RUSKIN, speaking one day in Manchester to an audience of manufacturers and mill owners, said: "Gentlemen, the Parthenon is a ruin on its rock; what right have you to think that these mills shall go on forever?”
A pertinent question this, for men nowadays seem to think that things around them are established on a basis more or less permanent, and that they are safe from all fear of radical change.
If we take the Word of God as our guide, however, we shall see that real stability exists only in imagination. The world of the twentieth century is slumbering on the crust of a volcano. I do not refer to the probable success of Socialism, nor to the possibility of an Anglo-German war, nor to what has been called the Yellow Peril. All these are as nothing compared with the tremendous event, which those who read and believe their Bibles know to be approaching.
I refer to the personal coming again of the Lord Jesus Christ to assume the reins of government, and to put down everything in the world that is contrary to Him. Again and again we read in the Scriptures of this now imminent event.
At the appearing of Christ He will be attended by His mighty angels. (See 2 Thess. 1:77And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, (2 Thessalonians 1:7).) These angels, who excel in strength (see Psa. 103:2020Bless the Lord, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word. (Psalm 103:20)), will lay hands on everything obnoxious to their Lord and King, and on all who do iniquity. (See Matt. 13:4141The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; (Matthew 13:41).) Fearful will be the fate of those, who shall be arrested by these puissant beings. The swindler, the drunkard, the profligate, the blasphemer, the lover of sin, will all be suddenly laid hold of by their potent grip. No resistance will avail. No escape will be possible.
What about the mills of Manchester in that day? How many of the mill owners, foremen, and operatives will feel the mighty angelic grip upon their shoulder? And what of the towns, cities, and villages of this favored land? Upon how many of the inhabitants will the arresting hand be laid? How many workers of iniquity will find themselves shivering in the relentless grasp of those stern executors of justice?
Justice! Yes, that will be the word. Injustice has stalked unchecked for many a long century, but the time for strict justice will come. Do you relish the thought, reader? How would your life appear, if scrutinized by the eye of absolute justice? What sentence would be passed upon you by its lips?
Do you shudder, and hint that a change of subject would be welcome? Let me then tell you something that is well worth hearing.
He, who will come with the mighty angels to take vengeance on the doers of evil, offers Himself to you to-day as a Savior. Moved with compassion, He gave Himself up to suffering and death to make atonement for sinners. Through the shedding of His blood pardon has been made available for such as you. You have but to flee to Him for refuge.
He is the Shelter from the coming storm; He is the Haven in which you may hide from the hurricane of wrath that will burst upon the world. Make no excuse, but submit your case to Him. "Blessed are all they that put their trust in Him." (Psa. 2:12.)
He will save you, and make you His own, and will remove you from the earth before He comes to take vengeance.
Is not this worth going in for? How you will chide yourself for your folly if you miss it!
H. P. B.