Hebrews 13:8

Duration: 1hr 15min
Hebrews 13:8
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And watch for your souls as they that must give account. And then they do it with joy and not with grief, so that is unprofitable for you.
Paper of growing trust. We have a good conscience, you know, all things willing to live honestly.
But I received you the rather to do this, that I may be restored to you in the sooner.
Now the God of peace had brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you perfect, and every good work to do his will, working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.
Can I beseech you, brethren, suffer the word of expectation, for I have written a letter unto you in some words.
Know ye that our brother Timothy said at liberty, with whom that he comes shortly. I will see you.
Salute all them that have the rule of you and all the Saints they have Italy. Salute you.
Grace be with you all. Amen.
There never was a day in the Church's history.
When we stood more in need of the admonition in that ninth verse, he not carried away.
With divers and strange doctors.
The atmosphere is charged with them.
Most freaky doctrines are being promulgated.
We have.
Been coming to our door and soliciting our interests. We have two strains. Rogue creatures come to our door. I'm not referring now to nuns in the Catholic Church. I'm referring to a queer, freaky set.
The men were barefooted and they wore a long robes and girded about the middle.
And the women were dressed in the same way, barefooted, going from door to door.
Trying to pick up money and get us interested.
Well, that's just a sample.
There's never been a day when there was more of the freakish, unusual, strange, weird, odd Queer Dr. was afloat on the present day.
A great test to apply to them as the one we have in first down 4.
First John Chapter 4.
Verse one and on through there for 2-3 verses. Beloved believe not every spirit but try the spirit whether they are God, because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know you the Spirit of God.
Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God.
And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, is not of God. And this is that spirit of Antichrist where you have heard that it should come, and even now already is it in the world.
Since you read those verses, and might be of interest to call attention to the fact.
But in that second and third verses, not a question of confessing the fact that he came. It's confessing the one the person who came. That's an important distinction. It should be to every spirit that confesseth Jesus Christ come in play, confesses the person, not the fact that he came, but the person who did come.
It's the same thing in John Second Epistle.
We might read the 2nd Epistle of John verse 7 and verse 7, two verse 11.
For many deceivers are entered into the world who confess not that Jesus Christ is coming in flesh.
This is.
A deceiver and.
Look to yourselves that we lose not those things which we have wrought, but that we receive a full reward whosoever transgressed.
That is, goes beyond.
The truth, whosoever transgresseth and abideth not in the doctrine of the Christ, hath not God He divided in the doctrine of the Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.
Now notice this If there comes any unto you, and dream not this doctrine, receive him not into your house.
Neither bid him God's feet or he that bideth him. Godspeed is partaker of his evil deeds.
Not very long ago, we were.
In a hole.
And while there, I looked at the books on the shelves and I drew out a book and it was from the Watchtower.
Press. And I said this one that we ought to, or maybe we would call him brother. I said if this was in my home, he would go into the fire in one second. And he said, well, it's nothing but scripture. I opened the pages and there would be a whole line of scriptures on the page, But at the top of the page, a few sentences.
They introduced the page according to the Jehovah's Witness point of view, which is to deny the eternality of the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is Satan's business and energy and all of that book to to deny the truth. And if that one uttered, why it is nothing but Scripture. Then I went across the books a little further and I pulled out the world translation of the New Testament.
By the same press and that book on the New Testament, the translation is built with the object of denying that Jesus is the eternal Son and also to deny eternal punishment. So I said, well, here's another book that if it's in my home, he would go in the fire in one second. But then he had a new line of reply and he said, well, he said no, I use that for arguing with these people.
And then I found out that he'd been receiving neighbors of the Jehovah's Witnesses in his house in order to argue these things over. Now, these verses that I just read in the word of God, we must bow down and hear what God thinks and not think to be more gracious. We have no business to think that we are more gracious than God. Now I would like to read these verses again.
In verse 9 whosoever transgresseth and abideth not. Indeed, doctor, the Christ hath not God, He invited. Indeed, doctor, he asked both the Father and the Son, if there comes any unto you, that is to your screen door, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house. Now God means that literally, and you and I are are safeguarded as we obey it.
Neither bid him godspeed. As they leave my front porch and go down the walk, they say well, goodbye in a very sweet, smiling way. But they should not give a good buy out of me.
I need several little statements by Darby and Dan Darby and William Kelly.
I wouldn't be without writing these into my Bible.
Mr. Darby says it the duty of positive testimony. It is no charity to set people at ease.
Inexorable rigor.
Now I just picked out words of Mr. Darby on this verse that we should use in exorbitable rigor and then Mr. Kelly says.
Be resolute and unbending. Compromise is treason, one of the most distressing duties. It must seem outrageous and intelligent, but I believe every word of Mr. Darby's and Kelly we practice that we're safer.
I can say Amen to that, Brother Brown.
And maybe you get weary of hearing let me say it, But by the grace of God, I hope I'll continue to say it. We're never wiser than scripture. You have a situation Arise and say, yes, I I know I heard Brother Brown read that. But then this situation is a little different.
I know this person and I'm going to walk. Have them walk in and maybe I can set them straight. We're never wiser than scripture. The scripture says don't let them in the house.
You've mentioned Jehovah Witness. I think it's the most wicked Of all the militant doctrines that are seeking admission into our homes today. I believe that is the most wicked because it's aimed directly at the person of Christ.
Amen. Now, there are other doctrines that are off the center. And you'll notice one thing about them all. They never come to your front door and say I'm a Jehovah Witness. They never come and say I'm a 70 Adventist. No, they come subtly, and they they seek to get their literature across to you. A book agent comes along. You said I'm selling encyclopedias. I believe you'd be interested. Do you have any children? Yes, we have a nice little family of children. Well, you'll sure want this set of encyclopedia.
And perhaps you're not aware that the Pacific Press Association is the 7th Day Adventist outfit and.
First thing you know, you've got those books on your shelf and you think you've bought a nice set of encyclopedias. And yet in it you will find the poison of 70 Adventism, legalism that denies grace. Oh, I found this in homes over and over again.
We can't be too careful what we let in our homes. And then another thing. Some of you, I suppose, listen to radio program, Watch your step.
There are subtle programs going out over the air that are vicious in the end. If if you go along with them and that's what they want you to do, they want you to send in and get their literature and when you follow it up to the end, to the climax.
You will find that it's a fundamental denial of Christianity. We can't be too careful.
Armstrong I was thinking of it is one who basically is 1/7 day Adventist, but he dodges all around it holding that doctrine by adding a few of his own fur Blues to it and many many are listening to him on the radio because he is so well posted in scripture.
But when I use the word well, he doesn't use the scriptures correctly.
It's not without design the wisdom of God that we put this verse for Speaking of immediately following the eighth verse. Jesus Christ, the same yesterday and today and forever. He never changes. The truth of God never changes.
But these doctrines that come about?
There we have the guidance from stretchers to combat them, but they're coming out in a new form as they've already been speaking about them. They make themselves so attractive.
Do not carry the garbage saying to die with doctors.
Pardon me. I'm just going to read that. Go ahead for it is a good thing.
That the heart be established with grace.
Over in Second Peter 318.
Second Peter 318 But grow in grace.
And in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Good things to be established in grace and the reading meeting is a place to be established. Not a seminary, not a Bible school, not a theological institution, But the reading meeting is the most adequate place.
To get the truth and in balance.
I sure believe that's the truth, brother. Hitting him.
It's you're not always safe.
To send your children to some place to go to school just because it's a Christian institution. I'm not passing fundamental schools.
Along with what we've been talking about Jehovah Witness and that kind of thing, but.
Watch your step in these things.
Because none of these schools have the truth of the Church of God.
In in action, that is, as a as a functioning thing.
Now when brother Cheryl Norris is in Moody Bible Institute.
Listening to the professor like John on Corinthians, they had the 14th, the 12Th, 13th and 14th chapters thanks to the 14th chapter, and the professor just made the casual remark in connection with the lecture.
Now, of course, today.
The Thomas Brethren are the only ones that try to follow this.
For a status have gotten farther along, but they still try to go on with this.
Well, Brother Cheryl wondered who the Plymouth Brethren were. And then he wondered, well, what's the idea?
But here we're studying the Word, and here's a chapter in God's Word. And nobody follows it except the Friend of the Brethren.
He was alerted.
Few days later, he was doing some janitor work there, helping pay his tuition, and he he swept up a copy of Mr. Arman's magazine, The Christian Truth, a young Christian.
And you just stuck any back and take it home and read it.
So that's not the kind of truth I'm getting here, Moody, They wrote Down to the 502 People and.
That any subscription.
And in six months from that time, that man was gathered to the Lord's name and is gathered there today. And that's 25 or 30 years ago.
There is, I believe, a note here in our verse that needs to be emphasized, and that is that it is a good thing that the heart.
Be established the greatest.
Hard. Let me read the verse in.
First John Chapter 3.
Verse 20.
Well, let's see verse 21 to make sure.
Lovely, if our heart now notice in this case it does not use the word conscience.
In all, the conscience does have to do with.
Right and wrong and what is God's mind and what is not? And all that but the heart has to do with our affections. The love if our heart condemn us not. If our state of heart is a happy state of heart, and having to do with God and pleasing Him, if we're going on in communion with him, that is the thing. If our heart condemn us not.
Then have we confidence towards God. Now another person. Second printing 11Th and verse 3.
Second Prince is 11/3.
But I fear lest by any need as the serpent.
Beguiled Eve through his subtlety through his subtlety. So your mind should be corrupted from.
Simplicity as to the Christ, I'm reading it in the correct translation.
Best your minds or your thoughts should be corrupted from simplicity as to the Christ that is at the heart in all simplicity.
Have the person of Christ.
Fully the object that nothing should mar or disturb or warp our appreciation of Christ.
Devoted us to Christ is the secret of going on in the truth. I may know the truth and be getting enough through a careless walk, but devoted us to Christ of the front of our affections, for Christ alone will keep us attached to him.
Not with meats which have not profited them have been occupied therein.
When we get occupied with legal rules.
Crescent. If you're a 70 Adventist, you don't eat pork. No, you don't.
And I just will call attention to that as a as a sample. Not that this word meat here means means meat the way we talk and it's it's food. But they they begin to make points about what you what you can eat and what you can't eat. And that kind of thing is as though that's a part, an essential part of our religious confession.
That's not Christianity.
In Christianity, there's nothing unclean of itself.
And if it be received with Thanksgiving, we're not to be taken up with not eating meat on fried, eating meat fish on Friday. But she mustn't eat any meat and you must never eat pork and all this kind of thing. That's not Christianity.
We have an altar.
Whereas they have no right to be disturbed the Tabernacle.
That is, we are in a new economy.
We don't belong to that old economy that had its day. It was sanctioned of God. It had his approval. But now we've entered a new economy.
And we have an altar where they have no right to eat, to serve the Tabernacle.
For the bodies of those beasts whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high Priest for sin.
Are burned outside the camp.
That's the old economy.
Wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood.
Suffered outside the gate.
He left Jerusalem behind him, he left the temple behind him. All that was left behind, and he went outside the gate, and there he suffered.
Now the exhortation that's based on that is what we get in the 13th verse.
In these previous verses.
We have an altar.
Christ is altered his offering.
He's offerer, he's priest. He's everything. Christ is everything to the Christians.
And he suffered outside the gate.
Let us go forth therefore unto him. That's Christianity. Outside of it all, we have nothing to do whatsoever with Judaism or any Judaistic imitations or systems. We're brought into the liberty of the truth, the liberty of the gospel of God's good news. Let us go forth therefore unto him an object, a center.
Outside of the camp.
Contrast. A strong contrast, and I remember Eric Smith referring to Exodus 30 verse 7.
A far off. I'll turn to that.
Very applicable scripture right here. In fact, this scripture is an allusion to it.
Exodus 33 verse 7.
Go ahead, Brother Brown.
And Moses took the Tabernacle and pitched it outside the camp.
Far off from the camp and called it the Tabernacle Congregation. And it came to pass that everyone that sought the Lord went out under the Tabernacle of the congregation that was without the camp. Now that's what that same scripture is taken over and applied.
Here in our chapter.
He pitched it outside the camp of far off from the camp. Now, at that time the camp was Judaism.
I mean in our verse here here, the camp is Judaism. Back here in the days of Moses, it was when Israel had sinned so horribly while Moses was up in the mountain getting the 10 commandments and Aaron and all the people had acid so, so horribly in setting up this cap and calling it Jehovah and plunging into all sorts of sordid bacon practices.
And Moses had come down and had seen it and was distressed. It was a horrible situation. And so he took the Tabernacle and.
He oh, where am I? He pitched it without the camp. Now, that's not the Tabernacle that we read on about that was built. You know, this is, this is a structure that they had before the Tabernacle was built. But it was a temporary affair. Moses took the Tabernacle and pitched it outside the camp as far off from the camp that guilty, defiled, wicked place. We're going to have a new start.
Get away from way off from it. And it came to pass that everyone thought the Lord went out into the Tabernacle of the congregation, which was without the camp. Well, we're living in days when.
Christendom has become a vast hand. It's a hopeless admixture of truth and error.
And we can only find the truth in its fullness and blessing completeness.
By going forth outside of it, all unto Jesus unto him.
And if we do that, we'll find ourselves sharing the reproach of Christ. I believe that's the burden of verse 13.
This is only a side remark of mere interest. When I call your attention to verse 13. As has often been noticed, it is made-up of 13 words. It is Hebrews chapter 13 and verse 13, and it has 13 words in it. And the middle word is Him. That's Christ.
Yes, for the moment.
And I suppose all of this.
Gradual decline.
They were warned about an extra 33 and 2nd friend 11.
First, John 4 is to preserve us from what we have in Revelation 18. It's all headed towards Babylon. It is, and we read about it.
Babylon, the greatest fallen, has fallen, and has become the habitation of devils or demons, and the whole of every foul spirit and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.
Revelation 18 two.
We don't want to be caught in that and we know concerning.
Warning here in in Revelation speaks about the 17th chapter in the fifth verse, the mother hearts.
Well, we know where the mother is. We're the heart. That's denominational systematized error as you read about it in Ephesians 414.
And when I found that out about 10-12 years ago, I was astounded. But I thought that was a real stick of Lenomite to get a hold of. It blew me out.
I'm glad to be out and never regretted it, but that denomination of octopus?
Is dragging.
Hundreds and thousands toward Rome in ecumenicalism and all the other isms. And it's it's a vacuum that's sucking in a great number. And there are some that are just twisting and turning, trying to stay out of the out of the world of the vacuum and wondering what they should do next.
There's a company of.
Around 70 souls in Pleasant Valley, PA.
Denominationalism said we don't want to go on with that thing. What should we do to come to our brethren? Said come over and help us show us how to worship?
Our president, we're not coming over to you. We said you heard Brother Barry, you've heard Brother Hayhoe and others, and we've warned you that you come to us. I'm coming to you.
Well, that's the system that is wrapping up.
The the final.
Day of apostasy and that this is the end of it. Here the Revelation Brown is the called our attention at night that the hymn is a middle word of this verse we're Speaking of.
And The thing is other regular Speaking of the Hector medical movement and all that is connected with that horrible thing.
Isn't it practice to know that the Lord is the one who can be the central theme of the Separatist people?
So we have a Matthew 18 and 20 Where where two or three is standing together unto my name, there am I in the midst of them.
So it's to him that we believe that we're cast.
When I was converted to that.
65 years ago.
I I didn't know any better, so I joined the church where I've been going to Sunday school.
Congregational Church.
Well, we had a converted man who was the pastor. We had a converted their Sunday school Superintendent. I can remember those two men very well and how well they spoke of the Lord.
But now that very that very denomination, very same city.
And so far off center that I suppose they're very little different from the Unitarian Church.
We had a church disturbance and the number of us left and I drifted over to the Methodist Church. In the Methodist Church we had a godly man. I value his memory to this day.
But that church?
I suppose has not had a sound man, and I wonder if they've had a converted man in 25 years. It's just a dead institution.
Well, from there I went over to a little meeting.
A humble little meeting of about 40 people gathered to the Lord's name.
And that's very close to 60 years ago.
And I found the truth of God. I found that Christ was the center.
And I have never once in all those years seen any disposition on the part of anyone to tolerate doctrine that dishonored the person or the work of Christ. I've never seen any tendency on the part of any autumn honest in that place.
To tolerate doctrine that dishonored the person or the work of Christ.
Oh beloved, how grateful we ought to be that there's a City of Refuge for us today.
In the midst of it awful confusion that's developing imprisonment, everything is ripening up. Everything is ready for the plunge back into the Greek World Church with Jezebel in charge and her daughters are all with her. That's what we're coming to. Oh, that's value the truth and let's be loyal by the grace of God to that place outside the camp. No compromise.
And it tells us plainly what we can expect. Bearing is reproach.
Over an Acts 541.
And they.
Pass through persecution and beatings.
That we know nothing about, but it tells us in the 41St verse of Acts 5. And they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame.
For his name. Now this path we're speaking about is not easily discerned.
Return to job 28. This is the miners chapter.
It tells us in Job 28 and verse 7.
There is a path.
Which no power, Noah, and which the vultures I have not seen The lion's whelps have not trodden it, nor the fierce lion passed by it. Give us a word on that brethren.
Well, you find the path further down on the chapter, don't you? Yeah.
23rd verse you get the path. God understandeth the way they're out. He knows the place, they're out. We can find it, but it's not to be found according to what we read here in these verses. You've just given us no foul, Noah. That is the keen perception that those birds flying over there, the keen eyes, they have.
Not to be found by player A human perception.
Which the vultures I have not seen. That's the unclean animal, the unclean bird the Vulture feeds on dead and carry them.
You can't find it if you're going on with uncleanness.
The lions swept have not caught it. Rather fierce lion pass by. You can't find it in the energy of the flight.
Can't find it that way, That Path 20 verse 23. God understandeth their way thereof, and He knoweth the fleece thereof. So if we'll go to Him, then seek His guidance.
He will lead us to that place.
And along with that, Jeremiah 616.
Then I helped through my own heart.
Jeremiah 616.
Thus saith the Lord, stand in the ways, and see, and ask for the old path. Where is a good way?
And walk through it, and ye shall find rest for your soul. But they said, We will not walk. There is.
There are great many in Christendom today who lack rest.
And they're restless to the point of going into insane asylum, right of that. And we've seen them come home from Africa in chains, missionaries.
Due to a lack of rest in their souls.
Refuse God's truth and went off.
Mentally, because they wouldn't go on with the path as God has marked it out in His word, and So what a precious promise and he shall find rest for your souls.
All God's mercy in saving us and His truth.
That gathered us the Holy Spirit's work, in both cases bringing rest to our souls, although we might not be found among the company who said we will not walk therein. That's rebellion, pure and simple, and God hates that He classifieds it. It is as witchcraft.
And this is bearing his reproach. We want to be sure that the reproach we're bearing is his reproach.
Not a reproach for our own inconsistencies. That's very sad when we bury proof for our own inconsistencies. But it's his reproach. He was reproached and he was here. And why? Because he refused to let the world appropriate. That was it.
He absolutely would not let the world appropriate.
Why? They were going to place him on their shoulders one day and make him the king, and he just quietly slipped out of their midst.
Went up and got away from them. He never looked at his finger when he was here to set things right in this world.
Master, speak to my brother that he divided the inheritance with me.
Did he do it? No, he said. Man, who made me a judge or divider over you?
Many proceeded to give a lesson on covetousness. We're not here in the world to straighten things out. I'm here to reform the world.
The other day I had a prayer.
With a dear child of God. He's the pastor of a Nazarene church.
And this was in my home. We had prayer together. And the poor, dear man, he was asking God to guide us in the coming election, to know which way to vote.
So when we got up off our knees, I said, Brother Glover, did you ever read? No, I didn't put that way. I said. Have you noticed?
Have you noticed the 4th chapter of Daniel?
I said I'd like to read some verses in the 4th chapter of Daniel, so we turn in our Bibles.
And I read him in that chapter four times over.
Till now know that the most high rulers in the kingdoms of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over at the basis of men.
And I read him four times over in that chapter and once in the 5th chapter, that the Most High is the one ruling in the kingdoms of men and setting up over whomsoever he will.
Perhaps the basis of man.
How can I go to the polls and vote?
When I may be voting against God's man.
No, we're outside of it all. We get that right here in our chapter that we're studying very next verse here. We have no continuing city, but we seek one to come.
Our citizenship is in heaven, isn't here.
We're bearing his reproach and it's a reproach to go through this scene and avoid any identification.
With organized Christianity, it's a reproach. People say, well, what are you? What's your name? I remember a boy coming home from school once, and he said to his Mama.
He said. I wish our meeting had a name.
She asked him why. Oh, he said. I wish it had a name, said. Today the teacher was asking us where we went to Sunday school.
And each one would tell around the room, and it came to me and.
And I was to say the name of the of this church where I went.
I said I told her didn't have any name and she said why of course it has a name.
And he said that another little boy, and he named him in the class, spoke up and said, yes, teacher, I know he's right because I've been there with him and doesn't have any name, he said. I wish we had a name. Now that was just a child, just a child. But what was he feeling?
The reproach of the fact that we wouldn't line up.
Was a popular concept of what constitutes Christianity. No, brethren, If we walk in the path of separation with our blessed Lord Jesus, it means reproach. Are we willing to bear his reproach? His reproach? Oh, it's a grand privilege. Someday we'll not be sorry. No, we won't.
Be not thou therefore Ashamed of the Testimony of our Lord Jesus Christ, Second Timothy 1/8.
That's nice.
Thank you. Turn to that.
Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, now the reason I turn to this.
I wanted to read that next sentence in order of me.
His prisoner. Who's that that's called?
Don't be ashamed.
Of Paul. That is Paul's doctrine.
Now looking in this same.
In this same chapter.
The 15th verse.
15th verse this know that all they would be in Asia.
We turned away from me.
He doesn't say they've turned away from Christ. They've turned away from me.
Whom are fine, jealous and homogeneous.
The Lord give mercy under the House of Olympus.
For he off refreshed me and was not ashamed of my chain, but when he was in Rome.
He sought me out diligently and found me.
Now, I believe there's a covered reference, therefore, in that to faith.
A searching out of Pauls doctor. It takes diligence, it takes purpose of heart. And here it was one who sought out very diligently until he found Paul.
Paul doctrine is a distinct thing in the New Testament. We never find out what the Church of God is unless we find it out from fall.
He'd never find out what the Church of God is from John, precious as his ministry is. You can't find it out from Peter even though he was the one that was given the key to the Kingdom of heaven. No, you have to go to Paul to find out what the church is. And Pauls doctrine is that that is shunned and one might almost say despise today. Paul's doctrine, our citizenship is in heaven from what's also to look for the Lord Jesus Christ as savior.
Whatever. It's a heavenly thing. Our heavenly calling.
He just alludes to it and the end of Romans doesn't develop it but all. When we come to the book of Ephesians, we're in heaven. Wonderful. Paul's doctrine, He sought me out.
Brother Brown, is that testimony there, the assembly.
In the second.
Verse verse 8 The testimony of the Lord is that the He knocked out, therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord.
Well, I would think that's a broader term testimony of our Lord.
It it takes in the all that has to do with the glory of Christ.
But these are partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God.
Pauls doctrine carries with it a reproach.
We're not in the world, but half of the way.
We can't fit into the popular ecclesiastical picture at all if we follow Paul's doctrine.
For instance.
Do you ever find such a thing in Paul's doctrine?
As the pastor of a church.
Do you? If you do, let's hear about it.
I heard one brother become a state one night. Just let me just thank God that we left across the hall, otherwise we would just learn the platform.
Yes, thank God and the Apostle Paul. We find in scripture that they ascended head in heaven.
Gave the gift of a pastor of pastors to the church so scripture knows about.
A pastor of the church, but it never knows anything about the pastor of a church. There are just two different things in Scripture. Scripture tells us that there is such a thing as a pastor of the church, but there's no such thing as the pastor of nature in Scripture.
Revelation 26.
Gives us God's thought about potpourri and clergy.
Systematized Error Revelation 26.
But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate. Verse 16 Repent, or else that will come under thee quickly and will fight against them at the start of my mouth.
Well, that's the thing that God has told us to come out of, isn't it? Yes, coming out of her, my people. And God hates it. We ought to hate it. We don't. We don't hate the the dear souls in it. But it's a system that we certainly have no use for, because God has no use for it.
It's a system that's carried on in the energy that would overthrow Christ all over the.
And probably is embodied or would it be embodied in this term? Confirm with meats.
It's been an energy to merit from God rather than to accept by grace, being cast on God for what he can give.
All in writing to.
Second Timothy and the 13th verse.
Second Timothy 113.
Hold fast.
The form of sound words which thou has heard of me, and faith and love which is in Christ Jesus, that good thing or that good deposit which was committed under the heat by the Holy Ghost that dwelleth in US. Now we read that 13th verse just a little differently.
Have an outline of sound words which thou has heard of me.
In faith and love which is in Christ Jesus, that good deposit which is committed under the keep by the Holy Ghost that dwelleth in US.
So that the deposit that we have received from Paul.
This outline of sound words which we've heard of him.
Where to keep by the Holy Ghost which dwelleth in it. The Holy Ghost will never lead, contrary to the word of God, never.
The Holy Ghost always leads in accordance with the word of God. So if you and I are willing to go on guided by the Holy Spirit.
Will be in the mind of God as revealed in his words. Is that right, Brother Brown?
Just a thought in connection with that.
30 The 28th of Joe has passed that no foul north, and then you're reading in Jeremiah as to the old paths.
I take it that in both cases that it is the path of faith which is above the nature's understanding and nature's wisdom.
Or the fear of God, the fear of the Lord. There in this chapter Joe 28 is the is that which is the path of wisdom.
The fear of the Lord is a bad wisdom, so that it is answered by those two thoughts, the path of faith that's above nature, and the fear of the Lord.
That's the past. That's the. Why is that? Is that approximately a thought? In both cases? Yes. Now this one I'm talking about is the old pears.
We must, in pursuing the divine path of faith, living faith, be in touch with the Word of God, and give the Word of God, the Word of God, now the supreme place above the Word.
Of the best men. The best men keep the word of God in its first place. In these last days. This is important. I'd like to read your favorite verse, brother, on that. Are they 820?
Regarding the word.
To the law is there 8/20. To the law and to the testimony, If they speak not according to this word, it is because there's no light in them.
Blending up.
If it isn't according to God's truth, we don't want it.
The margin reads. The margin reads. There's no morning for them.
MORNIND, good morning. Our Daybreak are dawn. Yes, Israel looked on to that day.
When the Lord would reign as the sun of righteousness.
But here were some that had no one would have, could have no part in that.
For here we have no continuing city, but we seek one to come. We're strangers and pilgrims.
Strangers and pilgrims. Now those are two different things.
You you might be a stranger without being a Pilgrim.
A stranger is one who doesn't belong here.
And the Pilgrim is 1 Who's going somewhere. I often use this illustration because I think it is so to the point.
Our brother Ray Rodgers was driving down the the highway and go down outside of Los Angeles, down around Santa Ana, and he saw a poor old fashioned tramp with his little bundle on a stick over his shoulder. An old fashioned tramp trudging along.
And Ray out of his big heart stopped and said Mr. was like a little ride. I'm going on down the road quite a piece. And the old fellow looked up kindly to him and said, no Sir, thank you. I don't know that I'd be any better happier 25 miles farther down the road than I am right here.
Quiet, because he wasn't a Pilgrim. He was a tramp. He wasn't going somewhere, he was just going.
You and I must remember that we're not only strangers here, but we're pilgrims. Our faces are set toward the glory we're journeying on to meet the Lord. Maybe today.
We've a definite program ahead of us. We're hastening on to the moment when we can meet our Lord. That's a Pilgrim. We're going somewhere.
And we're not much interested in the things around.
I use another illustration sometimes when I'm in Canada.
And maybe the billboards are covered with the vote for this man and vote for that man and big election coming up.
I'm not concerned anything about it.
I don't care who gets in. I don't. I'm not a citizen of Canada. I don't belong up there.
Our office that way with us here. This is not our resting place.
Where citizens of heaven, our citizenship is in heaven, from whence also we look for the Lord Jesus Christ to Savior. That's Philippians.
Well, the result is that people don't understand this. How can you make your neighbors and friends understand?
You're taking a position like that. Just don't expect them to understand. Don't expect them to understand it. We go through this through this scene as as a peculiar piece.
Would it be correct to say that we are a stranger Is 1 who's away from home the pilgrims one who's on his way home? Yes, that would be very nice.
By him, therefore, let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually.
That is the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.
But to do good and to communicate, forget not, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.
Now let us notice in those two verses, the 15th and 16th verses, that we have two kinds of sacrifice.
In the 15th verse, it's the sacrifice of praise, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to His name. That's worship. Worship comes before service. Always. Always.
But to do good and to communicate that word communicate means give forget now or with such sacrifices. Now that word, that plural word sacrifices, I take it.
Would comprehend both those verses in the 15th verse. We're offering the sacrifice of praise.
In the 16th verse, we're offering the sacrifice of doing good and communicating now.
Or with such sacrifices, whether it's worship or communicating, God is well pleased. But let us always see to it that worship has the priority when we get that thought around from Exodus 51 and Exodus 8/1.
And that's what is implied here, Exodus 51 And afterward Moses and Aaron went in and told Pharaoh, Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, let my people go, that they may hold a feast unto me in the wilderness that would appear to be worship, but it not.
And eight, one, and the Lord fake, and the Moses, go on the pharaoh, and say unto him, Thus saith the Lord, Let my people go, that they may serve, let me serve it. Yes, they may serve.
God wants both, but he must he must have the worship first.
Now in the in Christendom at large, there's very little known about worship. For instance, you'll go past the so-called church and you'll see the bulletin board and it says worship 11:00.
But what actually takes place?
Why, You go there and you sit down and you hear some singing. No doubt there's worship in the hymns.
And then a man gets up and preaches A sermon. Well, ministry is in worship.
We're not engaged in worship now.
We're searching the Word and seeking to build ourselves up in our most holy faith. But that's not worship. Worship isn't getting something worship giving. It's giving.
Look at the 1226 of them Deuteronomy.
Don't put around me, 26 One, And it shall be when thou come in under the land which the Lord thy God giveth me. Now you have to be there. You have to be there. Come in.
Which the Lord thy good God giveth thee. You don't have to buy it, you just accept it.
And you possess it. You have to know you have it. And then, well, as they're in, you have to live in the enjoyment of it. Now what Are you ready for? Are you ready for worship?
That thou shalt take of the first of all the fruit of the earth would stop, shall bring of thy land the Lord thy God giveth thee.
And put it in a basket, and shall go unto thee place, which the Lord thy God shall choose to place his name there.
And thou should go unto the priests that shall be in those days. And saying to him, I profess this day, and of the north thy God, that I am coming to the country which the Lord swear unto our fathers to give us.
And the priest shall take the basket out of thine hand and set it down before the author of the Lord thy God.
That man went there, to the place of God's appointment with something to give. He didn't go there with an empty basket to get it filled.
He took a full basket and entered it out in the presence of the Lord.
In Deuteronomy 1616 they shall not appear before the Lord empty.
I take it that if we are enjoying The Walking through the land, we would be gathering fruit so that when it comes to hearing the floor of the Lord, we have our baskets full.
My brother or brother?
Welcomed in the morning to tell it that you can't, you can't sell your basket for 10 minutes before me, you got to start it on Monday morning.
You feel a little bit every day. Keep putting in, putting in. When you get to the end of the week, to the Lord's day, morning, beginning a new week and have something there to put out. Give up, give him.
Let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually.
Well, brother, we surely, we surely have cause to praise to God, continually the fruit of our lives, giving thanks to his name.
All we must take time every day to praise him and thank him.
But let's not divorce.
Our religion. From the practical side, Christianity is a very, very practical thing.
To do good and to communicate we're communicating means to give, forget, not. In other words, God knows it's easy to forget that because they don't forget it.
I've heard Mr. Potter say the emblem of a Christian is not a closed pitch, but an open palm.
Well, that's an important principle.
Then we we said, you know when we talked about the.
Seventh verse that those that verse represents, those who have in days gone by spoken to us.
The word of God and have been our leaders.
Power. Their faith. But now in the 17th verse, we're right down to date.
Obey them.
That have the rule ovary are better that take the lead among you and submit yourself for they watch for your soul.
Mr. Potter used to say the assembly is.
Is not a democracy where one man's word is as good as another.
He said there is oversight and there is elderhood in an assembly.
So God has seen fit to it that there should be those that feel the responsibility in the assembly.
And we're going to submit ourselves to such For they watch for your souls that they that must give an account. Now they're not going to give an account for our souls. Don't don't misunderstand that verse and make Catholics of it. Not that. But they have to give an account of their own stewardship, their own responsibility, and they feel the solemnity as they that must give an account that when you do it with joy.
And not agree, for that is unprofitable for you, our brother. Read a verse there in Second John this morning.
Bears along this line.
Second John 8.
Look to yourselves that we.
We Who's that? Well, that's the apostle.
That we lose not those things which we have wrought, but that we receive a full reward. In other words, John says, Now you go on well.
Because I've sought to lead to right, I've sought to present the truth to you.
And if you go on well.
I'll receive a reward.
But if you turn out badly, it'll look bad for me. I want you to go on well. Paul says the same thing in Thessalonians somewhere.
The second chapter of the First Epistle.
And the 19th verse.
1St Thessalonians 219 For what is our hope or joy or crown of rejoicing?
Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ? It is coming for year, our glory and joy.
Paul's looking forward to the time when he'll have the supreme joy of seeing this Thessalonians coming back in glory with the Lord, the fruit of his labours.
These overseers here in this chapter.
As they that must give an account that they may do it with joy and not with grief, but that's unprofitable for you.
Also Philippians 216 Brother Yes must have it.
Holding for the word of life, that I may rejoice, and Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither labored in vain.
Ezekiel 317.
Ezekiel 317 Son of man, I have made thee A watchman under the House of Israel. Therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me.
Well, shall we close with verses 20 and 21?
Wonderful closing portion, Doxology.
Now the God of peace that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus Christ.
Believe that's the only mention of Christ resurrection in the whole book of Hebrews.
Now the God of peace that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep.
Through the blood of the everlasting covenant.
Make you perfect in every good work.
To do is will.
Working in you that which is well pleasing.
In his sight through Jesus Christ.
To whom be glory forever and ever. Amen. Oh brethren, is not wonderful.