Hebrews 12:1-4

Hebrews 12:1‑4
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Read it my friend. Hello.
Whatever it is in all the way, I'm going to see it again.
Hey, Cortana.
What cirrhosis sunshine of His glory through what the young mango foolness of His love? What Hallelujah will His present train? What? What love eternal first of Christ?
Hebrews 12.
Wherefore, seeing we also are encompassed about this on a greater cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every week, and the sin which are so easily besettes, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking under Jesus, the Author of the finisher of it should be ugly, who for the joy that was set before Him endure the cross, despising the shame, and is stepped out.
At the right hand of the throne of God.
Or consider him an endure in such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest he be weary and faint in your mind. He have not yet resisted under blood striding against him, and he have forgotten the exportation which speaketh unto you as unto children.
My son, despise our thou that chastity of the Lord, nor faith when thou art tribute of him for whom the Lord loveth he chase him, and scurried every son whom he receiveth, if he endure chastening God dealeth with you.
As with some For what son is he whom the Father chasteneth not? But if you be without chastity, whereof all our partaking, then are ye ******** and not sons. Furthermore, we have had fathers of our flesh which have corrected us, and we gave them reverence. Shall we not much rather be in subjection under the Father of spirits, and live?
For they verily, after a few days, chastened us after their own pleasure, but He for our profit, that we might be partakers of His Holiness.
No, no chasing, for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous nevertheless. Afterwards it's yield of the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby.
Wherefore lift up the hand which hang down.
And the people needs and make straight paths for your feet list that which is laying be turned out of the way. What letters were all in the evening.
Follow peace with all men, and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord, looking diligently, lest any man fail of the grace of God, lest any root of bitterness springing up, trouble you, and thereby many be defiled.
Yes, there'll be any fornication or profane person, as he saw, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthday for. You know how that afterward, when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected for, he found no place of repentance, though he started carefully with tears.
I suppose many were not here at the reading we had Saturday afternoon.
As well quite a length on the weights that can hinder us, not evil things.
Responsibilities of life.
Can become a real hindrance to us.
If allowed to obtain a disproportionate place.
In our schedule.
Well, he saw fitters LED abroad.
Not to take a wife, but you didn't lay that upon everyone else, did he, brother?
Now in the second part of the verse, it's a question of.
Sin not be sin, but the principle of sin.
The verse has been misapplied, I believe, by many.
As though there were some special what they call a besetting sin, the sin, my besetting sin.
I do not believe that's the sense of the passage at all. We shouldn't have besetting sins.
That's a lame cover up for the allowance of the flesh.
And say, well, my besetting sin is a quick temper.
Well, supposing it is, is it be allowed to act? No, definitely not.
There's never an excuse for a Christian just letting fly, never that right by the court. Yes, there should be no allowance of the flesh, and that certainly is a fleshly activity. That is the getting angry.
We do find once in the Lord's life.
He was angry. Holy anger.
But with us.
I suppose there is a time to be angry.
But never at anything that touches ourselves personally.
Holy anger never has self as its center or its motivating power.
You might be angry at a situation.
Where Christ was being sadly dishonored.
But we should see to it that in no way is the defense of self or the injection of self mingled with.
I think too often people think that anger always includes an excitement of the nature.
But God is angry with the wicked every day. It doesn't. It doesn't mean that he gets emotionally upset.
And you and I were told to be angry and said not in Ephesians. And what does he mean by that? Does he mean that we should get angry at something? Yes, at one thing, and that is sin.
Is that how you take that brother round? Well, I believe that it would apply to a situation if I can use an illustration. Supposing you found an adult taking a a little child on his knee and instructing that little will say three or four year old child.
Instructing that child in infidelity, just deliberately.
Training that little child who despised the name of Jesus and despise the word of God.
I believe a situation like that would justify what we might call a holy anger.
Be angry and sin not.
Let not the sun go down upon your wrath, that is.
Anger is not to be nurtured.
Because if so, it may degenerate into fleshly anger.
I remember a brother among us, an esteemed brother, who said in regard to that first brother Cora, that you quoted.
That it's like Joshua commanding the son not to go down.
That you're never to let the sun go down on your wrath.
But I my own judgment is he was wrong in his interpretation. There's an occasion to be angry, but let's see to it that we don't carry it over and have it degenerate into fleshly anger. He didn't call it that. Brother Hearsman. Yes, I believe that's right.
The anger in semnat that you carry it too far in a sense.
What question is why is I'm delaying the side?
How do we do that?
I believe, Brother Fry, that if it is I say this part. I see this for the safety rules, the exercise this way if it is wholly anger.
And one is before the Lord about it.
It will not degenerate into fleshly anger, but there's a warning given.
Beware that you don't carry it over and harbor it and indulge it and continue because it can degenerate.
Will it be in confirmed to the next first what we want to do?
Well, that's the only way we get strength to go on in the path and any connection.
But regarding the second sin.
Some of them speak about things are those who console themselves with the fact that they're still in the plastic, but this is not right.
Means believers are not in the second form, we are in Christ.
Must be judged immediately, so you say. There's no need for the settings, that it should be judged at once, so I've heard many say.
Count the Lord claims that we're still in effect.
As an excuse while they're not in the place, it's all wearing a price, a new creation, although the flesh is enough and must be judged when it appears.
Ye are not in the flesh, but in the spirit.
After that in the statement of scripture.
And if we are still in the flesh, it means we are still unsaved.
But I have heard it put this way that that.
You're angry with the thing when you won't have anything to do with it.
Not meaning that you are emotionally concerned about it, it's something you just won't have anything to do with. You know, apply that in that way to the 6th of Ephesians and there we have be angry and sin not and it don't have anything to do with it.
That's the way I've heard it put let not the sun go down on your lap that is continually all day long. You're against the performing of sin of an equal kind. I've heard of two brothers did not get along too well, but had a little breather and I was like one of the best little stay in the house and they went to the bed feeling a little breeze one with the other and during the night of the birth exercise that I have been.
The sun you know, if they go down and come they're all and so one brother former nines against level with my brother and we commend them. I get up early in the morning and clean the fruit morning. I'm sorry class very early to do this. But when he went down the stairs he found the other brother had already cleaned his so that brought up together.
In the synagogue, on the one occasion, I believe it's the only occasion where we read about the Lord being angry.
There was a man with an infirmity there, and the Lord was about to heal it.
And they were finding fault with him because he healed on the Sabbath day.
And he looked about upon them with anger.
But they would sit there and decree, in order to maintain their ritualistic holiness, that that man should go the rest of his life with that withered arm. May they be quite content to see the poor man go through life that way, rather than that he should be healed and so break their traditions. So he looked round upon them with anger.
Anger at such hypocritical would be holiness.
As though doing good on the Sabbath day was breaking.
The Sabbath in God's sight. It was breaking Pharisee from tradition.
And that was the reason, I take it, that the Lord looked round upon them with anger.
The only time I believe that it's recorded of his being angry.
And there's a motion connected with that. Being grieved for the hardness of their heart, yes, that's nice to notice that.
But it seems something that we as children of God should avoid ever allowing because we can control ourselves.
And it's very likely to become more than it should be.
You go too far.
But I can understand if if it's against the principles of evil, we should be definitely set against it all the time.
Heather brown, it says the different race dimensions will exist, chapters and the rate Paul speaks of the third of Philippians.
You mean the 14th verse?
13 square 2.
Greed and Brother Barry when I count up myself to reprehensible, but that's one thing I do for getting those things which are behind and reaching forth of those things which are before are Crest worth of art for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
Well, do you think that Paul might have here?
In what you've read to us.
Specialized feature of that race.
That is the realization.
Of the full fruition of the heavenly calling that was his special line.
I press toward the marker, down to the goal. I press I think is the literal of it, down to the goal. I press for the prize of the calling on high of God in Christ Jesus.
A special line of things that concern Paul's ministry.
What is what you ask there, Brother Barry, rather compared with what you have in the night question?
At first you have. I have the last three verses particularly.
And every man that's driving for the mastery is tempered in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown, but we an incorruptible.
I therefore so run not as uncertainly.
So fight I not as one that beateth the air.
But I keep under my body.
And bring it into subjection less than by any means when I have preached others, I myself should be a castaway.
Well, we're all in the race.
Whether we whether we like it or not, or whether we think so or not, we are.
Now how are we running it? Let us run it with patience, the race that is set before us.
It will take much patience or endurance for the race.
But we have an object.
Looking off onto Jesus.
We have an object. We have one who will sustain us in the past because he himself has been here and has run the race. That's the point. I believe in that second verse. He himself has been here and run the race. Our brothers, He read the chapter called our attention to the fact that the word hour in italics in that second verse is omitted.
It really spoils the sense of the passage to put it in. He wasn't the beginner and completion of our faith.
He was the beginner and completer of a life of faith here in this world.
He began his life of faith and he completed it. He's been through the wilderness ahead of us, and so he is thereby capacitated to sympathize with us in the trials and testings that beset us along the way.
And in pathways ended in glory. And isn't that what we have brought before some Hebrews? Christ has gone to glory. He's not down here, but he's up there. And that's where we're to fix our eyes upon him seated at God's right hand. And we haven't brought the forest several times in this book that that's where he is God's right now.
Once you connect this with the 10th verse and the 2nd chapter about where he is presented is the captain of our salvation.
Yes, I think so. I would say that.
What you have here is the Lord Himself will not expect anything from us that He Himself has not been through before.
And he will sustain us in it.
That'll be the path that we run.
We follow in steps.
For us to consider here a marching for the eyes and then after the heart and security through this problem which is passed through.
The very necessary options and I think that's very good.
In the second of Hebrews.
We have.
A related line of truth.
The 10th verse.
Where it became him for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons of the glory to make the captain of their salvation perfect through suffering. If he's going to be a caption, he must have passed through.
Trials and hestings himself.
So then going on down.
The 17th verse.
Wherefore in all things it behooved him to be made like unto his brethren, but he might be a merciful and faithful high priest.
In things pertaining to God to make propitiation for the sins of the people.
For in that he himself.
Hath He in that He Himself hath suffered, being tempted, He is able to suffer them that are tempted.
Well, thus was he capacitated to be our helper, because he passed through the scene. He had his testings and his trials, Temptations. Now we must guard that. Not that he was ever tempted by.
Anything in him that responded to what man or Satan might have to offer.
But there were testings that he passed through.
No response to sin.
He was without sin.
But he was tried and tested in the wilderness journey. That's the reason that he's there on high as one who feels sports. He had to pass through these sufferings in order that he might feel for us as a fellow Pilgrim here in this scene.
You will not get the freedom free thoughts brought out in that second chapter.
He booze the 1St and the 9th Bush that we see Jesus who was made a little lower than the angels of the suffering of death. The crown with glory and tongue. You by the grace of God should be there face death with every man.
In the 14th verse, so there's much more, The children are partying with flesh and blood.
He also himself likewise put off of the scene that who did he might destroy him that had the power of death that is the devil, and then in the 17th world, when all things have proposed him to be made like.
That he might be immersed and saved from life in things pertaining to God to make reconciliation for sinful people.
Someone has said.
He was the architect and builder of the.
The architect draws plans that someone else has to do the building in the in the world which we live.
Plans are made for great projects.
And another has to be a building appeared the Lord Jesus himself.
Was the beginner and the complete architect and the builder of faith.
I believe the point in the passage.
Is that our Lord Jesus Christ Himself began a life of faith here in this world.
And he lived that life and he completed it. He's the beginner and the completer of a life of faith.
As having done that.
He's capacitated now to lead us through the wilderness.
Lead us on to a victorious entrance into the glory. By and by we look off unto one who has been through the scene. He he knows the experiences and the trials.
Perhaps we get discouraged.
And the trial seemed too great. Well, we can go to one who's been down here.
Who's passed through so many of these experiences?
He's been weary and he's been hungry. He has been betrayed by.
Supposedly, dear friends, he's been forsaken by those that loved him. He has been constantly misunderstood.
Well, all these are things that try the Spirit, but He has been through the path before, and He knows how to sympathize with us, and so we can go to Him and pour out our hearts before Him. He's touched with the feelings of our infirmities.
As a boy of 12, we noticed him in Luke's gospel that he was sucking to his parents. He went down and was subject to Joseph and his mother Mary.
That was obedience. He was the dependent man.
It was because of his implicit trust in God his Father, that he was completely obedient and submission.
Oh, what an example he is for our children.
I bring this out because I believe it's a help to the children.
To be in the rapid law, how he began in his early life, that life of faith, obedience and submission. And that is so very important today because there is a spirit abroad in the world that is causing our young people to act independently and be insubmissive in subjective to parenteral authority.
But all couldn't. We couldn't get a better example than a class of laws of Lord and the submissions. Obedience, obedience, obedience and dependence.
That part of that life of faith.
Don't you think that this first clause in that second verse, looking unto Jesus, that sometimes that is?
Pushed to the extreme, it should never, I believe, be separated.
From the light of the Word for the pathway, there are some that would use it as though they were getting their directions directly by looking off into Jesus and are walking in disobedience to the Word.
When we had.
The life of the Lord brought before us in connection with the temptation in the wilderness.
The Lord quotes from the book of Deuteronomy, which is usually called a book of obedience.
The Lord was the obedient one, but as her brother perished when he bring out, it was obedient to the Word.
And what we had just before Brother Brown is born out in the 3rd and the 4th place.
For considering him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself.
We'll be misunderstood, we'll be maligned and we'll be placed in difficult situations, but the Lord knew what it was to go through all this.
He endured the correction of Sellers against himself and then were reminded that we shouldn't become wearied and faint in our minds. We've not yet been called upon to resist under blood.
I think we should say a word, too, as to the motive the Lord had before him.
Who for the joy that was set before him?
I believe that it's not out of the way to make this statement that the Man of Sorrows was the happiest man that ever lived.
Seems like a paradox, but I believe it's true. The Man of Sorrows was the happiest man that ever lived.
Rebecca borne out by the ground, by what we have in first Peter.
And the latter part of verse 11, the sufferings of Christ and the glory that could power, don't we have a connection?
And the glory suffering. And the glory. And again in 2nd Corinthians 4.
Four hours later, 60th, which is backed by a moment working for us, a far more exceeding and eternal weight of Florida.
Yes, indeed.
The joy that was set before him, not only of the glory.
But having with him the redeemed so that he could be able to utter the words that our brother brought before us in his address yesterday, looking forward to that time when he'll be able to say, Behold, I and the children that God have given, that's the hour of triumph for his soul.
The joy that was sent before. I thought also Brother Brown, that the joy, the percent before him, would be aptly illustrated in what David had before him.
And going down and meet the Giants.
In the 17th and First Samuel.
The question is raised as to what shall be done for the man that goes down to meet this enemy.
And this is what is the answer.
It shall be that the man who kills him, the king, will enrich him with great riches.
And will give him his daughter and make his father's house free in Israel. Now there are three things there.
The wealth that would be produced by the overthrow of this giant.
Are the freedom of his house his father's house?
And having for himself a bride.
Having the joy before him enabled him to endure the cross. He endured it. He didn't enjoy it. Far, far from it.
But he went through it.
Despising the shame now that that doesn't mean what it might seem to mean on the surface.
That there was a proud disregard of it.
No, it didn't mean that. It meant that in comparison with what he had before his soul, he was willing to bear the shame of the cross.
Where we get the cross brought before us. It's the shame side of things.
To get the blood, and we get the death of Christ, and we get the cross of Christ. Well, the blood is what puts our sins away. The death of Christ is what puts us away, and the cross of Christ is what separates us from the world.
Well, the Lord was able through marvelous.
From over a bounding grace.
To rise above the shame of the cross. But let us never think for a moment that he didn't feel. Think what it was to die publicly exposed there between 2 Thieves.
Perhaps a very corrupt and abominable characters, and he's classed among them the most despicable death that a man could possibly die. You think he did not feel it?
Oh, brother and I, I think we have no conception of what it meant to him to have to die that kind of a debt. So he despised it in the sense that he thought of it so lightly in comparison to what the results would be. He despised the cross, despised the shame.
And is sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. What a contrast the despised cross and the right hand of the throne of God.
We have another kind of joy rather bound to loop and speak to the Lord is rejoicing in spirit. There is presented, as we all know, as the Son of man.
Verse 21.
He's looking forward to the.
To the end of things.
All things are delivered to me and my father, and no man knoweth who the Son is but the Father, and who the Father is but the Son, and the he to whom the Son will reveal him.
All the marvelous purposes of God.
The father has been revealed by the son.
The son as to the.
As to the mystery of his person has not been revealed.
Son has revealed the father, but the father has not revealed the son.
We are trending on very sacred ground when we speak of the person of Christ.
And God has not seen fit to reveal the mysteries.
Of his person, what we can bow and adoration and own him for who he was.
But let us never for a moment be presumptuous.
And attempt to analyze this person. Would you agree with that, brother Kohler? Yes, it's to the babes. He makes this. No, not to the intellect.
There are those who think they can understand everything, but it's all presumption.
We seek to enter the mysteries of God.
Three hours of darkness and he was for taking his off. His greatest suffers from three hours of darkness. It must get hidden.
Would permit no profane I to behold.
Timothy, First Timothy, 2016.
And without controversy. Grace is a mystery of government. God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the spirit scene of angels, reached unto the Gentiles, believe on in the world, and received up into glory.
That's the mystery of piety. That is, anything that God can own, as true piety involves the recognition of that glorious person.
If all those things are not acknowledged as to Him, there's nothing there that God can own us by their thoughts.
And is the responsibility of the House of God in this world to maintain these truths?
Everyone of them, yeah.
I suppose the fact that.
You know the large life of faith.
Having the end of you are example to the people of God. Now that is that we're passing through tribes and persecution.
Has many difficulties along the way.
Well, we need to keep the end in view for our souls. Just the Lord kept the end of you in His trial. I'm not going to sustain us when we think of all the glorious outcome there is.
There is a glorious end in view.
That we can look forward to all that our hearts are cheered and we are encouraged to go on, no matter how many difficulties and trials they may be, fall upon the past and down here. That's the third verse of our chapter, isn't it, Brother Barry?
Ralph Lauren.
Is there any difference Brother Brown on the floor or looking under Jesus and consider him.
Well, you tell us about it. I don't know that.
Well, looking under him, I take it to be constantly having Christ as the object.
Consider him.
So to speak. We sit down and we think of him as in his path here below what he went through.
Looking under him, we have him as the object and Lord.
But considering him, we review in our minds his life of suffering and rejection here below.
The new conservation brings it out.
That's a little clearer than our offline freedom has endured or considered well or consider well him to endure so great contradictions of Trump centers against themselves less easy notary that you be not worried painting in your mind and a footnote is to wave and go as adjust its value and sometimes in comparison with other things.
As opposed, that would mean to inwardly meditate and virtually connected with another word that we have used here in our chapter in the 11Th verse, the word exercise.
Exercise of soul surely is a matter of inwardly meditating, not in a superficial way, but meditating inwardly, letting the heart be exercised in these matters.
Don't you think that considering him in this diverse is in contrast to what you have of the men of Faith in the 11Th chapter?
It's not their faith that we're to emulate.
About his path.
Consider him.
The preference of the looking here at verse 2 is not the same as what we have alive by 4522 where the Lord says look under me and he say that for the seven of the is faces and perceived salvation as a result of the look of faith. But here's the look of the believer, isn't it? Yeah, more than the glory. Nor is it the same as we see Jesus.
Or there is the object in whom we delight.
But here is considering Him in the path of faith and we've not been put to the test. As he has been put. We shouldn't be worried and faint in our minds.
We haven't gone the full length, have we, any of us? If we had, we wouldn't be here.
We have not yet resisted on the blood. Many of the dear Saints have, but but these hadn't yet. Perhaps some of them did afterwards. Not yet resisted under blood striving against sin.
Well, that would intimate.
That if it means to yield our life, if it does mean to suffer marketing, well, don't give up. Keep up the path you've not. The time to complain is when you've resisted under blood. But if you've done that, you won't complain because it'll be over with then.
Should not yet resisted on the blood striving against sin.
Object, the horse that is his life in this world, perfection of all his ways, if not, have been left out.
All indeed could be loved, Just principles do this, do not that, but to see the Lord walking before in a world more difficult than what we are going to do. And they all hate it, so we really follow it. And we should be hated too, but not blessed to have this precious object revealed from day-to-day.
It is the subject man subject to the wildest father.
Receiving all the stuff from the Destiny and going through it because you love it.
Cheers, my brother, thinking how fast the Lord endures this contradiction, sinners against himself exhaust them in our minds of our think that the Son of God, the one who is to be the King of kings, one who is now frowned with glory and honored heaven when He was here among men.
But permit his creature man.
To spit in his face and crowning the thorns on one occasion, to say that he was a Samaritan had a devil. Oh how the Lord was encouraging contradicted in his in his ministry. Well, that should give us to be patient when we're opposed by sinners.
Think of water that slamming the Lord has already left before. Well, if Paul wrote Hebrews.
We must remember that.
He spoke of that how he was given a thought in the flesh in 2nd Corinthians 12. The messenger of Satan to profit him. To profit means to beat with a fist.
They profited the Lord with their words, and then they buffered him with their fists too, didn't they?
And so the apostle can write a word like this to us.
My brother and I were just having a little conversation before the meeting as to the reaction that is met with sometimes when we seek to speak about the Lord Jesus or to give away a gospel tract and.
We were rather ashamed to find that sometimes in giving a track when it's rudely refused, we feel a resentment in our hearts. Now that's not right, is it? We ought not to feel that resentment, but would it not be right for us to feel a certain sadness? I believe in Mark's gospel where the Lord Jesus is presented as the perfect servant. We find him more often. Signs sign deeply.
Groaning in spirit. And I wonder if we as seeking perhaps to speak a word for the Lord here and there, if we met with that rude resentment, could it not be right for us to sigh in spirit as we mourn over those who will not accept the precious Savior? And yet, if we feel that resentment, perhaps the Lord is revealing to us something that's in our heart that ought to be judged.
I suppose that if it were you or me.
And we had been.
Rejected in the way the Lord Jesus was that when we beheld the city we would have said it's just too bad you're going to be overthrown, but I'm glad of it, you deserve it. Instead of which he wept over the city.
Despite different from our way of looking at things, we see our way, do we not? In the way that John took the case of Nineveh, he won the wait there and see the destruction.
Yes, that was in a huff because God didn't do it.
If he was restored, he wrote the book.
Yes, but it took some work.
To restore him.
Second Peter the first Peter 2 and 21, or even you uncle where he called because the place was covered for us, breathing off in the campus that he should follow his steps, who did no sin, neither was guilty down in his mouth to when he was revolved his father's not against when he suffered, he threatened God, but committed himself to him. The judges righteously.
Truly not something we can do commit ourselves and him judges righteously yes, with own self help sin his own thought in the spirit in the street.
But we didn't get the sins to live on the righteous, by whose Christ you were given for your receipt, going as Christian. But no one returned the shepherd and Bishop of your souls. A lovely word, nothing much harder to bear than to be reviled.
And yet he was reviled with no just cause whatsoever. But he reviled not again.
When he suffered, he threatened not and in that he's our example definitely stated to be so. He suffered for us leaving as an example. We should follow his steps.
Well, that's a real test, isn't it?
To be thoroughly reviled and not answer back in the same in the same spirit.
But if we're going to follow in his steps.
It's to receive these things.
Remembering that God permits it, God permits it. Revile not again, but committed himself, that is. That wasn't the end of it.
The fact that he didn't resist it didn't revile again.
That wasn't the end of the matter. He's willing to leave it all with God. You take care of it.
He knew that before the eye of God.
That he stood pure and holy.
With a single eye that he was only seeking the glory of God.
So he just was quiet and went on his way. Well, if we're reviled unjustly, we have the same privilege, do we not? 20th verse which?
The 20th verse would show that, wouldn't it?
What glory is it if, when you be profited for your fault, you take it patiently?
But if when you do well.
And some for you take it patiently. This is acceptable with God.
Until you undertake it patiently, in any case.
And the blessed Lord, as is sometimes said, it boils inside. Sometimes we may boil inside and not say anything. But even that has to be judged too, doesn't it? But the Lord didn't do that.
He was lonely in his heart.
Is that it? Meek, Meek and lowly? I suppose there's no rarer.
Virtue to be met with than meekness.
Someone has said that the difference between being holy and being meek is that if you're lowly enough, you won't step on anybody's corners. If you're meek enough, you won't cry out against the person who steps on your corner.
Our brother Barry mentioned one of the comments made against the Lord Jesus as being said, we not well that thou art a Samaritan, and hath the devil.
Beautiful to see what we've been Speaking of illustrated in the Lord's answer. On that occasion He simply said, I have not a devil. The one statement, I suppose, was a personal insult against himself, said We not. Well, that thou art a Samaritan. He let that unanswered.
And ask the devil, I believe he did right. Of course he did right to defend that. But he not, I have not a devil. Don't you think that he answered in the parable in the 10th of Luke?
Mr. Mark and the rescued the poor.
I think that was the way in which he answered that.
That poor fellow that fell among the thieves, the only one that had mercy on him was this American so-called.
And also said that I honor my father, but she did honor me.
In connection with the joy of Two, let me say to you, but now.
He did have a special joy, and during the will of his father he could say that I delighted who thy will and I do always those things between his apartment.
So I've lost his joy through the farmers bill and we really want the farmers relations N 6th or A40 says this is the will of him. That says means that everyone which sears the son and believe the son can magnet and allow to life and I will raise him up again to last day.
With the joy of doing Collinsville and that's the end of the pathway and after he said the press director, he's going to have a further joy.
Of having those will be necessary to look into sales similarly.
In the 11Th of Matthew we have the suggestion.
Of the Lord being rejected, which is consummated in the 12Th chapter.
In the.
In the 18th version John came neither eating nor drinking. 11Th chapter They say he hath a devil.
Son of man came eating and drinking and they say, behold a man gluttonous. Now think of this, think of this level that the Lord Jesus.
Hold a man gluttonous and a wine liver.
The friend of Republicans and sinners. For what Contentable language?
But wisdom is justified of her children. Then began He to upbraid the cities wherein most of His mighty works were done.
Because they repented? Not so. Then he goes on to speak of Tires of the Santa, and he speaks of Capernaum.
And then immediately.
When he finds himself rejected and these hateful things set against him.
25th verse at that time.
Jesus answered and said, I thank the old Father Lord of heaven and earth, because I must hid these things from the wise and prudent, and has revealed them unto babes. Even so, Father, for so it seemed good in thy sight. All things are delivered unto me and my Father. No man knoweth the Son but the Father.
Neither nor any man, the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever he will reveal him.
Is he retreats, as it were, into the joy of that intimacy between himself and the Father when he finds himself rejected in this world, especially by his own people.
And then he comes out of that ecstasy, so to speak.
And he says, Come unto me, all ye that labour nor heavy laden, and I'll give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me frying. Meek and low in heart, you shall find rest into your souls. Israel rejected him. He rejoices in what he has, in the knowledge that the Father understands him.
And then he issues that cry. Come unto me, all ye that labor under heavy laden. He turns now to the individual that will come to him. Israel has rejected him. They're going to say in plain words in the next chapter that he's working his miracles by the elves above the Prince of Devils.
That was nationally the sin against the Holy Ghost.
And so the veil descended on them as a result of that sin.
And taking my yoke upon you links us up with him in the path that he tried.
So if they treated him that way, are we better?
Than small.
If it persecuted me, they'll persecute you also.
There's no such thing in Scripture that I've been able to find brethren as a popular brand of Christianity.
I can't find it. It's a little flop, yes.
Popular Christianity. I don't find it in my Bible.
Well, is it consistent for us to be thinking about making ourselves comfortable down here when the Lord Jesus had all of those trials in his pathways? I think of who he is. He's the Son of God. He is God, but he became a man and he suffered all those trials that we read about in the Word. Well, it's not consistent for us to belong to Him.
To want to find pleasure, comfort and enjoy convenience and all of that in this season where he had all of that inconvenience, dysfunction, all the trials and that joke that it speaks out here in 911 is a very real thing.
We haven't seen a yoke of oxygen perhaps, but when two options are put in a yoke one-on-one side and 1:00 on the other.
There's foot there and can't get away. They have to work together. They have to March on together, parallel, one with another. We've seen teams of Fortress when we were on the farm where the one horse wouldn't pull together with the other one and it was all confusion.
But oh, how nice it was to have a team of horses that would pull together equally and we could get some work done.
All right, we've got once as it were to pull together with the Lord Jesus, walk, walk with him, side by side with him and not trying to have conference and pleasure where he has sorrow on this country. Brother Anderson, that joke.
But on the oxygen was to make the burden lighter, and not to call the oxygen. Is that correct? And God does not saddle a yoke upon us to make it intolerable, but to make it tolerable.
Now he says my yoke is easy as my burden of life really is the emphasis on the words, right? My own, my own thought the Lord endured here.
And this thing, not the yoke of bonding, of the yoke of liberty, joy, happiness. There is a determined effort abroad today, perhaps as never before.
To accommodate Christianity to the world, To make it attractive, Dress it up.
Tone it down.
Take the line of compromise.
Pattern your approach.
After the world so that you can appeal to the masses. That's the movement that's on foot today in Christendom.
Well, one feels very distinctly that it's of the enemy.
We actually, from God's viewpoint, we gain nothing.
By toning down the truth or trying to divest it of the cross side of things.
If we make it something that is to be popular, it just looks so wonderful. Why? Sure, you you, you become a Christian and it'll do wonderful things for you.
Why, it's even made synonymous with worldly prosperity in some camps. If you'll become a Christian, you'll have a good bank account, you'll have a a good position. You can you can get places.
But oh, how different the picture is when we search the Word of God and find out that we're following a rejected Christ. You know Mr. AH Rule.
Was a gifted servant among us many years ago. Some of us knew him personally, sat under his ministry.
He said something like this. I believe that a Christian should seek to slip through this world as quietly as possible.
Well, that's exactly the opposite of the advice that we get from Christendom around us today. It's exactly the opposite of what our children are taught in school from the first day they go till they get through.
The constant emphasis is make something of yourself get to the top.
No, let's seek to be in the companionship of Christ, just having his approval and go through the world in a quiet way. We we don't have to hitch our wagon to a star.
Unless that star is the brightened morning star.
This thing of being ambitious in carnal things has been a hindrance to God's dear people.
Brown, did you ever hear that about the Lord going to when invited to speak?
A reason given why Christmas should go to wireless places supposed to have opportunities to keep for Christ. Who would you give us an answer to? Those that use that as a reason why we stores why Christians were going to where the place?
Well, I think it's.
It's they're hard put to to find an excuse for doing what they know is is wrong for a Christian. But our Lord in no way compromised himself in that situation. He was invited to take a meal in the home of this man.
He never for a moment let down his own standards to do it and he was very faithful with him while he was there.
I don't see how anyone can interpret that as the Lord compromising his pathway.
Or the dignity of his person by doing. It was marvelous grace. Marvelous grace to do it. He knew the heart of that man. He knew why the man invited him to come. He knew that he wouldn't give him any water for his feet. He knew that he wouldn't annoy his head. He knew that he wouldn't give him any kiss of welcome. I suppose it was a sort of carnal curiosity. He wanted to get close to him so he could observe him.
And the Lord, in marvelous condescension, accepted that invitation. But God was there too. And he interrupted in what to me is one of the most delightful incidents in the whole word of God.
There's just no gospel portion that my soul seems to delight in so much as the end of the 7th of Luke.
And if our Lord hadn't accepted that invitation where he was to be criticized, not audibly, but in the heart of that self-righteous Pharisee.
If he hadn't accepted that invitation, we'd never have had that lovely, precious portion of the woman that came in and told out her story in her tears.
At His blessed feet on the ground. Do we ever in the scripture get an instance where our blessed Lord?
Went into the home of a Sadducee? No, I think not. Shouldn't that not be 11 to us? Yes, very point.
What do you mean by a lesson for us to admire? While a Pharisee at least nominally acknowledged resurrection, my understanding of the Sadducees was that he was a modernist of his day. Is that true? Yes, he was. I think in principle that's the point. I may be wrong, I said correctly.
Of the Lord and speak to the scripture speaks of him as being holy, harmless. I'm deployed. That's the thing. We can be depiled by our contacts, putting ourselves in places, but we should not be. And he was separate from sinners. The Lord could put himself in these places and yet be undefiled. None of us can make a claim like that.
They Scotch evangelists.
Years ago.
They would come to me, perhaps in the moment. Richard Weaver, Yes. He was invited to the dance. Well, he accepted the invitation. He went to the dance.
But before the dance started, he said, Now I always ask God's blessing on anything I do. So before we start the dance, we'll have prayer.
And he got out in the middle of the dance floor and knelt.
And prayed in the spirit of mighty prayer.
And when he arose from his feet, as I recall, the guests were rapidly disappearing and there was no dance that night.
Well 11 believes that Richard Weaver had the mind of the Lord in doing that.
Now we're not saying we should imitate him, because whatsoever is not a faith of sin.
We're not going to try to imitate it, but he had a definite motive in going there and that was the witness for Christ. Perhaps you've heard the story about Lord Federal being invited to a very basketball ball in England, and it's always one who invited him, that he would come on one condition, and that was that he would take a friend along with him and introduce his friend at the ball.
And he was told that he would be very mad for him to bring his friend. Very glad to meet his friend. Oh, and everything flying smooth. Anyway, he got up, mentioned that he'd come there on the division that he was to introduce a friend.
I said my friend is the Lord Jesus Christ. I want to introduce my friend here. I'm going. He told him about the Lord and his love.
Save a nice gospel message.
Well, the rest of the story is that he was never invited to another vote. He didn't want Brother Steven, or they didn't want his friend either. Oh, that goes the door.
And the elite Society of England.
We can think we have a little calendar in the first chance of the problems and connection with the model first councillor.
Eight my son give the instruction of my car and the 2nd motherboard by mother first when my son is citizen fighting from death or not they say in Canada.
My son walked not thou in the way he lived there. Refrain my.
Needle and Forecast, verse 14.
I am 40 in the way of wisdom. I am left in right now. I set the muffin straight when I run. I can not someone.
Thank you.
The problem with it and go knocking away according to half my life turn promise and pass away and the 26th person with a problem of life and let all my ways get scattered turn off the right path smallest.
He didn't make all the senator more than win them through, but he has no feather here. Wisdom in their sins.
So I believe there is a very important expression of the young one. They might invite us to this place or that. Here we have some very valid construction problems. By the voice of the pitfall and stages you may fall into increases to the interface.
Hey, we've seen together queue #174.
All Pacers fastest one our hearts and weakness trace their lion the third of these, lest we may rest of the oaks our gains. O holy Lord, on thee, that with thy beauty occupied the elsewhere numb 174.
No turn shots.
How many?