Hebrews 12:1

Hebrews 12:1
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17 verses of Hebrews 12.
12Th chapter, Hebrews.
Down to verse 17.
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about, withhold greater cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every week, and the scenery does so easily beset us. And let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking under Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that are set before him, endured the cross.
Despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
For consider him that endure such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest he be weary and faint in your mind you have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin.
But you have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you, and unto children, My son, despise not thou that chase me of the Lord.
Nor seek when thou attribute to him for whom the Lord loveth, he chasteneth, and scourge at every son whom he receiveth. If he endure chastening, God dealeth with you as it stands. For what son is he whom the Father chasteth not?
What if he be without chastisement? Whereof all are partakers? Then are you ******** and knocks up? Furthermore, we have had fathers of our flesh, which corrected us, and we gave the reverence. Show me not much rather the interjection of the fallen of spirits, and live, for they barely for a few days, chastened us after their own pleasure.
But he for our Prophet.
That we might be partakers of His Holiness.
No, no chasing for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous nevertheless afterward it's yielded the peaceable fruit of righteousness under them which are exercised thereby.
Wherefore, lift up the hands which hang down and the feeble needs, and make straight paths for your feet.
Lift that it is lane be turned out of the way, but let it roller be healed. Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord looking diligently, lest any man fail of the grace of God, lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you and thereby many be defiled.
Lest there be any fornicator.
Or profane person, as he saw, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright.
For you know how this after it, when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected, for he found no place of repentance, and always thought it carefully with tears.
A lot of witnesses would be going to happen.
Knock knock people down here.
What is the amount of faith of other agents?
They're not hard besides the dust either.
We were in an amphitheater and they were in the bench and watching this.
But the fact that they have been here and lived in their records, given the silly word, they were witnesses for God, they witnessed for him in their day.
11Th chapter.
He's all good faith received, not the promise he got.
Better for us, Better. That's the characteristic word of the book of Hebrews.
That Join Now right down the line.
What we have in Christ in Christianity goes far beyond the benefit of duty.
Is one of the casualties of this that is better. But we're seeing in our history as being terribly commanded by Earth. It's a heavenly state. Is that what makes it better?
26 Third chapter, the same book.
First, first, third challenge.
There are, Holy Brethren, the teachers of Heavenly.
Sick, possible High Priest of our Confession of Christ Jesus.
Their address is holy, brethren.
Thinkers of the heavenly calling from contrast to Israel who have a Christian calling.
Heavenly calling, the citizens calling to heaven.
In contrast, and follow her belongs to Virginia.
The sad thing, that.
Christians generally have these things so confused and so mother.
And very few realize that Christianity is a heavenly thing that promises a heavenly.
And any benefit that we may get on the earth are simply mercy, by the way. But they're not properly as part of our promise as Christians. They come in, by the way.
Peter calls attention to that in his first epistle.
First chapter.
4th and 5th person.
Do an inheritance interruptible.
Jewish inheritance and certainly corruptible.
Undefiled and became critically depiled.
And this faith is not his way. The whole thing is faded away as far as their responsibility is concerned.
Reserve in heaven. I'm down here in heaven, are you as our name on it, who are kept by the car of God.
Inheritance is kept for us and we are kept for the inheritance.
But through faith, not artificially.
The way you put something in the cold storage or in the freezer.
And you say now I place that there's the way God keeps us. He keeps us through the activity and exercise of personal faith.
Salvation at the end of the journey, is that right?
We see some of the Old Testament Saints looking for something beyond the earth.
When Moses.
For all that to suffer affliction of the people of God, and to enjoy the pleasures of sin, first season as steaming, the approach of price, greater treasures than the treasures in Egypt, and so on, Blood wasn't just silver and gold he was looking for.
Was it? No, not in, not in Moses, baby.
He was casting in his love to God's people rather than with that that represents this world.
It's told casting is locked, not people. Rather than the enemies Land was attacking the world.
Abraham looked for said in the past foundations and builder. Lincoln's got. He didn't do that as a two he did that.
Far and beyond the Jewish That is a personal faith. Abraham. Fact. Abraham. No, that's what people did.
He was a four idolaters team that picked up idolatry.
Do we get our responsibility, president to this college? Look at 3:14.
Put them 314.
I am impressed toward the mark for the prize of the high quality God is Christ Jesus.
I have a connection with this after we have before.
Back to the way in which we should carry it out.
One of the best things was the 5th and the notification.
Of us on that offline.
What would be the prize?
That it went with.
It's not the point.
That was.
God gave us all these cases.
It hasn't been just erecting the memorial happened.
Over there, Glory. Over there.
Put their foot here that we might be encouraged in our pathway.
Always mad at the present is that present round?
And with hinder our items.
It's a constant battle. It's long over here, but there's no more.
Relations, as long as we're here, the spirit is going with us against inflation and flash against the spirit of East Florida and one of the other names and things that we were.
Will not have that battle in heaven when you lay aside the questions of our war. Maryland Not before.
Audience of Isaiah.
Getting to the 21St.
The Lord, the creator of the.
Faith is not neither the Spirit. There's no selection of his own abandoned.
They give us power to faith and then this happens like he is recently.
Given the roadshow things that we worry.
The young men shout.
Rejoice in loving times.
I've never been on that one. We're just reading about race in the front of people and they turn around and not be moving everything and the highest of all things from the Christians.
La La La La La La la laughing.
This is not allowed clause, particularly for the Christians. They shall walk and not think.
And I think the whole tree all the whole tree. But would it not have stopped at the after running off the weary is for the Old Testament Saints lol.
This is a different stages of article. Yes, that's true.
Are rejoicing that it is resolved for taking swings and by calendar that will be realized.
So early.
Regardless of the rate of the second quarter, but I'll probably do this gentleman with God and you'll call it heaven to a specific progress.
Now the expectation.
Calls for exercise on our part.
Let us.
Here's something for us to do.
I sometimes wondered if.
Perhaps for those who know the truth.
I've gone on to God and their souls and thought of God.
If perhaps our greater hitters is not the way to travel and sin.
What I mean is this this.
Raised and in fact, he'll not fall into graves then.
Everything is going on with God.
There's a lot of watchfulness that brings about a great fall.
But the way, that's another thing.
Good thing is maybe he waste good things. Maybe wait.
Because we give them too great a place in our life.
Every week.
That leads me down. So I can't accept.
You're bringing slothfulness there. It's too much trouble to please the Lord again.
I remember this boy in school.
On Wednesday, they relayed racism.
Carlos men, Groundhog races. They were flat and very sparingly.
Process all I wore apart from their shoes.
With these things like the boat as far as any weight was concerned.
Now why did they go to spirit?
Doesn't want to win the race in every farm near hindrance.
And they didn't build their pockets with less weight when they were going to run the race.
But so often where the movie cannot fulfill our pockets at this word with weight that has gotten up around the midst.
And they injure us from running the race. They're not playing football enough.
We flee to the earth. Aren't gold weights worse than when we go Under Armour? Yeah, sure they are. We see not. We're not in the city room.
And that's where we finally fall and flipping the street, getting rid of all those things.
Which were indeed.
But much things were gave me though I'm involved in Christ.
How many a St. has been hindered in these spiritual race by becoming too busy?
Well, no sin of being used and being visited, but.
It can become a weight we can keep enlarging our borders and thinking in more and more responsibility, and finally the things that Christ are shoved into the background.
Eventually we find ourselves wallet. Wallet. Perhaps it becomes a diamond.
That is the case with the problem.
Late at night.
I didn't get off the weekend until the week. I know all the way.
The Lord has picked the system away from.
I'll say this for the benefit of you young folks that are here.
I don't know the truth. Thank you.
I find as I go around.
Young people, generally speaking, I mean among the States.
Are using the Lord today together school, work, whether it's high school.
Seems to be an acceptance pattern.
Use the Lord today to get get your school letter right here, your themes and your these things, and get your problems. Do your research work.
I believe that's the hindrance to your soul.
I know that we're.
Not under illegal 7, but surely, dear young folks, if you're exercising before God as to use.
Of your time, you can find something to do for Christ on the Lord's Day. It will make you feel far happier from the days over to know that you've got your lesson so that perhaps you can read way at the top of your class.
I believe there have been young people that made it a point. They absolutely would not take second place if they can possibly avoid going to be at the top.
There what price did they pay for it?
All right.
I'm not setting myself up for an example, but I just want to tell you that this is something I hammered out on my own end.
I don't recall spending an hour studying for on the large day after I've converted.
If I did, it's gone from my mind.
I was valedictorian or salutatorian.
I didn't fail and I I believe in the in the long run.
It was far better for my soul, and it was neglected things of God and hardness and try and get at the top. And that's a pretty practical word, but I believe it's the truth and I'm leaving it with it.
We can save on the ground.
It's the large day. It's the law host to him or there's so many, many things we can do for him on that day.
I know he will be a letter, father, just busy from morning to night on the 4th day. I don't mean to say the same as Lexus, the meetings I'm talking about first by first.
That isn't all they're doing. They're going out and visiting the city, visiting the institutions, going up and getting off track.
Writing a letter to somebody that needs a little spiritual and encouragement.
We can use that later.
You think that we are actually a testimony of Lord Jesus if we're not interested in His web and.
Or talking to individuals taking the president. Schools is here. Here we talk for the meeting. So we just sit there. I don't think you can.
There without anyone gathered to walk or any children's place or anybody.
This is not a cause for us to consider our way to the field, that we're not really a living.
I think that's important to prepare the money. We're not going to complete cabinet to come with a citizen and enjoy a meeting.
Both sides.
Right now, very few days ago, sometimes relates to apostles or.
Their best Lord.
They have.
And we also shall bear.
I do believe there must be a little real thing going on.
There's no testimony supposedly being gathered.
And the war from those that compose that test of testimony and substance and kind of approach in the name, I don't mean reproach. The Bible says, let us go forth therefore on the invariant is the truth.
But it's it's up here and there's a pistol.
In the second test first piece.
First, this is thanks worth a man for consciousness wrongful.
Robot glory. This is really deposited for your boss.
On the outside.
It's great we proved the price and to our.
We know pieces like that.
There's no patient like that forever. Senator. Got such a condition.
That is actually.
The world around.
There's not much.
Well, that's very nice.
You sound get everything under the price, so get ready for it.
We're going to sad.
All supposing that the man was able to get 10% or 25% off.
The next couple of days.
Are a terrific law forgiveness.
Accelerate. We're out there and went out to down the road briefly to one of these terrific foghorns. Lastly, out of bed with these fog of the morning, we started talking about this keeper and had his ministry that.
You know what that looks like?
That looks like the same kind of thing in front of us that Mister Leslie Ferguson of Lauren. Oh, I said annoying. Well, he says, Pleased to meet you. Well, there was a man who for 50 years attended a nice Testimon.
Call. Let's take it from The world has been closed for Isaac because.
Of Christ and where that basically the Lord will say that Let's speak of another wait now be practical.
Sometimes we find.
Moving into a new hole.
And that hole becomes an idle.
It just snaps every spare hour.
There just seems to be no end. What can be done? Make it a perfect moment? Perfectionist. Everything has to be just so.
What I believe presidents, and I'm sure I've seen it move up.
That kind of thing, keeping a hole, can become a weight to our spiritual growth and progress.
Was that what Martha wanted?
I wouldn't accuse Martin of that, but.
The Lord did appreciate the fact that Mary's devotion and he didn't wish that market wouldn't be sold.
So ridiculous.
But her body was Martha's voting good.
Her body was good.
I think so, brother. I just wanted to.
There's no time is fine with homes.
That are so very perfect.
And it seems as though the walls are too nice to put the gospel verse on, and so you don't find the gospel versions on.
I believe our homes helped carry with them the Savior of Christ.
At least if we have got sex on the wall, it has a sense to find influence in the whole.
It's nice to have on the front door too, Brother Anderson near the doorbell.
These people have come around trying to peddle their poison. If you have a burst redeemed with the price of flood or something, they don't very often ring your doorbell.
Tactical experience. They dial in and it's a good wholesome testimony to anybody that comes to your door, but essentially a protection against these people who are Republican.
Is terrific poison. They're just need to saturate the earth. Wherever you go, you find it.
I referred it to all the socalled for all those weapons.
We have that experience, Brother Myers, on this little trip. Her wife, not just me, they were working with the little lady next door.
Young, very young, married woman. She had her first child.
We're going to help her some knowledge of the things of God.
She knew She knew practically nothing.
We hadn't been working with her a week until she came over to show us a beautiful book that her husband had brought home that had been given to him to read.
Well, all the day saw the book. I knew what it was. Very attractively done. Nothing. I suppose you bought the bookstore to cost you at least a dollar. Illustrated. Good and tight. Good print. Nice thought finding.
Audience poison.
Wait, no. That shows how business Satan is. You kind of give someone a gospel and the first thing you know, Satan moves in and begins this attack.
I believe the most wicked things about us today, most pernicious and persistent, all these thoughts around us today is made-up.
And all the more people matter of joy.
And I can go on. What's wrong there on the table? I went over and I picked it up. Let me go.
Let me go on. You know what I'm enjoying.
Well, I have an 112175 so I've been so unfortunately.
And then I want to. Let's bring forward repeatedly.
But that's the resurrection, the work of calendar, and the blood of Christ repeatedly.
Definitely, because we're not getting no revision.
Doctor Jehovah's Witnesses that will say that they themselves are saved by the blood of Jesus.
But you talked a little while. It's always Jesus, never the Lord Jesus. You just feel they don't care from at all.
That is very strange. They can say that they're staying by the blood of peace and the whole question rather genius. Who was a Jesus? That's it exactly. Well started landing Michael the arcade, for it came down here and took a body, honey.
And he never was divine, never was God, never will be.
And he was never raised from the head.
Never raised from the dead.
Romans 10/9 and 10 saw that problem, that wonderful gospel.
So if by any means we've had, the final Test will be blocked back into E furniture.
I just mentioned that because it sounds pretty good when they say they are saved by the blood of Jesus.
But it doesn't really mean anything if you say.
When Aaron.
Made the cat from the earrings of the people and Moses up on the mountain and the thing of peace to it. He didn't say tomorrow is a feast to the golden gap. He said tomorrow is a peace to Jehovah. He had the terminology. His terminology is perfect.
But who was Jehovah?
God made from the rings and the people's ears.
To turn away their ears from the fruit, and it shall be turned on the base.
The preaching they want, they get them itching ears and itching ears. And so they kept the preaching they wanted here. Well, that's how Aaron and his people there, how they got their global cat. They got it out of their gears, but they called it Jehovah.
That is, congratulations to my soul.
Thank you.
So, yeah, so.
What's going on today?
And most of the prisoners are all criminology DU, but it's being spoken of, the new thing that they're thinking of receiving people.
All terminologies in order to receive, but in the back of their mind they have something else in mind. I don't have the truth in mind, they have terror in their mind, but expression is an old terminology.
Mine is Brother Anderson, Doctor Rollos.
And who's home directly rather than Iowa City and husband?
Brother, I'm living there for many years.
There's a teacher in the university there.
And he went to a Chapel. Lexington and the monitors got up and gave a very smooth talk and used evangelical phrases.
Who's this terminology and?
No Methodist sitting next to doctor.
And when the thing was over, he spoke to Doctor Rose, Mind said. That was a wonderful talk.
Well, the whole man, he didn't deserve.
That terminology didn't mean to that man on the platform. What meant to him as he listened to it? That man. That's why, sure, we've got to be born again. But him is just a question of a new vision.
And of course, well, to him that was just like himself or not. And he moved right on the online and he's all those phrases.
And have a a completely.
So we must not be deceived by phraseology.
Know what a man is talking about.
We have a concert from the Holy One.
That God has given us the Holy Spirit.
And if we're watching the power on the green spirit walking with the Lord, we're unable to assure the state.
Before the Lord sets up his Kingdom.
All kinds of doctors Leverly presented.
And which will be regulated?
And that time.
Been true.
He really so, So we can think further.
Those don't agree with who we work.
Tracks and mountains and books that you pick up. They have a lovely school, invasive, sweet stuff. And if you saw halfway through the boat you may be cool, but the stings in the tail, go read the go read the last chapter to see what the conclusions are and then I'm going to see where that book is trying to be.
Turn to the end of the book of a passenger attract and get the author's final conclude.
I think that's an important principle.
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