Hebrews 12:18-29

Hebrews 12:18‑29
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Well, it's a key, Or you are not come unto the mouth that might be touched, and that fire, nor unto blackness, darkness, and Tempest, and the sound of the trumpet, the voice of words, which voice they had heard and treated, that the word should not be spoken to them anymore. For they could not endure that which was commanded. And if so much as a beast touched the mouth, and it shall be stones, or thrust through the dark.
So terrible was the sight that Moses said.
Placed but ye are coming through Mount Sinai, and unto the city, and the living God the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, to the General Assembly and Church of the first born, which are written in heaven, and through God the judge of all, and to the spirits of just man made perfect, and to Jesus mediators of the new television, and to the blood of Springfield, and speaketh better things than that of Abel.
See that you refuse not endless speaking, for if they escape not, or refuse him to spake on earth.
Much more shall not leave escape.
If we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven, whose voice then shook the earth, but now he has promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven. And this word, yet once more signifies the removing of those things in our shape, as the things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.
Wherefore we receiving a Kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God, acceptably reverence and godly fear, for our God is a consuming fire.
I believe what we have here, brethren, is the 2 positions that are put in contrast with one another standing at Mount Zion where the law was at Mount Sinai, rather where the law was given, or Maud Zion, which God chose as His center when everything had failed in Israel, then He chose the Mount Zion that he loved. It speaks to us of grace. And so there are the two positions, I believe, that are brought before us. We can deal with situations under the principle of law.
And that condemns everyone of us. Or we can stand, recognizing that our standing is all by grace.
And that we have been brought into this wondrous position by the grace of God, and a view of the coming glory is brought before us.
And then what follows to the revelation that we have, because there is a voice that has spoken from heaven when the law was given, it was given on earth at Mount Sinai. But Christianity is that which was given through the Apostle Paul who was caught up to the 3rd heaven and received the revelation of all these precious and wonderful things that we have in Christianity. And I believe it's all in context with what we have before.
The Lord is dealing with us and how we receive these things. It's not.
Dealing with the situation on the principle of law, I say again, I would condemn us all. But here we stand, blessed by sovereign grace, with a glorious future ahead of us and the full revelation of God for that which has been given to us in Christianity. He's abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence, having made known unto us the mystery of His will. I just mentioned this because I think it's very beautiful the way this chapter closes.
In bringing us before us as the motivation, so to speak, for our conduct and how we receive all God's dealings and in our attitudes to one another and all. It's not law, but it's grace.
This is quite well explained in Two Corinthians 3.
And justice to refer to the two situations, the two things, the law.
And grace, they are called ministration. There in 2 Corinthians 3.
It's easy to see.
Beginning with verse 5. Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything of ourselves, but our sufficiency is of God, who has made us able. Ministers of the New Testament none of the letter but of the Spirit. For the letter killeth, but the Spirit giveth life. Then the law is spoken of this way. But if the administration of debt, that's the law written and engraved in stones, was glorious, and oh, the glory of that, you can read it in Exodus 19 when it was given.
But there's enough about it here. If the administration of dead written engraving stones was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not steadfastly behold the face of Moses.
For the glory of his countenance, which glory was to be done away Now the contrast.
Thou shall not the ministration of the Spirit. It is called the ministration of the Spirit, be glorious.
Then it's called.
Another thing.
But we go back in verse 9. For if the administration of condemnation be glory, that's the law.
And it was glory. How much more death, the ministration of righteousness exceeding in glory. So the message the ministry that's committed to the minister today is the ministry.
Of righteousness, and it's the ministry of the Spirit in grace. So that's the two contrasts that we have in both of these chapters. If you follow on in Second Corinthians, you find.
That we have this ministry, this treasury in earthen vessels.
This Ministry of Grace is committed to us right now to carry forth into the world.
My brother spoke of motives. If you look at 2 Corinthians 5, you have motives.
To carry this ministry and three of them are the.
Glory. We are carrying a ministry that's full of glory.
In fact, it brings us right into the glory. And then there is the judgment seat of.
The warning of what's going to happen to people who don't receive grace. And then there's the love of God.
So our chapter these first four verses.
Tell us of the glory and the terrible glory of the law, which was fearful to man in the flesh. They couldn't bear it.
I think we can see that very clearly by the first few words of the 18th verse. We are not come unto the mount that might be touched, and then the 22nd verse, but ye are come and about Zion to the city of the living God. What a glorious future is ahead of us, brethren. The Lord should come while we're sitting here, just to think, transferred from this place into the city of the living God. And we're already fitted for that place.
Grace has met us. The law condemned us. It says the law brought condemnation. But now you and I stand in grace before God, and this is brought before us here as the whole motivation for our conduct.
And indeed, the way we receive the things that God does in our lives, in dealing, I believe it's very precious. But how Solomon was where would any of us be if God were to take us up on the ground of law? Thou shalt and thou shalt not. It would be certain condemnation.
We've had a warning about falling from grace and now we're brought to the wonderful Ministry of Grace and.
Faith is what brings us to these 8 possessions and if we would read the eight of them this way I think it's better to easier to understand we are come verse 22 unto Mount Zion. Now Mount Sinai is always grace as our brothers has explained it.
That's the first thing we're come to grace and under the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, not the earthly Jerusalem. That's that's the next thing we're brought to in faith, the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem. Then the third thing is to an innumerable company of angels to the General Assembly.
You can see that great company of angels in the 5th chapter.
Of Revelation. And it is going to take place actually, when the administration of the earth is changed over to man. Hebrews 2 brings that in the world to come. Has he not put his subjection to angels? Now the angels are used. We're thankful for them. They're ministering spirit sent forth to minister to those who are heirs of salvation. Your children have an Angel to take care of.
I believe it.
In a coming day, the angels are going to be called in. When faith knows this, that General Assembly, then the next thing we've come to is the Church of the first born, which are written in heaven. This is a heavenly company of the church. For come to that and to God, the judge of all He's there. This is some words, but there's there's gone who deserves and judges all Faith brings us to God.
And to the spirits of just men made perfect.
Well, there are others there. There's the heavenly company that we get in the 11Th chapter. They desired it. Heavenly citizenship.
And to Jesus, the mediator of the New Covenant. Jesus is there, and this is written to the Hebrews, and he is the mediator of the New covenant. God's promises haven't failed, they just haven't all been accomplished. The gifts and calling of God are without repentance, and Jesus is the one who is going to bring in that.
Hebrews under the new covenant that we get in the 8th chapter of this book.
But faith brings us to this.
And then the last thing we mentioned this yesterday, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaketh better things than that of Abel, it just seems to me that God leaves the.
If I can put it that way rightly, the most important thing, at least for us.
To the last. It's the blood of sprinkling those who have applied the blood. We get in on that basis of redemption and no other way. That's the way God brings all these people in grace to what faith gives us to enjoy right now.
What a contrast between this blood and the blood that's spoken of here. The better things than that of Abel. The Abel's blood cried for vengeance. This blood cries for mercy. That marvelous. How much better. And the person of Christ, the one who shed his blood. What a marvelous thing that we have in the first part of this chapter has been spoken of of a of a pattern, an example, And what an example he really is.
The one who, as the Apostle Paul could say, the one who loved me and gave himself for me. This is the blood that's spoken of here, the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
When Cain flew his brother, well, then that was judgment, because it was murder that he killed him. But when this world murdered the Son of God, God turned a man's worst act into blessing. This is grace, indeed. Here they took a nail, the Son of God to a CrossFit in his face, and that soldier with a spear pierced his side. But instead of that cross calling for vengeance, all those who will come and receive that precious Savior.
Come under the value of that precious blood that cleanses from all sin. It's so lovely. It's all in contrast present with the law. Under the law. Why, it was condemnation this do and thou shalt live and curse. It is everyone that continueth not in all things that are written in the book of the law to do them, but here all this blessing brought in on this ground of pure sovereign grace, how wonderful it really is. And this is where we have come.
Will not have a better Standing Brethren when we get home to glory than we have already.
We are already made the righteousness of God in Him. We already stand before him.
In all, the value of the work of Christ and the position is just as sure as though we were already there.
He doesn't say he will come, but ye have come, for this is a believer's standing, and every believer is entitled to be in the good and the enjoyment of this here and now. I think it's so wonderful that this comes in, in the chapter that brings before us his dealings with us in discipline. Because all his dealings with us, even in discipline, are really to do us good, have nothing but ever to do with fitting us for the glory we're already fitted.
But those dealings that he has with us, or so that we might profit, that we might be partakers of His Holiness in a practical way down here?
The cup the Lord has given to us on the Lord's table is called the cup of blessing.
That's because he bore the curse and it's all gone. So he gives us a cup of blessing. What a savior we have.
This is the thought of the New Covenant too. Under the law, Israel made a covenant. They said that all that the Lord has spoken we will do and be obedient. In other words, they entered into an agreement with God to obtain blessing through their own efforts, And we know how miserably they broke down. But it tells us that the Lord Jesus on the cross for the transgressions under the first covenant, and that is all those who had faith.
Their sins under that covenant, although they had broken God's law, were born by the Lord Jesus.
And so in the nation of Israel are finally brought into blessing. It will not be because they have earned it or because they have kept the law, but it will be because of what the Lord Jesus did. And so it says, when the Lord Supper this is the blood of the covenant that is now the ground of blessing for us. And for Israel is all because of what the Lord Jesus has done. I might say that we as Gentiles.
Are not a part of the new covenant because we were never under law, but we come into the blessing of it even though we're not the subjects of it. I think it's good for us to realize this because the covenant has to do with Israel and is going to be fulfilled in earthly blessings. Because God's promises to Israel had to do with blessings on the earth. They forfeited that, but they are going to be blessed on the earth. There's going to be a millennial earth full of God's blessing on the ground of the new covenant.
We come into the blessing of it, but our blessing is heavenly. Pardon me for using an illustration.
Supposing I had two sons, I make a promise that I'm going to give each one of them a bicycle. Well, back in Genesis God made a promise not just to Israel, He said. In thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed.
But Israel entered into a covenant as a nation to get that blessing through law, keeping just as if one of the boys said, Dad, tell me what you want me to do and I'll do it. And then I'll be able to tell my friends that I earned that bicycle. I'll have a lot of feeling of satisfaction that I worked for it. So you say, well, I'll lay down conditions, then there's here's the conditions. What if you don't live up to those conditions?
Well, you forfeit the bicycle, but what about the original promise that I made? It was unconditional.
In thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed. Well Israel broke down under that, and so the Lord Jesus bore the transgressions that were under the first covenant.
So the boy breaks down. He doesn't fulfill the conditions at all. But what about my first promise? But he's guilty. And what about his breaking that second, that covenant that was made with him? Why, Someone takes the punishment for him. I say to him, now, you're going to get the bicycle, but don't ever tell anybody. Earned it. You didn't. You just thanked somebody else who took the punishment for you. Well, the other boy says, well, Dad, give me a chance. Oh, I see. We're not going to go through that again. You're going to get it on the same basis as your brother. That's the position of we who are Gentiles.
And that's why we are never spoken of as being under covenant relationship with God, but in the blessing of the New Covenant, because it's founded upon the work the Lord Jesus did and His Precious Blood. And I believe this is brought before us in this portion.
Because this epistle, as we know, is addressed to the Hebrews, but in the 10th chapter if you notice.
10th chapter and the 15th verse.
Where of the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us.
For after that he had said before, this is the covenant that I will make with the House of Israel, with them, after those days that the Lord I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them, and their sins and iniquities will I remember no more.
That is, the Holy Spirit is a witness to us of the blessing that comes, and so it follows on. We have boldness to enter into the holiest.
Not by anything that we have done, but by the blood of Jesus.
I believe that there's 12. There's 25th verse really brings us to the revelation of truth that was given to the Apostle Paul when he was caught up to the 3rd heaven. It says see that you refuse not him that speaketh, or if they escape not who refused him that spake on earth that was at Mount Sinai. Much more shall not we escape if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven.
And so it's that which was given to the Apostle Paul when he was caught up into the 3rd heaven.
That which Paul speaks of as my gospel, and there were precious revelations given to him.
Many, many dear Christians do not enjoy Paul's doctrine. They don't enjoy the truth, that of the believers standing holy and without blame before him in love. They don't enjoy the truth of the church and what it really is, as a called out people for heavenly glory. They don't enjoy the privilege of gathering, not as members of some human organization, but just members of the body of Christ.
You don't enjoy these precious things, and I believe it's important, brethren.
And that we lay hold of and enjoy Paul's gospel. And he says.
He received it from Christ in glory, He says, I have received of the Lord that which also I have delivered unto you.
This we say unto you, By the word of the Lord there was something special revealed to him.
It's even beyond what we get in John's ministry or in Peter's ministry. It's that truth that associates us with heaven brings before us the full blessedness of the work of Christ that we can enjoy as Christians while we're in this world. And sad to say, many dear Christians don't enjoy these things. They mix Judaism and Christianity together into a system and don't see that.
There is a now a full revelation of all that's in the heart of God consequent upon the work of redemption, and Christ being in glory, and the Holy Spirit sent down to lead us into all truth.
That's what the apostle told the Ephesians when he called for them on his way to Rome, he said.
For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God.
The gospel, as we think of it, preaching that the Lord Jesus was crucified on Calvary's cross for the salvation of sinners, is part of it, but it's not all of it. And as we have an Ephesians 3 particularly that the Apostle Paul had from God in glory a picture of Christ in the church, and all the glory that was reserved for them and for him in that scene to seem to come. And so when he says he shun not to declare the whole misfire, the whole gospel of God it includes.
Not just the preaching of the gospel, but the total picture of being saved totally.
The day when the Lord comes and calls his own to himself, The day when that shout raises from the dead all those that belong to him.
And we're joined together with him. And then comes that scene of glory. And that was Paul's total gospel. He preached everything that God had in mind.
Concerning Christ in the Church.
Bought in the Church of the first born expression, particularly the first born there. Perhaps I missed before we go further.
As you connected with Colossians Chapter one.
Colossians Chapter One.
Perhaps just to get the connection. Might be nice to read from the 12Th verse of chapter one.
Giving thanks unto the Father, who hath made us meet, or fit to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in light, who have delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, in whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins, Who is the image of the invisible God, the first born of every creature. For by him were all things created, that were in heaven, and that are in earth, that are in heaven, and that are in earth visible and invisible, whether they be.
Thrones or dominions or principalities or powers, all things were created by him and for him.
And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.
And he is the head of the body, the Church, who is the beginning, the first born from the dead.
That in all things he might have the preeminence.
We find 2, shall I say, titles the Lord Jesus has. He's the one who made all things.
And he's the head of the whole creation as the Creator. But he also went into death and rose again. And he is the first born of new creation. There's a beginning of a whole new order of things because the Lord Jesus is risen and he is the head, as the Scripture tells us, of the body, the Church, the first born from the dead. He rises and takes that place. It's very blessed for us to see this place that he occupies. And so in the Old Testament, there was no revelation of the truth of the Church.
It wasn't given, but it tells us in Ephesians chapter three that it was hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest. And so the Lord Jesus goes up on high. Having accomplished redemption, He's the head of new creation. He sent the Holy Spirit of God down here to lead us into all truth and to give us the seed of this new thing that was not revealed in the Old Testament.
All the promises in the Old Testament have to do with earthly blessing, and the millennial age, and all that that will be brought in the coming day. But it tells us in Ephesians one that he's abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence, having made known unto miss us the mystery of his will.
That in the dispensation of the fullness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ.
Notice which are in heaven and which are on earth even in him, and so.
It isn't until redemption is accomplished that he goes up there, takes his place. He was the first born of creation. He made everything. But now he's the first born from the dead. He's the head of new creation. And so it's the Church of the first born. We're associated with the risen man, with the truth that was not revealed until he had taken his place there. And a little picture of it in the Old Testament that the bride for Adam was taken from his side.
He was put into a deep sleep and then he was given a bride from his side. The Lord Jesus went into death that he might have a bride associated with him. So when Adam woke from that deep sleep, there was a bride for him. The Lord Jesus went into death and rose, and he is now gathering out a bride for himself for eternal glory. I suggest that's the thought that's brought before us in connection with the Church of the first born.
Certainly is beautiful. It reminds me of what we were saying yesterday about the Lords joy. The joy that was set before him. Brother came up to me and reminded me of Matt, where you have the treasure hid in the field, which when a man has found he hide it, and for joy there goes himself all together by that field. So there is the church as the treasure that the Lord.
Upon and came down and sold all that he had and bought the whole field in order to get the treasure out of it.
Likewise, we were reminded that this is the book of Hebrews, and you go back to Exodus 21 and said if any man by Hebrew servant.
He's disturbed, and there comes a time when he can go out free if he wants to. But the Hebrew servant says, I love my master, I love my wife, I love my children. I will not go out free. He goes to the door post, his ears bored through with an awl, and he becomes a servant forever.
Well, that's a wonderful picture of the Lord Jesus pleasing God and getting the church and bringing a family to heaven. So the Church of the first born is associated with him in the heavenly side of the glory.
Not only is Christ the first born, but that 23rd verse, it's really the expression first born is really in the plural, and it's the first born ones. I was thinking of connecting it with what Danny was bringing before us this morning about Esau in verse 16, lest there be any fornicator or profane person as Esau who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright.
Well, that was the portion of the first born, and we are the first born ones associated with him Who is the first born.
And we have a birthright in connection with that special place of privilege.
We have been blessed with the highest blessings of any company of Saints since Adam, and it's called here the Church of the First Born Ones. I want to to read verses 22 and 23 and punctuated correctly.
But ye are come unto Mount Zion.
And unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem.
And the ends give the different groups here and to an innumerable company of angels. The General Assembly take the word to out, The General Assembly is the innumerable company of angels. And then it ought to read in verse 23. And to the Church of the first born ones plural, which are written in heaven, which are shows that it's a plurality, it's us who are called the first born ones.
We're the Church of the first born. We're in that special place of privilege associated with the first born one himself, and to give up the privilege privileges to surrender the birthright, as it were Esau, A profane person. He did not put a value upon the the place that he had as the first born.
Special privileges and he sold him. He sold that to Jacob for justice some.
Earthly, temporary satisfaction, well, we're in danger of that.
We have been brought into the highest place of privilege associated with him who is the first born, himself, the Lord, the Risen.
Glorified head of the Church and we the first born ones. So how important that we value.
That which we've been brought into and do not sell it for something just of earthly value.
Why don't you continue your punctuation to the end of chapter 24? I mean end of verse 24. All right, so the Church of the first born ones, which are written in heaven and to God the judge of all. Now from here on the word and separates them, and to the spirits of just men made perfect, and to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaketh better things than that of Abel.
The ants there? It's just that one section, the end of verse 22 and 23.
The innumerable company of angels is the General Assembly, and then it should read and to the Church of the First Born, another group, it It's not clear in our King James translation here because it connects the innumerable company of angels.
No, it connects the General Assembly with Church of the First Born. That's not really the thought. So if you read it in Mr. Darby's translation, the Anne's there.
Gives it very clearly as it is in the original.
These two verses 22 and 23, are they not a picture of the?
Administration and what is going to take place here on Earth in the Millennium?
We're involved.
God. It's interesting that God is the height of these two verses, the core things before and three things after.
Comes to the height of God himself, goes up as a pyramid and back down. And then the last part of the chapter, from the 26th time in particular, we have the closing scenes of God's actions here on earth. But these two verses are the Millennium, and we're there. We're going to be there, we're going to be with Christ. We're going to be part of that group.
Revelation 19. The king, the great one that rides out of heaven on a White Horse, and his Saints with him.
We're going to be with him. We're going to be there. We're going to be there not only during the tribulation period when judgment is executed, but we're going to be part and parcel of that scene of 1000 years, the reign of Christ. We're going to reign with him. And that's pictured in these two verses.
This was very important to a godly Israelite because all their promises were connected with the earth. The prophecies had to do with the bringing in of the Kingdom on earth. And now to be identified with heaven was something new for them. And that's why he says see that you refuse, not him that speaketh instead of looking for this earthly. Once they were saved and brought into the church, their hopes were entirely changed. Not that God will not set things right in the millennial day, but their hopes were changed to a heavenly hope instead of an earthly.
Just as we have in the third chapter partakers of the heavenly calling, it isn't that God will not set things right in this earth. He will.
But the church's place has nothing to do with setting things right in the earth. Our place is heavenly. And so it's good for us to remember that we have nothing to do as the church. We're setting things right here. The Lord will do that what we see, and it's beginning to take place. The shaking of everything, everything that depends upon man is going to be shaken. It doesn't matter what it is says here. But now what he had promised yet once more.
I shake not the earth only, but also heaven. And this word yet once more signifies the removing of those things that are shaken as of things that are made.
That those things which cannot be shaken may remain, isn't that blessed for us.
Be very disturbing for us to lookout and see the breakdown of everything. Even the Church is a Candlestick. How much failure there is. Look at the condition of the Church, the one body of Christ, all with one accord on the day of Pentecost. Look what we see today. What would be very discouraged if we didn't know that everything here is going to be shaken, but we have a Kingdom that cannot be moved. The church is going to be presented A glorious church without having spot or wrinkle or any such thing.
All the promises that God has made in connection with Millennial blessing are all going to be fulfilled.
And a believer, one is often said, is the only person who has an intelligent outlook and what is going on in the world.
He sees things taking place and all heading up to the final time when all God's counsels will be fulfilled. Only it's very important. And it was important for these Jewish believers who had you read in the Psalms. They looked for the earthly thing, was important for them to see that now they were called to a heavenly scene. They were called to that heavenly Jerusalem, not to the earthly, but that God is going to fulfill all the promises in connection with the earth. He is.
But we're going to be in the heavenly part. There will be that promised blessing, and Israel will be the center.
Of the whole earthly scene and others will be blessed in here in them, But there's no use for us to try and change the world or make it a better place or bring in a new social order.
We have nothing to do with that. Everything is going to be shaken, but we have a Kingdom which cannot be moved, and all is secured to us through what Christ has done. And so the exhortation for us is how we should live. As we see all this great town taking place, there is a path for us, a path of faith. And I think here in this chapter we see this brought before us, looking unto Jesus who walked the path of faith, learning through all the difficulties and chastisement the Lord sees fit to pass us through, but always brethren, having a proper perspective.
In our souls and of looking out intelligently as to what lies before, whether it be as to this earth or our blessed heavenly portion. I think it's lovely the way it's developed here, ending with the exhortation about how we are to walk in this world as we look on to what is going to be accomplished in and through Christ.
Very likely when this epistle was written, it was sent to the assembly at Jerusalem, and we know the history, and that it was written probably 6364. And the Hebrew Christians were suffering intensely in their own city from their own countrymen. They were a gazing stock, and they took joyfully the spoiling of their goods, knowing that they had in heaven a better than during substance.
And according to history, the persecution got so severe.
That most of them were driven out of Jerusalem.
And then when the armies of Titus came about five or six years later.
Those who had spoiled the Hebrew Christians in Jerusalem and fiercely treated them so they were driven out. They lost everything they had stolen, and the city was destroyed and the temple was destroyed. But God knows how to deliver the godly out of temptation, and he proved it with his people He wrote to And so they weren't looking for the earthly Jerusalem and that temple.
And we're not looking for earthly things either. We're not looked upon as to try to make the world a better place. We know that judgment's coming.
And we are to lay up treasures in heaven and knowing that Christ is coming and everything we have there.
Concerning His Kingdom is absolute, and nothing can touch that. So it seemed to me that faith brought them through, and that faith brings us to these things so that we can enjoy these eight things right now by faith. And I think we ought to I know the accomplishment of the heavenly things awaits until really after we're called out. And then the judgments clear the scene.
And the shaking is going to not only clear earth, but heaven. The heavens are not even clean in His sight. So that iniquity is going to be shaken out of heaven. And we have a Kingdom that can't be touched.
Your comments concerning Titus coming and destroying Jerusalem, and as you say, this was written about 64.
Hey, Dean, Titus struck in 70, Not very long. How much time do we have left in this world? That same number of years, maybe or less, before the Kingdom? Or less before the Kingdom?
They those that in the 6th chapter of the Apostle Paul, tell them get out. That's really what he's telling him in the 6th chapter, get out of Jerusalem. But God's told us to get out of this world spiritually and where do we stand? Because this world is soon going to find the judgment of God, rained out on it and we will be taken out before that takes place. Thank God for that. And so our looking forward is a glory. We're looking forward to the shout that calls us out of this scene to himself as we were saying 64 AD to 70, a very short period of time but.
We don't have that much time. The Lord's coming is right now, right now. He could welcome before this meeting has ended.
Tells us in Colossians one who has delivered us from the power of darkness and translated us to the Kingdom of the Son of His love. So that's already where we stand, the Kingdom of the Son of His love. Not something that's established here about Earth, but it's a relationship with the One, as we often sing in one of our hymns, Christ of God, our souls confess the Kingdom's sovereign, even though, or as it says in the second chapter of Hebrews, that he's exalted there already.
But we see not yet all things put under him. But we see Jesus, who has made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, prowled with glory and honor. So this is the view that we have. We've received the Kingdom that cannot be moved. It's all ours. We're heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ.
And it already belongs to us. The time is going to come when he'll take it. But now we, as it says here, let us have grace, or by we may serve God acceptably, with reverence and godly fear. I believe this is important. It's the same God who thundered out the law at Mount Sinai that we know now, revealed in grace. His character hasn't changed at all. The one who was a consuming fire there is still wholly untrue.
Will not allow state in his presence, but he brought us into a place where we stand embraced.
But he always should remember that his holy character is unchangeable. And so we have to, we're told here, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. I believe that's important because there's perhaps a tendency that God has now been revealed in praise to lower the standard of its holiness by has changed at all. But we have boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus.