Hebrews 12:5

Hebrews 12:5
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All around, all the way.
No, no, no, no, no.
Oh Lord.
I don't know how to do it.
Right now.
Would it be the 51St?
4th chapter of Hebrews, verse 5.
And you have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children.
My fault this pie is not thou that chased me to the Lord, nor thinketh our tribute to Him. For whom the Lord loveth, He chase me, and scourge of every son whom he receiveth, if he endure, chasten God dealeth with you as with Son, For what son is he?
The Father chasing us not, but if he be with our chest, we're off all our partakers. Then are you ******** and not sons? Furthermore, we have had knowledge of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence, showing up much rather the interjection under the Father of spirits and live for they verily after a few days chasing us after their own pleasures.
But He for our prophets, that we might be part of His Holiness.
No, no chastity for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous nevertheless. Afterward it healed the peace of the fruit of righteousness out of them which are exercised thereby. Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees, and make straight paths for your feet.
Blessed up is lame be turned out of the way, but let it rather be healed.
All peace with all men, and holiness without which no man shall see. The Lord. Looking diligent lest any man fail of the grace of God, lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled. Blessed to be any fornicator or profane person, as he saw.
Over 1 morsel of meat sold his Graceland for you know how the laughter when it would have inherited the blessing he was rejected for he found no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears.
Before entering on the.
Matter that's before us here.
The local brother spoke to me just before the meeting and said he thought perhaps some of the remarks that were made.
As to young people in the educational circles, might be confusing and discouraging to them.
So let's just clarify that by a remark or two. I suppose there are at least two dozen, maybe more present at this general meeting who are engaged professionally in education on various levels.
Well, I'm sure it was not the intention of anyone to speak in a derogatory way.
Of either the teaching profession or of a scholastic training.
Point that was made was what is our goal?
Are we ambitious? Are we trying to get to the top of the ladder? Paul said. For me, to live is Christ.
Well, that life can be lived in a grade school, in a high school.
In a university.
In a professional College of Medicine.
I trust that no one here was speaking.
In a disparaging way of education in itself, Mr. John Nelson Darby was.
Gold medalist. Classic gold medalist.
Trinity College, Dublin.
And we wouldn't be sitting here talking about what the JND version says. Mr. Darby hadn't have known his Greek, and he's Hebrew.
That isn't the point that was before us, but rather what is our purpose in life? Is it to make our name and write our name in the sky? Or is it to live Christ? Now Does that clarify it, brethren?
According to something like the principle that they're possible to give to Timothy in connection with money.
In First Timothy 610, for the love of money is the root of all evil. The heart is set on it. That's where the where the evil is. He didn't say. He didn't say money was the root of all evil. It's the love of. We wouldn't want to discourage or confuse any of our young people, but.
We, all of us, whether we're young or old, need to check our motives. Why are we pursuing this or that course? Is that right, Brother Ayersmann? Yes, I think so. I was thinking of that first in First Corinthians 7.
Using this world as not abusing it really I believe covers the subject.
That is, you're not trying to get everything out of what you possibly can, but you're trying to make your way through it to the glory of the Lord.
But then there was nothing said about.
Our having the comforts and conveniences.
I'd like him to have them.
Well, that the Lord has given us.
Anything of that kind we should be thankful he's given this richly. All things to enjoy.
But we still are to spend our time. The object of our heart should be Christ.
Regardless of what we have and what we do not have.
I think that is the real thought, isn't it?
In connection with the first version jumped out of Timothy.
For a lot of money to root more people in the ninth. First one leads to 10 and it will be rich.
All intended members of staff and the many tools in terms of a lot with driving men and entrenchment positions. This would lead to thin layers that will be rich at all faster and an attempt her convenient to error for the mother of money is the root of all evil and requires an Abbott and furred from the fleet.
So one needs to sin and one leads to error, but on the next verse. But thou, O man, God, will be these names.
We assumed the Mazda VR object with the freedom and object beyond these things, which is Christ and glory.
After the world, isn't there a word of the 1St Corinthians 7 verse 31?
Mr. Darby's translation.
And they that use the world.
As not disposing of it as their own.
If we have a house, for instance, may be impossible to entertain some of the Saints there or using it for the Lord, not disposing of it as their own.
As stewards of the Lord's power.
The only, the only person that I remember of were to whom the Lord Jesus said to go and sell everything you had and give it away. It was the young man in the 18th of loop.
Well, that wasn't a blanket prescription the Lord was issuing. It was simply an X-ray to show up the cancer that was eating that man's soul out. Covetousness.
It really showed where he was, but I do not recall if the Lord gave that as a general prescription.
But it's not rather than being professional, and the Lord saw that He is gathering on that the ability.
To do well in school even see not only talking about the ground I I either thinking of your statement the other night and he still has time enough to be with his president and be with the Lord and tell the cones file to call him or it could be.
And will not work yesterday itself because he honoring the Lord.
The question, Brother Morris, is not whether he might be valedictorian or not, but was that his object?
I realized that and I'm sure that what would be over fairly understood the fact that what you had in mind.
I would say that however, some of the younger brothers might not have understood.
One might have a capacity, an unusual capacity, that would land him at the top of his class.
But perhaps if he were using more of his energies and time and thought as to the things of Christ, he might not land. At the top for me to live is Christ.
Now if one that in spite of the fact that Christ was his object and his life was consistent.
If he found himself called to the platform to receive the honor of being valedictorian.
We're not going to criticize him, but the point is, what is our obese? Are we striving to be big? Are we striving to make others conscious of our presence? What? What is of what does our life consist? I believe it's not only a question for the young, it's a question for all of us.
The Christian's calling is a holy calling, a heavenly calling. Isn't the thinking of that word in the second epistle of Timothy, chapter one and nine, Who has saved us and called us with an holy calling?
Not according to our work, but according to His own purpose and grace which was given us in Christ Jesus to call the world again.
And if a Christian can use his education in the university?
For God's glory. Well, God couldn't. The Lord couldn't trust, or with the same measure as what he might trust.
One in the university.
Might live in keeping with this ninth verse.
You not only say this, but he's call this will the holy calling.
Well, the Lord knows who He can trust.
Well, if we can pick up our chapter now.
I want to mention the quality we have here in Chicago some years ago, and we thought he was a devoted and a faithful man, one of the entire, he said the little one he thought he had in his pocket him, he was taken out. But I remember something that was from the young people, he said when I went to school, I wanted to be one of the best students because I wanted to honor the Lord Jesus.
Barry, Good morning, Brother Brown.
Well, I suppose we're to be consistent and faithful wherever we are, but motives get mixed, you know, with all of us.
And I don't think it would be to the honor of the Lord if one had ability to be a careless, slovenly student. I don't think the Lord would be honored in that.
But I believe that a Christian who's carrying on a straightforward clean.
Path in school, even though he's not at the top of the class, he has a thorough respect of the fellow members in the class They're not going to discount his Christianity because.
He only averages 90 when he might average 98.
But if he were just to slovenly indifferent and careless and justice satisfied with any kind of a lesson, I'm sure the Lord isn't honored in that.
About the scripture that says the fruit of the Spirit is template along with the other part of that fruit. That's one thing I believe we should ask the Lord producing us by spirit and balance temperature. Do you have any things in this verse? Don't read despite now thou the chastening of the Lord and her faint with our rebuke to him.
Two dangers for the believer 1 is.
When under chastening the despise, the other is to to get discouraged, get this heart to get depressed over it and so.
Let the hands hand down so we're warned.
About these two dangers.
Does one ever get to a point where he does not need to be rebuked?
It matters not how long one has been in the past.
The apostle Paul had to rebuke Peter.
And this after many years.
There's a verse in that connection, Brother Kohler in James that.
I believe is wholesome to refer to.
Don't think it will do us any harm to refer to it frequently.
My brethren, be not many masters or teachers. Third verse of James. Third chapter of James and first verse. Third chapter in first verse.
My brethren, be not many teachers, knowing that we shall receive the greater judgment.
For now, I think I'm reading this according to.
More nearly according to the meaning of it.
For we all often offend.
Well, that's that's quite a thing, isn't it?
That ought to sober us and tend to deflate us. We all often.
One has sometimes put it this way.
If we realize that.
If our brethren are willing to put up with our failures, we're not Speaking of sins here. If our brethren are willing to put up with our failures and our offenses, should we not seek grace from God to do the same? Isn't it reciprocal?
Wouldn't. Wouldn't that be the sign of a healthy state until I'm in a position to deliver perfection?
Should I demand it?
Why do you say led by the cover? Well, I was just thinking that perhaps the best way for us to view that subject is let us each one try to be as inoffensive as possible.
Then the 15th of Romans.
Stated there, they were able to admonish one another. Well, it's entirely easy to get admonishment, but it's a different thing to take it.
Being rebuilt of the Lord does the best. They've been regrouped by another brother like Paul or Duke Peter. Doesn't brother call her? No, but that was a review for Nelda to receive and he took it from the Lord.
Of the martyrs given by the Lord, the Prophet of Christ.
Being rebuked by the Lord, would you put the Balaam in that class?
What do you mean brother *****? Well, I mean on his own way.
And the Lord had warned him not to go.
But he was eager for the reward.
And the ******* speaking to Balaam.
Opened the prophet's eyes to see that the Lord was about to slay him for his wickedness.
Well, it's nice to notice in the sixth verse that it's whom the Lord loveth, He chasing us.
Chastening doesn't come because the Lord is.
Become alienated because he loves us any less.
It's because he loves us that he chastens us.
There are three reasons why the Lord has to chase not releases. At least three. Yes brother, what are they?
It's a sign of a glove and then the transfer is for our prophet and it is an amazing time of its holiness will be more likely.
That's correct. I think so.
And then discipline may not always be in the nature of scourging.
Some discipline is preparatory.
Some discipline is preventive.
And some discipline is punitive.
We are all in school, in God's school, and so he apportions our lives with these things in view.
Sometimes we have preventive discipline. It was so with Paul. Did Paul get the thorn in the flesh because he was puffed up over his vision? No, he did not. He got his thorn in the flesh lest he should be puffed up. It was a preventive discipline, and I'm sure.
That he never would have had that thorn in the flesh if God had not seen that Paul's flesh.
Just like that of all of us, after having had such an unusual privilege as.
Trip into paradise, into the third heavens. No one else had had that sort of a favor.
He might have paraded the fact and gloried in it and spoiled his ministry. So God saw that ahead of time and gave him the thorn. It was preventive discipline.
Lord and His discipline at the same time.
Yes, yes.
Then in their 15th of John, Lord says every branch of me that Paris fruit, people purchase it, that it may bring forth more fruit. That's a deafness part of chasing. And in that case too, it's not failure, but the Lord may be that there's something that's hindering our usefulness or our walking closer to himself.
And the Lord may remove that thing like the the.
The gardener, their husband ruining the vine, see that it's all going to foliage. And so he takes the pruning knife and he cuts away this branch and that branch so as it'll bear more fruit.
Then it's too preparatory. Discipline 1 just uses an illustration. You might have the case of a young man that grows up in the midst of hardship.
He knows nothing of comfort. He's had it rough all his life.
Well, in due time, God calls him to go forth as a missionary into some remote place where there are no comforts. Well, all that hardship that he suffered during those years of privation has prepared him in a very excellent way to go forth and witness for Christ in the midst of such discomfort.
Let's preparatory discipline. He didn't know when he was having that hard life that it was to prepare him for some special service, but God knew the end from the beginning and permitted it to come His way.
Well, then there's the kind that Moses went through when he sought to deliver his brethren in the energy of Moses.
And therefore I had to flee and 40 years he had to learn in the backside of the desert how to take care of sheep.
And it had to unlearn what it had learned in the House of Pharaoh.
Just the one less they had to learn, and that was how to take care of those sheep, because God was going to put his sheep in His hands to look after. That's preparatory too.
And he said many times chastening is as a preventative.
1St Corinthians 11 The chastening there is for actual sin.
Mary was sick and weakly among them. Mary was sleeping.
Well, scourging is more in the nature of punitive discipline scourging.
But we all get our measure of it because there's failure with all.
And the main object in this chapter is if not to bring before us the fact that we're in God's school, being trained by Him for an important post.
Chief of a government watches his children, particularly that they shouldn't bring discredit upon the whole activities of a father.
And as over here, God is training us and bringing us up for a wise purpose.
I have a note on that, but I have the privilege of reading it.
I've had it for some years. I think I can find it here in my Bible.
And I'd like to read it. It's both.
A word as to JND and folks as to.
I think it would be.
Helpful to it.
All right, we read that everywhere by answers. Bare with food he purges that it may bring forth morsels. John 15-2. This is not always for discipline, it may be for instruction. The Lord can combine the two. When Paul had a thorn in the flesh, whatever it was, it made him contemptible in his fishing and with discipline.
Lastly, should be pumped up. And so it was his glory and His discipline.
The Lord can unite these things, but we cannot.
Yes, it is hands. It may be our honor and our discipline at the same time at J&D.
Then I have one here of William Kelly. We are short in question intelligence if we do not know that all things work together for good to them that love God.
For those that are called according to purpose, God often sends trouble as chastening for the good of His children. Sometimes, as in First Corinthians 11, it is because of positive sin. But they totally mistake who suppose that it is restricted to that. Hebrew 12 puts it on ground quite independent of soul.
Shall fall an occasion, and treats it as flowing from his fatherly love. And for the prophet, and for puppy, that we might be partakers of His Holiness. It is as much or more to hinder sin, as in consequence of its indulgence. It often is a trial of faith, and an honor from the Lord, as the apostles so well knew.
And many a simple Saints in no such prominence, for the four of the disciples as such are called through many tribulations to enter into the Kingdom of God.
I had occasion to look that up some years ago in connection with this cult of Hebrews that was taken up in a general meeting and the feelings of some were heard.
In connection with statements that were made.
I'm just thinking of use that Brother Gill gave us one time as an answer to those who teach perfection on the place. That is, they the old nature is burned out or they never sinned anymore.
He said. This scripture, whichever way you use it, is an absolute answer to those people.
Ask them first. Do you ever have any trials? Any take? Well, if they say no, well, then that proves that they're not a son at all, because there's no sound to bother. Jason's not. Well, then ask questions.
Well then, if they say yes, we do have.
Problems and trials? Well then that proves that that they must be failure in their lives.
Because why would God have to scourge one that never failed at all? So it proves whichever way you take it.
But there's no such thing.
Among God's people as perfection in the way they all fail and the very fact that God has discouraged his shoulders that he is training us from. There are many mistakes we make and God has to correct us now. The Father in an earthly family has to correct his children for their naughty ways.
Please chase me. But it speaks up. Here are the chasing they were getting. Do we have the farms of which it comes back in the 10th chapter.
32nd 1St 32nd 33rd 34th.
All Remembrance Department days in which, after you were illuminated, you endured a great fight of friction, partly while you were made occasion stock bought by reproaches and afflictions, and partly once you became companions of them that was so used. For ye had compassion of me in my farm, and took joyfully to spoil him with your good, knowing yourself that he's knowing in yourself that you have in heaven.
A better and an enduring substance.
Yes, I believe Brother Anderson, that was what they had been through and perhaps raised questions in their minds, so he would encourage them to go on. He compares our discipline to that of the fathers of our flesh.
We submitted to them and gave them reverence, which we should do.
Because they were seeking, according to their best judgment, to be helpful to us.
Sometimes, perhaps they made mistakes. I suppose there never was a human father that didn't make mistakes in connection with the discipline of his children.
But they meant it right? But now with God, He makes no mistakes. They barely for a few days chasing us after their own best judgment. But he for our prophet always. But for that we might be partakers of His Holiness.
God wants a holy people. If we deny holiness, we deny God because God himself is holy. Be holy, for I am also holy.
Be holy. God wants a holy people. Our holiness is separation from evil with delight and good. That's God's nature. So God is seeking to have.
A holy people.
Thus he passes us through these various chastenings that are part of the wilderness journey.
Wouldn't Ephesians One and Four give us that?
According as He hath chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be a holy and without belief before Him involved.
Well, I suppose that's positional in the 4th of Ephesians, and that's what we are. As to our position and standing, we are that unchanging. But as to the when he says be holy, for I am holy, it's our state at any particular time. The standard is God's holiness. Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous.
A Christian that's sort of glorying and with a marker complex.
About some trial is going through.
Our judges is not in community.
No chastening, for the present seemeth to be joyous.
I remember a young Christian.
During the last World war? No, not the last one. The one previous to that.
He said one day to some of us. I'm just asking the Lord to give me a trial.
He just felt he was such a good man. He just wanted to show the Lord what a good man he was.
Well, that kind of a spirit is not of God. No chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous but grievous. Let's bow under notice, not try to lap it off or smooth it off or ignore it.
No, it doesn't seem to be joyous, but grievous nevertheless. Afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them that are exercised thereby.
If you resent the fact that you are being disciplined. If I resent the fact that I'm passing through discipline and resent any insinuation on the part of others that I am passing through discipline.
It shows that I'm not properly exercised by. It yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness under them that are exercised thereby. Well, now there are three ways to take discipline.
One is to despise it.
That is just grin and Barrett as they say that's despising it and the others to faint under it. That's just to get cleared down under and just give up and and become utterly despondent. Well, that's not a thought. Well, the 3rd way is God's way under them that are exercise their body. What is God teaching me?
In this trial, in this test.
Absent might be well to mention one is awful. Heard it of the believers that felt they were bearing the cost and God was chasing them.
But that wouldn't be the case, would it? The chasing is involuntary on the believers part in the varying across is a voluntary thing. We do that of our own will.
That is depending independence on the grace of God. So that is erroneous and we often hear it among believers that they have a cost to bear and they speak of what that cross is and nothing to do is across the celebrity that is following the Lord.
It's strange what some people gather as to their this, as to the discipline which is being exercised.
We had a sister that wanted to break bread.
And her father suggested to us that we go slowly because in very worldly minded.
And so when we talked it over with her, we called her attention to various things that she was going on with and we didn't think it was she was in a proper state to be received in a fellowship.
Well, she felt rather bitter against us for it.
And withdraw her application.
And went on her own way. And the Lord had to deal with them.
The result was that her husband.
Was injured very seriously by an explosion of acid all over his face.
And part of his nose was eaten away, part of his ear and all that sort of thing. Is it a terrible face? And then she became very ill.
Herself and the two of them were in the hospital at the same time, and I wrote her and called attention to the fact that the Lord was evidently speaking to her about her ways.
Then she wrote me a little later and said that another Christian gentleman had written her and said you must be very near to God, that he trusts you with so much suffering. Imagine that.
And I tend to completely away from the exercise you should have had.
In the 13th of blue, the entire.
What's on your screen? Father, father and father. Here we are. Discipline. That's not only different, comforting, matter of fact.
We're now in our association, one with another.
Let's try and lift up the hands which hang down and the people needs.
Those that are in need of a little cheer and help.
Let's seek grace from God, the beyond hand, and speak the word of encouragement and cheer.
Remember Mr. Potter making the remark?
But really make it more than once that there are some Christians that have to be carried all their lives.
They just never, so to speak, seem to get on their own.
Well, perhaps we can lend a hand and help in the carrying process.
And make straight paths for your feet.
Lest that which is lame, that is. Let's be sure.
Let our own path is a straight one, one that has the sanction of the Lord.
Because always, regardless of how weak we are, there's somebody that's watching us and they're going to be influenced by us. So let's make straight ties for our feet, less that which is lame, the one following behind.
We turned out of the way.
I saw a little track once. I don't know whether it's a gospel tractor, what it was, but on the back was printed the Father starting out from home on a snowy morning.
And of course, he was leaving his tracks in the snow.
And behind him his little sons cunning, unknown to the father, and planting his little feet in those tracts of his father, the father discovered him. And he said, My boy, what are you doing?
He said I was putting my feet in your tracks and it caused the father to think.
Well, that was the Son with a father. But isn't it true that we should be very much exercised as to our own paths? Make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lain be turned out of the way, but let it rather be healed.
Sometimes believers take this attitude.
What I'll do as I please and you do as you please. You go your way and I'll go mine. But that is not this verse says, is it?
It says just the opposite. You make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame the one that may be following.
Be not turned out of the way, but rather let it be healed, but that lame person recover himself.
Due to the faithfulness that he sees in your walk and testimony, I believe that's the lesson of the of the portion very important one too.
I say a very important one too.
Mentioned before the purifier of silver.
Keeps the vessel that contains the solar eats the Gilmore and he skims off the top and he gossip may appear.
And he should still want the object is that he can see in that silver his own reflection.
A beautiful product in many ways is chasing mastery. Chasing might produce in myself some a little reflection of the one who is bringing this trouble and peace in my life.
I still the purpose of it all for the Kenya to get the reflection that they may offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness. In that case, it isn't merely what.
Our rather than others be, but we may give something back to the Lord.
So there's that side of things too, in the verse before us in the 12Th of Hebrews.
If if others were looking on and observing our walk before us, and in that case especially, what is due to the Lord. And so if we're going on carelessly, indifferently, our hearts are cold and careless.
We're not giving anything back to the Lord, for we need to remember that the Lord portion is his people. That's what the Lord has down here and terrible word the Lord is looking down upon, and all he has is he looks down here.
Is that fruit that's born in the hearts of his people that love that affection towards himself?
So that when we're walking in a way and the discipline has had the effect.
Of purifying the draws away so that we might give something back to him. I am sure that that is indeed the highest form of connection with our ways.
Of the 11Th version.
Yeah, of the President seems to be joyful, but grievous nevertheless. Afterwards it's a guilt of the peaceable fruit of waste out of damage are acted by thereby. That's the purpose of those of the Father.
Yes, well, the peaceful fruit of righteousness might be the effect it has upon me, but I think what Brother Barry is bringing out.
That we made the better approach to God. And that's really the substance of the teaching of Hebrews, Hebrews its sanctification or fitness to approach God.
And that I think is the main thought here.
The right brother? Is that what you have in your?
Follow peace with all, and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord.
There's no premium. No premium put on one's ability to stir up trouble.
Certainly don't have to go to school to learn to do that.
Let follow peace with all and holiness, not peace at any price.
No, never peace at the expense of righteousness, but follow peace with all, and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord.
How would you explain Brother Brown holding us, without which no man shall feed the Lord?
Well, God is holy, and if a man has never faced the sin question, if he's never realized the holiness of God, he just doesn't know God.
The very the whole subject of our salvation has to do with the holiness of God.
God is thrice holy, and here we are sinners.
How can we ever stand in the presence of a thrice holy God?
Lord, we can only stand there by being made positionally holy.
And we have that in the righteousness that God has provided for us.
But now the fruit of that, the evidence that we possess it, is that.
The nature that we have is born of God evidences itself.
In a life of separation from evil.
A man that's never been changed. He has the same old tastes and desires and ambitions. He's just the same natural man that he was before his professed conversion.
There's no appreciation of holiness, no desire for it, none of it in his life. Well, that man will never see God.
It isn't that any of us are able to give a perfect record as to the practical side of it.
But there is that life in us that delights in holiness, even though there may be present the flesh which contests against it. But the man that knows nothing of holiness is a man that knows nothing of God, and he'll never see God.
As they're new and they should blah blah blah and cannot commit sin together. Thinking of the first official of John chapter 3, whosoever is born of God does not commit sin.
For his seizure may lift in him, and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.
Enlist. The children of God are manifest from the children of the devil. Whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his Father.
Sometimes the well to read the 1St the verse in first Peter one.
The reference has been made to it.
We might start with the 13th, 1St just a few verses here. Wherefore gird up the lines of your mind.
That's our attitude toward God, isn't it?
Be sober. Our attitude toward men.
And hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you.
At the revelation of Jesus Christ as obedient children.
Not fashion yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance.
What is he which had called you his holy? So be ye holy in all manner of conversation, because it is written, Be your holy, for I am holy.
Man if you call him Father.
Or with our respective persons judges according to every man's work. That's the time of your so turning here and fear.
Because we redeemed.
Brought to God and with a walk worthy of Him.
Sometimes the holiness people.
Say, well, don't you believe in holiness?
Well, my answer to them is if I didn't, I wouldn't be a Christian.
A man that says he doesn't believe in holiness. If he knows what he's talking about, he's not a Christian.
Why? God is a holy God and we can't approach Him on any other ground than His being a holy God. Yes, I believe in holiness, body, soul and spirit, but that's an entirely different thing from professing what our brother Barry referred to.
A while ago.
That we've had some spiritual operation performed whereby we've had the old nature removed and taken out of us.
It's it's the most absurd concept.
For really, no one is deceived by it except the person himself. Those who live with him and observe him from day-to-day know that it's not true.
And yet in order to maintain a mistaken theological conception.
They will go through the experience and profess to have it, but it works out into.
A lowering of the standard of God's holiness so that sin is euphemistically.
Termed failure.
Sin has new names.
They get rid of the.
Stigma of that word sin and say well that was a failure. I failed in that, but it wasn't a sin because sin would carpet the holiness.
Well, the whole concept is a mistaken one, and it robbed souls of their proper sense of God's holiness and their proper sense of that wonderful truth of being made accepted in the Beloved.
They they know practically nothing of what Scripture calls the righteousness of God. God sees us in Christ as without spot or wrinkle or any such thing. We have an absolutely perfect standard, the standing of Christ Himself.
With First Corinthians chapter one and 30 years.
For he God hath made him to be unto us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption.
That First Corinthians one, yes. Well, that's it. He is my holiness. He is my redemption. He's my sanctification. He's everything.
Now my life is to be in accordance with that marvelous position. I pray God, your whole spirit, soul and body.
I'd like to read that, just that it's given here because.
But but of him.
Are you in Christ Jesus?
Who of God is made unto us wisdom and righteousness, and sanctification and redemption?
As according as it is written, He the Glorious, let him glory in the Lord.
The very God of peace sanctify you wholly. Well, that's entire sanctification. And I pray God, your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless under the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. That's the standard.
I'm at 50s for something diligently left. I think it should relent. Any man lack the grace of God.
And the last part of the verse left any root of bitterness bringing up trouble you. I'm sure that the thoughts there are connections, that is, those who lack great are the occasions of those roots of bitterness.
That troubled many. They have to remember that it's only great that has faith. By grace are you saying you deserve nothing? And we need to be careful not to fall into the failure of that service that was given the 10,000 lbs. And then he goes and takes his brother by the throat, who only owed him 100 pence.
That Amy, that's our own.
They should ever have a sense in our souls. But what the grace of God has done for us, you'll keep us humble. It'll keep us.
Considerate of others.
And careful not to contain unspiritually the failures of others when we think of what grace has done for us.
A root of bitterness springing up trouble you and thereby many be defiled.
A road of bitterness between two brothers or two sisters in a meeting.
Congratulate through time spread.
Until the whole meeting becomes lined up.
On two sides.
And it all had its origin in an unjust root of bitterness.
Between two of the Saints.
Well, that's very sad, isn't it? Many be defiled.
Time to judge it is in the root.
Our graciously Paul speaks to your audience. Yes, I will repeat your audience. Another state senator. Let there be a one mind in the Lord doesn't associate them together and teaches each one apart in love and will not let her when it's been read in the flippy of assembly. I told him it was read. Why there were words from their dear brother. Paul hung up. Not only that.
Different words from the Lord from the Lord Jesus.
You love the word maintain for any one of us who may have a difficult.
From our dear Lord, our precious Lord, the speech in us from here one time in the last.
What this is a root of bitterness of the world, perhaps between those two places.
James Lee said he would have nothing to do with partyism if he's still alone.
A sad thing when partyism gets into a meeting.
Well, it's sism.
We sometimes think of heresy as a matter of denying the faith.
But it's not necessarily so.
A brother might become a heretic.
And even had truth on his side.
I think it's Mr. Wigram and his tract on that makes the statement that you might have a situation where you'd have truth on one side and the Holy Spirit on the other.
Because a brother gets hold of a truth.
And presses it in a fleshly way on the Saints.
Before they are in the state to receive it.
And forces it on them to the point of causing a cleavage. And what he may be teaching is truth. It may be right, but he cannot wait for the Spirit of God to make it good to their consciences. So he forces it through, forces it on them, and divides his brother. He's a hereditary, even though what he was stating was the truth.
I think it's important to see that.
That full of paper, brother woodrums on that.
Very valuable paper. Question of heresy.
Is it available at the Track depot? Yes, it has been reprinted.
What's the title of it? Well, originally it was under the title of Heresy, but I believe.
That carries a difference title.
It is the one watching and praying.
Watching and pray for 4:00 Yes, rather for your giving. Our wife made some very excellent thoughts about Keith, Paul and Jacob.
We come, we're right at the place in our chapter where you get about Ethel and I need to be helpful if you gave some of that thought to others besides my wife and me. Don't you think so?
For the quarter visitors, please plan. We have the privilege of sitting and listening from within construction.
Well, the difficulty with that is that it is quite lengthy.
We'll give it convince them.
Well, we mentioned just this that he saw was a profane person.
He lived as he liked. He spent his time hunting.
And marrying whomsoever he wished, regardless of whether his parents liked it or not.
And Jacob was a plain man.
He stayed at home and took care of things, looked after his father and mother.
Jacob also knew that God had given him the birthright before he was born.
God had said the elderly shall serve the younger.
That during the bus ride.
Jacob wanted to secure it for himself.
And make sure that everybody understood it was his.
So he would buy it or buy the yes, buy it from Esau. He saw thoughts a little of it. He was willing to sell it for a mess of potty.
In Speaking of besides a profane man, I don't suppose he was one that took the Lord's name in vain. That's what is commonly thought now with the same man, but he received.
We might say his instructions from, not from a divine source.
Yes, I think that's correct.
On the other hand, when you read in the 11Th of Hebrews, Abraham dwelt in tents with Isaac and Jacob you never read he dwelt intent with Esau.
The Jacob seemed to have been a character that loved the things of God.
And wanted to hear all he could and gain all the benefits of this association with his father and grandfather.
These are no interest in those things.
But is it remarkable in Jacob's case, that the 11Th of Hebrews.
The only thing that God records about him personally is that at the end of his course, he worshiped leaning upon the top of his staff. Not until that long life of Jacobson come to an end had he learned the lesson of leaning.
He was a very self-sufficient man, always planning and scheming.
And trying to help God out, but at the end God found something in his life that he could put in the 11Th of Hebrews.
He learned to lean.
Verses here, pardon me, the verses that beginning with the 14 and following in view of the chasing that is mentioned previously.
Who the chasing has a tendency to produce these things, and the child of God is exercising.
Well, the second would help to form his character, wouldn't it? That's what you mean.
Mr. Potter, I've heard him make the remark that we Christians find that one character in the Old Testament and one character in the New Testament that perhaps seems more like ourselves than any other. Jacob in the Old and Peter and the New.
Because of the failure that's recorded to both of them.
Well, Jacob had to have somebody serious.
Things brought to him as a result.
In connection, you might say, with his duplicity, he deceived his poor life and he was son of deceived him about the life of Joseph. Bring that beautiful coat. Same with me. Blood of an animal. But he's already with Jacobs and he's already with Joseph's blood.
And we read for his soul in that way at the end of his life. He has a great understanding of truth. And his son Joseph, of whom we hear very little, that you could construe with being saved.
Was the longest without failure next day of his life.
That was his birthright, brother court.
What was his best right? I mean, why does it typically mean for us?
On the bus ride, of course, placed him at the head of his family after his father.
And all the promises in the case of Abraham and Isaac would have descended.
From the one that has the 1St right?
And as I said before, Esau is a propane person, wasn't interested in these things, but Jacob was. He was concerned.
An interaction with Jacob.
There's no question about what he really desired to please the Lord.
He's called the Supplanter, but by whom? Not by God.
Well, to bear that in mind, it was his brother Esau that columnist. A planet.
This Jacob had to flee from Esau and he has his vision.
As he sleeps in the open with the stones for his pillars, and God appears to him, there's no way to rebuke from God against him. Instead of that, he says, I'm going to be with you and I'll bring you back. I'll fulfill all these things.
Which is lovely.
And the only reason I say what I do about Jacob is that.
We're inclined to treat him as if he were something.
Far worse than we are, as a matter of fact. He was just like the rest of us.
Isn't that so, Brother Brown? Yes. His name, The name Jacob means the planner, doesn't it? His name meant the planner, yes.
That was his character. He was a schemer.
And it took him a whole lifetime to break his will, to bring him to the place where.
He could be really happy in the Lord's presence and be a worshiper. At the end we see a thoroughly broken down man.
Tapping on the Lord's presence. Just leading his trust in the Lord for everything.
Yes, but it took the resting of the Angel with Jacob to break him down, didn't he? He was pretty well set in his way. And yet all through his life he really values that. That first writer goes promises for everything to him, but he just didn't yield as well to the Lord. Let the Lord have his way in his life.
Yes, and we think of that.
He saw us selling his birthright to Jacob as though they were young men.
And perhaps we haven't given any thought to this, but actually.
Whether you read it from the beginning, that is from Abraham on or from Jacob stepped back, you find that in the one case the answer is 76 years of age and the other 77 years of age, so that these were men pretty well on in years.
Before all this took place.
One thing nice about Jacob says here.
Wrestling with the Angel, or rather, the Angel with him.
Will not let me go.
Desire the blessings. Desire.
So why don't we read of any other characters in Scripture? We have to be careful that we don't justify ourselves as being superior.
As an actual fact, we're all cast in one mold.
Come from one stop.
Have to watch always.
C on Chrome, the surface of pipes and depth of clouds. The lovely yard. The last time they only come and say.
And now all I sleep in my thigh. Ignore it will be 1006.
Oh, girls.
All dangerous.
Let me.
Hide myself.
In me.
But I was born.
From my womb as I reached.
When my heart is close, and then when I rise to the world.
Oh, I'll be the show recently.
I do all people.
On helpless Sunday.
Tell me the old story.
But this was empty.
Is causing me to hear.
The world glory.
And glory one by soul.
Tell me the soul.
I see God makes me more. Tell me the old, old story. Tell me the old story.
Tell me the old story for Jesus.
I'm still.