From the late Mr. A. B. TAYLOR, Manchester.
I DO not like the way some people have of readily attributing every minute circumstance of their lives to the one power or the other God or Satan. Such people must know more of God and His doings than any prophet or apostle that ever lived.
The day is not far hence when a small portion of earth shall hide us all from human eyes. May we endeavor to hide the evils that are often felt in our hearts, and put on Christ, walking in love and in the fear of the Lord.
My dear friends, to be a Christian indeed is worth more than millions of worlds, millions of times told.
Brethren, try the spirits, and try your own spirits. Judge yourselves, that ye be not judged, and always safely by God’s Word. Fancy leads a man to set himself above his brother; that spirit cannot come from Christ.
O to live more at Calvary, to feel more of the love of Christ, to tell out better His dying love, to live more like a saint, and to walk more with God.
“Looking unto Jesus” seldom fails long at once, for all who wait for Him are blessed before they can give it up. O how simple and honest we are when compelled to wait for Him, and how well repaid for all the anxiety, the fear, and suspense we experience!
The Christian takes the whole gospel, not a part, and holds the faith of God and fear of God; and though often in a low place, his eyes are up to his God.
In your battle of life, when Jesus comes into your mind, try to tell Him what you want, and what troubles you, and more than likely He may stay some time on your affection and on your heart.
May He help you each to cast all your cares at His feet, and believe that He careth for you, and to pour out your heart before Him, such of you as are passing through the waters, and the storm is raging. There is a still small voice that can find its way through the wildest tempest, and can make itself heard among the roaring billows.
Beloved, be kind to each other. Love as brethren, and the very God of peace bless you; and though we can do each other so very little good at best, yet how much anxiety and pain we may soon cause by being unkind. Christ was never unkind always teaching and doing good. May He who leads into all truth lead us to walk as He walked, and let us not think that each brother should think exactly alike, but according to the measure of the rule God has distributed to each.