Headings and Subscriptions to the Books.

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As nothing connected with the New Testament is without its importance, we devote a short chapter to the above subject.
As in other things, so in even the headings to the books, do the various manuscripts differ. As a rule, the more ancient the copy, the shorter the heading, the tendency being evidently to enlarge. Perhaps we shall better arrive at a true judgment by giving the headings of a few of the older manuscripts. It must be remembered that א A B C D are the oldest copies, and E F G, &c., more recent, but all we name are uncials.
MATTHEW. According to Matt. 14 B; Gospel according to Matthew C E K M S U V. Subscription. According to Matthew B; Gospel according to Matthew A D E HK UV; D adding "ended.”
MARK. According to Mark א B F; Gospel according to Mark A D E H K L M S U. Sub. Gospel according to Mark א A C D E H K L U; D adding "ended;" According to Mark B (after 16:8, omitting the rest of the chapter).
LUKE. According to Luke א B F; Gospel according to Luke A C D E K L M S U X. Sub. According to Luke B; Gospel according to Luke א A² C D K L S U; D adding "ended.”
JOHN. According to John א B; Gospel according to John A C D E F G H K L M U X. Sub. According to John B; Gospel according to John א A C D E G HS; D H adding "end," or "ended.”
ACTS. Acts א; Acts of Apostles B D. Sub. Acts of Apostles א B; Acts of the holy Apostles A E H L.
ROMANS. To [the] Romans א A B C; Epistle of the all-holy Paul the Apostle to [the] Romans P; Epistle of the holy and all-praiseworthy Apostle Paul to [the] Romans L. Sub. To [the] Romans א A B C D G P; G adding "ended;" P adding "Epistle of Paul." Epistle of the holy and all-praiseworthy Apostle Paul to [the] Romans, written from Corinth, by Phebe the deaconess L; B² D³ P add "written from Corinth.”
1 CORINTHIANS. I to [the] Corinthians א A B C D F G P; P adding "Epistle of Paul;" F G adding "begun" (ἄρχεται); First Epistle of the holy and all-praiseworthy Apostle Paul to the Corinthians L. Sub. I to [the] Corinthians א A BC D F G P; D adding "ended" (ἐπληρώθη); F G adding "ended" (ἐτελέσθη); I to the Corinthians, written from Philippi, by Stephanus and Fortunatus and Achaicus and Timotheus K L; B² P add "written from Ephesus;" D², "written from Philippi Macedon.”
2 CORINTHIANS. II to [the] Corinthians א A B D F G K; D F G adding "begun." II Epistle of the holy Apostle Paul to [the] Corinthians L. Sub. II to [the] Corinthians א A B D F P; D F adding "ended;" B² P adding "written from Philippi;" Second Epistle to [the] Corinthians, written from Philippi of Macedonia, by Titus and Luke K; L omitting "of Macedonia.”
GALATIANS. To [the] Galatians א A B D F G K P; P adding "Epistle of Paul;" D F G adding "begun;" Epistle of the holy and all-praiseworthy Apostle Paul to [the] Galatians L. Sub. To [the] Galatians א A B¹ C D; D adding "ended;" Epistle to [the] Galatians ended F G; To [the] Galatians, written from Rome B² K P; End of the Epistle to [the] Galatians, written from Rome L.
EPHESIANS. To [the] Ephesians א A B D F G K P; P adding "of Paul;" D F G adding "begun;" Epistle of the holy Apostle Paul to [the] Ephesians L. Sub. To [the] Ephesians א A B D K L P; B² P adding "written from Rome;" K L adding "written from Rome by Tychicus;" Epistle to [the] Ephesians ended F G.
PHILIPPIANS. To [the] Philippians א A B K; so D F G, adding "begun." Epistle of the holy (P "all-holy") Apostle Paul to the Philippians L P. Sub. To [the] Philippians א A B K; so D F G, each adding "ended" (as in 1 Cor.); Epistle of the holy Apostle Paul to the Philippians L; K L adding "written from Rome, by Epaphroditus.”
COLOSSIANS. To [the] Colossians א A B K P; so D F G adding "began;" P adding "Epistle of Paul;" Epistle of the holy Apostle Paul to [the] Colossians L. Sub. To [the] Colossians א A B¹ C K P; so D F G each adding "ended" (as in 1 Cor.); A adding "from Rome;" B² P adds "written from Rome;" Epistle of the holy Apostle Paul to [the] Colossians L; K L adding "written from Rome, by Tychicus and Onesimus.”
1 THESSALONIANS. I to [the] Thessalonians א A B K; so D F G adding "begun;" I Epistle of Paul to [the] Thessalonians P; First Epistle of the holy Apostle Paul to the Thessalonians L. Sub'. I To [the] Thessalonians א A B¹ K; so D F G, each adding "ended" (as in 1 Cor.); I Epistle of the holy Apostle Paul to [the] Thessalonians L; A B² K L adding "written from Athens.”
2 THESSALONIANS. II To [the] Thessalonians א A B K; so D F G, adding "began;" II Epistle of the holy Apostle Paul to [the] Thessalonians L. Sub. II To [the] Thessalonians א A B K P; so D F G, each adding "ended" (as in 1 Cor.); Second Epistle of the holy Apostle Paul to [the] Thessalonians L; A B² K L P add "written from Athens.”
1 TIMOTHY. I To Timothy א A K; so D F G, adding "begun;" I Epistle of Paul to Timothy P; First Epistle of Paul to Timothy L. Sub. I To Timothy א A D P; A adding "written from Laodicea;" P "written from Nicopolis;" D adds "ended;" I Epistle to Timothy, ended F G; First (L adds "Epistle of the holy Apostle Paul") to Timothy, written from Laodicea, which is the chief city of Phrygia of Kapatiana (not Pacatiana, as Authorized Version) K L.
2 TIMOTHY. II To Timothy א A D F G K P; D F G adding "began;" P adding "Epistle of Paul;" II Epistle of the holy Apostle Paul to Timothy L. Sub. II To Timothy א A C P; so D F G, adding "ended;" A adds "written from Laodicea;" P, "written from Rome;" Second (L adds "of the holy Apostle Paul") to Timothy, ordained first bishop of the church of the Ephesians: written from Rome when Paul was brought a second time before Nero Caesar of Rome, K L.
TITUS. To Titus א A K; so D F G, adding "begun;" Epistle to Titus P; so H, adding "of the Apostle Paul;" The Epistle of the holy Apostle Paul to Titus L. Sub. To Titus א A C D F G K P; D adding "ended;" F G adding "Epistle ended;" A adding "written from Nicopolis;" P, "written from....;" Epistle of the Apostle Paul to Titus H; so L, putting "holy Apostle;" H K L add, after "Titus," "ordained first bishop of the church of the Cretans, written from Nicopolis of Macedonia.”
PHILEMON. To Philemon א A; so D F G, adding "begun;" Epistle of Paul to Philemon K L P; L adding "holy Apostle." Sub. To Philemon א C D K P; D adding "ended;" P adding "written from Rome;" K adding "written from Rome, by Onesimus a servant;" Epistle of [the] holy Apostle Paul to Philemon and Apphian, master of Onesimus, and to Archippus, the deacon of the Colossian church: written from Rome, by Onesimus a servant L.
HEBREWS. To [the] Hebrews א A B K; Epistle of Paul to [the] Hebrews P; written from Italy, by Timotheus: the Epistle to [the] Hebrews M; Epistle of the holy and all-praiseworthy Apostle Paul to [the] Hebrews L. Sub. To [the] Hebrews א A C K P; K adding "written from Italy by Timotheus;" A adding "written from Rome;" P adding "written from Italy.”
JAMES. Epistle of James B K; Catholic Epistle of the holy Apostle James L. Sub. Of James B; Epistle of James א A; End [of the] Catholic Epistle of the holy Apostle James L.
1 PETER 1 of Peter B; I Epistle of Peter א A C K; I Catholic Epistle of the holy and all praiseworthy Apostle Peter L. Sub. I of Peter א A B; I Catholic Epistle of the holy Apostle Peter L.
2 PETER. II of Peter א A B; II Epistle of Peter C K; Second Catholic Epistle of the holy Apostle Peter L. Sub. II of Peter א A B; Catholic of Peter C; Second Epistle of the holy Apostle Peter L.
1 JOHN 1 of John A B; I Epistle of John א K; Catholic Epistle of the holy Apostle John L. Sub. I of John N A B; I Catholic Epistle of the holy and all-praiseworthy Apostle and Divine John L.
2 John 22For the truth's sake, which dwelleth in us, and shall be with us for ever. (2 John 2) of John א B; II Catholic Epistle of John K; Second Epistle of the holy Apostle John the Divine L. Sub. II of John א A B; II Epistle of John L.
3 JOHN. III of John א B; III Epistle of John C; Third Epistle of the holy Apostle John L. Sub. III of John א A B; III Epistle of John C; III Epistle of the holy Apostle John L.
JUDE. Of Jude is א B; Epistle of Jude A C K; Epistle of the holy Apostle Jude L. Sub. Of
Jude א B; Epistle of Jude A; Catholic Epistle of Jude C K; Epistle of the holy Apostle Jude L.
REVELATION. Revelation of John א C; Revelation of the Apostle and Evangelist John P. Title of A has perished, and these are all we have of the ancient uncials of the Revelation. Some of the cursives read, "Revelation of the holy Apostle John;" others add "the Divine." Sub. Revelation of John א A.
From the above it will be seen that the word "Catholic," to what are known as the Catholic Epistles, is not to be found in the oldest manuscripts. Also the copies differ as to where certain of the Epistles were written, and, of course, some cannot be correct. Paley says that six of the subscriptions in the Authorized Version are false or improbable—1 Corinthians, Galatians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, Titus. In some copies at the end of an Epistle, along with the subscription, was added the heading of the next Epistle. This prevented anything being intercepted between the two.