Hebrews 12:16-29

Duration: 58min
Hebrews 12:16‑29
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Mid scenes of confusion.
Increase your complaints.
Oh, sweet to the soul is communion with Saints.
It seems of confusion.
Greater complaint.
I'll swing the golden.
Start with verse 16.
You guys right bro? Good. Yes, that would be good. We have one hour to finish the chapter.
Hebrews 12 and we'll start at verse 16.
Must there be any fornication or profane person as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright? For ye know how that afterward, when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected.
For he found no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears. Fear not come unto the mount that might be touched and that burned with fire, nor unto blackness and darkness, and Tempest, and the sound of a trumpet, and the voice of words, which voice they that heard entreated that the word should not be spoken to them anymore. For they could not endure that which was commanded. And if so much as a beast touched the mountain, it shall be stoned or thrust through with the dart.
And so terrible was the sight, that Moses said, I exceedingly fear and quake. But ye are come unto Mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, into an innumerable company of angels. And to the Gen. to the General Assembly and Church of the first born, which are written in heaven. And to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect, And to Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant. And to the blood of sprinkling that speaketh better things than not available.
See that ye refused not him that speaketh, For if they escape not who refused him that spake on earth, How much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven?
Whose voice then shook the earth. But now he hath promised, saying that once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven.
And this word yet once more signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain, Wherefore we receiving a Kingdom which cannot be moved.
Let us have grace whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear, for our God is a consuming fire.
Before we go on to these verses, I did want to.
Uh, repeat a statement that was made by, I believe it is Breyer, late brother Harry Hagel, brother Bill or brother Don. You can confirm this, but I think he was known to say never go home to bed at night with a hard thought about anybody in the sphere of your acquaintance. Was that, is that about right?
And he added one phrase.
He would say never go to bed with an unkind thought toward anyone in the world, no matter how they treat you.
I think that's a good challenge for our hearts, brethren.
So it might seem rather unusual that the Spirit of God connects the sin of fornication with what Esau did in despising his birthright.
It might seem.
A bit unusual to connect a very serious moral sin with Esau's act of trading his birthright for, as it says here, 1 morsel of meat, one plate of lentils when he was hungry. But the undergirding principle is the same.
Fornication is immediate gratification with that which.
Is immediately before us. But it's a trade off which has very serious consequences, doesn't it? The world today looks on that kind of thing very lightly, thinks very little of it, sad to say, but it does carry serious consequences.
And so it was with Esau. That plate of food looked very good to him, and Jacob knew just how to tempt him when he was hungry, coming in from the field, coming in from hunting. And he made his bargain, and he saw gave up his birthright. And his words are rather striking. He says I'm about ready to die.
What good'll this birthright be to me?
Would there not have been food for them without doing that? Of course there would. His father Isaac was a rich man. He didn't have to worry about starving to death in Isaac's household. But the immediate gratification is what captured him.
And I would suggest that.
From the point of view of opposed to whom this pistol was, this epistle was addressed.
They were in danger in one sense of losing that which God was offering by holding on to something that was really of no value to them. But I suggest there's a serious lesson for you and me, and that is, are we allowing immediate gratification of the things of this world?
To allow us to give up that which is of eternal value.
Again, we can't lose our salvation. Thank God for that. But are we in our lives?
Sacrificing that which is of eternal value in order for present gratification.
Poor Esau wanted the blessing, and that's why it says there at the end of verse 17. He sought it carefully, with tears. He wanted the blessing.
He pleaded with his father. Oh my father, bless me also.
But no repentance, no suggestion that he said, oh, Father, I was wrong to sell my birthright. I was wrong to despise it, which is exactly what he did, and so very often.
The spirit of this world says to the Lord, give me the blessing, but don't make me deal with the sins in my life. You and I as believers can want all the enjoyment and blessings of Christianity, but we want to have the world as well, and it doesn't work, does it? We have to have one or the other if we're going to live in the enjoyment of heavenly things.
We have to let go of this world.
Profanity is treating sacred things as if they were common.
That's what profanity is.
And that's what Esau did, didn't he?
The birthright was something that was given to the first born in the family, and he treated that birthright as if it were nothing more than a plate of food. He treated it as if it were common. That's what a fornicator does. Sex is something that is God ordained in its place, but its place is to be used in the marriage bond for a person to.
Practice that outside of the bond of marriage. It's treating that which is sacred as if it were common. That is not right. And so we don't know that Esau was a fornicator, but he was a profane man and it's the same principle involved. And we really don't have much reason to believe that he saw was a true believer.
In fact, even his descendants, the Edomites, the Book of Obadiah, are to be completely wiped out. That is one nation that will not enter the Millennial day.
Uh, this to have that in your descendants. Terrible, sad.
But I think it's good grill. What you mentioned in verse 17, if you look at Mr. Darby's translation, the end of the verse where it says for he found no place of repentance is in, uh, parentheses.
So he sought not repentance, but he sought the blessing with tears. Like you said though.
He wasn't repentant. He never repented.
And that's why in the book of Malachi, in many centuries after both Isaac and Jacob were gone, I I say Esau and Jacob were gone.
The Lord, says Jacob, have I learned that Esau have I hated?
That wasn't before they were born, that wasn't while they were living, that was many years after. Because he had shown his true character of despising sacred things. Lord help us.
These were apparently tears of remorse, which is a different thing than the tears of repentance.
Repentance is a process that God graciously, uh, umm, enacts in our souls, often coupled with confession, sincere confession before the Lord, and then that process of repentance can take place in US. But remorse is unhappiness with the consequences of our actions. And God has given man a will, though his will is not free, uh, Speaking of the Sinner. And he makes choices.
But God is the one who chooses the consequences of those choices, not us, and oftentimes those consequences. The way of a transgressor is hard, and there can be tears of remorse, which is nothing that leads to blessings.
So instead of repenting, he put the blame on his brother's actions. And there's enmity between him and Jacob and doesn't justify what Jacob did to get it, but uh.
Esau had no right to blame uh, Jacob for what he did in selling his birthright. It's an easy thing, brethren, to find excuses for our failures and put the blame on others.
And uh, it it. It's a sad thing because there's no restoration until repentance comes in. Remorse is different than repentance.
That's interesting in uh.
If you look at Matthew's Gospel chapter 27, another one.
It uses in our King James version, the word repented himself in connection with Judas Iscariot.
Just pointed out here.
Verse 3 Then Judas, which had betrayed him, when he saw that he was condemned, that the Lord was condemned, repented himself in Mr. Darby's filled with remorse. So there wasn't really repentance with Judas, was there? He saw that it really looked bad what he had done, and he was filled with remorse because there was no true faith in Judas. He didn't go back to the Lord.
It was that wasn't in the picture. He went and hung himself. Awful end of one who was so close to the Lord.
I wonder if there are lessons in there for us as well. I know scriptures always have lessons in there. We have two applications. I was thinking how thinking of how Israel of all as a nation, they were considering considered to be adulterous nation. They forsake God. They didn't do what was required of them before God. So I was thinking perhaps we can draw an application in our lives.
Uh, have we forsaken God?
Do we call Him by name outwardly, but inside our hearts have no place for Him? That's religion, sis, religious system, isn't it? And then there are many things that are basic, given to us for our own good. Simple thing is, we have before us unbelief, or rather the opposite of believing in His word. We say that we believe. Do we believe in all His words?
We might say, well, I believe in the gospel, I believe that my sins are forgiven. That's good. What about other things, other parts of our lives so we can easily give up things that are right before God? There are many truths that we have learned, especially for many of us who have grown up in the assembly. We're told to buy the truth and sell it. Not have we in our heart, perhaps in a small way, like Esau of all despised.
Some of the tools that we have.
What about the simple truth that being gathered to the Lord's name, is it just going to needing? I know for some of us growing up we're just going to need it. Or do we have that thought of going to be to meet the Lord, to remember Him with the express purpose of remembering Him? Because when there are problems and difficulties arises, those things could keep us or lead us away.
You may say it's little, but it's little things. When you're faithful with the little things, that is easier to be faithful with a big problems.
We have a great difference between the way of restoration under the law and the way of restoration and grace. So the following verses contrast those two things. And this, umm, for those of us in Christianity, uh, we are very privileged to come to Mount Zion instead of Mount Sinai and, uh, for restoration.
Just a quick overview of the company versus our timelines down from verse 18 to 21, it's headed up by the word in 18 for ye are not come. And so from 18 to 21, those things that were of touch and hearing and sight, things that were physical in this world are set aside. You're not come. These Hebrew Christians are addressed. You're not come to these things of touch.
Hearing and sight.
From verse 22 to 2422 begins with but ye are come. These are the things that were for them and and many extensions to us and there are eight things.
Easier to see and Mr. Darby's translation because he uses the word and, and they're all connected. They all begin with the word and, and the King James at the end of verse UH-22, there's one that spans across 22 and into 23 and it's not quite as clear, but it does say into an innumerable company of angels to the General Assembly and that fits together as one. And so there are eight of them and they're all things that are of faith that we receive.
Receive by faith that we take by faith, and not by sense. And then the chapter continues from 25 to 29 with a warning of about.
Not turning back. So those 3 divisions and what we have left, what we are not come to, what we are come to and then a warning.
It's helpful, Steven, to see that and Mr. Darby's translation.
Those categories are also divided by a semi colon and I found that helpful.
Bible to keep it straight, it's uh, let let let's read it and it's let me check me up if I do it right, umm, starting with verse umm uh.
But ye are come unto Mount Sion, semi Colon, and enter the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, semi Colon, And to the innumerable company of angels, to the General Assembly, semi colon, and to the Church of the first born which are written in heaven, semi colon. And to God the Judge of all, Semi colon, and to the spirits of just men made perfect, semi colon, And to Jesus the meteor of the new Covenant, semi colon.
Am I right?
One more 2 Thank you.
And to the blood of sprinkling that speaketh better things than that of Abel. That's right.
I need some help on what these different groups are.
I'd like to back up a little further.
And uh.
Get even bigger picture, perhaps of what we have here in these verses if you go back to Chapter 9.
And uh.
If I can find the verse and uh, did I say Matthew? I mean Hebrews Chapter 9.
Versus 11 and 12, but Christ being come a high priest of good things to come by a greater and more perfect Tabernacle not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood. He entered in once into the holy place or the holy of holies, having obtained eternal redemption for us. It's it's valuable to recognize.
As Mr. Kelly is the expression, a number of the New Testament Π epistles are Jewish epistles.
Hebrews is one of them. James is one first and second Peter. They're Jewish epistles in that they are written to Jews who have embraced something new, Christianity, and it's helping them to understand what it is that is different and change for them than what they previously had under Judaism. An absolutely huge change for people who had ancestors for.
Over 1000 years and more of a certain way of life that God they believed, and rightly so, had put his approval on. But under that.
Agreement between themselves and God. Under that covenant there were certain things they did not ever have, and one of them is they could not approach to God themselves individually. The way into the presence of God was withheld from them because if they were to approach, they had to approach on their own merit as righteous.
In the sight of God. And so Moses said to the Lord, well, we can't make this trip without you. And the Lord said, all right, I will establish my dwelling among you. And he established what we call the Tabernacle and all that's connected with it. But in establishing it, if you wanted to approach God, you approached the gate, if you will, and left your offering there. You weren't allowed to go.
Any farther, the Levites were allowed to take what you gave to them, and at the outside, if you will, of the dwelling where God was you, they could offer the sacrifice. And there was the labor and the, the, uh, altar. But they didn't go inside. They were not allowed to approach into the presence of God.
Once a year with fear.
Uh, Aaron did.
But they always feared that he wouldn't come out alive. There was that very real concern on the part of the people that once he got into the presence of God and His Holiness, he would die. And so it was a fear and trembling that he went in and he came out. And Scripture teaches us the way into the presence of God under the law was not yet open and could not be opened on those grounds.
And so the Lord Jesus comes and Christianity is established based on his work and He first as we have the verses we just read.
He could and did enter into the Most Holy of Holies himself by his own right to do so. And also when he went in, he went in with the blood of the Sacrifice, the sacrifice of himself on the Cross.
And so that's Chapter 9 to the Jew, just two. We weren't even allowed in the camp, but he could go in. And now to the Jewish mind, oh, finally, after 1000 plus years, there's a way that one person can go into the presence of God. The 10th chapter, the next chapter.
Brings up if you just to read one piece of it.
Verses 19 and 20. Having therefore, brethren.
Boldness to enter where? Into the Holy of Holies, by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way which He hath consecrated for us through the veil, that is to say, His flesh. He's saying, And now you and I can go in, fellow previous Jew, but it implies to us as well. Now you and I can go in. We can approach the Holy of Holies where God.
Is and dwells.
With boldness because we approach under the fella sing and the work of that precious blood that was shed on the cross for us. And then going on to Chapter 11.
But we're not there yet to dwell. We don't live there. We're on earth still, and we're on a journey to get there. And so we're encouraged not to give up, but to go through the path of faith to get to the end of what is.
Promised to us when we put our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. So now to the chapter we're in.
There is the grace of God to help us to get all the way to the end of the journey. Because in the Jewish epistles, you, you.
The end of the path is what's looked at is the full salvation. And so they were being instructed in a way that to get to the end, to get to the full salvation, you've got to go all the way through to the end. It doesn't bring eternal security, which we have in other epistles. So much before us is our responsibility to keep going to the end.
And then he says, And now we have.
New promises and a New Hope.
We never made it, if you will, to Millennium, but the verses that have just been quoted are verses which show us the administration of the Kingdom in its coming form, both as it has to do with heaven and as it has to do with earth. And so.
It's described in a way that shows us those who are going to participate in it.
Whether in the heavenly side or on the earthly side, and the role that angels will have in it as well, and the encouragement as well as the warning that what's coming for us is not going to be shaken. It's going to endure. Everything that man has had up to this point, even in spiritual things under law, didn't endure.
And can't endure because it doesn't have a solid foundation that can't be shaken. But we have. And so just to finish, umm, he says in the next chapter.
Uh, if I can find the one verse, umm.
Somebody can help me it Alright, it's first uh, verse 14.
This is telling them finally, then we have no consi here, we have no continuing city. We who are going to participate in the heavenly side of the millennial glory and Kingdom here we have no continuing city, but we seek one to come. In other words, all that's given to us is still in a form of not yet manifested. It's a promise.
But it's still future as to its fulfillment. And so he says we're not there yet. Here on Earth, where we still are, we have no continuing city lights described to us in the previous chapter. But we're seeking it and we're on a journey to it. And don't give up. Let's keep going until we arrive there.
Uh, I want to ask you a question, if I understand this right, are you saying versus 2223 or 24 are anticipating the Millennium that we look forward to? That's what I'm saying. They're anticipating and they're a description of the glories that are coming in the millennial Kingdom.
When the Kingdom of God includes both heaven and earth, and so it's not limited to the earth, but it is giving us a glimpse of that which is before us in promise that we are on our journey to that point when there will be established of God a Kingdom that can never be moved or shaken.
So as Steven was bringing out a little earlier.
From versus, uh, 18 to 20, we have that which is visible and that which you can hear.
And feel perhaps.
But when we come to verses 20.
To 24 We have those things that are apprehended by faith.
And, brethren, I don't.
Think we properly.
Grasp the tremendous.
Glory that we've been called to.
Just look at these things. I don't know that I'm able to explain. The Mount Zion is in connection, evidently, with Mount Sinai, which is grace. You remember what happened when David sinned in numbering the people?
And the Angel, the destroying Angel, was there with his sword extended, and he came to Jerusalem.
And David saw that, and he knew that the only thing that would.
Stop the slaughter was a sacrifice, and so he offered a sacrifice on the threshing floor of Orna and the Jebusite. And the Lord said to the Angel, put your sword into your sheep, because there was a sacrifice, that Zion brother.
That's great. That's where we stand before God now. Only on that ground can we stand. And that's why grace is mentioned in this chapter within speaking about it, how important it is to understand its import even now in our lives.
But think of the glory that's mentioned here unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem. Here's things in contrast with Sinai that was seen and heard and felt. These are things that are only apprehended by faith.
It's interesting somebody mentioned yesterday about an expression in the previous chapter about Moses he endured as seeing him that is invisible. How do you see something that's invisible?
By faith, brethren, because faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen, And so they become more real than these visible things that surround us. And I have to confess myself, brethren, that we're totally affected by the material things that surround us as we go through this life.
The brethren, the Lord grant us the grace to look beyond. We're called to hire things higher glory. But Don was mentioning about the privilege that we now have to go right into the very presence of God that we do when we worship the Lord and when we pray as well. It applies as Brother Dave was mentioned in.
The breaking of bread. But it not only the breaking of bread, brethren, it's in our homes. When we worship the Lord, when we pray, we're entering that place of supreme blessing. Do we really grasp the wonderful privilege it is? I don't think we do, honestly.
The Lord help us to lay hold of these things. This is where we've come.
To Mount Zion to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem.
We're not called to our earthly city, we're called to heaven.
And eternal glory. And then what's been mentioned here through the innumerable company of angels to the General Assembly.
You ever thought of those myriads of angels? How many angels are there? We have no clue.
But Revelation 5 says the number of them was 10,000 * 10,000.
Really has 10 thousands times 10 thousands. It's myriads of angels.
They have a higher order in creation than the human race.
They are more powerful.
And when we go to the throne of grace, there's those angels around that throne.
And they open ranks so we can go.
Right before the throne.
Do we value it, brethren? Do we apprehend it? Do we grasp it? This is where we're called to.
You know what? It is them, don't you?
Christ on the cross and those awful hours of darkness.
When he was able to say at the end it is finished.
That's the sacrifice.
We do not fully understand or see how many angels, but I was thinking of the verse simple as women covering their heads. Why are your hair covered in a meeting? Well we know the answer is because of the angels. You know we think we sit here to show one another the love of God, but we forget that there are others watching. It is a testimony especially when we remember the Lord is a quiet.
Not a public testimony, but a testimony that there is one body is a testimony that we're there with the express purpose to remember Him in his death. But it's not just a testimony to the world because we know the angels also are watching. We know that as God is watching, because He appreciates the fact that we returns giving Thanksgiving, we acknowledge his Son.
But then the angels too, now the angels we know too, they are good angels. And then they're also fallen angels. And I believe too, they are watching as well. And I'm sure the fallen angels do not want to see anything we do that bring honor to the name of Jesus. So our testimony is just important to one another than to those unseen world, a world that we have no idea what it is, no idea of the power.
Other than the fact that we know what can be kept by the power of the office.
And so we get in First Timothy chapter 5.
We get in First Timothy chapter 5 and verse 21 as Paul's writing to Timothy. I charge thee before God and the Lord Jesus Christ and the elect angels.
Let's observe these things without preferring one before another, doing nothing by partiality. So it's not just about sisters covering their heads. This is a something to a brother too. And all the brother there's there are elect angels, and we're being observed.
Comment too and often when we gather we we don't think about it and sometimes we come very casual way.
And we're happy about those who can come. So please let me jump ahead. And towards the end of the chapter, it tells us that where to do it with reverence and godly fear. And I believe we forget sometimes that the Lord is in the presence and we have to do it with reference and godly fear. And then of course, it reminds us by ending the chapters seeing God. It's not just often we say he's a friend, which is true, but he's also a consuming fire.
Like to mention that aspect in which the angels have their part, and it's particularly I think connected with this chapter.
When the Lord Jesus was born.
Angels made a statement.
They said peace on earth, goodwill toward men. They are not only observers of us, but they are observers and participants.
And as servants in what God does. And when they looked and they saw the child born into this world, they recognized that God has such an interest and.
Care for human beings, mankind that he had sent the son among them and so it was goodwill toward men and they proclaim the worthiness in their own. They gave honor beyond anyone else really at that moment. They recognized and they gave honor to what God was doing. Turn over to very well known verses, but they're connected with our chapter.
In, uh, Revelation chapter 5.
Just to set the context here.
In John's Gospel, you have the Lamb of God presented as the Redeemer.
In Revelation, you have the Lamb of God presented as the Judge, and the one that accomplishes the putting down of everything that is opposed to God, so that the earth and the heavens too may be in order according to what God is. And so where there's a rejection of rejection, then it brings upon the soul by the same Lamb.
The work of wrath in that sense. And so in chapter 5, the question is raised by a strong Angel who's worthy to do the work that has to be done. And, uh, the angels are there, as we see, uh, in verse 11, when the worthiness of the lamb for the job that had to be done to bring into, you might say.
The existence of what's in our chapter, it says in verse 11 and I beheld and lo, the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders and the number of them was 10,000 * 10,000 and thousands of thousands. And so you have again the quantity of referred to of the angels because they're there to the glory of God and the majesty of the work that's going on to accomplish.
The purposes of God. Umm one more comment and that is when referring to the context of Hebrews 11 in Romans chapter 14 it says the Kingdom of God.
It's not meat and drink.
Physical things that you can see if you will. It was already commented on as to our chapter, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. None of those things are the effects of them are seen visibly, but the thing themselves can't be seen as a material thing. Righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost and what God expects for us is.
We are in the Kingdom morally now, and we are to live lives of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost such that when the Kingdom is seen in its millennial glory, we wouldn't have to have a lifestyle change.
If we were still, which we won't be living on earth according to our place in the Kingdom, our lives could just continue right on in the same character of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. But Our Calling is given in one of those things is Our Calling is heavenly. Our Calling is to be part of the heavenly company, not the earthly 1 And that's where we have our closest possible place in grace.
As the assembly of the first born and, uh, the church.
Make a comment on the expression in verse 23, The spirits of just man made perfect, that is the Old Testament believers.
Uh, and if you connect it back to the last verse of the 11Th chapter.
Says God, having provided some better thing for us that day, those Old Testament faithful ones without us should not be made perfect.
Remember asking Brother Clem the cannon, what verse do you give to show that the Old Testament believers will come into blessing at the time of the rapture with us? And it was verse 40 of Chapter 11. That was a help to me to see that they, the Old Testament believers will not be made perfect without us. And the time when we will be made perfect is that time at the rapture.
But let's get down brother, into the last verses here.
Brother Bill said that uh, we should finish the chapter so.
It speaks about those things that.
Can be shaken.
And we are living in those days, brethren, when everything that can be shaken is being shaken, and how important it is to have our lives based on those things that cannot be shaken.
Oh, how important it is.
Verse 28 wherefore we receiving a Kingdom Don's been mentioning that Kingdom of God in its broadest, uh aspect includes heaven and earth. Let us have grace. It doesn't say let us have zeal. Let us have grace.
How important that is that we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear.
Brother Bill, did you have something more to add to that?
No, not particularly. Uh.
So, so enjoyable here and, uh, we just might make one last comment and that is it brings in, in verse 24, the new covenant, Jesus, the mediator of the new covenant and then the blood of sprinkling. Well, we know of course that the blood of Christ is the basis of every blessing, isn't it, whether earthly or heavenly.
But some of us were talking about this yesterday, and sometimes it isn't.
As clearly understood as it could be.
The Jews were used to that new covenant. It is brought out in the book of Jeremiah, and the verse there in Jeremiah chapter 31 is repeated in Hebrews 8 to show that the new covenant is definitely with the nation of Israel, not with the Church, but because the new covenant is based on the finished work of Christ.
We come into the good of it, but we are not in covenant relationship with God. Covenants are always with the earth. They're always with an earthly company. You and I have a heavenly hope. But I appreciated what Brother Dawn said because I believe he's right that in these verses both earthly and heavenly blessings are in view when the Lord Jesus has his rightful place.
That will come in judgment, as it is mentioned here. God the Judge of all. But that new covenant will be mediated through the Lord Jesus for the blessing of Israel and other nations too on earth. You and I come into the good of the basis of the new covenant, which is the finished work of Christ. But because we have a heavenly hope, we are not in that sense in covenant relationship with God.
And all of the language of Hebrews is very careful, very careful to avoid mentioning the church as being in covenant relationship with God. But it brings in that new covenant as the way that God is now dealing with man, not on the basis of the.
Things that are mentioned in connection with Mount Sinai, which of course was what man was supposed to do and could not, but rather on what Christ has done as a matter of grace.
#271 stands the #3.
We go from strength to strength.
Through this darnvale looking.
Rise at length and save in Earth.
Of Gloria City, where God the King.
What was the hymn you had, Brother Bob?
OK. Yeah. Thank you.