Gospel—David Whitaker
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Return please with me to number 12 on the hem sheet. It's a well known.
Hymn sung by Christians for a long time and there's been a lot of souls been blessed by this beautiful hymn. Someone start please #12.
Just as I am.
All right.
Let's fly.
Away and I've been.
All done your hair. I did it.
Very few stories tonight. I want to get to the point. I'll start with a short one happened last week.
Young, uh, man, middle-aged man by the name of Ward.
He's a businessman, managed this big company and uh, I knew him a little bit.
And he said, Dave, come here, step outside. We went outside the driveway. He says, you know, I'm not able to do the amount of work that require me to do. I just think I'm gonna work a three or four days a week in sales instead of managing this whole thing. And so I said to him.
Ward, I said you got to take it easy.
Gonna take it easy, gotta back off.
I had a beautiful opportunity to tell that man about the grace of God. I didn't. The next day he was dead.
The young man.
Mr. Trott, Robert Trott, High jump champion. His grandma, Grandma Trot would take him to Sunday school when he was a little lad, and he was 21 years of age now. And by the way, his grandma was a faithful old lady.
And someone told me that she was faithful, very faithful, so she would bring this little boy, Robert.
To a gospel meetings and the Sunday school. Well he grew up and I was working with him in the garage. I was working on his motor motorcycle in a garage and island of Bermuda.
He came over and he started complaining about Americans coming down there and taking their jobs and all this things. Wait, wait, wait, wait, Robert, what should I profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?
He thought about it, he said.
The next day, he was dead.
He took someone with him on the back of a motorcycle. A careless life. Careless life.
Well, we have very solemn and sober issues to speak of tonight.
It's so nice we're in the halls, we're visiting, we're talking and enjoying Christian fellowship. Those of us that know the Lord Jesus. But outside there's a world where you find tornadoes, you're finding hurricanes, you're finding murders, mass murders and every the town I city. I live in Seattle area, murder every night. Plus down in Tacoma, murder every night.
These are serious days.
And besides that, God has an issue with this country.
16 books of the Bible talk about Sodom, Gomorrah, Adma, Zebom, the book of Job. It says unclean, they die in their youth. Look in the margin. It says Sodomites, we're living in serious days. God has an issue and he's warning this country. He's tapping on the door and he's saying wake up.
Prophet Joel said.
The Scriptures the harvest is ripe.
Jeremiah said the harvest is passed over, gone, were not saved. I want to get to the point tonight. I'm going to start with a verse that you probably know.
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
If the meeting were closed right now, five or seven minutes after.
It would be the last meeting on this card, and you have heard the gospel already. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
I could close my notes, close my Bible, look at this card. Is there any more meetings? Hold on.
The harvest is ripe.
The harvest is past. The summer is gone.
We're not saved. That's what it says in the Book of Jeremiah chapter 8.
Are you saved? I'm not going to mess around with a lot of stories tonight below. The Bible is full of beautiful stories. I love to read them and we hear stories every day.
Uh-huh. About a man just, uh, yesterday he was sick. So he's in prison, apparently a terrible, terrible man. And so they took him to the, uh, nurse or whatever and he said no, nothing wrong with him. He went back to his cell and someone came along and said, well, here, take these blankets and, uh, cover yourself up because you got a fever.
He started tying those blankets, you know, in form of a rope to hang himself.
And someone left the Bible in the room there he opens up in the first verse he came to it says cursed is the man that hangeth on a tree. That man got saved.
Amazing. It's amazing what God can do and it's a more amazing what he did and we're going to talk about that. So open your Bible, please. Genesis chapter one, verse one.
In the beginning.
God, this takes place.
He doesn't give opinions or ideas. He makes bold statements and they're meant for faith to believe.
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth and so on.
There we have where we came from, and the reason we're here is to bring glory to God and where we're going is to be with his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ in heaven above. I believe that, by the way. That's for those that believe now.
He is going to unravel to us in this book, the most wonderful love story that was ever written down, ever. People like to read love stories. This is true. It's pure, it's beautiful.
I've been given the privilege tonight of telling out this love story in a shortened hour, so I would really appreciate close attention.
John 316 has already been pulled out.
God has our happiness in view when he gives us the gospel.
Also, I want to turn to a verse that's rather interesting verse Genesis chapter 2 and verse 18.
It says the Lord God said.
Is not good. That man should be alone. If you read that, it just kind of Passover that that that makes sense.
The consequences?
Of that verse.
Are monumental.
Not good man. Should be a little What's he talking about? Well.
Right away we know that God.
Of walking in the garden in the cool of the day. And he had to say Adam.
Where are you? Where are you? I don't believe that was a snarl like I would have probably given.
But that was a call of loneliness. Adam, where are you? Well, what happened? We know the story. If you're familiar at all with the Word of God, you'll see that Satan entered into the garden and he tempted Eve, and Adam was swept in. He should have been watching over that situation, but he wasn't.
And he chose to eat that forbidden fruit.
They had all the fruits of the garden as much as they wanted any time of the day. Just said don't touch that one over there. Simple, simple request.
A command.
Failed, and so to this very day, the wages of sin.
His death? The minimum wage.
Wages of sin is death, and now we have something called sin, sorrow, death.
A broken race guy that worked next to me said he went to his pastor and he said, pastor, I got all these things, matter of control, trouble after trouble. Pastor wisely told him, he says, man, you're living in a, you're a broken man living in a broken world. She knows something.
The answer is coming and I'm gonna give it to you and I gotta bleed around the Bush. The answer is coming. It's beautiful.
Separation came in, distance came in.
Adam, where art thou?
No, I'm gonna ask this. Your name is John. Jim. Alex.
Ben, Mark, Adam, whatever it is.
Is there a separation between you and your Creator? He made you, you know.
You were made in the image and the likeness of God. Can you imagine that God would do a thing like that? The one that made those stars, those starry heavens the brother spoke about last night. Amazing.
Amazing, amazing.
He lost fellowship with his creature because of sin.
We will go on.
Adams family, the head of it is Adam. There he is. And his family. This side, there's another family.
Christ is the head of it this side.
Addams family in Adam all die without exception.
In the family of God, Christ is the head of it. They all live without exception for getting to the gospel. Aren't we, brother? We're getting there. Let's keep it going.
Adam sinned, death reigned. That's a fact.
Adam sinned and death reigned. Your grandparents, your parents, right on back to Adam.
They sin, they die.
How do you get out of that family of Adam into the family of God, which Christ is the head? That's what we'll talk about in a minute or two.
Fellowship was broken.
Estranged from God.
A beautiful garden wasn't long. That there's murder.
Cane slew Abel jealous. Sadly true. Now we will perceive proceed with a very wonderful love story. Not good. That man should be alone.
That's the Lord Jesus. He wants companionship. He wants your companionship tonight.
That's the Son of God sent down from heaven.
How can he win and woo? That's a funny word. How could he win and woo the heart of somebody that's taken off in a rebellious way, A rebellious, self-centered course?
How can I display my heart of love?
To somebody that's gone so far astray, all we like sheep have gone astray. We have turned everyone to his own way.
Believe the rest of that verse for a moment or two.
The heavens declare the glory of God.
Does that show the love of God?
Those vast marvelous worlds out there, this is the one that's inhabited by the way God so loved this world right here though those worlds, those those constellations that the brother was speaking about the marvelous distance and all he made showed his marvelous.
Power His wisdom. The heavens declare the glory of God, the firmament shows His handiwork. You find that and.
Uh, Psalms chapter 19.
On earth, here you find in creation you find a tremendous skill of design.
Every time a man looks at something and he dissects it down closer with his, uh, with his, uh, microscopes, and he looks at something else and that shows something else. He looks that down further and further and further, and he finds out that it's, it's UN, it's Li. He can't fathom it. It's too much. Once in a while, an honest man, even though he doesn't want God, he'll have to stand back and say yes.
There's a divine hand here.
So that divine hand is the one I want to talk to you about tonight.
We see His glory displayed in the heavens and the firmament showing his handiwork. The planets show the precision you know without without that precision, you can't do science.
Volcano, volcanoes and earthquakes, winds and waves.
Show his power. Does that. Show his love? He wants to show his love.
To you.
This doesn't show his heart's desire.
He has a Could it be that God has a empty place in his heart?
Empty places for you to fill and he made a way whereby.
He can feel it, but he wants to show you his love Now. One thing to show love.
But the love of God.
A depth of love so great, so immense.
He had to choose, He had to figure out a way, and he did, to show that.
Marvellous heart of love of his. No, there was a warmer heart. Never beat. Think about that.
So what do you do?
See, there's no way you can do it because this is the way he did it. He pulled down a backdrop. Figure this wall here, a backdrop that comes down down to the floor. And what kind of a backdrop do you see? Oh, terrible. The heart of man.
You read about it and Bob Tony read about meeting last night. Haters of God, men, slayers, disobedient to parents.
Adulterers. All kinds of foul. Foul and enemies. No, wait a minute, is he going to show his love on the backdrop like that? That's the only way he can show the intensity of that love.
The depth of that love was so great.
He had to put it on a backdrop. I had to give you some idea how great it was. It's wonderful. Do you know of the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior and that love? I hope you do. I do.
When he pulled down that curtain, as it were, that backdrop, he knew the consequences.
He knew what would happen. He knew he would have to go to a cross because that's the only way the intensity of that love could be shown out.
And So what do you do? Say let they took those hands, blessed the little ones, they took those feet that walked the streets.
They took that face that smiled on the.
Brokenness of man and knew that he could fix it all.
And they spit in his face.
They crowned him with a crown of thorns. He'll crown you with a crown of loving kindness and tender mercies.
They crucified in between two thieves. He never stole a thing. He restored that which he took not away.
Sin, sorrow, immorality, murder, hatred against Christ, against God.
That's the backdrop that he chose.
It wouldn't work any other way or he'd have taken it.
His power was shown out.
His wisdom.
His love is skillful.
Love is immense.
Hello, how dark was the night that our Lord broke through to save the sheep that was lost?
And so he knew. He knew when he would look at that history of mankind from start down here to where we are tonight, Sunday night.
And he saw the poor depravity of the heart of man.
Steeped in sin. Sickness headed the wrong way. Sheep gone astray.
He said I gotta go the cross turn with me please to Isaiah chapter 6.
I've heard of other meetings. It's beautiful. Look at this. Look at this.
Isaiah chapter 6.
Verse eight I heard the voice of the Lord saying, Whom shall I send? Whom shall I send?
Who will go for us?
Think of the consequences of this.
Here my send me. And he sent him into this world, knowing what was going to happen to him full well he knew it all.
And you know something? He set his face like a Flint. Or right straight to Jerusalem. Step by step, day by day. He came down here to die for you, Senator. He came down here to give his life for you, Sinner.
Now picture yourself.
Sitting on the center bench.
There's just room for two.
Who's the other one?
The Lord Jesus Christ, you say, what's the matter, David? He never sinned. No, he never did, couldn't. What's he doing sitting there beside you on the center's bench with your head bowed and his arm around you? He said, I was made sin for you. I went to the cross for you, substitutionary. I paid the price for you, Center.
You're sitting on that center's base. I'm sitting beside you because I was made sin for you and I got my arm around you and I want you to come with me over to the.
Hmm, that would be the, uh, slipped me the word. It's too bad.
I'll get it. Hang on, Mercy seat. There we are. Propitiation.
So let's just see that mercy seat. What's on that mercy seat? The blood, the precious blood of Christ.
He'll meet you at the center's bench.
He'll meet you at the mercy seat, and then He's gonna meet you in the clouds, meet the Lord in the air, and then we're gonna sit with Him on that throne above. This is a plan that you could possibly fabricate. In the wildest dreams, God would do this for you and the person of the sun.
A rebellious, wicked God hating.
Charles O'Brien worked with me. I could just picture him was put up on the bumper of a car like this, insurance adjusters over there and he takes the name of Jesus Christ in vain and brother O'Brien says.
You just took the name of my best friend in vain. He left it there.
There was power in that.
There was power in that.
You're mine, send me. He knew all the consequences of it.
Do you realize for him to answer that first, it's not good that man should be alone. The consequences were tremendous and you're hearing about him tonight. The Lord Jesus had to go to a cross, and they took those blessed hands and they nailed them up. Can't think of a more cruel thing to do.
Far more merciful to cut his head off. Far more merciful. But no, no.
No, they saw to it their heart had the chance to vent itself against the Son of God, and they sure did.
That was the only way the greatness of his love could be shown out.
Isn't that amazing? Does that mean anything to you that passed by? Is there any sorrow like unto that sorrow where the Lord afflicted him the day of his fierce anger? For God so loved the world?
That he gave his only begotten Son.
Whosoever believeth in him should not perish, would have everlasting life. God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved. I know in the heart of man there's the idea that God is out there and he's hard, He's a austere man and he is going to judge you and so on.
Well, we know that he took out Solomon Gomorrah because of their unholiness, and he's going to take out this city because of its unholiness. But today the harvest is ripe.
And is ready to be taken.
Are you gonna be left behind? Unsaved, lost soul? Oh, don't do it.
The Lord Jesus went to that cross. He bore my sins in his own body on the tree.
Then he was buried.
And then a frightful thing happen.
For the laws he was raised again, this is a terrifying thing. It's OK man thinks he can go into the ground and and dislike that follow there in Tacoma he would I suppose. It was a great big Harley-Davidson hog like they say, and he was dead.
He has his buddies burned his body, put the ashes in the urn on the front of the seat of that motorcycle and they back that motorcycle up to the six foot hole in the ground.
And the record truck took and they let that thing down to the ground, motorcycle, the urn, and then the tow truck pulls away, the concrete truck pulls up and fills the hole with concrete.
Nonsense resurrection coming whether you like it or not.
You got no say in that matter.
We go through life and we're able to control certain things in our life. We can control what kind of car we drive, maybe what kind of job we have a little bit, control our health a little bit. But there comes a day coming when we leave this world, that point on, we control absolutely nothing from God and your soul from then on.
And the soul that sinneth it shall die. That's true.
Now you have an opportunity.
In simple faith, by the provision that God has made.
So when judgment day comes, it's behind you, It's not a heavy, oh, that's so wonderful. Tell you tonight, Judgment Day is behind me. It's done. It's gone at the cross of Christ.
And what's before me? Glory, blessed be his name. Oh boy, what a story of love. So when the Lord Jesus tells us in his word that just for the unjust to bring us to God.
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man laid down his life for his friends.
Beautiful. We were enemies.
You can find those verses in Ephesians. When we were dead, lost enemies, He died for us. A love like you can't believe. You know what have you experienced that love this God that you think might be hard and austere, gave his everything, that you might be saved tonight.
So what you need to do, you need you need to get there. And as soon as bench you let him put that arm of love around you and let him tell you, I died for you, I became sin. I suffer the righteous wrath of God for you at the cross of Christ and then he can take you to that mercy seat for the blood is seen there.
Your ticket is paid. God sees the blood He passes over you when it comes to judgment.
Judgment is not ahead of me, not ahead of me at all. Judgment is behind me because Christ died for this simple man you're looking at.
We'll go on.
My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? That was.
A cry like no other. They had perfect fellowship, eternity past, one with another. God had to turn his eyes away from from fellowship before Sookie's son. Is that possible? Yes, because God could not look upon sin those first three hours on the cross. There as a marker, he suffered.
He suffered intensely, terribly, awfully.
But then the sky went dark.
In those three hours.
God poured out holy wrath against sin, on His Son no less.
Do you think the sun should ever shine again on that world?
No, it should have been blacked out forever. No, but then God wouldn't have had.
A bride for a son.
God raised him from the dead. Spirit raised him from the dead. He raised himself from the dead.
And now he presented himself to his brother in there. He was seen of above 500 brother. No one said testimony is solid. And then he took his loved ones out there to Bethany. He lifted up his hands and he blessed them, and he was departed from them. He was taken up into heaven. He went up into heaven. He was carried up into heaven as a victor.
You look at each one of those aspects, it's beautiful to think about.
Heaven received him. He was rejected here. Heaven received him.
Just a few minutes left in this meeting.
The harvest is ripe tonight.
Summer is ended and gone. Harvest is past. We're not saved with God told Israel not saved. Deliverance hasn't come. Deliverance. Let's put it straight. If you walk out that door and your sins, you may never have another chance. Never. May never have you've heard it. Perhaps you, perhaps you haven't, but you know most of you have heard it.
Dull of hearing, but may you wake up tonight. Don't go out that door in your sins. Let that whole burden of sins cast off, and let the Lord Jesus take that matter and sell it for you once and for all.
That's interesting thing I noticed this morning. You know, the brother says. What do you notice this morning, today so far in the scriptures? Well.
Let's see.
The Lord Jesus said, I think it's the 10th chapter, John. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me, and I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish.
You know what they said? They took up stones to stone him. Now that's not the main reason they stoned him one to stone him, but there it was. They hated the idea that God, the Lord Jesus, would take care of his sheep when they never perish. Satan wanted them sheep.
Satan wants you tonight, but you know something? They'll never perish. That's called eternal security. God puts you in a relationship that you cannot break. God puts you there in Christ. When you're in Christ, you're in a safe place.
Uh, with the children. Sometimes you can use the illustration. You put a coin in the hand.
Of a little child.
Or by hand, for example, I work with my hands, so they're fairly strong. So I said to the little child, oh boy, tough little ruffians. I said, OK, let's just pretend like this coin is you, little boy.
And let's just pretend like this hand is the hand of the Lord Jesus and this is the hand of the Father right there. OK, little boy, take that coin, would you? You can have it. You can't get it. No. Well.
Think of how secure you are in Christ.
Sometimes our fellowship, because we do do things that aren't right, our fellowship is broken. We don't have to ask him if we're saved to forgive us. That took place at Calvary's cross. We do need to confess in that thing that we did right.
So relationship is firm, it's settled, it's sure.
Fellowship gets broken.
So we can look at a verse.
This is so wonderful.
How about, uh, let's try Peter?
Let's start with the first Peter.
One verse 18 not reading. You're not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold.
Verse 19, but with a precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish, without spot. There's another verse that says if we confess our sins, if if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. So he puts us before God in Christ in new position and we're safe.
We're secured, we're sure forever.
So He took your place in the cross. Now you can be the one that fits into that verse. Genesis chapter 2 and verse 18. Not good. That man should be alone.
You can be the one that fills the heart of Christ tonight for companionship.
You can be the one that makes the angels in the presence of who's in the presence of God in heaven, the Lord Jesus. There's joy in the presence of the angels of God and heaven over one Sinner that repenteth.
Are you one of those that are going to bow the needle? Sure you're going to bow the knee someday. There was a brother that had a tape deck going and there was a brother preaching to children.
And he talked about the brother was preached preaching the gospel on the tape and he went into the mechanic and the mechanic got in the car and the tape came on automatically. And the tape said this is one of the brothers speaking. He said point to your knees.
Mechanic. I don't know what he thought about that.
Oh, he said, those knees will bow to the Lord Jesus Christ someday.
I'm happy to tell you I have bowed my knees to the Lord Jesus Christ. I have bowed. I delight to do it. It's a joy to my heart to bow my knees to the Lord Jesus Christ. Have you bowed your knees and this time and this day of grace when the harvest is ripe, summer has not ended. If you bowed your knees, the Lord Jesus Christ and you just.
Why? Put it this way? He's just looking for.
He's looking for a yes out of you tonight, a confirmation that you have turned yourself in.
For wretched, guilty, held, deserving Sinner, you've turned yourself in at the mercy of God, and don't try to bring anything with you but your sins.
If you want to add anything to it, if you want to add a little, some good works that you plan to do in the future, he's got nothing for you. 0 But if you wanna come as a poor, broken, helpless, needy Sinner, he's got everything for you. He's got eternity of blessedness for you. Oh, it's a joy to speak of that Savior.
He did it all and he did it perfectly, and he did it out of a lump of his heart for you, Sinner friend.
Why would you reject that?
It's folly. I work with a man.
He reminds me over and over, well, I'll put it this way, he goes to a family reunion.
Numbers of people can't find one Christian among them. He heard about an Ant somewhere in the distant past that was had some religious connection. But he looks around and all of his relatives, all of them, and there's not a one of them. They're atheists and agnostics and nothings and godless people.
And his father died cursing God really his sorrows about that His mother. He presented the gospel to his mother.
This is well, I I didn't mean anything 0.
You know, he says to me.
You make that decision and you gotta stay with it, live with it.
So the decision you make, it may be this night, the decision you make tonight.
It's a serious thing to think about.
Maybe heavy turtle consequences. Listen up, young person, listen up. I want to say another thing. Two minutes left.
Someone said let's study it up.
70% of the children that go to the universities.
Out of a Christian home.
Have their fate stolen away from them.
I know of some.
At the large table went off the university.
Have their full faith stolen away from them. There's a man, his name is Professor Allen.
He's a professor of, uh, Chinese history.
Seattle University there in Washington.
Needed some help with his car. Helped him. Ask him what he did, Professor.
Yeah, he said. Wrote a book. I'd like to read it. Got the book, read it. He had a chapter on evolution.
When he came back in, I said the Ellen, I said that, you know, I don't know. I had the guts to say this person, the wife was listening. I said, you know, they say that the Bible says rather that.
Uh, so the first of all, these children come into your class, young people come into your classes and they're, they're pliable. They're pliable and they respect the, uh, wisdom of the instructors.
I said you wrote an article, a chapter on evolution there, and I said, you know what the Bible says about that? I said that it says.
You offend one of these little ones is better than a millstone behind about your neck and you'd be cast into the sea. Oh, his wife said, yeah, it might offend my husband. I said no. I said he gets out of school.
Wow, that's kind of scared to think about saving such a thing. I did. Anyway. Thank God I told him that because he came back later and he said, Dave, you're my friend. He says. If I wrote that book again, I'd leave that chapter out.
Educators, higher education will suck the good right out of you, the faith out of you. That's their joy. They would love to take the faith that you have. Young people, there's lots of you. Look at the beautiful children.
They'll take the socks of faith right out of you if they can, they'll enjoy doing it, and they'll absolutely give you nothing in return 0.
But God wants to give you everlasting life. He wants to give you happiness and peace and joy and believing. And you know, he's going to give you at the end of the trail. He's going, he's going to take it to heaven. He's going to take you to heaven. That's beautiful. Are you going to come with me?
I hope so. Are you gonna go with mom and Dad in heaven? I hope so. Don't let the professors of this world steal what you've been given. A heritage like you cannot believe.
Think about that. Let's pray for our young people too, to go through life.
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.