Hebrews 13:1-8

Duration: 1hr 14min
Hebrews 13:1‑8
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Gracious Savior Builder through his barren land. We are weak, but thou art mighty. Hold us with my powerful man. 276.
Side us for.
Rather than our reading this morning, we might promptly be occupied the last chapter.
Some money will read.
Hebrews 13.
Let brother in love continue, be not forgetful to entertain strangers, for thereby some of entertained angels unaware.
Remember them that are in bonds as bound with them. And then we suffered adversity, that being yourselves also in the body, marriage is honorable and all. And is that undefiled the ************ and the builders going to a job.
Let your conversation be without covetousness, and be content to such things as you have. For he has been I will never leave thee, nor for safety, so that we may boldly say, the Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man should do unto me.
Remember them which had the rule over you, who are spoken unto you, the word of God, whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation, Jesus Christ the same, yesterday and the day, and forever.
Do not carry the bottle diversion strange doctrines, or it is a good thing that the heartbeat establishment rates not with meat which have not profited them, that have been occupied there in.
We have an altar, where they have no right to eat, which serve the Tabernacle for the bodies of those beasts whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high Priest For sin burnt without the camp. Wherefore indeed us also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate. Let us go forth therefore unto him without contempt, bearing his reproach. For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come.
By him, therefore, let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to his name. But to do good and to communicate forget not, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.
Obey them that Heather rule over you, and submit yourselves, for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy and not with grief, for that is unprofitable for you.
Brayborough, where we trust we have a good conscience in all things, willing to live honestly.
But I beseech you that rather than do this, but I may be restored to you the sooner.
Now the God of peace had brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of his feet, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you perfect in every good work to do with will, working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight through Jesus Christ.
To whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.
Can I beseech you, brother, suffer the word of excitation? For I have written a letter under you and few words.
Know you that our brother Timothy is set at liberty with whom you become. Shortly I will see you.
Salute all them that have a rule over you and all the singles they of Italy salute you. Grace be with you all. Amen.
There are some very practical exhibitions in this chapter.
But all also very high and precious truth.
We may start on rather humbling level here in the beginning of the chapter, but before we get through.
We're right into his presence.
So they the word is left brother they love continue, inferring that there's a danger of brotherly love ceasing getting cold toward one another.
I believe we're in a day when we need this exhortation. Let brotherly love continue.
Not not getting out with our brethren and.
Say aye, we don't love them anymore.
To agent Saints way back 70 or 80 years ago.
Gifted and devoted brothers, they had a difference, the one said to the other. I don't love you anymore.
And the other answered him. Yes, you do, and you can't help it.
Because of the bond in Christ.
So don't write somebody off your books and say I don't love them anymore.
Brother Brown, would you add anything to brotherly love?
Love. Divine love.
I suppose that the answer.
That you just spoke was with the thought of divine love.
Yes, all that are begotten of God love. All others that are begotten of God love one another.
Because we have a nature.
By the power of the Holy Spirit, and the fruit of the Spirit is love.
But brotherly love is a responsibility.
As our brother said that way.
Need to be reminded.
Now what? We mean the child of God, someone we've never seen before.
We don't have to ask for their label before we love them do it.
Just instantly.
Our hearts go up to them in the bonds of Christ.
I was getting out the tracks on the train coming over this way.
And or maybe 1/2 an hour after I resumed my seat.
Sister, I learned that she was that later. I'll put it this way, a lady came and said with a beaming face. I enjoyed that track very much.
And I said, well, you must be a child of God. Then she said, I am well. The secret I was sitting was next was Bacon. So she sat down and we had a lovely talk about the Lord.
And I think she enjoyed it.
Almost as much as I did. Well, what were we talking about? We were talking about our Blessed Lord and the precious truths that have to do with our salvation. Our bond in Christ is coming again, and she was just as alert to these things.
Well, what joy that was. Yet we've never seen each other before. It's a real link.
Read a couple of verses in Jude.
June 2021.
But ye beloved.
Building up yourselves on your most holy faith. Praying the Holy Ghost.
Keep yourself in the love of God.
And John the 15th and 9th.
John, 59, as a father, has loved me.
So have I loved you.
Continue, ye and my love, if we could do.
Reflect upon.
His Father's love for his Son and Christ loved the Church and gave himself ordered love for us.
Be be prompted to continue in that law.
One of the ways in which brother-in-law manifests himself is in hospitality.
But our hospitality is not going to be limited just to the household of faith.
It's sometimes very nice if there's someone that we're interested in and we're trying to lead them to Christ and invite them to the home and.
Have a meal and then get our Bibles out and talk about the law.
The home is a wonderful place in Scripture.
Great deal in scripture about the home.
And our home.
Should be, in a way, a little sanctuary.
Where Christ has acknowledged every hour of the day, I love to go in a home and see the gospel verses on the walls.
And see those things in the hole.
That remind me that I'm in the home of those who love our Lord Jesus Christ and Spirit and in truth.
And it grieves me when I go into a home and find myself. I'm speaking now of those who profess to be seen.
Find myself in an atmosphere that is far from being that of separation.
All you and I are responsible for our homes.
We can't escape that.
And would to God that we might have them as a sanctuary, where souls are held and not hindered and stumbled by having them in our home.
I like to read.
Verse in First Timothy First Peter.
Chapter One and verse 22.
Seeing ye have purified your stones in obeying the truth.
Through the spirit.
Unto On famous Love of the Brethren.
Unfeainted love of the Brethren. Now this is brotherly love. By the way, Philadelphia means brotherly love.
And here it calls for unfeigned, brotherly love.
Now the next expression.
See that you love one another with a pure heart, fervently. In this case, the love is divine love. There are two different words for love. One is for brotherly love or affection and attachment.
The other is Divine Love. Our verse has both in it.
Unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that you love one another with a pure heart vertically.
Now you and I know.
That sometimes we.
Are perilous.
In showing brotherly love to some of our brethren.
Whilst we might show much of it to others, of our friends.
We exercise and preference.
And perhaps others feel that.
It has a tendency to make little factions in the media.
Our clerks, ought we not to be exercised about this matter according to this very verse and all the teachings and scripture I've enjoyed traveling through the New Testament and noticing.
How often the apostle would have us love all the things and pray for all the Saints.
To be surprised if you're only alert to observe that, and it ought to be a lesson in the school of God for you and me.
To learn God's mind as the loving all. God loves us all. God is for us.
Of the OR should we not be more one another and seek one another's good even though they're walking carelessly?
Does it not call for more grace and more faithfulness and more love to eat and everyone of this things?
Not forgetful to entertain strangers thereby some have entertained angels unawares.
I suppose the reference there's to Abraham a lot.
The emphasis might be more unlocked than Abraham, but.
When we entertain others in our home.
They sometimes turn off to the angels for us.
That is, we get a blessing from having them in the hole, that we always thank God for the rest of our lives.
I remember.
Wife and I had the privilege of having Brother Heaney in our home 1 winter.
And it was delightful to have him there.
He's there at the holiday time and we had our home well festooned with Christmas decorations.
We had our exchange of Christmas presents.
At the proper time.
And Brother Haney was remarking what nice presents they were.
And he got me out.
We were out making some calls and.
We had a chance to visit a little personally and in a dear, gracious, fatherly way.
He just took up with me the subject of Christmas.
And its place in Christendom and its absence in the Word of God.
And you know he.
Well, I don't want to be precision, but an expression comes to me. It was just like painless dentistry.
He took that thing away from me without offending me in any way whatsoever, and I never had the least desire for Christmas and the home after that. And my dear wife, thank God, shared the same convictions with me.
Dear Brother Heaney, in more ways than one, was an Angel in that way.
I remember Mr. Potter too. The next Brother Brown is just telling us about thinking of all the Saints.
Mr. Potter in our home for weeks at a time and year after year.
And they would often lead us in prayer.
And how many times in his prayers he would say and Lord for the whole Church of God, for the whole Church of God.
And let us remember, dear brethren, that our Lord Jesus has no favorites.
He loved all his Saints.
And he loves his Baptist brethren just as much as he loves his Methodist brethren.
And he loves the mall just as much as he loves anyone here in this meeting.
All he bears, all his people on his heart. Let's not forget that.
And if he loves them, we should love them. We should love them too.
Christ loved the church.
That is the true church. Every real believer, regardless of where they may be found. Perhaps you had that in mind. Yes, exactly.
And then we get the.
Sympathies and affections.
The practical side of this love we're talking about.
Oh, how true it is. Remember them. They're in bonds and bound with them.
And then we've suffered adversity. Is being yourselves also in the body?
Oh, God forbid that we should ever get into the Spirit.
Shrugging our shoulders from all responsibility to share the sorrows of others.
I remember being in a meeting once, young people's meeting.
The young people at the close of the meetings went upstairs to put on their wraps. I used to live in a cold country and.
Somehow or other someone.
Mr. Stephen and came tumbling down the stairs.
And the mother in the home rushed to the stairs, all in anxiety and agony.
And then she grew Big sigh of relief, she said. I thought it was one of my children.
Well, she didn't intend to say that out loud, but it just it just came out.
Well, we have to guard against that kind of thing.
Not just be satisfied that everything is going well in our little circle, but remember them that are in bonds as bound wisdom, and then would suffer adversity as being yourselves also in the body. You and I may be next. Let's not forget it. Let's not shut up our bowels of compassion. Keep before us all the time that we're here in this scene, sharing common dangers and trials and testings, and oh how wonderful it is to have them brothers and sisters in Christ.
That goal sympathetically with us through these sorrows.
The Apostle, in the same epistle in chapter 1034, tells us that he remembered me and my bond.
Now he would have them enlarge their interest.
For all that are in such.
For Christ sake, they are in prison.
Then in the fourth verse.
We come down to a rather low level but.
A word that I believe is desperately needed to be emphasized today.
Now we read this a little differently from the way it reads here.
I think I'm correct.
Let marriage be honorable in all things, and the beds undefiled with ************ and adulterers God will judge.
We're all conscious that as a nation, and of course we're not alone in this characteristic of the age.
There's been a distinct and awful moral breakdown all over the country.
We have a brother in the meeting out in Burbank who works in the post office.
And he was telling us.
Something of the immense amount of filth, filthy literature that goes through the mail from day-to-day.
And the question came up as to excluding it.
And they ran into a ruling that came from Washington, DC that.
Mounted to this, we cannot go by the old standards.
We are to be guided by what is acceptable today.
According to present day standards.
Well, of course.
Present day standards that have reached a new low.
But let's emphasize this brethren God's standards never change.
God hasn't changed. He hasn't lowered his standards and in his sight.
Marriage is just as holy and honorable a thing as it ever was.
And he intends that you and I should regard it in that way.
Let Mary be honorable in all.
And the bed undefiled. There's no weakening of that. There's no pairing of it down. There it stands.
And the opposite is ************ and the doubters God will judge. Now that's God's standard, and you and I must never be tempted in our thinking. The lower that standard. That's God's standard.
Am I right on that, brother?
The God of this world is back, this declining.
Tendency as tomorrow.
And the increase of.
Juvenile delinquency in the schools. It's becoming a an increasingly common practice of a lowering of morals.
And after the Church is gone, Satan will.
Have them go still deeper.
I was thinking of this verse in Revelation Chapter 9, verse 21.
Where it says.
They neither repented.
Of their fornication, their unbridled lust in that period of the great tribulation will be the limit, and men will.
Blasphemy. God will throw off every restraint.
It'll be a cesspool of iniquity like the world has never seen, so the trend is in that direction.
In Southern California at the present time.
Array of immorality breaking out violence.
That the police are nonplussed. They don't have enough of them. They can't handle the situations getting out of hand.
And they're trying to get new recruits for the police force.
But many aren't too anxious to get into it. There's too much involved.
We're living in a desperate age. We're ready for the plunge into the great apostasy, and his brother Brown called our attention.
And this 9th of Revelation neither repented. They have their murders.
Nor of their surgery, nor their fornication, nor of their thefts.
A brother in the meeting out in California who was.
A trapping officer.
He's not now, but he was, he said. There are some sections of this city into which I would not dare venture alone.
I would not think of going into certain sections of this city alone, an officer in the uniform.
Well, God's standards have not changed.
And he also.
The same brother spoke of one of the schools that he substituted as a teacher in and said that the women teach.
Would not walk through the corridors without the accompaniment of another teacher. The rough element was against the teachers. Well, when you go into many such things, showing though that tendency of the day.
Well then, in the fifth verse.
Let your conversation or your manner of life, your deportment. That word does not mean.
And the King James Bible.
What we mean, although of course it would include that.
What's Mr. Darby's word there?
Same word. Get the same word here, but I believe he has a note of another place.
Where he speaks of a being, a manner of life, as you've already said.
Well, that's the course of the word department or manner of life.
Be without covetousness.
Covetousness is what characterizing the day in which we live.
Now if I can find this first I'm looking for, I can't. I'll ask Brother Brown where it is.
I think it's the 16th of Jeremiah.
Also 16th of Vijender, 16th of Ezekiel.
And the 48th verse.
As I live, saith the Lord God.
Most wicked city about which we read in scripture. Sodom.
Thy sister.
Hath not done she nor her daughters, as thou has done and thy daughters?
Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom.
Now, the following remarks here in that verse exactly describe our United States today.
Right, fullness of bread and a bunch of idleness.
The three outstanding characteristics of America today pride, fullness of bread, and abundance of idols.
Well, we know where Sodom ended up.
I know that one of the.
Well, let you're a matter of life.
Be without covetousness.
It's as natural to the human heart to covet as it is to breathe.
And you and I have to constantly.
Watch and judge ourselves along those lines.
Jeremiah 6.
Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? Nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush. Therefore they shall fall among them and fall at the time that I visit them, they shall be cast down, said the Lord.
The day when there's.
Apparently, no. No flushing, no shame.
I'd like to read a verse in First Timothy 3 and verse 3.
The Apostle is speaking about.
The called Bishop here, or the holders here.
Those that perspire the oversight, the lovely, care for the good and souls of the Saints, and inverses there are not given to wine, that is excesses. And you know, Striker, not immediately filthy Lucas, I notice that.
But patient, not a brawler, and not covetous.
Now it's also translated.
Not fond of money.
It's a matter of avarice not fond of money.
It would be good for us to pause and consider nowadays how much we have a tendency to that very thing. Look at the person Haggai, Chapter one.
May I read the last part of verse 5 right on through verse 7?
Ye have sold much and bring in little.
Ye eat, but we have not enough. Ye drink, but ye are not filled with drink. Ye clothe you, but there is none warm and he that earnest wages, earnest wages, to put it into a bag with holes.
Now again, verse 7. Thus said the Lord of most consider your way.
It already spoken of.
A building that causes in verse 2.
When verse 4.
Is it time for you owe you to dwell in your sealed houses and this house lie waste?
Do we devote?
They made you part of our time. A great percentage of our crime, just on our own abode, our own nest feathering in instead of living as a Pilgrim in the tent. Kevin bound.
Well, it's something for us to think about because we are in the most privileged.
Nature on earth and country on earth. Luxury is defeating spirituality.
And we need to think of these things as the Lord says, consider your way. Well, we are working hard. The men do do make a living, and they get paid for. But are we spending it?
In vain putting our money into a bag with gold.
So the covetousness, amorous or the fondness for money is the things that we ought to seek grace.
To, if need be, judged yourselves, and also to avoid it.
In the 16th of loop, there's a verse that I think is not too often understood.
I think the King James translation is perhaps a call.
It's the parable of the unjust steward. We won't read the parable.
But notice what Our Lord says.
In the ninth verse of Luke 16 and I'll read this and it should read.
Make yourselves friends with the mammoth of unrighteousness.
That when it fails, you may be received into the everlasting polls. I'm quoting that from memory, but I believe that's fairly right. Accurately.
And you and I have the privilege down here in this world of handling some of what is called the mammon of unrighteousness.
That is.
Worldly possessions, money and worthy possessions. It's manly belongs to this scene. We're not going to take it to heaven, mothers.
Make yourselves friends with it.
That's when it fails.
You may be received in the everlasting habitation. I believe that bearing of that verse is this. Use what we have down here with a view to our home above.
Have a bank account in heaven and make daily deposits up there so that when we get through down here, we'll have something waiting for us over there.
It reminds me of a little story I heard.
Ages ago and most of you here have heard it, but it it illustrates the point.
Of the woman. This is only a story, of course.
A woman was introduced into heaven.
And she was being shown around.
At the various of bows that were there and she saw this lovely mansion that belonged to so and so and this nice.
A goal that belongs so so.
And she said, Now I'd like to see mine very well, we'll show you yours. And they showed her this very, very humble abode.
Oh, she said. Why isn't mine like like those others? And the answer was we did the very best we could with the material that you set up.
Now there's a principle there.
Hey brother, I don't remember who was in this in this meeting, made the remarks and we've been in these meetings.
That our capacity for the enjoyment of heaven is formed out here.
You know, we're going to get a little secret acknowledgement from the Lord up there.
That no one can read except ourselves and just be a secret between the Lord and and me, and between the Lord and you. And I can't read what's on that acknowledgement and you can't read mine.
I believe it has to do with major of our enjoyment of Christ.
And I've heard this illustration, which I think is good.
Our capacity for the enjoyment of heaven is formed down here.
I have a pint cup. You have a quart cup. You have 1/2 gallon cup. You have a gallon cup. Another has a 10 gallon maker. Now we all go down to the ocean and we submerge them in the ocean.
They're all full, full. We can't hold anymore.
Now here it is. You and I will be filled with a joy of that scene above, completely full.
But my measure will not be your major. No, our capacity for the enjoyment of heaven above is formed down here.
In Jeremiah 1711.
We got a very applicable break.
Regarding this subject, Jeremiah 1711.
As the Park Ridge sitteth on A and had to come off.
So he get up riches, and not by right shall leave them in the midst of his days, and that his head shall be a fool.
But over in Ecclesiastes.
This past winter, I was told in San Diego.
That the day before President our late President Kennedy was assassinated that that had all put a verse of scripture in the paper and.
It was.
Already for for the public distribution.
The day before, the day after it was printed, but this is already in print, this verse came out.
The day before that it was president before came out. The day of his assassination, Ecclesiastes 5 and verse 14.
And the people felt that it was really a prophecy. We read the 13th verse along with it.
Ecclesiastes 513 There is a sore evil which I have seen under the sun, namely riches kept for the owners are up to their hurt.
But those riches?
Perish by evil prevail, and he get it, begetting the son. And there's nothing in his hand. As he came forth of his mother's womb naked, so he returned to go as he came, and shall take nothing of his labor, which he may carry away his hand.
Be content with such things that you have.
Now I believe they must be.
Sensible in our handling of that.
Be content with such things as you have.
It isn't to say that the time may not come when you may have something better. That's not the point.
But if we find ourselves in a position where?
We're very limited.
Where there's.
Real real apprehension as to how things are going.
Well, be content. If the Lord sees fit, to alter those circumstances so that you need to be taken out of this pressure, we'll praise Him for it. But while we're in that circumstance, be content with such things as you have.
For he has said I will never leave thee, nor for safety. He has said I will never leave the enormous safety.
Now Paul says in Philippians 4, perhaps better turn to it.
Libyans 419.
But my God shall supply all your needs.
According to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus. Not all your desires. Not that, but all your need according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus. Now some might conclude from that.
According to that verse, we'd never be needing well, look back at the 12 first on the same chapter.
Because as I know both how to be a base and I know how to abound everywhere and in all things, I'm instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.
Yeah, we may be allowed to suffer need, but.
My God shall supply all your need according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus. God will come in in his own time, but that isn't saying we'll never pass through times of need.
God in this with contentment is great game brother navigates. He caused this verse but it's in 4/19. He said yes, supply all your need and I don't know I'll give you a chocolate bottle.
Give you a what perhaps you've been longing for. You want this, You want that. He may grab that too, but the need is the matter that he takes care of constantly.
I remember it went up with a small boy. I used to go and spend the summers with my grandparents and other relatives in another town.
The next door to my grandfather, there was an old lady who's a widow. All they had to live on was a pension and as I believe, it was somewhere around $8 a month. Well, this is probably 50 years ago.
But nevertheless it was still a very small amount.
And I remember going with my father to visit this year. Old is Saint of God. She was very happy content.
She had Christ and didn't need anything more. Sometimes he only had a little milk and a slice of dew of bread to eat.
But she was happy.
The time came when they were going to pave the street in front of the house.
Well, along with paving the street, the people there were expected to put in a new sidewalk.
Each other pay for their own or she couldn't pay for a sidewalk.
But she left me with the Lord.
Look to him about it.
And so the neighbors around there, they got together. Now this is going to be awful Message. So and so has no sidewalk in front of our house. What are we going to do? Leave her? Leave her place without a sidewalk?
So they all got together and they just bid and made her a sidewalk.
For the larger girls.
I believe it, brother. I was reading about a lady like that. Just needy like you're telling about.
And he was hungry.
She was on her knees telling the Lord about Spring about it.
Bring out loud and an evil minded man that knew her and despised her because she was a Christian thought Well, I'll, I'll play, I'll play a trick on the old lady.
And he climbed up on the roof and dropped a loaf of bread down the chimney.
And the loaf of bread rolled out.
And the old lady saw it, picked it up, saw what it was, and she immediately dropped her knees and began to thank God for her. And he was watching what was going on. And he broke out into a gap off and said, why the idea Thanking God for that, I climbed up on the roof and dropped it down the chimney.
And she said well.
Maybe the devil brought it, but I know that God said it.
Simplicity of faith.
Or it's a real thing.
Remind us of their confidence, the reason brother Christopher Willis and talk about it. Their old sister have been longing for Peaches.
And she haven't had any features for a long time. When she was ill and needed Peaches and her creative Peaches came right through her roof.
Man flying over and they had the cadet and sounded his cargo and this was picked up on later and he said yes, I was a pilot. I let those teachers go and they came right down to the roof. She got all the pieces with his hair.
The lawn can do that.
The sixth verse, so that we may boldly say the Lord is my helper and I will not fear, period.
What should a man do Underneath the Lord is my helper. I will not bear what your man do unto me.
The minor part of verse 21 for all things are yours.
Whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas, or the world or life or death or things present.
Or things to come, all yours and your Christ. And Christ is God. I was thinking about that and things present.
Whatever the present circumstances are, we don't belong to them. They belong to us to do us good.
And immediately wasn't that good to us Is accomplished. They're over with because we belong to Christ, and for actually God. We are not subject to our circumstances, but they are for us in the hands of God.
Man can't go.
One notch beyond where God permits him and.
Enmity tortoise.
I will not fear what shall man do under me.
It's only the permissive will of God.
May allow any calamity of any kind to come to you or to me.
We're never out of his care, not for a moment. He neither slumbers nor sleeps.
There is another application that I suppose we might use.
In the verse before.
It is also translated.
Satisfied with your present circumstances.
Now know that, satisfied with your present circumstances, not going to read verse 6, so that we may boldly say the Lord is my helper.
I will not fear what man shall do unto me, even in the assembly, even in the little meeting.
There might be the need of the finest truth.
We have known of some who couldn't get along with another certain one, and they have found a job elsewhere and moved away and left that little gathering. They could not call it the One. Maybe they couldn't tolerate it in well. I believe they missed the mind of the Lord.
And he's up. We should seek the benefit by the trials that are at our door, and the Lord will help us and enable us to learn lessons that we never could have learned better in any other way.
Regarding fear.
Someone has said they're too constant Christian, the first class and the second class.
Second class Christian.
What I'm afraid of oppressing the Lord.
But the first class Christians, I will trust in the Lord and not be afraid.
So here I will not appear.
I answer the one to me.
It's not as far as the biggest. He is far all the way.
Well, we get tested along these lines or a member of Brother in a meeting many years ago.
He made the remark that you'll have a crying brother in the meeting.
You ought to accept him as one whom God has permitted to be there, so that you yourself will learn patience.
Well, that sounds awesome, but the.
Sad part about that case is we know too well that that same brother.
Walked out of the meeting and.
Stayed out to the end of his life for years.
Because his will was crossed by another brother.
I think what my brother Bronze then brings before us very important.
We can't run away from trouble.
Can't run away from trouble, but we can find grace to care.
Through the situation, if we look to God for us.
Verse 7.
Then which have the rule over you.
We must hear. Look to the more literal translation, the more faithful translation which reads this way. Remember your leader borough.
Remember your leader, those who go before, those who are perhaps older in the past, more mature in God's mind, who learned more of how to keep the flesh, himself and self exaltation count, and who follow the Lord in the Spirit of Christ and loneliness.
Such leaders, spiritual leaders.
Are what I believe the apostle points and mount those that lift themselves up with the idea of having to rule over others.
That the clergy has a tendency to do.
What you're thinking here too, Brother Brown, that he's referring here not so much to the leaders that were at that moment with them, but after those who had had the rule among them that had taken the lead among them.
Remember those that have taken the lead among you who have spoken unto you the word of God.
Now to get the present leaders further down in the chapter.
In the 17th verse, obey them to take the lead among him. Submit yourself. That's what they were to do at the present moment.
But they were never to forget.
Those that had seemed to lead among them and been a blessing too. If you pardon a personal reference, my wife and I have a flag hanging on our wall in our home.
And it's framed and glass over it. And there's a picture of Mr. A Rule and Water Potter and John T Armond and.
A brother Phoenix Heaney. That's right, you ought to know. Brother Brother Heaney and Brother Brown are those five men. Their picture is all there. And Brother AC Brown.
It's a beautiful printing work for us and underneath the glass it reads.
Whose faith followed? Whose faith follow? That's what we read right here.
Now not whose failures followed, or how often we like to take refuge under the fact, well, brother, so and so he did so and so and we let ourselves down because of a failure in in that old brother.
Well, we haven't had that perfect want to ride the mothers yet. We've never met him. Our leaders are failing leaders, but.
Whose faith follow? And I can look at that picture.
Hanging there on our wall and I can thank God from the bottom of my heart.
For what those five men did for me in my young days, I considered a privilege from God that I ever sat under their teaching, ministry and example.
Well, I'm good to turn aside from the.
And think of that eight verse Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever.
That can't be said about any other human being that ever lived.
Our conduct is after me according to the mood we happen to be in, but nothing like that with him.
And you know, one of the one of the titles of the Lord.
Is given right there in that verse.
Seen in the first chapter of Hebrews.
Verse 12 Thank you.
Yes, thank you. And as investor shall thou fold them up, and they shall be changed, But thou art.
The scene don't turn to Psalm 110, is it?
Thank you.
That's the one.
102 verse 24.
I said, Oh my God.
Take them not away in the midst of my day. Now that's the voice of the Lord himself, of the Lord Jesus right there, that 24th verse, I said, Oh my God, take me not away in the midst of my days. And now the rest of the verse is God's answer to it.
Five years are throughout all generations of old. Thou hast laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the work of thy hands. They shall perish without an endure.
Yeah, all of them shall wax old like a garment whose investor shall change them, and they shall be changed. But thou art now put a capital S There thou art the same.
Thy here shall have no end. Perhaps one of his entitles the same.
I traced it in Mr. Garbage translation as being used by the help of his references. He gives in the margin for the 21 Times to get that expression of the word of God the same.
So we don't have to keep revising our theology for these generations.
Thou art the same.
All young folks.
Don't don't let the fear enter your heart.
In God's word we have the infallible truth.
And it'll be just as true 100 years from now as it is today.
God that cannot lie. That's one thing God can do. One thing God can't do, He can't lie.
Depend on the word of God. We have it and let's live in the enjoyment of it and let the world go by. Don't be frightened by discovery of some new manuscripts dug up, some over someplace over in Palestine and those going to upset your Bible. You'll have to start over again. Don't let fears like that ever enter your mind. God has seen to it that His word is preserved and we have it, and it's dependable.
And let's build on it without a trace of fear.