity that you'll have a second chance to believe the gospel of the Kingdom and be saved. Though you've missed the opportunity now in the day of grace, that is a complete deception of the enemy, because if you've heard the gospel.
You will be like the foolish virgins in Matthew 25.
Came to the marriage supper unprepared and knocked at the door, but found no admittance. It was shot.
The door was shut up, a picture of the termination, the ending of the day of grace, and the Lord never opened that door to their earnest entreaties. It was too late.
God is speaking to this world very loudly.
Here we have companies being shaken, bankruptcies common everywhere, the financial situation unstable. Do you have a foundation for your faith for eternity?
Do you know for sure that your sins are forgiven?
The Word of God is the foundation for your faith. Heaven and earth will pass away.
But God's Word will not pass away. Let us look at few verses in Luke's gospel chapter.
Four verse 18.
We're going to look at some other verses in.
The Book of Luke.
Later, the Spirit of the Lord is upon me.
Because he hath anointed me.
To preach the gospel to the poor.
He has sent me to heal the broken hearted.
To preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind. To set at liberty them that are bruised. To preach the acceptable year of the Lord. The Lord had entered on his public ministry. Here he was in Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and he took the book of Isaiah and opened it up.
And read these beautiful verses here. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, prophetic of himself and his ministry down here in this world, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor. And dear friends, this is the message that we are giving to you tonight.
There's so many people in this world.
That are poor, my wife and I.
Are going to India.
In December, if the Lord will, it's a nation of extreme poverty.
But you know, often among the poor there is an open ear for the gospel.
People of this world, of this continent, they have a lot of material riches, but they're not concerned often about spiritual riches.
And they might have all the money that they can use more than heart could wish.
But do they have eternal riches, those things that will last forever? Do they have something that is?
And enduring the things which are seen are for a time, but the things which are not seen are eternal. So there's so many poor.
Often they have a more open ear for the gospel. But if you are without Christ, if you do not know the Lord is your Savior tonight, then you are poor. Regardless of how much money that you have or the riches, the material riches that you may possess, without Christ, you are poor.
You have nothing that will last for eternity.
Money, the universal provider of everything except happiness.
The passport to every place except heaven. But dear friends, tonight God is offering you forgiveness of sins, eternal riches through His beloved Son. He has sent me to heal the broken hearted.
How many there are who are broken hearted?
And the Lord is the only one who can heal those broken hearts. Man cannot do it. But there's one who stooped so low he dried the tears of the widow.
And he met every form of misery.
And he, the Son of God, could weep with the sisters of Bethany, groaned in spirit as he saw the results of sin everywhere. And do we not see them here as well? This world is a vast graveyard, a vast Egypt, where you remember, the people were burdened by the tyranny of Pharaoh.
And God looked down. He was not indifferent to all that those people were passing through.
There, under the taskmaster and the lashes of Pharaoh, God looked down in compassion.
He saw them in their deep need and ruin and helplessness.
He looked down, He had mercy, he had compassion on those people. Dear friends, God is looking down in this world tonight and He is a God of love that desires your blessing.
And to heal the broken hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives.
How many people there are?
That are in captivity.
With the chains of sin and habits.
Unclean living, vile dispositions.
Evil tempers, all these things are like the chains of sin holding men and women in its grasp. The Lord is able to deliver from those that those chains of sin that bind the unsaved. And then we have.
Recovering of sight to the blind.
How wonderful that the Lord Jesus opens blinded eyes.
How many there are that are still?
Blinded by the enemy, the God of this world, that blinded the minds of them that believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ should shine into their hearts. Blind, spiritually blind.
Maybe 2020 vision, but.
See no beauty in Christ.
And also do not see their need as a Sinner. Notice a verse in the book of Psalms that says the Lord is my light and my salvation. Psalm 27 verse one. And you know what? It speaks to us.
Of the time when the light of God shone into our hearts. We thought we were pretty good. We were.
Not as bad as the others that were around us.
But when the light of God.
Shone into our hearts.
Exposed what we really were.
Then we no longer spoke about our goodness.
No. A person might be very have filthy clothes on and be in a dirty condition, but if they're in the dark it doesn't bother them.
But you bring them into the bright light and they see just what they are. They realize the state they are in and they want to have a remedy. You know, that's what repentance is. Repentance is really a change of mind. You have wrong thoughts about yourself and wrong thoughts about God, and repentance is a change of mind. And it's the goodness of God that leads to repentance.
When you realize the love of God in providing salvation for you at such cost.
You see what a wreck you are for not accepting it.
And when you get into the presence of God, you see your condition as you are before God. You're brought into the light.
But then it goes on in that verse. The Lord is my light and my salvation. Isn't that wonderful? The One who knows all about us, the one who has exposed or revealed what our hearts are, He is the one who has provided salvation at such infinite cost, The One who gave the dearest object of heaven.
To provide a way of escape from that judgment, salvation, deliverance, as we have in our verse here, deliverance to the captives, recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised. Humanity has been bruised by Satan.
There's only one remedy. Years ago, there was.
A reporter.
Who was?
Commissioned by the.
A newspaper in Chicago to report on Mr. Moody's campaign.
And so he decided that he would go to the.
The evening meeting where Mr. Moody was preaching and he'd sit up at the front and actually see the proceedings because he didn't believe that this was genuine, that Mister Moody was simply working on people's emotions. And he sat up at the front and Mr. Moody that night was speaking on light and blindness spiritually. And he said, I read in the newspaper reports.
I don't know who the reporter was, but he was describing an experience that he had in Chicago. He was walking along the street and he saw, I think it was 3 little girls looking into a shop window. And two of them were enthused and excited by all that they saw the beautiful dolls and the pictures and the toys and everything. But he says, I noticed that the third little girl.
There was number response, there was just a blank.
A blank site there.
And I wondered why there was number response in that little girl. A blank stare. So I went over a little closer and I looked and I saw the reason for it. The little girl was blind.
Her friends were describing all the wonderful things in the store window. She heard it, but she couldn't see it, so it didn't mean very much to her. Mr. Moody went on to explain. He said this is the way it is in the world. We meet people who are blind to these spiritual realities, the beauties of the gospel, and Christ is the Savior and the wonderful future that is ahead of the child of God. They're blind to all that. It doesn't mean anything to them.
And the reporter was listening and he said, stop, Mr. Moody. And he climbed up to the platform and he said, where did you read that story? Well, in such and such a paper on such a date, he says I was the one who was looking at those girls. I was the one who wrote that report that you read. And he says, I never saw that I was in that spiritually blind condition myself.
He said he was an infidel, but the Lord spoke to him and showed him his blind condition there in that meeting, that gospel meeting that evening, and he was brought to trust in the Lord Jesus, and his eyes were opened and he now saw the beauty of the gospel and the Savior that God had provided for him. Dear friends tonight.
It is still.
The day of God's grace and we trust that your eyes will be opened.
And said at liberty them that are bruised.
May be under the power of Satan tonight. The God of this world religiously the Prince of this world, politically leading men down.
To judgment and God is arresting men and women on their downward course.
Why does the road that leads to destruction God is arresting?
Boys and girls and men and women, awakening them to their need and to their danger before it is too late.
Because sometimes.
Judgment falls and there's no time to escape.
But now is the day of salvation for you, my friend, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord.
Now is the acceptable year of the Lord, the day of grace, the time when the gospel is going out to lost men and women.
The time when God is beseeching men and women in grace, God is beseeching man, is refusing to be made forever glad.
Tonight we exhort you and the authority of the Word of God be reconciled to Him. God does not need to be reconciled to us because He was never against us.
But God, but man needs to be reconciled because.
He is an enemy by wicked works, the acceptable year of the Lord. And you notice in this passage that the Lord stops here. If you look back at the quotation from Isaiah, it goes on to speak of the day of vengeance of our God. But you know, this was not the day of vengeance at this time. It was the day of God's grace, and it's gone on for 2000 years.
The day of God's vengeance has not yet begun.
Because God is long-suffering and not willing that any should perish.
But there is a danger in neglect. A danger in neglect years ago.
In the country of Wales, I have visited the United Kingdom, it is a coal mining area. The Welsh children are lovely children. I've had them in my classes and they're beautiful singers, as you probably know, and lovely dispositions. But there was a huge.
Pile of slag and death refuse from the coal mines because a large part of whales is devoted to coal mining and this big pile of slag and.
Refuse from the mines was piling up, piling up, piling up year after year. People knew that there was a danger, but they did nothing about it. It got to 500 feet high.
And there was a school at the base of the mountain, and the rains loosened that huge pile of slag.
And all of a sudden, without any warning, it began to slide down the hill and crash into that school of Welsh children and all of them were taken suddenly in death.
There was frantic efforts to.
To dig them out. But it was too late. It was only neglect. They knew there was that danger and they allowed it to go on. They neglected to do anything about it. And everyone in this room is either an acceptor of Christ.
Or a neglector of salvation. Or a rejector. You're in one of those 3 categories. And if you have been putting off the matter of salvation, today is the day of God's grace. Again, we we repeat, it is the acceptable year of the Lord. Tonight is still the day of God's matchless, marvelous grace.
The unmerited favor of God for you to save you from a lost eternity. Tonight there will be joy in heaven.
If you turn to the Lord in repentance and humble yourself as a Sinner in His presence, because we have no promise of tomorrow.
My wife Eleanor is from Brazil, I think, as most know.
We were down visiting her family last summer in July in the Deep South of Brazil, and we were returning back to Sao Paulo where she lives, that vast city of 17 million people.
And we were waiting for the plane in Porto Alegre. It's one of the large cities in the South of Brazil. Probably a million or more people in Porto Alegre. We were in the waiting room there. Our flight was, I think it was around 7:00, but there was a flight that preceded us also going to Sao Paulo.
But to a different airport than ours.
There was 199 people on that flight.
It left about one hour before our flight did.
Probably we were all sitting in the same waiting room. You know that that flight never arrived in Sao Paulo. Those people never arrived.
Coming into the airport.
It was a dark and stormy night, rainy night and the pilot misjudged the runway in some manner and.
Overran hit a deep hole of a fuel depot and burst into flames. Over the highway and hit the depot and burst into flames. An inferno.
199 people went into eternity that night.
Solemn, isn't it?
I reproach myself that.
I didn't get the gospel out to those people because it would have been their last opportunity to hear it. Generally, the gospel is well received in Brazil.
But I just tell that story.
To emphasize that life is uncertain.
And eternity could be around the corner for anyone of us. And what is your foundation for eternity? What are you depending on?
What is your hope?
Where is your confidence? What are you trusting in for your eternity?
Is it the finished work of Christ?
The blood that he shed, the sacrifice that he made. I put it this way sometimes a perfect work done by a perfect person.
To give you a perfect standing before God, you can't add anything to that work would be an insult to God.
God is not looking for you to.
Do good works and to change your life. He's he's pointing you to his beloved son who loved you.
And provided salvation at such a cost. Let us turn over to the second chapter of Luke for a few moments, because here we see.
The Incarnation It's a passage of scripture that is well known to.
Perhaps most of us here.
But we'll just read a few verses here.
Verse 6 And so it was that while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. This is Mary, and she brought forth her first born son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a Manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.
Here we have the incarnation of the Lord that means.
The Lord taking manhood into union with Himself in the glory.
Be in a past eternity the Lord was not a man, but now He takes manhood into union with himself.
He didn't cease to be God, He didn't lay aside his Godhead glory, but he veiled it in a human.
Tabernacle in human form. This is the marvelous truth of the incarnation, the foundation of our Christian faith being attacked. But this is.
Vital to to believe that God.
Became a man in the person of Christ to accomplish the work of redemption. He has gone back to the glory as a man. He's a living man up there. The Lord of life and glory is back up there in, in in heaven with the Father. And he bears in his hands the mark of all his toil and his victory and his sufferings. But here he is coming into the world.
For 400 years there had been no message from the prophets.
The 400 silent years.
And man had been tested, as we remarked, in so many ways, under conscience, under innocence, under the law, under promise, and he had miserably failed in every situation. And now, in the fullness of the time, God is sending forth His Son, made of a woman, made under the law, and.
He enters man's world and he is not known. He came uninvited.
The great men of the world did not know him, the scribes and the Pharisees the religious leaders.
They were not looking for him. They didn't realize who he was.
Where is he that is born king of the Jews?
That's the first question in the New Testament.
First question in the Old Testament was Adam, Where art thou?
But here is the Son of God.
Coming into this world that his hands had made and there was no room for him in the inn or you say that was a coincidence because the the census was being taken ordered and of course everyone had to go to their native places and the city of Bethlehem town of Bethlehem was overcrowded, but.
Usually when a rich man comes to a hotel, no matter how full it is.
They find room for him, but here was the Son of God.
The creator entering the world and there was no room for him in the end.
Although that was the case and still is the case in the world today, there's no room for Christ, room for pleasure, room for business, room for entertainment and pleasure, and no room for Christ. It's the same today. But let me tell you that there's room in the heart of God for you tonight. So here was the Lord Jesus.
Entering man's world for the first time in the history.
Of the world the angels saw their Creator.
The Lord Jesus was the only one who could choose where he would be born, and He chose a stable.
The Son of God in humility.
Here, as a babe wrapped in swaddling clothes laid in the Manger, there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
Those simple men busy at their work there in the fields.
Were the ones that received this wondrous message the first gospel message that had ever been preached?
Nor the Angel of the Lord came upon them. This heavenly messenger. The glory of the Lord shone round about them, and they were sore afraid. The Angel of the Lord from heaven came and announced the most wonderful news. The glory of the Lord shone round about them, and they were sore afraid. Heaven was opened.
And the light of God.
Illuminated that dark night.
With this wondrous message of pardon, you know, a few years ago.
You remember that?
The grid of North America.
The the electrical grid, something went wrong with it and the whole northeastern part of North America, affecting 50 million people. It was plunged Into Darkness. I guess some of you would remember that.
Which lasted not very long, but it crippled traffic and it caused great upheaval in the whole northeastern area of the continent.
The darkness.
Was a great handicap to people, but it wasn't complete darkness. People had some artificial light and they were able to navigate, although they were much hindered in getting home and trapped in elevators and.
Traffic lights not working and so on.
But when we think of the heavens being illuminated here.
By the coming of the Lord Jesus, the Son of God.
That you might have light in your life, salvation and pardon. Here's the good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people, not only to the nation of Israel, now not confined to one nation. The gospel is for whosoever it's for you tonight. God has a deep interest in your eternal blessing in your salvation.
Don't take a chance.
There's no chance in this matter because God is giving you the opportunity in His wondrous grace tonight.
For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.
Bethlehem means House of bread. What a wonderful House of bread Bethlehem has been for 2000 years. The living bread came out of the town of Bethlehem and how many have partaken of that bread and found eternal life?
But here the Lord Jesus is presented to man. Unto you is born this day in the city of David.
A Savior, which is Christ the Lord. Dear friends, you're going to meet the Lord.
As savior or judge, one or the other.
There's no middle ground. You can't be.
You can't be neutral about this matter. Either belong to the Lord, you know him as Savior, you've been washed from your sins by his precious blood, or else you're still.
Rejecting that wondrous message of pardon.
That God is giving to you tonight.
God is beseeching. Don't neglect that salvation that he offers to you. Suddenly there was with the Angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, glory to God in the highest on earth, peace, goodwill toward man.
The angels of heaven came trooping down.
To celebrate the entrance of the Son of God into man's world.
The Riddle of centuries was going to be solved. How is guilty man to be saved from his?
Wretchedness and his guilt.
It's solved here in the coming of Christ into this world. Now I just caution. I just make a remark here.
On one point, it wasn't the incarnation of Christ that saves the soul. We know that the Lord could have gone back to the glory from Gethsemane. He could have gone back from the Mount of Transfiguration. But there would be no salvation offered to you if He had left this world.
Apart from the Cross of Calvary, the Incarnation was necessary, but it didn't form the foundation of salvation it.
Was the appearance of God in in this world, but it was the death of Christ, only his death that could save your soul and mine. And so this announcement affected these people they were earnest seekers they went with haste to the.
The town of Bethlehem. They didn't neglect the matter. They were.
Earnest seekers and an earnest seeker and an seeking Savior always meet. So, dear friends, tonight as we come to the close of our little gospel meeting, we do give you that invitation that there is room for you tonight, yet there is room. God's house is filling fast, yet there is room. Some guests will be the last.
Yet there is room. There's a little poem that I'd like to close with.
Years ago there was in the City of London a poor.
Woman who had hardly anything of this world's goods she lived in one of the.
Garrett's up in the top floor of one of the tenements in London where I've often visited, visited with the gospel in those that areas, those areas in the heart of London City, midst the dwelling of the poor, these bright golden words were uttered. I have Christ, what want I more? He who heard them ran to fetch her something from the world's great store. It was needless.
Died she saying I have Christ, what want I more so only the Son of God can give you that peace and assurance. You know peace is a result.
Of something being done for you by another peace with God.
Is a result. It's not something based on your feelings.
There must be something that is disturbing your peace and that is sin in the case of each one of us and the Lord Jesus, just like Jonah there.
He had to go down under those awful waters before there could be.
Deliverance brought to those sailors in the ship.
The only way there could be peace from that awful storm that was.
Troubling those men and threatening to take them down to the bottom. There had to be.
The casting of Jonah into the water. And so for you to have peace with God, the Lord Jesus had to go down under the terrible waters of judgment, and he did so in love for you, in grace. Unspeakable thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift. I said that to many people as I came down to Saint Louis yesterday, because yesterday was Thanksgiving Day and had the opportunity to give out some Gospel tracks.
Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift. He who was rich became poor, that we through his poverty might be rich. So peace with God is a result of that work of Calvary. You cannot obtain it by your own efforts.
And you cannot purchase it.
But as Jonah went down under those waters, of course Jonah was a disobedient servant. The Lord was obedient unto death, even the death of the cross, and he went down under those deep waters of wrath and judgment to bear the punishment for my guilty sins. Some people say, confess your sins and come to God, but I can't do that. I have too many.
In fact, a person who is unsaved.
Before they are brought to Christ, their whole life is sinful. There's no fruit for God in their life. They can't remember everything they done have done.
But God, who knew them, He knew all my filthy sins, and he measured the weight of them. He placed them upon his beloved Son. And like Jonah thrown down into those waters, then there was calm and peace. And so for you tonight, if you believe that the Lord Jesus went into death for you, and He bore the awful storm of judgment, stroke upon stroke, wave upon wave passed over his holy soul.
In the hours of darkness into which we cannot even look or understand. And then he rose triumphant from the dead, and is now a living man in the glory. And he offers that full and free salvation to whosoever. May each one of us tonight. Reach out the hand again, I say.
And appropriate what God has provided, well, May God bless His Word tonight to our souls, and may there be joy in heaven.
Perhaps over 1 poor Sinner as all we were at one time, who believes the message, and passes from death unto life, shall we sing in closing?
One or two verses of #5.
Shall we sing the first verse?
And the third verse of #5 shall we stand?
It's my choice.
Only myself.
Well, play this world, make my dream.
Until it's round shake, it's all the world.