Gospel 3

Gospel—Dave Whitaker
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The mystery of love. We've had love on our heart a lot. Lot on our tongue. Speaking of it, thinking about it.
And love is the spontaneous fruit that grows in that heavenly orchard.
It says let brotherly love continue. It's automatic. You don't have to force it. It's there if you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior.
The mystery of love. Think of these skillfulness. The skillfulness of love. That's something we hear stories in our life about love and the extent that love went to secure a companion for life. The energy of love. If there's a concrete wall.
And the man's love is on the other side of that wall.
Our wall is coming down, beautiful, the warmth of love.
Love, it says in the song of soul and strong as death. Think of this. You can't have love that strong without hate.
That's kind of a weird statement in it. You hate everything that is going to destroy that love.
And so the longest journey that was ever made.
The longest journey children that was ever made.
Has loved the story of love from start to finish we've had faithfully presented the wrath of God in these meetings so true when I think about how.
People leave this world.
They leave it in their sins, they go into a lost eternity. There's no end to it. If I break my leg, I go to the doctor, I get it fixed. If I get a cold, I take some medicine maybe, and I get better and so on. But no, it's forever and ever. So children, young people, listen please to the message tonight.
Just as I am without one plea, but that thy blood was shed for me.
He realized four weeks ago in the Rotunda of the capital of the United States of America, man sat down with hundreds and hundreds of people round him like this.
And he played a simple melody on that organ, and he sang clearly, simply.
The same exact song as you have #12 and your hymn sheet. You don't have that? Well, read it to you.
He's saying all four verses clear. Here's the president of the United States, here's the vice president, here's former presidents, here's people from the House of Representatives, Congress and so on, and people of all stripes and faith and so on listening to this beautiful, beautiful hymn.
Just as I am without one plea, but that thy blood was shed for me, and that thou bids me come to thee. O Lamb of God, I come, I come. I heard him singing that I could make it out.
Just as I am, and waiting not to rid my soul of one dark blot to thee whose blood can cleanse each bottle. Lamb of God I come just as I am. Poor, wretched, blind here, these millionaires watching, listening, presidents and so on. What's he singing this for? Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind. Sight, riches, healing of the mind. Yeah, all I need and need to find. O Lamb of God, I come. I come just as.
Thou receive will welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve, because I promise I believe, oh Lamb of God, I come.
If the Lord comes 5 minutes from now, I haven't given you the gospel, I'm going to give you the gospel, and you know it well. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
In the early chapter of the Bible it speaks about.
God creating. God creating. You don't have to turn to it. I'm going to turn to a few verses very rapidly because we have an abbreviated gospel meeting here. Other 10 minutes or so it says.
God saw the light. That was good.
And then later on it says.
The dry lamb earth. That was good.
Arab building seed and so on.
In light to rule the day so on good and then the last verse, the 1St chapter of Genesis says God saw everything that he had made.
Was very good.
Whoa, look at what it says in the next chapter, verse 18.
And the Lord God said is not good, not good.
That man should be alone.
The consequence of that statement? That needed fulfillment, didn't it?
And so that a deep, deep consequences.
God said that not good that man should be alone. Now there are some people in here that are meritable age and they haven't experienced.
Married life I've been I've enjoyed 108 years of marriage. My wife has been married for 54. I've enjoyed we've enjoyed that marriage together and I have been married 54 years. So this represents a lot long happy days, but those of you that don't have a companion.
Just wait till the end of this story. It's beautiful, it's beautiful.
God saw to it that his son is going to have a companion. There was a council, a council.
Between the father and the son.
And it was a Council of Peace. That right, Ernie?
Help. And who's going to bear the glory? God is going to bear the glory.
There was a question asked in Isaiah and it says heard avert voice of the Lord saying, Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?
Then should I hear my send me? What is he going to go for? He's going to go for a companion forever.
Those that have missed out in this world, companionship, don't you worry, don't you worry. Companionship here, beautiful as it is, that nothing to compare with what's coming because God sent his Son down to this world, that journey that took him from the heights of glory.
Down into this world, I'll tell you a story, you children. You know what Skittles are, don't you? Oh delicious little cat. Do you know what Skittles Skittles are?
Yeah. He shook his head.
Young man, maybe 12-13 years old, came into the office and he had his buddy with him. He had a box. In that box, I told this story before. In that box was.
Peanut brittle.
Salt water taffy.
Skittles and he probably bought them for $2.00 a box at Costco. And he after the I talked to him a while, I said what about this? He said well I can sell you these Skittles 6 bucks. I thought it was a little steep but the boy wanted to go to camp that summer so I bought it. I said to him I got a question for you young man, just a young lad.
If you were standing at the gate of heaven and God were to say to you, how can I let you come into my heaven? You're a Sinner, just like Dave.
You know what that boy said instantly? He said because God came down into this world, He wrapped himself in human flesh and he went to the cross and he died for me.
Can you, can you say that young person?
Does that mean anything to you?
I'll go, he says, and you hear my send me. That was part of that journey that he took. Heaven's highest glory. This journey that he took came down into this world. He came down and he he was found in a Manger. Doesn't even say he was born in the Manger.
He had nothing, nothing.
There he was, and it says the lines have fallen on to be in pleasant places. Yeah, I have a goodly heritage.
But outside the door, Herod.
Made him flee down into Egypt land.
Ran away.
Fled, and then at the point in time he came back. Lazarus.
He walked among men in his service for God and for blessing of man.
He did all those kind loving deeds, raised the dead.
And heal the sick.
And they took and they grabbed him and they took him to a judgment hall. Can you imagine that?
They flogged him, they spit on him, they crowned him with thorns, and they crucified him.
He was buried, died. He shed his precious blood. He was buried. He rose again the third day.
And then he presented himself through above 500 brethren at once. I think there were 541 People at dinner yesterday.
Did you see the Lord Jesus yesterday? I think we did. Precious time in His presence by faith.
And then he presented himself to his brother.
And he went back up to where he came from.
The circuit is almost complete. There's something missing. Is it you?
There's coming a time when he's going to go and he's going to gather up faith. The precious fruit of the earth is going to gather up and he's going to take it home.
What a beautiful word that is when I get done with a day's labor. Home and beautiful, beautiful.
Have his thoughts come forth and love us so much to speak about here. Well, we can go on. I've got 5 minutes to go.
The Lord Jesus is going to come at the rapture.
And he's going to take faith home. I don't think there will be any faith left on the earth.
After the Lord takes us home.
There'll be a time there where faith will come again, but the faith will be absent from this earth. I'll be gone.
So now Sinner, you come to the sinners bench.
You sit down there, this room for two.
There's just room for two on the sinners bench. Who do you think the other one is?
The Lord Jesus will come along and sit beside you and put his arm around you.
And he will show you his nail print hand, and he'll say, I was made sin for you, I was made sin for you. I took your responsibility. The sinners place at the cross.
Now you can have life. I'm giving it to you as a free gift, and don't you dare try to add anything to it, because that ruins the splendor in a.
The charm, the beauty of that gift.
And then you confess yourself as a poor, guilty Sinner. You take Christ as your Savior. He'll take you through the mercy seat.
He'll take you to the sinner's bench, and then he'll take you to the mercy seat thereof. He meet with you. And what's there? That precious, precious blood of Christ. Yeah.
And then when the Rapture comes, he's going to meet you on the cloud.
And then where's he going to take you? He's going to put you on a different seat in the Father's throne.
That is going to be complete that journey.
Where will you be when he sets things right in this world? Everything to the glory of God the Father and the exaltation of Christ. Where will you be? Will you be?
In the last two minutes, 3 minutes, will you be in a lost eternity?
Or will you be?
With me, I'll meet you there, God's right hand.
Will you be singing there with me? Will you be there when the Lord Jesus Christ leads the singing?
Will you experience that eternal joy, or will it be darkness for you?
Those are searching words.
So much could be said of that journey.
From the palace of his glory.
From that home of joy and love came the Lord Himself to seek us. He wants you, young person, there with Him above.
Shall we pray?
Lord Jesus, precious Savior, we think of this.
Wonderful journey down to stake.
To have a companion forever.
He and I in that bright glory.
We pray for these children, Father, the world has its filthy attractions and it has its seemingly harmless attractions. We just pray that they might be drawn to the Lord. Jesus might have a happy life, not a ruined life like some we know.
When her faith might have the joy of the Lord as their strength.
The rapture before them.
So, Father, we just pray for these children and the parents.
And now for the travelers mercies our God we pray Jesus name, Amen.