Guide Notes to the Books of the Old Testament

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 9
GENESIS contains in germ every truth and subject unfolded in the Word of God.
EXODUS illustrates in grand and impressive types the great truth of Redemption and resulting consequences.
LEVITICUS treats of sacrifice and priesthood, the basis and means of drawing nigh to God.
NUMBERS records the trials, service and wanderings of Israel in the wilderness.
DEUTERONOMY reviews the wilderness and instructs us as to Canaan—ways and conduct.
JOSHUA treats of the wars of Canaan and conquest of and partition of the country.
JUDGES notes the repeated failures of the people with Jehovah's unchangeable faithfulness and grace.
RUTH unfolds in type Israel's future reception on the ground of sovereign grace alone.
I SAMUEL shows governmental power in the hands of Saul.
2 SAMUEL shows governmental power in the hands of David.
I KINGS shows governmental power in the hands of Solomon and its subsequent decline.
2 KINGS traces the decline of royal power, especially in the Kingdom of Israel.
1 CHRONICLES shows royal power and glory in David connected with the Throne and the Temple.
2 CHRONICLES traces the decline of royal power, especially in the Kingdom of Judah.
EZRA unfolds the ecclesiastical condition of the returned Jews to Judea.
NEHEMIAH unfolds the civil condition of the returned Jews to Judea.
ESTHER reveals the providential care of Jehovah over the mass of His people not returned to Judea.
JOB details the process by which the flesh and human righteousness are withered up—all being according to the disciplinary dealings of God.
THE BOOK OF PSALMS records the experiences of Christ personally, and in connection with the future remnant of Israel.
PROVERBS is a Divine collection of wise maxims for a righteous walk in the world.
ECCLESIASTES. gives the search of the king for happiness, and the result -"All is vanity."
THE SONG OF SOLOMON unfolds the changing feelings of the bride and the unchanging affection of the bridegroom.
ISAIAH is the grandest and most comprehensive of all the prophetic writings.
JEREMIAH is both historical and moral in character, and deals with Israel, Judah, and the nations of the past and future.
THE LAMENTATIONS depicts the sorrows of a heart breaking itself over the miseries of God's people—Israel.
EZEKIEL unfolds the judgment of Israel by the Chaldean, and reveals latter-day blessing connected with Israel, her land and temple.
DANIEL comprehensively sketches the times of the Gentiles and their latter-day connection with Judah.
HOSEA points out the sins of Israel and Judah; but also their future blessings.
JOEL speaks of the day of the Lord (judgment), afterward the Spirit poured out upon all flesh—Pentecost being a sample.
AMOS declares the iniquities of Israel and the nations; at the close however, glory and blessing for all Israel.
OBADIAH presents a brief and forcible record of Edom's ways and doom
JONAH announces judgment upon Nineveh and its repentance.
MICAH predicts certain judgment upon Jerusalem and Samaria, but full blessing for both in the last days.
NAHUM is the announcement of final judgment upon haughty Nineveh.
HABAKKUK abounds in moral reflections and exercises upon Israel's sorrowful condition and guilty ways.
ZEPHANIAH speaks of unsparing judgment upon Jerusalem and the nations—a remnant preserved and blest.
HAGGAI is Divine encouragement to the people to resume the buildings of the temple.
ZECHARIAH unfolds the scenes of the last days; Jerusalem being the center of them all.
MALACHI gives a touching record of Jehovah's last pleadings with His people.