Gospel 1

Gospel—John Kemp
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So we open our meeting tonight to friends with the UH.
Song in our hymn sheets #15.
Oh, blessed gospel sound, yet there is room.
God's love in Christ we see yet there is room number 15 of some brother would start it please.
Yeah, everything.
Everything is the residence.
God has been telling fire yes and a nervous dream.
How long time do you have? What else do you think about that one hour you have a?
As soon as I finished the day, right? I don't get it. Well, I don't know.
It's crazy. No. All right. We're going to stay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Everything's really good.
Shall we pray? Our loving God and our Father, we thank Thee for the words of this hymn, reminding us that there is still room in the heart of God for sinners who are invited by Thy wondrous grace to be pardoned, to be blessed, to be saved for all eternity. We think of that glorious home prepared for the child of God.
But we are concerned there might be some in the company tonight who are strangers to that love and grace, who have never closed in with God's offer of mercy and salvation and pardon. We pray for such. We pray for the message. We own our weakness and dependence upon Thee to present it, that Christ may be exalted, lifted up as he said, if I be lifted up from the earth.
Will draw all men unto me. So we seek Thy health and blessing. Wherever the gospel goes forth this day of grace, that souls might be saved, Heaven may ring with joy. As sinners accept God's full and free salvation. We seek Thy help. We commit the meeting to the and pray for any who are still without Christ in this company, young or old.
Rich or poor, we ask it in the name for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
I think another, uh, him here.
Thinking of one that is well known #9 Come every soul by sin oppressed. There is mercy with the Lord.
He will surely give you rest by trusting in His word. Shall we stand thing #9?
Let's draw on.
Headache If you're not doing anything you're telling me to do, you have one second if you're ever going to have.
488 Thousand, 7545.
A lot of you guys love you together with my life and the next night that I have a lot of chin and fly and I have a little.
Oh, baby, crying there. And they'd cry and I'll go to make it surprise they're in town.
It's running the same thing that you can do. It doesn't continue to give me one second. You can do it if you're not alone. I have anything to do with the time. Umm, yeah.
OK, umm, but I don't know what I'm going to do about that. Umm, do you get a million significant customer care about that? I haven't been together with? All right, so you're getting a plan.
Ladies and gentlemen.
OK. And umm, they're getting throughout different time.
If you're supposed to, let me see if you don't have anything to do with those things that you're doing well on the Skype and give us a good time.
You know, when I was younger, he had a brother in the Ottawa meeting.
We used to often remind us Little expression that I have never forgotten down through the years. You'll never preach the gospel well unless you love souls. Well, I was thinking of that tonight at the outset of our little Gospel meeting here.
Love for precious, eternal, never dying souls is the greatest UMM.
The greatest gift that an evangelist can have because what we are seeking to present to you, dear friend, tonight is a gospel concerning God's beloved Son and to demonstrate to, uh, bring before you that blessed truth that God loves your eternal.
Precious soul, that he has not spared the dearest object of heaven.
Heaven's beloved one, that you, a poor guilty Sinner as I was, and many others here, might have a home in the glory, free from all pain and suffering, to see the face of that blessed One who loved us with an unquenchable love which led him from Heaven's glory to Calvary's depth of war.
You know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
That though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor.
What depth of poverty he went to the riches of the glory that He had with the Father in apost eternity, we cannot fathom it. He could put His hand upon all the treasures of the universe.
He was the creator and sustainer of worlds without number. We gaze into the heavens and see the the planets and the stars by the millions. The one whose fingers created those marvelous heavenly bodies and keeps them in their orbit, sustained hour after hour, is the Son of God who loved you enough.
To leave that presence of his father.
There unwelcomed, uninvited to enter a world that was steeped in sin and evil to provide salvation full, free and eternal to you tonight.
And so it's the message concerning God's beloved Son, not some new philosophy. We're not asking anyone to join a new religion.
Or to turn over a new leaf. It'll just get as filthy as the other one. We've tried that. But we are inviting you. In fact, God is inviting you, my friend, to come as you are. Come now and let us reason together, saith the Lord. Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. The invitation is from none other than God himself, whose nature is love.
Who planned this Marvelous.
Salvation in apost eternity. Sin was no after, uh, the the plan of redemption was no afterthought with God. He had it all prepared there in a past eternity. He knew.
That his creature ungrateful and.
Rebellious would partake of that fruit and fall into sin.
And enmity against God. And yet He would provide a Savior for you. He would not spare the dearest object of heaven.
The Lord Jesus, his beloved eternal Son, in whom he had all his delight from a past eternity.
And the heavens could break asunder at the beginning of the Lord's public ministry and at the end of his service down here we hear the Father saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I have found all my delight, but God's love was so deep for you, for me. Guilty sinners that would spit in the face of the Son of God would scourge him and nail him to a cross and put him to death in the cruelest possible way.
God knew this would happen, and yet He did not withhold the dearest object. The invitation for you tonight is to come without money, without price. Don't you talk about good works or turning over a new leaf or trying to improve your condition. That is hopeless.
And God is not asking.
For anything from you, my friend, tonight he's a giving God. He tested man for 4000 years with the law and man only proved to be a helpless and hopeless Sinner. He couldn't keep the 10 words, the 10 commandments. Impossible. He had a nature that was opposed to God. And so do you. If you're unsaved in the company tonight you are.
At enmity with God.
You have no love for God. All of us here and everyone of us who are saved in the company here tonight are only monuments of the matchless grace of God.
But we were at one time enemies by Wicked works.
And God says, I want to reconcile you. I have found a ransom. You're not required to find it. God has found the ransom. The payment has been made at Calvary. Now will you accept what God is offering to you freely? He says, be reconciled to me. God never needed to be reconciled to you and die to man because he was never his enemy. His heart was full of love.
True, in the Old Testament it wasn't always expressed because the man was under trial. He was being tested in different ways.
In innocence he failed. Under conscience he failed until the flood, until things became so terrible that God had to sweep the whole earth with the Bism of Destruction except eight people who found a refuge in the Ark.
Man was tested under the law and uh, it only proved his, uh, complete helplessness to, uh, meet the claims of God. You cannot meet the claims of God. You're a bankrupt Sinner. You need a Savior and every one of us here are no better than you. We're not talking down to you tonight, but God we trust is speaking to your heart.
And offering you a full salvation at great cost to Himself, presenting to you His Son, none other than the Eternal One, the Son of His love, who laid aside all that glory that was His by right and title in heaven, and left that scene to enter a world.
Where He would be crucified, and where He would be reproached, bearing the judgment, the shame, the sorrow, the rejection, He could say, Reproach hath broken my heart. God knowing full well what man would do to His Son, still He sent him for you a Sinner. Will you bow the knee and believe on that blessed 1:00 in India?
Where I visited many times, I once went to see.
The umm one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. No doubt you have heard about it. It's called the Taj Mahal. It was built in the 17th century by a famous Mogul emperor.
As a tribute to his favorite wife, his name was Shay Jahan. It took him 20 years to build this monument, this beautiful. Uh, it's really a tomb.
Magnificent in its insect stones and uh, intricate designs all there in, uh, white marble. Magnificent spectacle. 20,000 men worked on that building.
For 20 years.
And it was a monument to eternal love. But Shay Jahan and his beloved wife are gone. We're Speaking of a love tonight that is greater than any human love because human love, in the case of this Mogul emperor, there was something in his wife that drew out his love. No doubt he admired her and he, well, he wanted a monument to her. But the monument that God has is the cross of Calvary, where Christ died for you. And those who bow the knee and accept the Lord Jesus are monuments of the grace of God. Trophies.
None of us can do any boasting tonight. We were in the deep pit. We were in that horrible pit, every one of us. And yet God reached down, in fact, in order to accomplish redemption.
Christ, the Son of God, God manifest in the flesh, had to go down into that awful pit where I was and where you are if you're unsaved. The horrible pit.
Of sin and darkness and distance from God. But He was willing to do that in love for you. A love that brought him not only from the glory from the courts of eternal joy that was his from a past eternity, but led Him to the cross.
In his circumstances down here, he was not rich. You know that he was poor. He found his joy and his delight in ministering to the poor.
The rich didn't have much time for him. The scribes and the Pharisees who were religious leaders didn't even know that he came into the world. But all heaven was in an ecstasy, rejoiced when the Lord Jesus was born in Bethlehem. The heavenly hosts came trooping down to announce the arrival of God in man's world.
How marvelous. Yet the religious leaders and all Jerusalem was troubled. They didn't know who he was. They had no room for him. But God's Son was visiting man's world. Isn't that a marvelous truth to grasp, that God loved this poor guilty world so much that He would send His Son, the Creator of the universe? For the first time, the angels saw their Creator.
Born in a borrowed Manger, died in a borrowed tomb.
And all that man could give to the Son of God was the cross and its shame and.
Its, uh, reproach.
Uh, but God has come into the world in the person of the Lord Jesus and tonight he invites you, whoever you are, regardless of your background. Or you say you don't know what a what I have done in my life. No, I only know my own life.
I know the mountain of sins that the Lord forgave me. I don't know your life, but God does.
And he loves you, not your sins. True sin is a is a serious thing in God's sight. Sin must be punished.
God cannot pass over it, He cannot sweep it under the carpet, so to speak. He must deal with sin because he's holy in his nature, in his character, He's holy, and yet that character is love. And God rejoices far more in the truth of redemption than he does in creation. All the sons of God, the angels rejoiced at creation, but there on that.
Starlit night.
Of Bethlehem when the angels announced that.
Uh, the arrival He was born as Savior, which is Christ the Lord.
Uh, glory to God in the highest and on earth. Peace, goodwill toward man. That's the message that God has for you tonight. If you're a Sinner and we all are sinners by nature and by practice, there is an offer of salvation, an invitation.
This week my wife Eleanor, who is from Brazil, as most people know, received an invitation.
From the Brazil Embassy.
She was invited to meet His Excellency Mr. Pinto, the Ambassador to Brazil.
While this was an honor we attended.
In a a large room about this size and there we were introduced to.
The ambassador in person and his wife and we were able to share the gospel with him and with many others in that room who were from Brazil, giving them Portuguese calendars and tracks. And not one refused. But that invitation was from very eminent, respected man.
In this world.
But to the invitation that comes to you tonight is from the heart of God the Creator.
The sustainer of the universe who, uh, desires your eternal blessing.
And who did not spare the, uh, dearest object of heaven for you? You know, we think of Exodus chapter 3. I just look at this, look at this passage for a moment here.
At this time, the children of Israel.
We're, uh, under the terrible ******* of Ferrell. We know the story. And you, dear friend, if you are unsaved, you are under, under the ******* of a much mightier tyrant than, uh, Pharaoh was. You are under the ******* of, of the enemy of your soul, Satan, who is a strong man armed.
With all the entertainments of this world to appeal to your soul to keep you in a false security.
Because he doesn't want you to be saved to blind your eyes. The God of this world that blindeth the the minds of those that believe not. Those who have heard the gospel and yet do not believe it. That is the company spoken of there. He's blinded the minds of those that believe not. Rejecters of Christ come under the government of God, but here.
In our chapter we will read just a few verses. 7 The Lord said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters. For I know their sorrows, and I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land onto a good land, and a large unto a land flowing with milk and honey.
And so on unto the place of the Canaanites. You know, God looked down, He saw the, the, uh, burdens, the groaning. He heard God's heart was moved with pity for those poor people under the lash of the taskmaster. Satan is your taskmaster, and he's cruel. He wants you for what the world wants you for what it can get out of you.
And Satan too. But God wants you for what he can give you.
He wants to make you rich through the work of Christ, through his sacrifice. But the Lord was a spectator here. And that continual groaning he heard and, uh.
He heard the size, he saw the condition of the people.
In this awful ******* and tyranny that they suffered from, his heart was moved with pity, and he did something.
That none of us would do. He came down Himself to deliver. He became a deliverer. He became a savior, a Redeemer. What is more wonderful than the truth of redemption? God delights in that wonderful truth himself. Redemption. Through the work of Christ and coming on to the New Testament, we see the fulfillment of this perfectly.
Because God's Son came into the world, a world that his hands had created and would turn him out. He came into the world to demonstrate the love of God. His pity, His mercy moved him to action. It was just wasn't love in words. It was love in sacrifice and action. God.
Was moved by the condition of man.
And he did something about it to speak. Uh, umm.
Mundanely, he did something about it. He provided a salvation, full and free.
That plan conceived in the heart of God.
Brought to pass by the the descent of the Son of God from heaven's glory, a poor man down here, who had not where to lay his head.
Who healed the sick, and cleanse the leper, and raise the dead. His every act an act of blessing and mercy.
His heart of love reaching out and He is no different tonight for you my friend, if you are still without Christ, this is the night of opportunity for you.
We trust that you will hear not only the voice of the speaker, but the voice of God.
Pleading with you.
In tenderest tones to close in with his wondrous offer of mercy. Because life is uncertain, you have no lease upon it. Little poem that probably you have heard. The clock of life is one but once. No man has the power to tell just when the hands will stop at late or early hour. To lose one's wealth is sad indeed To lose one's health.
Is more.
To lose 1 soul is such a loss as no man can restore.
Dear Friend's life is real and life is earnest. The grave is not its goal. You have no lease upon it. You have no promise of tomorrow. May the 21St.
I left on a Air France flight Montreal via Paris to Johannesburg.
By God's grace, I arrived safely.
Met my Good Wife Eleanor there and we had an interesting month spreading the gospel in Malawi and Mozambique. 10 days later an Air France flight left Rio de Janeiro, not far from where Eleanor lives, with 238 passengers on it and no doubt they expected fully to arrive in Paris next morning. But as you no doubt know.
There were no survivors in that crash.
238 people were ushered into eternity who had expectation and plans for the future and fully expected to arrive in Paris next morning. Not one of them.
Survived that, uh, that crash or whatever was the cause of the, the, uh, breakup of that flight. So God, he warns us, those people didn't have any warning of what would happen, but, uh, it shows us the uncertainty of life.
The sureness of eternity. I'm reminded of that passage there in Luke chapter UH-12 and we just make a few comments on it. Uh, Luke chapter 12. It's a well known.
Passage, the rich fool.
Verse 13.
No. Verse 16 And he spake a parable unto them, saying, The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully. And he thought within himself, saying, What shall I do, because I have no room where it could bestow my fruits?
Here was a rich farmer who had.
God's blessing upon him.
The fields we're producing by the handfuls.
Uh, he was prosperous. He was a hard working man, no doubt.
And, uh, he had God's blessing, but did he? Was he thankful or grateful for what God had given to him? No, he didn't acknowledge God's goodness in any way. He thought only of one thing himself, how he could indulge himself, how he could live a life of comfort and ease. He didn't want God. He didn't acknowledge him at all. And there he was.
In his counting house. What was his counting house? I believe it was his bed that night. He was laying out the plans. He had the architect. His barns were crammed to the roof. There wasn't any more room. I've got to pull them down, expand and put up new buildings to accommodate all my goods. And I'll be able to retire and eat and drink.
And enjoy myself.
As we read here the umm what shall I do verse 17 because I have no room where to bestow my my fruits. And he said this will I do, I will pull down my barns and build greater and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods. There he was making great plans for the future.
But, you know, as Doctor Wolfston.
Describes it. He says the best word that he knew of describing this scene was miscalculation. I think it's very good. Yes, he planned for the future. Maybe you've planned for the future. No doubt those people that left, that left on that Air France flight on May the 31St had plans for the future They were looking forward to accomplishing. Perhaps much in the business world are there in eternity tonight.
And this man?
He had a visitor that night. He didn't want him, but there in the middle of the night.
God visited this man.
And he felt the dew of death on his brow, and he heard the voice of God there speaking to him.
Uh, a disappointment indeed, but here he was ushered, sold out, as much goods laid up for many years. Take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry. What God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee. How solemn.
Their plans for the future?
Provisions for many years and much goods, but ushered into a lost eternity.
God entered that scene.
And all his plans were upset. Well, dear friends, tonight God has a deep desire for your blessing.
And God said the same words, actually, what shall I do?
Man had shown what was in his heart, all the wretchedness and evil that led man to crucify the Lord of life and glory and to put a spear into his sight. God said, What shall I do?
They've killed the prophets and stoned them and put them out of the world and rejected me. I'll send my beloved son. Surely they will reverence him. But they did not. They recognized him, but they want. They did not want God. They wanted their religion. They wanted their pleasures.
But they did not want God's beloved Son.
But did that, uh, quench the love that was in the heart of God? Not at all. He turned the wickedest act that man could perpetrate into blessing for sinners like you and me. Because through the death of Christ, the doors of heaven have been opened, and they're open tonight for you, my friend, to enter in to come just as you are. God is not asking anything from you. He's not demanding something.
He is offering a full and a free salvation to shelter you from the coming judgment. Rock of Ages cleft for sin. Grace has hit us. Safe within. Written by Augustus Toplady in the last century I think it was. He was brought to the Lord as a young boy of 16 years of age in a barn where a simple preacher proclaimed the gospel.
You that were far off.
Are brought nigh by the blood of Christ. That was the verse that he was saved through Later on in his life, when he was caught in a severe thunderstorm in England, he looked for a shelter, a refuge, so that he could be sheltered from that the rain and the the Thunder and the lightning. And there he saw.
Uh, a cleft in a rock.
And he ran for all he was worth, and got into that cleft. The storm beat with all its fury upon that rock. But Mr. Toklady was secure and safe because he was sheltered in the rock.
And he wrote that hymn Rock of Ages cleft for me. Tonight we present to you that Rock of Ages in the person of God's beloved Son on the cross. The storm beat upon him. The stroke of judgment came down in all its fury from the very hand of God.
He was punished the just for the unjust Doctor Simpson said.
He was the inventor of chloroform and other medical uh.
Medical inventions and he was asked the question, Doctor Simpson, what was the greatest discovery that you ever made in your life? Because he was world renowned for his work in medicine. He says the greatest discovery was that I was a great Sinner and Christ was a great savior. Isn't that a lovely testimony from a man of renown and ability?
And we trust that tonight you will find in the Lord Jesus that a great Savior, that redemption that has been provided for you.
God delights in the confidence of the Sinner. We sang it in our hymn tonight. God delights for you to put your trust in the work of Christ, to reach out the hand and say I will.
Receive the Lord, I'll put my confidence.
In his power, in his death, in his sacrifice as the substitute for me, I will take God at his word.
Umm, God has spoken.
And the word of God makes you sure the blood of Christ makes you safe. Will you reach out the hand in simple, childlike faith and put your trust in Christ, that hand that has never lost a man? You know our brother Wally there last week, Saint John, he told the story rather briefly of Mr. Blondin. Mr. Blondin was, uh, the famous.
French Acrobat who walked over the Niagara Falls.
About 1859.
100,000 people were there to watch him, prancing across the tightrope. He walked on stilts, he walked blindfolded, even sat down and cooked himself something to eat out in the middle of the abyss. And uh.
We're gonna safely got over to the other side.
The, uh, crowd was weak with anxiety about him, but he pranced back and forth like a playful monkey. Uh, and uh, then he said, I don't want to go back to the other side alone. Who is willing to come with me? There was Prince Edward, who the Prince of Wales. He knew that he could do it because they had watched him again and again performing this wonderful feat.
And, uh, no one would accept his offer. No one was willing to trust him and, uh, get on his back and go across the tightrope. Finally, he did persuade his trainer, uh, whose name was Colcord, to get on his back and go across. And if you know the rest of the story, I think.
Realize that umm, he nearly.
Uh, Blondin nearly did not make it across someone had loose to the guy ropes and uh.
The umm R tight rope was swaying very dangerously there. He said to his trainer. Henry, get down and grab me on the the thighs. Remember you're no longer Henry, you are blonde and uh only.
By a a tremendous exertion of effort, uh, was he able running across that rope? He just arrived, uh.
In safety with his, with his burden on his back. He never did that again. He and all that great crowd are gone into eternity. Whether he ever crossed the deep dark river of death and is now in the glory, we don't know. But there's one that has gone across that those deep waters, One who has gone under them for you, who can bring you safe and sound.
Into the glory. If you are willing to put your trust in Him, He will never fail. There will be no possibility of Him ever letting a sheep of Christ perish. You are eternally secure, graven on His hands, on His heart of love, on His shoulders. My sheep hear my voice, and I give unto them eternal life.
And they shall never perish.
So, dear friends, as we approach the end of our gospel meeting, I'd just like to read another poem before we stop. We've been speaking about the, umm, journey that the Lord Jesus made from the Father's bosom to the cross. What brought the Son of God from heaven? Not sinful man's endeavor, nor any mortals care could draw thy sovereign favor.
To sinners in despair.
Uncalled thou canst from with the gladness us from the fall to raise and change our grief and sadness to songs of joy and praise. Isn't that wonderful that the Son of God?
Can meet your deep need. He looks down as he did in the book of Exodus. He, uh, weighed the burdens of those people. He knew their sorrows. He knows all about your life, dear friend, everything you have done, your sorrows, your afflictions, your trials, your discouragements. He enters into all of this. He loves you in spite of what you have done. You may have a large catalogue of sins.
Sometimes I say that God has canceled.
The debit side and he's adding to the credit side. My debit side was very long since without number like the hairs of my head, but the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all sin gave me a perfect title fit for the realms of glory. Although I deserved eternal banishment from God's presence in hell. And now he is adding to the credit side. That's an encouragement for those of us who are believers here.
Everything you do for the Lord Jesus, be it even a cup of cold water, is recorded in the annals of eternity in the book of remembrance which will be opened in that coming day. A wonderful that God would reward our poor feeble endeavors, which is only through His marvelous grace. The debit side has been forgiven, pardoned, pardoned. What a wonderful thing is a pardon of God. I read a story.
Uh, an evangelist. His name was Peter Miller. In fact, he lived and preached the gospel in this very state of Pennsylvania couple of 100 years ago.
He was an earnest evangelist, but there was one man, I don't know his name. He was a bitter enemy of Peter Miller.
And those that were with him, he hated him, and did everything possible to hinder his preaching of the gospel. But it so happened in the history of this character.
In the Revolutionary War, he was accused of treason, and you know, that's a serious thing. He was a traitor to the to the cause of the revolution and he was condemned to death.
When Peter Miller heard that his.
Friend, we can say.
Umm uh was doomed to be hanged.
To be, uh, put out of this world. He took a long journey, 60 miles he walked.
To see General Washington himself came into the presence of the general and he says, I would like to have a pardon for this person giving his name who is, uh, condemned to death. Oh, General Washington said that's not possible. He is guilty and he must pay the price with his life.
Uh, I'm sorry, but we can't help your friend, oh, Peter Miller said. He isn't my friend. He is my bitterest enemy.
Who hates me?
What? Washington replied. You mean you've come all this distance to look for a pardon for your bitterest enemy? I've never heard of that before. If that's the case, I'm going to grant you a pardon for him. He wrote it out.
Give it gave it to Peter Miller, who put it into his pocket and he rushed back as fast as he could the 60 miles.
To where this character was just as he was being led to the scaffold.
And his enemy, really, he loved that man. But he called out and he said, Peter Miller, here you are to get your revenge upon me, to see me hanged here. Just at that moment, Peter Miller stepped forward with the pardon and put it into the hand of that traitor just a few minutes before he was going to be hanged. How marvelous.
That's that's that's a true story.
But, uh, it's a pale reflection of the heart of God, we who are guilty of far more perhaps than that character, we who had rejected God's offer of salvation. And, uh.
Umm, put the Lord Jesus to death in such a cruel way that God would in his matchless grace come forth with a pardon, offering it to you tonight, to you individually, in love.
That cannot be measured. Will you close in with that offer of mercy and see the Son of God?
Dying in your place, bearing the awful judgment of God, exhausting the wrath of a holy and sin, hating God for your guilty, filthy sins that have defiled you. You're not fit for the presence of God the way you are, nor am I. You know in Bombay that I have visited many times. Sometimes they will put on the door you F.
S uh, no, uh, sorry, do you know what that means? Unfit for human habitation. And, uh, the residents of those apartments which are falling on their heads nearly in the slum conditions or deprived conditions of Bombay, that huge city of 10 million, it's not easy to have to move in the middle of the monsoon, get out with all your belongings.
Unfit for human habitation. And we are in that condition, dear friend, before God. We're not fit, nor can our good works in any shape or form. Our baptism, our religious exercises. Perhaps you have taken the Lord's Supper and you pass for a Christian because you attend a church and you're respectable in your community and you may do good works. None of these things will ever make you fit for God's holy presence.
Only the work of Christ, only the precious blood that he shed is your passport to eternal glory. And if you bow the knee just as you are, someday you will bow the knee to the Lord, meeting him as your Savior or judge. But tonight, if you bow the knee and say, Lord Jesus, I'm a Sinner, I'm guilty, I don't deserve your mercy, but I put my faith and trust.
In your finished work.
This will delight the heart of God, and heaven will be filled with joy. If you refuse the Lord, the angels will reap. Well may the Lord bless these few, uh, feeble words from the Word of God. And we trust that, uh, there will be a blessing for eternity in the soul and heart of any who are still outside of Christ, strangers to His love and grace.
Shall we sing in closing?
A well known hymn that your children will remember this number 8. Shall we gather at his coming? Some brotherhood started please.
She gathered departed when my daddy went around.
Me in the set, your heart went to my home and beyond.
The sun. Yeah, it's my own coloring. And the Lord in your house is flowing yourself. Uh-huh. I'm not sure if I'm a Jerry. Yeah, I'm afraid. I'm just saying it's not. It's not. It's hard to get it airwashed. And the flame, your love.
May I know please the end of the song is coming?
Then thanks all the time.
Blue light and here to begin thus.
We're taking a good following.
Where about 300 and 5800 dollars without whatever they used to be in the day for anything that I have.
Yeah, yeah. I don't know if you're not, it's a lot of radios. Uh, I'm looking. Yeah. You're doing anything today. I mean, I think. Uh-huh.
Yeah, 50778608 umm and there's a lot of things that I'm going to see you tonight.
I didn't really see.
Now let's change on the same time. I was like, you've been doing a little while. It's been a little while. I think that it's not a little bit.
Yeah, I'm getting on the left and it's, uh, I don't know. I don't know anything. It's above 108,000. It's 180,000.
Yeah, that's what you're saying. Uh, I don't know. Maybe. Yeah. Why don't you think I'd say you know what it's like? So we pray our loving God and our Father, we thank Thee for this blessed hope that is before every child of God in the room tonight.
When we shall leave this scene of faith and strife, and enter into the very presence of the One who loved us and gave himself for us, But we are burdened. We are concerned about any in this company who are not ready for that coming which may take place tonight, who are still in their sins and would be left behind for judgment. We pray that by the Spirit of God, the Word.
The word of thy grace may find an entrance into hearts.
We think of the young people, the children, everyone present here having an eternal soul, loved with an unchanging, everlasting love. And we thank Thee for the privilege of announcing this message of pardon through our Lord Jesus, through His finished work, through His death and His blood that cleanses from all sin. So be with us now, and we pray for wherever the message of Thy grace has been told forth in sincerity of truth.
We know it is the day of thy long-suffering, our God not willing that any should perish, so we commit the word to thee here and wherever it has gone forth, giving thanks in the blessed and worthy name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.