Great Mistakes

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
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IT is a great mistake to set up our own standard of right and wrong, and to judge others according to our idea.
It is a great mistake for anyone to think that his views embody all the truth; and that all who do not agree with him in every detail are in the darkness of error.
It is a great mistake to be very angry because others cannot see as we see.
It is a great mistake for any man to think that he never makes a mistake. He who never makes a mistake never makes anything else of any use.
It is a great mistake to expect a child of five to be five feet tall; or a child of seven to be as wise as a man of seventy.
It is a great mistake to expect grapes on thorns and figs on thistles.
It is a great mistake to reckon everything impossible which we are not able to do.
It is a great mistake to speak very loud when very angry.
It is a great mistake to think ourselves able to understand everything in the world, in the Bible, in ourselves, or in others.
It is a great mistake to be ready to quarrel with others about trifles.
It is a great mistake to think that we are not liable to be mistaken.
It would be a great mistake to water the garden with boiling water; to sow the seeds of weeds; or to plant bushes with the roots upwards.
The great mistake of all mistakes is to live for time neglectful of eternity.
Jonathan Jones.