IN a large ward in a hospital an old man was lying ill with a disease that caused him a good deal of pain and discomfort. He had not learned the secret of true happiness; but, on the contrary, made the night weary with his sighs and moans.
In the next bed a little fellow was lying. He, too, had much pain to bear, but never a moan or cry came from his little lips.' They often moved in prayer both for himself and for others. Peace and rest seemed to have taken possession of his heart.
In the still hours of the night he turned to the old man, and said in kindly tones, "Dear old man, are you in much pain? Is that why you moan so?”
“Yes," was the reply; "there never was such pain as mine, and oh! I am so miserable here.”
“I have pain to bear, too," said little Charlie; "but Jesus helps me to bear it. Why don't you come to Him, and ask Him to forgive your sins, and make you happy? I am so sorry for you, dear old man.”
“I don't know how to come," the old man replied; "and if I did, I don't know if He would have an old sinner like me.”
“I see how it is," said Charlie, after a short pause; "you have been saying NO' to Jesus all your life. Won't you say YES' to Him now?”
I don't know what you mean," moaned the old man;" tell me.”
“Well," said Charlie," when Jesus said, “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest,' I said to Him, YES, Lord, I come'; and He gave me rest. When He said, He that believeth on Me hath everlasting life,' I said, YES, Lord, I believe '; and He gave me everlasting life. Dear old man," continued Charlie," when Jesus said to you, Come to Me... and I will give you rest,' you said, NO, Lord, I won't come,' and so you are unhappy still. Oh! I am so sorry for you. Won't you say 'YES' to Jesus now? He will give you rest and make you happy!”
“I'll think about it," was the reply, and the old man relapsed into silence.
Little Charlie was soon asleep, but the old man could not sleep. He was thinking of the past. He knew that Charlie was right, and that time after time he had said "NO" to Jesus.
Once more the Holy Spirit strove with him; and at last, with bitter tears of repentance, in the still hours of the night, he cried, “Lord Jesus, I've said NO ' to Thee long enough, Thou knowest. Lord, I say ' YES ' to Thee now. I come, Lord, I come! “A peace hitherto unknown to him filled his heart; the whole matter was settled, and quietly he dropped off to sleep. Christ had indeed "given him rest." The morning broke bright and clear. At the first streak of light the old man turned to Charlie's bed, eagerly calling, "Charlie boy, are you awake?" There was no answer, but the nurse came quickly to his bedside, saying, "Do you want anything?”
“Yes, I want little Charlie. Where is he?" said the old man, for he saw the bed was empty.
“Oh!" said the nurse, “so you were not disturbed after all. Little Charlie was taken very ill in the night, and passed away so peacefully, dear little fellow." The tears stood in her eyes as she spoke, for Charlie was much loved by all.
The old man burst into tears as he cried, "Now I can never tell him. He would have been so glad to know.”
“Tell him what?" said the nurse.
The old man told her of the talk they had in the night, and added: “I did just what Charlie told me. I said to Jesus, I've been a wretched sinner, and I am so miserable. I've said `NO' long enough. YES, Lord, I come now! ‘He received me and forgave all my sins. Charlie seemed so fast asleep I did not like to wake him, but waited till the morning, and now he is gone.”
Happy Charlie! His last little bit of service was to bring that weary old heart to Christ. From his dying bed he went into the presence of the One he loved and served. Happy Charlie!
Dear reader, what about yourself? Have you ever said "YES" to Jesus? If not, why not say it NOW? He will receive you and make you glad, cleansing away your many sins in His precious blood, for "the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin." (1 John 1:7.)
“Oh! why not say 'YES' to the Savior to-day?
He's tenderly pleading with thee;
So come to Him now with thy sin-burden'd
For pardon so full and so free.”
J. M.—Y.