He Suffered for You?

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 5
In a French village once the wife of a wealthy prominent man lay dying.
In the village lived a Christian girl named Jeane, whose holy life had won her the respect and esteem of many.
One evening to her great surprise, Jeane was sent for by the sick lady.
"I wonder," she said, "why a rich lady should send for a poor girl like me?"
On reaching the house, Jeane was ushered into the sick-room. It was filled with nurses and friends.
Standing by the sufferer's bedside, and addressing the lady Jeane said: "Madam, all here appear to be doing their utmost for your body; is no one caring for your soul?"
"No one, Jeane," said the dying woman, "and that is why I have sent for you. I have been told that you may be able to tell me what I have to do to be saved."
"Madam," replied Jeane, "the Bible says, 'Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved."
"I know that is what the Bible says, Jeane, I do believe; but I am not saved."
"Of course you believe that Christ came down from heaven and died. Believing that never saved anybody."
"To believe on the Lord Jesus Christ is to believe that when He died on the cross, He died for you; when He suffered the punishment of sins, He suffered for you; when He paid the mighty debt, He paid it for you; so that you may stand free before God."
As the soul-saving truth of the gospel was brought home by the Holy Spirit, in wonder and amazement the sick lady exclaimed: "And is that all, Jeane? I do believe. And I am saved!"
Throughout the night that dying woman, with her hand in Jeane's, rejoiced in Christ as her Savior. Even when her mind wandered she was heard to utter:
"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ— saved."
As the end drew near, it was suggested that a clergyman be sent for, but the newly saved soul replied: "I have the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not require another."
Soon afterward, with Jeane's hand in hers, she peacefully passed into the presence of Him who shed His precious blood to redeem her for Himself. The last words on her lips were: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ— SAVED." Reader are you a saved... or an unsaved sinner?